@TejayThanks for the compliments! Yeah both of them ended up on the more stylized side of things.
I'm planning to get to the current challenge, But first I'm finishing up something I started on Saturday. It's a forest ground material. Here's what it looks like currently. It's a master graph made up of multiple nested graphs inside for each plant/object in the material.
If any of you follow the 10,000 hours FB group, you might have seen me posting about it before.
And it's finished! Here are some pics of different parts of it. I made separate node networks for each object that went into this and then combined those in a master network. Heh, it got kinda big at the end.
Thanks for the suggestions Tejay .. like you said using displacement from height map should help with getting more relief... tried that quickly on the metal plates below .. not ideal for this one as it give some incorrect highlights at the metal frame intersections but i get the idea ..
Thanks guys. The master graph is actually pretty simple and strait forward. The real challenge was keeping it all organized so I could see what I was doing lol. If I wanted to I could probably break it up into smaller parts and then nest those in each other.
Tejay, I must say that you are doing an awesome work maintaining this thread. It personally gives me milestones to hit, and it is hugely motivating in learning substance. Thumbs up!
I'd like to share several substances I made over the last week. I'm still fairly new to substance though, started toying with itlast October.
Any comments and/or critics are really appreciated.
Thought I'd post a material I worked on here since this thread is more active than the other substance related threads. This is for an environment I'm currently working on, I might do another pass once I get a few more materials down that I have in mind first. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks ya'll!
Hi guys. I upgraded to the painter last week and downloaded the trial of sd5 as well. It feels much better compared to sd4, and it feels more in sync with Marmoset as well (after a small test render). Here's my new concrete tile substance I made today. These were rendered with the Substance's own viewport, as you can probably see.
I didn't put enough time to the ground and small pebbles, but I think the tiles came out rather nicely.
Just starting these weekly challenges so I decided I'd use my Designer learning time to work through the weeks I missed. Here's concrete tiles with the ability to adjust how wet they look through a levels node.
Started a base for this a couple weeks ago and just gave it another polish pass, any feedback is appreciated! I might add some grass peaking out if I have some time!
Hi guys! First time getting into Substance Designer. I'm not going to say that i've made it 100% without looking a what other people have done.
So here is my Snow. See you!
Love the ripples you have their and i see those little speckles you added, looks good! Only thing i would like to see is maybe some materials under or coming through this snow e.g tips of grass , dirt speckles. Overall looks like a believable deep snow!
I like your direction with the ice showing through. Would love to see some depth to the ice ( looking though it ) but substance doesn't really allow for those effects.. Ice might be a little to rough also but maybe that's just me.
Started a base for this a couple weeks ago and just gave it another polish pass, any feedback is appreciated! I might add some grass peaking out if I have some time!
Great base! I think adding some grass or dirt bits could push it a little further. The ripples look believable and glad to see some speckles in there too (;
So - Here's the progress on my snow so far. Going for a slightly dirtier snow that's maybe been rained on a bit. I have to say that i'm disappointed that substance doesn't have sub surface scattering which would really help push these snow materials.
Also, there are some obvious seams that need uh fixin and the grass lacks any real height or depth to it so i might import some custom grass height maps.
Was going through the weeks and thought I'd like to try my hand on Week 20 'Plastic Flooring' intermediate while I work on some of the others, here's both.
Post said it's all interpretive and the Intermediate looked a wee bit more metal to me
Beginner took ~10 minutes, Intermediate ~30 or so (Granted these aren't anywhere near perfect)
Attempted the sofa leather from week 15. Not quite happy with the star patterns under the buttons yet. Thanks to Hugo Beyer for his leather tutorial on youtube
Very inspiring stuff in this thread ! Here is some snow for my first substance. Quite happy with the heightmap but it could maybe have more color variations.
If there is something that feels wrong
I think its the fuzziness of it. Might be the render but it feels
kind of soft. I think it needs some different kinds of hardness.
Might help if you emphasise on some smoother and harder bricks.
Here is my take on Ceramic roof tiles. I will continue with the color and start adding some damage to it. So would love some feedback on what I got now.
Hey, I have made Week 22 & Week 3, I'm a begginer with Designer so please if you have advice tell me and this is my first materials without help or tutorials.
I'm planning to get to the current challenge, But first I'm finishing up something I started on Saturday. It's a forest ground material. Here's what it looks like currently. It's a master graph made up of multiple nested graphs inside for each plant/object in the material.
If any of you follow the 10,000 hours FB group, you might have seen me posting about it before.
I exposed some parameters to control the pattern size. I should add some more controls for the wear etc. but already spent too much time on this one.
Week 19 - Metal Plates
Tejay, I must say that you are doing an awesome work maintaining this thread.
It personally gives me milestones to hit, and it is hugely motivating in learning substance.
Thumbs up!
I'd like to share several substances I made over the last week.
I'm still fairly new to substance though, started toying with it last October.
Any comments and/or critics are really appreciated.
Thanks much!
Plastic flooring:
Roof tiles:
Ceramic tiles:
Wood planks:
I didn't put enough time to the ground and small pebbles, but I think the tiles came out rather nicely.
E; Continued with some pebble stone ground and wood;
Cheers, again,
First time getting into Substance Designer. I'm not going to say that i've made it 100% without looking a what other people have done.
So here is my Snow.
See you!
I like the grass showing through the lower bits. I think adding some speckles from light hitting the crystals could help though. Nice job (:
I like your direction with the ice showing through. Would love to see some depth to the ice ( looking though it ) but substance doesn't really allow for those effects.. Ice might be a little to rough also but maybe that's just me.
Great base! I think adding some grass or dirt bits could push it a little further. The ripples look believable and glad to see some speckles in there too (;
So - Here's the progress on my snow so far. Going for a slightly dirtier snow that's maybe been rained on a bit. I have to say that i'm disappointed that substance doesn't have sub surface scattering which would really help push these snow materials.
Also, there are some obvious seams that need uh fixin and the grass lacks any real height or depth to it so i might import some custom grass height maps.
Critiques welcome (:
First time using Substance Designer, here's the first challenge done - kinda.
Any recommendations/crits would be more than welcome
Post said it's all interpretive and the Intermediate looked a wee bit more metal to me
Beginner took ~10 minutes, Intermediate ~30 or so (Granted these aren't anywhere near perfect)
Not overly happy with the surface details though
and a first pass of my sand texture.
@Kushy I really like your bricks!
The damage and mortar on the bricks are awesome!
If there is something that feels wrong I think its the fuzziness of it. Might be the render but it feels kind of soft. I think it needs some different kinds of hardness. Might help if you emphasise on some smoother and harder bricks.
Here is my take on Ceramic roof tiles.
I will continue with the color and start adding some damage to it. So would love some feedback on what I got now.
I have made Week 22 & Week 3, I'm a begginer with Designer so please if you have advice tell me
and this is my first materials without help or tutorials.
Week 22 :
Week 3 :