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SUITE 1.7 PREVIEW AVAILABLE NOW (Updated: November 18)



  • DRSpaceman

    DRSpaceman: Thank you for the update! Since you are still having problems, I took another stab at the issue in the official 1.7 release. Please let me know if this did the trick.


    - Teddy

    Thanks Teddy! The 1.8 update has fixed the issue I was having, cheers! :)
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks guys for the quick feedback!

    jaysonmtl: Yes, sorry about this -- when a color ID is too small DDO thinks it's noise and does not make a color out of it. I'll try to make this a little smarter for the next release. Meanwhile, a workaround is to simply paint a blob somewhere in your color map with the color that goes missing to increase its pixel count, and that will ensure the color gets identified. Sorry for the hassle!

    7hny: I knew there was something I missed! I'll make sure this is fixed for 1.9. Thanks for the bump!

    DRSpaceman: Awesome! Thanks for confirming.

    DaveW: Great catch. I've now uploaded updated versions of the patch and main installer fixing this bug. The video was a nice touch, thanks for making it easy :)

    - Teddy
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    Hi Teddy,

    no I do not use black for as a color id. black is left as is (background definition). creating the same project with seam termination breaks masks like rich occlusion and cavity.

    my theory is that small irregularities in the occlussion get boosted in rich occlusion which can be witnessed in comparison to standard occlusion masks. these imperfections seem to be boosted and expanded when using seam termination, ending up breaking the masks.

    maybe this is so extreme in my case since I have a ton of uv islands due to loads of hard surface edges being baked (need to split uvs on hard surface edge to avoid normal map seam)

    my occlusion maps are baked with xnormal and combined with a normal map from ndo (after processing the xnormal baked normal maps with ndo). cavity also created by ndo. (I do desaturate the ndo AO map since there seem to be red and blue hues in there before I multiply it with the xnormal ao map). btw couldn't ddo create cavity and ao from the normal map automatically just like ndo does? that would save quite some time and automate the process even further.
  • jaysonmtl
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    jaysonmtl polycounter lvl 10
    Hey teddy thanks for the quick reply! That sounds like a great workaround in the meantime! :)

  • CKohl
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    CKohl polycounter lvl 10
    Welp. 1.8 broke my Suite installation. I downloaded and ran the installer via the Updater, fired up NDO and DDO, entered my keys (yet again, hint hint), exited, restarted, and the Updater came up again with a different "Install 1.8" button than before. I checked the version number in the menu and it said 1.8 but I figured maybe there was some other small update so I ran it again and then:
    • the version number in the menu reverted back to 1.7
    • the updater always appears every time I start Suite
    • the Suite toolbar always popped under Photoshop, which was never an issue before
    • Suite froze when I tried to launch NDO, DDO, or 3DO

    So after that I uninstalled Suite with the uninstaller provided in C:\Users\Public\Quixel\SUITE and downloaded the full installer from the quixel.se website. After running the installer and inputting keys again, everything is working again (phew), but the version number is still listed as 1.7, even though the link on the quixel.se site says it should be version 1.8. Maybe the link on the site is pointing to the 1.7 installer still? The "Date Modified" metadata of the zipped installer from the site is Nov 14th. I'm afraid to touch the update button again. A very strange journey indeed.
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    Hey Teddy, my 3DO seems to not open any more this is before I edit a normal map or what ever and after. I click to open it and it just freezes.
  • Ravnheart
    After having problems with 1.7 and then 1.8 I kept getting the crash issue. Today I tracked down the problem. I set it to run as administrator and then tried again. Again it crashed. So I ran the trouble shooter and it seems Windows compatibility was the problem. No issues so far after changing that.
    I am running windows 8.1 Photoshop CC 2014. Below is a image of the fix.

    Now if we can solve the license issue. I got DDO to register, but NDO will not go though. When trying to register NDO the stop button never highlights like with DDO. It like it does not reach the server and finally gives up. Though I was down to 1 day left it rolled back to 30 days. At least I can continue my project.

  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    OK guys what gives. I've loaded the 1.8 updated and it's completely screwed me. I run Suite, and just keep getting teh update window. Can't run it at all.
  • DRSpaceman
    Hey Teddy,

    Not sure whether this is by design or what, but whenever I try to switch meshes using the 'Reimport Mesh' feature, the new mesh is imported into 3DO but turns chrome with no materials applied.



    If you click the refresh button in the DDO window, nothing happens, then if you reimport the original 3DO tends to crash, but is remedied through closing 3DO, refreshing DDO, then reopening 3DO.

    3DO Crash Prompt:

    I realise this probably isn't what this feature is meant to be used for, but it would be a time saving one to implement. If it helps, the meshes I'm switching between are identical in terms of shape and importantly, UVs, but differ in placement of components.

    ***Also, it's probably already being addressed in 1.9 update, but I have downloaded and installed the 1.8 version of the Suite. Whenever I open the program the splash appears asking me to update to 1.8.

    Interestingly, the Suite currently thinks it's version 1.7.


    ***UPDATE 14/12***

    The version 1.7 bug is fixed if you update from within the Suite. :)
  • Pedro Amorim
    I had the same issue. When you import the same mesh but with the objects in diferent positions everything stops working :)
  • Pedro Amorim
    There are also a couple of brass materials that are broken.
  • DRSpaceman
    ***UPDATE 14/12***

    Alright, so since I've returned to working on my project today, I've found the re-importer works as it should, retaining all of your custom masks - that is, if you created them using the functionality built into the mask editor.

    If you painted your custom masks into the layer mask assigned to each material layer like I have, then the following will occur, and you'll have to mess around as I've detailed in my workaround explanation.

    ***Original Post 30/11***

    Ok, I stumbled upon this bug today.

    Re-importer for Colour IDs doesn't work - it resets all custom layer masks for materials that are inside folders - meaning hours spent creating them wasted.
    It could also be due to re-importing additional input maps such as: Normals, AO and Object Space.

    Hi Teddy,

    - To reproduce the bug, make a new project, load up your maps, add a mesh, create base.
    - Create a material, put it inside a folder then edit the layer mask for that material. Copy the mask to all layers (mine has multiple material layers).
    - Save, open the existing colour ID map, add some more colours or edit existing ones, then save it as v2.
    - Use the Re-importer to load a new colour ID map.
    - Once the reimporter is done, go into the folder and check the layer mask for the material. (This is the issue).
    - If the bug doesn't reproduce, try adding new normal, AO or Object space maps (these are all I've tried).

    - I can upload my project, but it's currently 1.8GB. If you have a Skype account I could screen-share it to you.

    Workaround for others with the same issue

    - Right-click and drag the most current working folder to duplicate it, rename it something obvious, e.g. 'Version 2'.


    - Open DDO, load the project in that folder.
    - In the DDO window, If you have folders with layer masks, go through each and reset (Right-click mask button, remove colour [x] in mask editor).


    - Save and close project.

    - Create a new project, add latest mesh, input maps and if needed, reuse initial input maps for the rest.


    - Change location to the same place the other two (or more) folders are made, make a new folder called 'Version 3' (or whatever number you're up to).


    - Click create base, then save and close
    - Open Explorer, locate the original folder with the most recent working files, copy all PSD files (except IDs and Mask).


    - Open the newly created 'Version 3' folder and delete the PSD files inside (except IDs and Mask).
    - Paste the copied files then rename PSD file names to the same as IDs and Mask before the [Map type],
    e.g. 'PolySurface233 [Albedo].psd' becomes 'PolySurface248 [Albedo].psd'
    - Open Quixel Suite, DDO, then load the project from version 3 folder.
    - Open 3DO and check that the latest mesh works.
    - In DDO window go through and reapply the layer masks for each folder (right-click > choose colour)
    - Save project, then refresh and view in 3DO.
    - Continue working or close.

    If you've closed the project you can delete the duplicate's folder (Version 2), then rename Version 3 to Version 2 - or whatever number you're up to.

    UPDATE 1/12/14:

    In addition to this, using the workaround creates a new bug where a custom layer mask for a material won't show in the DDO window - it just appears as white.


    I found if I re-copied the mask to all layers it would create a blank gloss map, which beyond that I couldn't fix.

    A fix for this is to copy the layer mask for each material into a custom paint layer (Dynamask window), which will also distribute the fix to each map.

    - In layers palette, find a layer with a layer mask
    - Go into the channels palette, toggle on layer mask, select all > copy, toggle off
    - Left-click a layer mask inside the DDO window
    - Bottom right should be a button to add custom paint layer


    - Paste, click DONE inside Dynamask editor window.
    - Repeat for each material.


    I've just noticed the materials aren't mapped to each layer either, which could be why I can't duplicate material layers.

    The only fix I can suggest is to go through a previous version and write down the material type, scale, texture intensity, opacity and blending mode, if any, for each material layer. Use these attributes to re apply them to the material layers in the workaround version.

    Cancel that. re applying materials to layers makes DDO crash.

  • DavidJones
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    DavidJones polycounter lvl 4
    So far, 1.8 has been really buggy for me. Especially if the project is created from scratch with 1.8.

    1. Missing masks icons when reloading a project.

    2. After adding a few materials
    • Re-importer stops working
    • Exporter defaults to /Flats for file path and calibration profile is set to CryEngine. If I change any of these two things Ddo crashes.
    • 3do stops displaying my model.

    3. After the crash if I restart Ddo, it gives me this error about aborting batch.

    I can't move forward until these bugs are addressed. Hopefully they can be fixed in version 1.9 soon.
  • Adions
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    Adions polycounter lvl 3
    I have a strange bug in 3do while I am using c+shift+click! A "Quick PBR" panel pops up in front of the material browser. When I click the material browser, it goes behind the 3do but it is still there. I think there is a sorting problem.
    The Quick PBR appears also when I use C+click in 3do. Is this function intentional? I did`d see this shortcut anywhere.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    1.8 has been terrible for me too! Every time I open close DDO, the next time I open it... it has reverted to 1.6 on it's own and tells me I need to install 1.8 again. It's been like this for weeks now. Also if I don't update to 1.8... it locks up on me when I close the updater window.
  • Fridock
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    Fridock polycounter lvl 12
    For me 1.8 is the most stable thing since the release, it did not crashed once for me surprisingly
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