I am using the latest AMD crimson drivers(hotfix version-nov 30) with AMD HD 7970 in windows 10. The issues i am having are :
a. In Maya(2015 with latest service pack) cannot drag select any objects in viewport, can only select in outliner
b. cannot use chrome browser, weird display issues occur
Does any one having any issues with the new AMD crimson drivers.
Next year I'll be upgrading my PC with some new parts, and I'll be switching to Nvidia regardless, so I'll never be an AMD user anymore.
Only really annoying thing is that when watching videos on the internet, screen turns either into green-ish stripes, full white, blue or black etc, and everything freezes and needs rebooting. Something similar to BSoD, but not really. It happens just before video starts.
Same issue on my laptop which has an AMD graphics card as well.
Anyway, I would be more worried if I had already upgraded my computer, but soon most of the parts in my PC will get changed nevertheless.
EDIT: Fallout 4 works fine, except horrible, sometimes quite unplayable fps drops in the dense city area. In interior areas I have 60fps or more at best. Well, soon all my problems will be nonexistent.
I can confirm that in Maya 2016 SP1 there's the same problem with both DX11 and OpenGL viewport modes.
Working good in Cinema 4D R17.
Have you tried reporting this problem to AMD?
same thing happens to me also in Fallout, i will upgrade next year. If this kind of things continues then i have to abandon AMD completely.
I am downgrading to catalyst v15.7
I can't marquee select in Maya and I can select at all in wireframe mode.
The issue has been reported to AMD forums and I don't think it's going to help us in anyway.
They worked really good, almost all the 14 series after .7 crashed Cinema 4D randomly, also the 15.x series, before this beta one.
When you install a new driver, are you using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to clean up the old one?
Or to put it with another example, it's half the compute power of the one you'll find in a Xbox One.
I'm planning to switch to a Nvidia card, but I read they have problems with drivers on Cinema 4D too, so, it's complicated.
Just to be sure, have you tried using a different cable to connect the card to your monitor? Or a different output, like the HDMI?
It could be some kind of hardware commands used by Chrome, or the card getting hot and glitching. If possible I'll wait for the newer cards to surface before changing it.
Do you have a second monitor or a TV to test if it's the card and not the monitor itself?
Just encountered this issue! F*ck!
I'm running latest crimson versions and Maya 2016....
this is ridiculous
Since my lasts posts in this thread I changed GPU (7870 -> r9 380) and OS (8 -> 10), using crimson 16.1, no issues thus far. I DO get the downclocking in games, not enough to cause a performance problem, but I haven't been playing much anyway, at least not enough to bother fixing it by downloading clockblocker.
Seems stupid and impossible for a video card driver to of caused this because it isn't a displaying issue it's a selecting one. I could understand if it was selected with the marquee tool but just didn't look selected/highlighted but since it's properties doesn't show up in the attribute editor/channel box and it isn't selected in the outliner that isn't the case.
I have an A10 3.4Ghz + R5 and R6 graphic cards and crimson and I experienced issues with the CPU clockspeed (It wouldn't go higher than 1.95Ghz in a game while settings where set for high performance). Graphically it would also not work well, very slow and buggy.
I reverted to catalyst and then back to crimson (I hate the spam of the .exe settings), for me it partially solved the issue..
Now I can run up to 2,5Ghz in game (that's pretty low) but at least I can use maya without problems for now. I have tried to go to the BIOS and change the settings for cool n quiet but BIOS doesn't show up anything about CPU/GPU or whatever else.
Does anybody have this problem too?