Looks really nice! I only wonder about that the Tiger has the dust Feifel filters in Normandy. They was discontinued in 1943 and often just removed if damaged as they were intended for dusty environment like desert. But I'm a tank geek - It is probably just unimportant detail to others.
This is amazing, I just want to see more. You guys are killing it.
Thanks guys. Much love back to you. I'll just continue to mention it once per page but if anyone wants to help us get the word out about "Our Ghosts of War" you can follow us on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/ourghostsofwar
It's the easiest way for everyone to keep up with us as we don't want to spam this thread with multiple updates a day. Also special shout out to our team: I'm so proud of everyone. Couldn't have gotten this far without them.
I just got a look and our finished rain might be the best rain I've ever seen in a videogame. We're going to hold off on sharing the footage until we've settled on how we're going to go about doing crowdfunding and debut the footage there along with a ton of other gameplay features that have never been done in a FPS let alone a World War 2 game. I'm so excited!
After a ridiculous 24 hours awake I've uploaded our Git repository with movement, river currents, megascans, light, medium, and heavy rain, wind mists VFX, and cleaned up code. We've also purchased a server on Amazon and got networking running on that. Feels nice to have the project coming along guys. The plan for the rest of the month includes incorporating the following systems into the game. They will then be refined as we test our gameplay.
01. Advancement Movement Mechanics 02. Bird Life 03. Spawning 04. Inventory system 05. Building system
Honest talk guys, we're almost ready to get this thing playable. Need another couple of months before its all sorted out. Fog of War is a system that makes it that players must actually explore the game world before the map reveals to them what's there. So all the players on one team exploring a game level will fill out the map for that level for all the players on their side.
Today's update: We implemented logic to handle team data involving characters, buildings, spawns points, and more. The idea is to be able to have a class that can distinguish which team a player is on and what dynamically created assets belong to which team. This is of course just a foundation on which we will build our team systems on.
The Fog of War system now dynamically updates maps: This means you can open the map, walk around in the world, and the map will automatically show the areas you discover. Furthermore, the map now shows objects of interest, such as allies (green balls), and your own position (yellow ball).
The plan for the first week of November is to get all the systems completed over the last month together in a single build and see what kind of problems crop up. The feeling is that independently these systems will work by themselves. Put them together and things will start to break. Will keep you updated.
Hi, Justin. We went ALL in on programming starting in August which is why most of the updates you're seeing here are gameplay updates. The plan is to get a complete gameplay build running by the end of the month. November 30th is what we're specifically aiming for to playtest.
This thread has been going on for a long time now, so I thought it would be more meaningful to show the actual game coming together after all this time, instead of posting the random landscapes and weapons you've been seeing for the past year plus.
Still, for art, we should have a lot more uniforms started on this month with an update being posted every couple of weeks. More animations will be coming soon as well. Thanks for posting!
@ Maximum-Dev: I mean no disrespect. You guys are making great progress and I fully understand that programming is a huge part of the game as well. I have been following this thread from the beginning and I am very fond of the art that you have previously posted. I just wanted to make sure there isn't any awesome art pieces that you are hiding from us.
Keep up the good work and congrats for making such a nice looking game!
@ Maximum-Dev: I mean no disrespect. You guys are making great progress and I fully understand that programming is a huge part of the game as well. I have been following this thread from the beginning and I am very fond of the art that you have previously posted. I just wanted to make sure there isn't any awesome art pieces that you are hiding from us.
Keep up the good work and congrats for making such a nice looking game!
I have absolutely loved seeing the updates to this thread. Always been a big WW2 history fan and this looks just fantastic. Keep up the great work guys.
Awesome work! I really like this thread. @Maximum-Dev I can send you sources of my enigma project which I did in past so then if you want you can use it ingame as decorative prop or as something to a corner. :-P
It's the easiest way for everyone to keep up with us as we don't want to spam this thread with multiple updates a day. Also special shout out to our team: I'm so proud of everyone. Couldn't have gotten this far without them.
Completed Bazooka with Shell.
After a ridiculous 24 hours awake I've uploaded our Git repository with movement, river currents, megascans, light, medium, and heavy rain, wind mists VFX, and cleaned up code. We've also purchased a server on Amazon and got networking running on that. Feels nice to have the project coming along guys. The plan for the rest of the month includes incorporating the following systems into the game. They will then be refined as we test our gameplay.
01. Advancement Movement Mechanics
02. Bird Life
03. Spawning
04. Inventory system
05. Building system
Began work on our animal AI. You can see how the rats in our game will scatter when approached.
The Fog of War system now dynamically updates maps: This means you can open the map, walk around in the world, and the map will automatically show the areas you discover. Furthermore, the map now shows objects of interest, such as allies (green balls), and your own position (yellow ball).
This thread has been going on for a long time now, so I thought it would be more meaningful to show the actual game coming together after all this time, instead of posting the random landscapes and weapons you've been seeing for the past year plus.
Still, for art, we should have a lot more uniforms started on this month with an update being posted every couple of weeks. More animations will be coming soon as well. Thanks for posting!
Keep up the good work and congrats for making such a nice looking game!
Engineer Uniform
Updated KABAR Knife
Edit: Links went down, will reupload.
I've done some more work on the textures. Loving Iray!
Going to channel pack the textures and setup in UE4.
@Maximum-Dev I can send you sources of my enigma project which I did in past so then if you want you can use it ingame as decorative prop or as something to a corner. :-P
OGoW Groin Shot Animation Set + More
Character Clothings System
Tank Firing VFX