Hey everyone. There is a bug that struck me a tad ago. Item importer tool in Reborn won't apply materials to the earth form of my courier. Flying form works perfectly well. Restarting doesn't help at all. Did anyone else have this problem and find the solution? Please write me a PM if you do. Thanks beforehand.

It seems to be caused when you edit your session (re-import texture iterations for example) too many times.
I had to restart Dota Tools and create a brand new session with a new import name to clear it. It would eventually re-occur and then I'd repeat the process.
If you find the same thing we'd probably be wise to make a Dev.Dota bug report.
I'd love for us to submit a group report on that. We could use this thread to gather all the data from multiple users - in which case a mod might need to rename this thread to something a little bit more appropriate. I'll paste the contents of my importer log here asap.
haven't checked to see if this is fixed