Zack tweeted the teaser yesterday.
Ah never thought I'd be so excited for a 20 sec teaser...That cowl looks freaking amazing, he's supposed to be able to turn his head in this one. Loved "Man of Steel" watched it like 6 times lol, it had it's problems but nothing's perfect. Can't wait for this.
Full two min trailer comes out this Monday April 20th i think.
aint no body got time for that.
Looks cool!
Ever since movie trailer releases have been an event, so 10-15 years at least.
sheesh, c'mon guys that's obviously gaffer tape.
Anyway, I hope this movie is good. That teaser seemed really pointless. I thought Man of Steel was an OK movie, but a terrible Superman movie, and an even worse intro to a potential DC cinematic universe. Hopefully they get it right with this one, but it's hard to be too optimistic. They sure are spending a lot of money on it, though.
Same here, zack snyder to me is the epitome of an adult professional frozen in the mindset of a 14 year old.
Also, not feeling Affleck as batman.
Ben Affleck as Batman reeks of the same thing, only he got his way.
Coz this trailer of trailer, doesn't really helps..
To be fair. That was their plan originally with Green Latern but then Green Latern was released.
It's fun to look at how Marvel does things compared to DC, there's a lot of humour in DC's comics to counterbalance the dark but they barely use any humour in the movies oddly, unlike Marvel
Same thing with the supernatural/magic/outlandish sci-fi elements, i.e. Ra's al Ghul isn't immortal and Bane is just a dude with a mask instead of a chemically altered superhuman. Makes you wonder how they're going to handle stuff like Atlantis
Why are bats and supes angry at each other in the first place anyway? Affleck's processed bat-voice is interesting, sounds way less cheesy than Bale's already
That line at the end though... ugh
the nolan movies used humour more than people remember, pretty much every time bruce was with alfred or lucius, there's a joke. man of steel missed that and i blame goyer, he's better at the overall story than writing characters. but they've got terrio now and argo was good so i'm hopeful
This looks like another dreary dirge. I think I'll go back to waiting for a Batman 66 movie.
Lol, where the hell is that from?
I prefer this punching pic
Although it IS a nice touch that they're fighting in a generic sci-fi corridor. Well played.
You seem to have missed out some pretty important context that image.
Straight from the words of Batman himself: "If Clark wanted to". And that's basically the entire argument over and done with. IF superman wanted batman dead, he'd be dead, and there is nothing anybody in the universe could do to stop it. In fact it's happened in other DC universes:
Let me tell you a little story of how one version of Superman didn't turn out like the rest, and went so berserk that he PUNCHED A WHOLE INTO ANOTHER UNIVERSE, and then proceeded to annihilate ALL of the heroes in that universe...
first he destroys Justice League HQ:
then he destroys Atlantis
then he kills zod (who's this universes version of Superman)
then he kills Wonder Woman, and Batman. And then destroys the planet and moves on to the next universe.
Even if you put that to one side... (which by the way... is kinda funny since batman is supposed to have a plan for everything and that should really include the above). Most people argue that Batman is smarter than Superman, but in reality he isn't. Superman can move at almost the speed of light, which means he needs to be able to think/calculate fast enough to be able to deal with all of what's going on around him when he moves that fast, otherwise he'd be flying through just about everything along the way. Similar to the Flash (who's also incredibly intelligent, he just likes to goof around), Superman has the brains to back up the brawn. Why doesn't he use it? because most of the time he doesn't need to.
That's basically his biggest character flaw, people perceive him to be dumb, because he's "a bruiser". But remember he can see the molecular makeup of living organisms and understand them instantly, he can tell when a person is sick and exactly what illness it is, and even give a prognosis of their life expectancy.
More than that, the only reason people place Batman above him in intelligence, is because if they didn't, Batman would have "nothing". And that wouldn't be fair.
Superman is a god-tier character, it's really that simple. Batman is a cool character, i've always enjoyed reading his graphic novels. But in a world where a human is fighting someone who can't be injured (except in the presence of kryptonite, and even that has a greatly reduced effect in the comics now), who can not only move through you before you could even blink but also see and recognise everything that's happening INSTANTLY due to superfast thought processes... I'm sorry but Batman just can't win, unless Superman wants to lose. And Superman almost never wants to beat his friends.
this is legit what would happen between Superman and Batman.
I did not care for Man of Steel. But I agree with just about every other point you are making. Rushing into a Justice-League scenario without earning it first isn't going to be doing anyone any favors. It won't be good for Warner Bros, the DC film universe, or comic-book movies in general. We really need to get a more well-received Superman film first, as well as a solid Wonder-Woman outing. Ideally, a decent Green-Lantern film would be choice.
At the moment, all we have is a completely unrelated Batman series. And our lead-in to the Justice League is a Batman-centric film with Superman and Wonder-Woman as guest stars, and a Batman-gritty brooding atmosphere. Different comics have different styles, and need to be addressed differently. This is one of the things Marvel has done right. Iron Man is self-deprecating and introspective, Thor is bombastic theatricality, Captain America is hopeful and earnest, and Guardians of the Galaxy is wacky and humorous. They decided on the tone of each movie based on the story and characters, and leaned into it. And the tone is different for each series.
The Avengers was the big pay-off ensemble piece where all the different tones showed up in the person of their characters, and got to play off of each other. I can already tell you what Batman v. Superman is going to be. It's going to be dour angst squared. Its a dark, gritty, brooding Batman showing up alongside a dark, gritty, brooding Superman and at some point a dark, gritty, brooding Wonder Woman will show up to growl at them.
While Zack Snyder has some impressive visual chops, I have no faith in his ability to tell a compelling story. If you want to get a good film out of him, you need someone else to draw and write a decent comic book for him to follow first.
(also, be careful not to equate thinking quickly with intelligence - you may be able to perceive and react to things fast enough to travel at ridiculous speeds, but that doesn't mean you're actually capable of solving complex problems).
Anyway, from all indications this film is going to be "The Dark Knight Returns". And the plot is going to be extremely predictable as a result.
Not that i'm complaining, that's probably my favorite Batman graphic novel.
Especially since they don't even seem to know each other in this version. That's like the whole point of the graphic novel: two friends at odds.
Just wanted to quickly come back to this:
particularly at 15 seconds in. a kryptonian who hasn't fully adapted to earths sun, butt-raping US soldiers (yes, i know they're not batman) moving faster than they can follow.
more importantly, since we're limiting the conversation to feats that are only seen in this one movie - Superman can at the very least travel at the speed of sound, and hit hard enough to buckle steel girders. speed of sound being 340m/s, which is faster than the blink of an eye (again, Faora proves this is possible for a Kryptonian new to earth let alone Superman).
all i'm really wondering is which deus ex machina they'll use to humanize Superman this time. if they're smart, the fight will end very quickly with Batman getting his arse handed to him and superman proving he's not the bad guy by letting him live/convincing Bruce Wayne that he's good. it may be wishful thinking on my part, but i'm really hoping they go with the angle that Superman really is an unstoppable force for good who's choosing not to kill because he's good, choosing to be good because it's right, and knows the value of "losing" now and then.
Wow. I'm sorry Gir, but you are reeealllyyy going to be disappointed by this movie. If Man of Steel was anything to go by, it's going to be moral ambiguity from title sequence to credits. Just like the color palette, I would expect everything to be grey.