They *were* brand new on D-Day ^^;. Seriously though, I guess he will adding some grime later on.
@Maxdev I'm not sure how you plan to use DEM for a territory located in France. Unfortunately, there's no good DEM for Europe and the only stuff available is limited to 3 arc/second (~90m), except for some areas in the Alps and some part of Scandinavia if memory serves. That's pretty damn coarse... If you find a better source let me know, as someone interested in doing terrain from DEM I'd like to try something different than USA for a change...
@Mant1k0re, I use this link to get the DEM data. It serves as a base and then it's Mudbox time to work on the details. Given the DEMs come out very low res.
@JordanN, I didn't mention I'm using any 8K texture maps. If you mean the 8K landscape, it works pretty well.
@_SoriN We'll be making ALL the bunkers on the beach. Trying to find as many references of the bunkers online so we can make them as real to life as they were the day the Allies invaded the beaches of Normandy.
Hey everybody, I'm Jack and I'm one of the other environment artists/modelers working on "Our Ghosts of War". This is the first of the fourteen bunkers on Omaha Beach. I'm adding a modified Panzer IV turret to the top of the bunker.
I love the atmosphere so far. Great work. Have you tried putting a character in there to see how well the character shadows blend with the heavy overcast look? Distance field soft shadows might help with this a bit. I would be really interested to see once you get to that point.
@Matt_Cooke, Given I'm not using a directional light, there's no shadow being cast from anything. ATM I'm using DFAO which has it's own artifacts, but the whole lighting is temporary-ish for now. Here's a screen with DFAO.
Are you developing this for PC?
What painting tool are you using, Substance?
What is the Spec of the PC you are using?
Sorry about all the questions, I am rather intrigued.
To level with you, we've got nothing to announce about release platforms right now. We're developing "Our Ghosts of War" in Unreal so we can export to PC, PS4, and the Xbox One. The Nintendo NX should be compatible with Unreal as well. We're still weighing all our options. It's just too early to say anything.
Releasing "Our Ghosts of War" on the Nintendo NX presents an especially intriguing possibility as a kind of counter-programming to Nintendo's regular content. Especially if we can manage to get the game ready by system launch. But releasing on the NX will pretty much mean making the game exclusive to Nintendo's platform, and loudly, LOUDLY declaring it as such, because multiplatform games do not move units on their systems. We'll see.
We've done tons of coding and now I'm back at the art side to balance the progress. I'm trying to achieve good relation between sky and grass brightness. Would love to have your feedback on this.
SPENCER_HOLMES, That approach to wet sand beach wasn't really ideal, it was procedural and thus not 100% in control so I've taken it out and will take a new approach to it later. Will definitely do a breakdown this time.
The desaturation really helps the realism. It would be nice to see some other elements to break it up, and their transitions into each other. I thought this image had some good examples of transitions from grass to earth to rocky soil and finally to a trickle of water in some areas. Keep up the good work!
@STILOBIQUE, Thanks. SUBTLE 1RONY, Will have this in mind when doing level design. Thanks! ARMAGON, I am using an HDRi for sky. Didn't capture it myself.
Ooh interesting. I assume your alive character would be displayed in the empty space on the righthand side of that UI..? The plans to use photogrammetry in your UE thread are intruiging, I hope there aren't any complications with the drones in such a windy environment, especially if they're hauling an expensive camera. Using photogrammetry seems like a win for realism but it certainly is an ambitious task.
I think the ww2 setting actually lends itself to a survival game quite well - one of the day-z clones I played a LOT of made it quite clear that one of the most important gameplay factors was scale of gear. It wasn't very fun to go up against groups fully kitted out with suppressed 7.62x51 DMR's when all you have is a enfield. But optics and other crazy force multipliers don't have to be common in a ww2 setting. I'd also be wary of adding any tracked vehicles; infantry need to be able to disable vehicles otherwise the group with a vehicle is undefeatable. Anyway, I'm keen to see where you all take this project, it sounds very cool. It'll be first person only yeah? I assume so from your interest in VR. 3rd person totally ruins a survival game for me; it's just too easy to abuse.
Also since we're talking about grass, will there be a forced minimum grass distance, so players have some garuntee they can remain hidden while prone at x distance? Or is that not really possible because of engine reasons?
Thanks for your interest. We've put our plans for photogrammetry on hold instead to hire a third coder to help contribute to the project. After we release the game on EA we plan to hire a company who has experience with photogrammetry to go out to the beaches of Normandy and photo capture all that for us. We discussed it inside the team and decided that it would be more prudent to invest more into making "Our Ghosts of War" as fun as it could be at the slight of cost of 100% photorealism and then come back to that when we have more funding.
Also you're right. The game is only intended to be played in first-person. There's a lot of debate going on in the team regarding tracked vehicles (along with everything else). The general feeling is that we do intend to include tracked vehicles because they were actually in the war zone. It wouldn't true to life if we tried to get around that. However tracked vehicles will require a lot of resources to craft because of how deadly they can be to players. Generally if players don't have a tracked vehicle of their own their best bet is probably to run the hell away. No different than in real life if you came up across a Tiger in 1944.
We're going to have to redo some of the source code in Unreal so that we can change how well the engine handles foliage. We're not happy at all with how it performs at the moment. Unlike CE3 which can handle all numbers of trees and foliage, UE4 isn't nearly as well optimized and in the end game performance suffers quite harshly. If we can achieve the optimizations we want then a forced grass distance will be implemented because foliage will perform decently even on lower end machines. However, if that ends up not being the case, then we will be forced to turn that off so that the game performs well on all machines.
Ah yes. Sorry. Forgot to update it here but about 4 months ago the team got together and decided that we'd rather work on a World War 2 survival game rather than an adventure game because more people would be interested in it. We've been coding in Unreal Engine 4 since November and been making great strides. I could post our change log here but because it isn't actually 3d work I don't know if it would be appropriate.
For example for our last update:
Change Log - Alpha
- Players now see two splash screens on the game's startup. - Players now have a welcome screen on the game's startup after the splash screens. - Developer files had their copyright notices updated and all new files will now generate with the new copyright notice. - Players now have access to their friend's list directly from their main menu. - Players now have improved visibility and usability with their friend's list. - Players will now have their friends list update asynchronously and continuously when necessary to ensure it's always up to date. - Players now have access to a base damage component which allows them to deal direct damage, radial damage, and damage over time to any item specified by the developer. - Developers now have access to a growing weapon hierarchy that supports everything from ranged to melee weapons. - Developers access to weapon hierarchy now includes the basics to supporting many of the various bullet types. - Developers (and future game modders) now have access to a reworked component structures within the API. Components are now easily accessible and modifiable. - Players can now pick up items and put them into the're inventory - Players have a limit on how much they can carry, every item takes up a certain amount of slots and inventory's have a max number of slots (This is the first iteration, the inventory will eventually be grid and weight based) - Developers now have the base framework allowing them to create basic items that can be picked up.
@Maxdev I'm not sure how you plan to use DEM for a territory located in France. Unfortunately, there's no good DEM for Europe and the only stuff available is limited to 3 arc/second (~90m), except for some areas in the Alps and some part of Scandinavia if memory serves. That's pretty damn coarse... If you find a better source let me know, as someone interested in doing terrain from DEM I'd like to try something different than USA for a change...
@Mant1k0re, I use this link to get the DEM data. It serves as a base and then it's Mudbox time to work on the details. Given the DEMs come out very low res.
@JordanN, I didn't mention I'm using any 8K texture maps. If you mean the 8K landscape, it works pretty well.
Only crit is maybe a little more variation in the hedgehogs, they are on sand so would expect some to be dug in a little more. Like this:
But yeah, seriously impressive, subbed
Hey everybody, I'm Jack and I'm one of the other environment artists/modelers working on "Our Ghosts of War". This is the first of the fourteen bunkers on Omaha Beach. I'm adding a modified Panzer IV turret to the top of the bunker.
What painting tool are you using, Substance?
What is the Spec of the PC you are using?
Sorry about all the questions, I am rather intrigued.
@Others, Thank you.
To level with you, we've got nothing to announce about release platforms right now. We're developing "Our Ghosts of War" in Unreal so we can export to PC, PS4, and the Xbox One. The Nintendo NX should be compatible with Unreal as well. We're still weighing all our options. It's just too early to say anything.
Releasing "Our Ghosts of War" on the Nintendo NX presents an especially intriguing possibility as a kind of counter-programming to Nintendo's regular content. Especially if we can manage to get the game ready by system launch. But releasing on the NX will pretty much mean making the game exclusive to Nintendo's platform, and loudly, LOUDLY declaring it as such, because multiplatform games do not move units on their systems. We'll see.
I use Substance.
My rig is i7-4790k. GTX 970. 8GB ram.
Redid the terrain from scratch. It's now 4x bigger than DayZ.
By chance, when you mean Adventure Game, do you mean something like Telltales Adventure Games?
Model by: Yulu Xue
Textures by: Me
Model by: Yulu Xue
Textures by: Me
Just kidding. I hope we can even just get it finished. Still a long road ahead.
We've done tons of coding and now I'm back at the art side to balance the progress.
I'm trying to achieve good relation between sky and grass brightness. Would love to have your feedback on this.
SPENCER_HOLMES, That approach to wet sand beach wasn't really ideal, it was procedural and thus not 100% in control so I've taken it out and will take a new approach to it later. Will definitely do a breakdown this time.
DIGITALAIR, How is it now?
Keep up the good work!
SUBTLE 1RONY, Will have this in mind when doing level design. Thanks!
ARMAGON, I am using an HDRi for sky. Didn't capture it myself.
I like how it pretty much covers the entire ground instead of just being a few patches over a tiled ground texture.
I think the ww2 setting actually lends itself to a survival game quite well - one of the day-z clones I played a LOT of made it quite clear that one of the most important gameplay factors was scale of gear. It wasn't very fun to go up against groups fully kitted out with suppressed 7.62x51 DMR's when all you have is a enfield. But optics and other crazy force multipliers don't have to be common in a ww2 setting. I'd also be wary of adding any tracked vehicles; infantry need to be able to disable vehicles otherwise the group with a vehicle is undefeatable. Anyway, I'm keen to see where you all take this project, it sounds very cool. It'll be first person only yeah? I assume so from your interest in VR. 3rd person totally ruins a survival game for me; it's just too easy to abuse.
Also since we're talking about grass, will there be a forced minimum grass distance, so players have some garuntee they can remain hidden while prone at x distance? Or is that not really possible because of engine reasons?
Thanks for your interest. We've put our plans for photogrammetry on hold instead to hire a third coder to help contribute to the project. After we release the game on EA we plan to hire a company who has experience with photogrammetry to go out to the beaches of Normandy and photo capture all that for us. We discussed it inside the team and decided that it would be more prudent to invest more into making "Our Ghosts of War" as fun as it could be at the slight of cost of 100% photorealism and then come back to that when we have more funding.
Also you're right. The game is only intended to be played in first-person. There's a lot of debate going on in the team regarding tracked vehicles (along with everything else). The general feeling is that we do intend to include tracked vehicles because they were actually in the war zone. It wouldn't true to life if we tried to get around that. However tracked vehicles will require a lot of resources to craft because of how deadly they can be to players. Generally if players don't have a tracked vehicle of their own their best bet is probably to run the hell away. No different than in real life if you came up across a Tiger in 1944.
We're going to have to redo some of the source code in Unreal so that we can change how well the engine handles foliage. We're not happy at all with how it performs at the moment. Unlike CE3 which can handle all numbers of trees and foliage, UE4 isn't nearly as well optimized and in the end game performance suffers quite harshly. If we can achieve the optimizations we want then a forced grass distance will be implemented because foliage will perform decently even on lower end machines. However, if that ends up not being the case, then we will be forced to turn that off so that the game performs well on all machines.
For example for our last update: