i did not check the quad high poly its the only way OBJ could export in max, not that i tried much just fix it maybe someone will upload fixed quad. But the Quad is also not necessary and only a gimmick, so i won't mess with it now
So ... any one uploading it ? i have no idea how to fix it .. i have zero experience with max and i use maya just for smoothing, triangulating and UV mapping
So ... any one uploading it ? i have no idea how to fix it .. i have zero experience with max and i use maya just for smoothing, triangulating and UV mapping
if nobody uploads a fixed one, i will check it out tomorrow.
should kinda work though if you export the hp again triangulated, normally no idea why it should not work.
So ... any one uploading it ? i have no idea how to fix it .. i have zero experience with max and i use maya just for smoothing, triangulating and UV mapping
Try this. I opened it in maya and it had no ngons so i exported it to make sure it stays. Also i have no clue why the obj from maya is twice as big size when exporting from maya. Anyone have any idea? https://www.mediafire.com/?e88347822oaep2r
Thank to Pleasure and Eric Ramberg for the chance to be a part of this great contest- here's my entry.
For a better understanding why I'm using these materials
Product informations
- this a portable tea can for grenade design fans
- you can wear it with the ring or bar on your belt
- be always informed how much is inside with the 360° thermo-glasses
8k 3DO render (downsampling in PS to 1080p)
This shows one more time which results can be achieved with the recent 1.8 suite!
Hey guys, as a student I'm really happy to get the chance to participate in this contest! Here's my entry and my Texture Presentation! ( OMG you guys are so good at this xD )
Here is my entry. Thanks for the chance to enter the contest.
I forgot to select the settings correctly so i ended up having a gloss map.
I hope that doesnt effect to much.
"This item was found near the commanding officer body. It appears to be some sort of chemicals based hand grenade, but after careful lab analysis we were surprised to find quite the opposite. The inner module is filled with extremely condensed bio-materials and drugs engineered to rapidly stop bleeding and almost stop heart rate. Further investigations have found plethora of viruses, harmless for the humans but extremely deadly for pretty much anything else. Indeed on detonating one of this "grenades" it sucks the oxygen and the water from the air and creates thick greenish cloud lasting 5h. The autopsy shows the reason of commanding officer`s death was numerous deep cuts /around 3cm./ all over his body. I guess he needed couple of seconds more..."
Great fun. Took a few minutes out of my afternoon to download and try this. Got some base materials in place, ready to tweak them. Saved the project - got an error saying something abuot suite preventing system from corrupting files. No worries, went back in, load project and it crashes suite. Back to work I guess
Im only semi-interested in this contest now that i realize i WANT to give you guys money for this awesome software! You deserve it. I want create the 40 miles worth of Mines of Moria in AAAA quality and a hundred other things in my lifetime, not be lost in basic colors and shapes in photoshop, etc.
"This item was found near the commanding officer body. It appears to be some sort of chemicals based hand grenade, but after careful lab analysis we were surprised to find quite the opposite. The inner module is filled with extremely condensed bio-materials and drugs engineered to rapidly stop bleeding and almost stop heart rate. Further investigations have found plethora of viruses, harmless for the humans but extremely deadly for pretty much anything else. Indeed on detonating one of this "grenades" it sucks the oxygen and the water from the air and creates thick greenish cloud lasting 5h. The autopsy shows the reason of commanding officer`s death was numerous deep cuts /around 3cm./ all over his body. I guess he needed couple of seconds more..."
Hope you like it! :poly121:
You have to add a Texture presentation, for the entry to be valid !
Here is my entry. Thanks for the chance to enter the contest.
I forgot to select the settings correctly so i ended up having a gloss map.
I hope that doesnt effect to much.
I dont mean to nit pick but you spelled Diffuse wrong, also if its a PBR workflow there is no Diffuse is Albedo
Tripl3M - aw! T.T i didn't know. im sorry. no proplem i'll just repost my older version. Can quote me the rules that says updating is against the rules? Thanks!
Tripl3M - aw! T.T i didn't know. im sorry. no proplem i'll just repost my older version. Can quote me the rules that says updating is against the rules? Thanks!
i never said that.. you may only have 1 entry.. which entry you choose is up to you.
So to be clear, as long as you only have 1 entry.. you can enter whatever version you like. You have time until the deadline.
^_______^ its nice to hear that. I only have 1 entry. i just replaced my old one and hopefully i could update it again depending on my availability.Coz im having fun using DDO.
Again thank you for the quick response. Have a good night!
6 Days to go ! Get your entrys or updates in before the deadline, any post edited after that point, will of course be disqualified. So remember to not edit your post after the deadline on 28. August 00:30 CEST
guess i know now how you feel most of the time
I get to be the first entry? Hells yeah.
Example from the old Ddo:
you will have to create it yourself, since i don't think you can do it in the suite yet.
perfect. Thanks for your entry, and good luck !
if nobody uploads a fixed one, i will check it out tomorrow.
should kinda work though if you export the hp again triangulated, normally
Try this. I opened it in maya and it had no ngons so i exported it to make sure it stays. Also i have no clue why the obj from maya is twice as big size when exporting from maya. Anyone have any idea?
Here is my entry.. its a bit messy
And yeah thats glass and the grenade is empty from the inside lol
For a better understanding why I'm using these materials
Product informations
- this a portable tea can for grenade design fans
- you can wear it with the ring or bar on your belt
- be always informed how much is inside with the 360° thermo-glasses
8k 3DO render (downsampling in PS to 1080p)
This shows one more time which results can be achieved with the recent 1.8 suite!
keep em coming.
I forgot to select the settings correctly so i ended up having a gloss map.
I hope that doesnt effect to much.
"This item was found near the commanding officer body. It appears to be some sort of chemicals based hand grenade, but after careful lab analysis we were surprised to find quite the opposite. The inner module is filled with extremely condensed bio-materials and drugs engineered to rapidly stop bleeding and almost stop heart rate. Further investigations have found plethora of viruses, harmless for the humans but extremely deadly for pretty much anything else. Indeed on detonating one of this "grenades" it sucks the oxygen and the water from the air and creates thick greenish cloud lasting 5h. The autopsy shows the reason of commanding officer`s death was numerous deep cuts /around 3cm./ all over his body. I guess he needed couple of seconds more..."
Hope you like it!
But i expect some more entrys.. then it will get even harder.
Still few days left.
You have to add a Texture presentation, for the entry to be valid !
I dont mean to nit pick but you spelled Diffuse wrong, also if its a PBR workflow there is no Diffuse is Albedo
Here is my first participation to a CG Contest, hope you like it.
I used the undefined settings as i didnt know what what one to select. So it put out a defuse map instead of a Albedo.
I also uploaded a new picture to suit your nit picking.
i never said that.. you may only have 1 entry.. which entry you choose is up to you.
So to be clear, as long as you only have 1 entry.. you can enter whatever version you like. You have time until the deadline.
Again thank you for the quick response. Have a good night!
don't forget the texture presentation please
I was going to say, it looked exactly like how they use to have an export presentation but i thought it was dropped
Nothing to do today so I thought I'd participe, love texturing with Quixel.
My entry :