If you're aiming for Elizabeth Olsen's body type, then the proportions aren't right. The actress is 7 heads tall standing on heels. Your sculpt is easily 8 barefoot.
If you're aiming for Elizabeth Olsen's body type, then the proportions aren't right. The actress is 7 heads tall standing on heels. Your sculpt is easily 8 barefoot.
Im only using Elizabeth olsen for her face likeness. For the body im going for idealized 8 heads tall ( see photo below) But also the photo your using isnt accurate and not a good photo to use because of the perspective the camera is creating, you got to find photos that are more orthographic and taken not up close but from a little farther back so its a orthogrpahic like shot, 7 heads with heels isnt normal for a adult female usually 7 1/2 heads flat foot is average.
For example the photo below is of Elizabeth olsen body but not a close up shot of the body if you look you can see the difference. Its a tricky thing using photos as reference because depending on the type of photo it can sometimes throw you off.
Try not to use up close photos but one that are taken from farther back but zoomed in.
Skyline5Gtr - Hey thanks, Ya thats wats rough about using celeb photos as reference gotta be very careful.
leaf - Thanks alot man
Ok everyone so in this update I wanted to show everybody the blockout I did for the costume to show what design im going for. I noticed that in one of the cartoons and in Age of ultron Scarlet witch has this kind of punk/goth vibe to her, I really want to go that direction with this costume because I feel it fits with my style in terms of what type of characters I like and feel it fits with scarlet witch as well.
So here is a Very rough blockout of the costume design and the current wip sculpt I have:
So here is a quick update, got sidetracked a bit so hopefully I can pick up the pace. For this update i worked her torso especially the breast area and the jackets detail, dont have the wrinkles in yet but hoping to get the proportions down first then finish off the jacket. For the breasts i kind of wanted her to be busty, and wearing a corset kind of like in the ref photos in the first post. But lemme know what you think and any crits THX !!
Spiderdude - Thanks alot Man I found which corset im going to go with its posted below.
RitualSynergy - Thanks alot man
Muzz - Thanks for the paintover greatly appreciated, but that pic was old and ive changed th body a bit since then, the pic below is the current body, does her head still look too small? here body is 8 heads tall do you think that might have something to do with it?
PS the boobs are pushed in because of the corset shes going to be wearing so do they look right? Im making her pretty busty
Hey guys thanks for the advice on the top of the head, check out the fix below.
Still have to do the face details
So I fell behind on her because of work, but here is her finished design im going with. Now I just got to get the wrinkles done and finish the sculpt and move on from there. So what do you guys think?
Jacket and bra finished, and i got piercings and hair in there as well, I did start the eyelashes and eyebrows a little bit will finish them later off to play Arkham Knight lol
ah that cleavage
Nice style! Really liking this so far.
Looking at the face closeup I feel like one of those nose piercings is a bit too much though. I don't know if someone would actually wear both of them at the same time? Did you see it on someone? (Maybe they do and it's just me haha)
Hey guys Been working away on the low poly and textures. Heres some quick shots of her face in Marmoset, still messing around with the makeup, and the hair and eyebrows are almost ready hoping to have face done 2moro. Going to add a design to her bra as well.
i think her eyelids, especially the lower eyelid, is too thin though. thats pretty visible on the sideview.
plus i think her eyes are a bit too big and her mouth too.
also her siluette in the 3\4 view is very flat in your version, wich looks kinda boring. she has a bit more volume in the cheeks. and a bit more definition under the eyes...
I think this is looking great so far. I think my only crit is the eyes being red...not a fan. Might just be me but I'm pretty sure Scarlet Witch's eyes aren't red. Aside from being the wrong color, I think they are too bright and possibly a bit oversaturated. Again, just IMO so not sure if you necessarily need to change it.
Goeddy - Thanks man, Ya Ive actually decided to not make it out of her likeness in the end, but I'll definitely look into the forms of the face.
Abrvpt - Thanks man, ill make em thicker.
Slosh - Thanks man, I don't want the eyes to be naturally red but I want her eyes to turn red when she uses her powers so its something im going to play around with maybe make it a effect or something.
Heres a quick update Im almost done, The hair is a WIP.
Hey everyone so here are the final shots of the model, Im going to be taking final crits and cleaning her up then posing her and making presentation shots. So what do you guys think?
Mh I think I'd choose the black hair (maybe with a slight tint of red?).
The red is a little bright but if you make it darker it'll probably be too similar to the jacket.
Love her face that eyecolor is really pretty.
Superb work ! She looks really good and you progressed steadily to achieve this great result in a relatively short time.
This piece could be even more awesome.
At the moment all her attire looks super brand new with no dirtiness, no scratches anywhere on the leather (especially the shoes), The Slipknot printing on the bra is absolutely intact... Her whole attire doesn't feel worn at all. It's a bit sad considering the quality of the modeling and the high level of detail with stitching.
Maybe you want to move on another project, but if you feel like pushing the clothing texture further some day, she'll be Really Really outstanding.
Im only using Elizabeth olsen for her face likeness. For the body im going for idealized 8 heads tall ( see photo below) But also the photo your using isnt accurate and not a good photo to use because of the perspective the camera is creating, you got to find photos that are more orthographic and taken not up close but from a little farther back so its a orthogrpahic like shot, 7 heads with heels isnt normal for a adult female usually 7 1/2 heads flat foot is average.
For example the photo below is of Elizabeth olsen body but not a close up shot of the body if you look you can see the difference. Its a tricky thing using photos as reference because depending on the type of photo it can sometimes throw you off.
Try not to use up close photos but one that are taken from farther back but zoomed in.
Haha, that's always the danger with using celebs as references... unless they're candids you never know what's real or not
OP, looking good so far! Lots of reference and attention to accurate proportions, looking forward to seeing to process!
leaf - Thanks alot man
Ok everyone so in this update I wanted to show everybody the blockout I did for the costume to show what design im going for. I noticed that in one of the cartoons and in Age of ultron Scarlet witch has this kind of punk/goth vibe to her, I really want to go that direction with this costume because I feel it fits with my style in terms of what type of characters I like and feel it fits with scarlet witch as well.
So here is a Very rough blockout of the costume design and the current wip sculpt I have:
As for your question about the corset, it all depends on the corset really. I'd find a corset style that looks good and follow that.
Here is the face scaled up a bit
RitualSynergy - Thanks alot man
Muzz - Thanks for the paintover greatly appreciated, but that pic was old and ive changed th body a bit since then, the pic below is the current body, does her head still look too small? here body is 8 heads tall do you think that might have something to do with it?
PS the boobs are pushed in because of the corset shes going to be wearing so do they look right? Im making her pretty busty
That being said i would scale the head up even so.
Here's a quick paintover and a bunch of ladies with shaved heads for reference.
Still have to do the face details
So I fell behind on her because of work, but here is her finished design im going with. Now I just got to get the wrinkles done and finish the sculpt and move on from there. So what do you guys think?
Jacket and bra finished, and i got piercings and hair in there as well, I did start the eyelashes and eyebrows a little bit will finish them later off to play Arkham Knight lol
can't wait to see more
wakkamis - Thanks man, The hairstyle I might experiment with more when at the hair card phase
heboltz3 - Thanks man
Ok so this is pretty much the finished sculpt, im going to move on to the retopo now.
But the first pic is a WIP of the face polypaint and the WIP of eyelashes and eyebrows
Nice style! Really liking this so far.
Looking at the face closeup I feel like one of those nose piercings is a bit too much though. I don't know if someone would actually wear both of them at the same time? Did you see it on someone? (Maybe they do and it's just me haha)
Looking forward to more!!
i think her eyelids, especially the lower eyelid, is too thin though. thats pretty visible on the sideview.
plus i think her eyes are a bit too big and her mouth too.
also her siluette in the 3\4 view is very flat in your version, wich looks kinda boring. she has a bit more volume in the cheeks. and a bit more definition under the eyes...
i made a quick, convoluted overpaint.
Abrvpt - Thanks man, ill make em thicker.
Slosh - Thanks man, I don't want the eyes to be naturally red but I want her eyes to turn red when she uses her powers so its something im going to play around with maybe make it a effect or something.
Heres a quick update Im almost done, The hair is a WIP.
Hey everyone so here are the final shots of the model, Im going to be taking final crits and cleaning her up then posing her and making presentation shots. So what do you guys think?
Also big question Red or Black??
I prefer the red hair if you could make it a little darker
The red is a little bright but if you make it darker it'll probably be too similar to the jacket.
Love her face
Fluor - Thanks man Ya I Chose black in the end.
Almighty_Gir - Thanks man, Ya I lowered it in the images below, Too me it felt like the specular was to bright so I ended up lowering that.
Okay guys here she is, Thanks for the support.
This piece could be even more awesome.
At the moment all her attire looks super brand new with no dirtiness, no scratches anywhere on the leather (especially the shoes), The Slipknot printing on the bra is absolutely intact... Her whole attire doesn't feel worn at all. It's a bit sad considering the quality of the modeling and the high level of detail with stitching.
Maybe you want to move on another project, but if you feel like pushing the clothing texture further some day, she'll be Really Really outstanding.
I could agree with Abrvpt but I love her anyway