Hey guys!
Here's a preview of the 1.7 release. It contains a bulk of the functionality, with some surprises left. Please let me know how this runs for you and I will do my best to tidy up any mistakes before the official release is made.
- Dynamask Custom Painting support // Add an infinite amount of layers/custom textures in your dynamask non-destructively
- Seam Termination support // Uses black color in color map to find UV borders, so make sure the color map background is black!
- 200% faster processing :O
- Unreal Engine 4 Plugin: Create Textures inside Unreal // Needs to be documented, kudos if you can figure out how to work it

- Grunge Map Import button in Dynamask Editor
- 60+ High Quality Grunge Masks for free
- Stylized Master Preset for painterly art // Also check Create Base Layers in Base Creator when using this preset for full effect
- Unlimited Resolution
- Dota 2 Workflow now fully supported
- Unity 5 calibration profile added
- Automatic Dilation
- Added support for Nested Smart Materials
- Improved Object Space masking control
- New Smart Materials
- Save As support
- Copy/Paste Mask support
- Move In/Out from Group support
- Clear Mask support
- Clear Texture support
- Added DDO Photoshop Swatch
- Seam Termination switch in Base Creator
- CryEngine calibration profile improved
- FIXED: "Set" error message
- FIXED: Material normals overriding base normal
- FIXED: SUITE stuck in processes after exit
- FIXED: Hard-surface height conversion crash
- FIXED: Licensing crash
- FIXED: Improved Dota2 preset
- FIXED: Bug where maps would not get deleted from 3DO
- FIXED: Bug where Dynamask presets could not be deleted
- FIXED: Load Project crash
- FIXED: Start-up issues, Anti-virus issues, and textures not loading in 3DO // Needs confirmation, please let me know ASAP!
- FIXED: Flip Y did not invert normal map
- FIXED: Brightness in dynamask was not remembered
- FIXED: Smart Materials would sometimes not generate correctly
- FIXED: Blend mode and opacity were not applied to groups in Smart Materials
- FIXED: Error when deleting layer in cross-app mode
Preview download now taken down -- you will find the final release through the SUITE updater!
A few of these features may need mini wiki guides (will be prepared for the official release) but until then feel free to post your questions in this thread!
- Teddy
Awesome stuff as always Teddy, you guys rock!
skyline5gtr: My apologies, I have been swamped these past few days with messages. It should clear up for me beginning of next week. Does 1.7 have any effect on the issue you are experiencing?
Shanteez: A Mac version is finally in the works. I can't disclose a date yet but rest assured it is coming!
- Teddy
I started a new dDo 1.6 project last night and had some bugs, so I'll see if they persist in 1.7 but basically my main issues were:
1) Using the same sky in 3do & toolbag 2, and the Toolbag 2 calibration profile still gave quite different results when viewing in 3do vs tb2. Should I be expecting 1:1?
2) Using metalness (might not be relevant) I added the plastic/teflon material. When I used the dDo UI to change that material's reflectance, the changes didn't correlate to the colours I selected, and after several random changes the material became stuck with a mirror finish.
3) Sometimes when using shift+c to add a smart material, the smart material would end up grouped inside another smart material even when I wasn't viewing inside that smart material (in which case it asks if you want it to be added there or not)
edit: now I get this when creating a project with same settings as before:
cs6. I installed 1.7preview but the suite still says it's version 1.6, so not sure if the label just isn't updated or what. I get it when re-importing inputs too.
Press "Space" in 3DO, and make sure the texture sliders are all set to the max value. For some reason my 3DO had diffuse map set to 50%, spec and gloss set to 25%. When I set all my sliders to 100%, the material in 3DO started looking very similar to Toolbag2.
Can someone please explain why those sliders are not at 100% by default?
I get the above error when adjusting the Texture Intensity slide on a material that's within a material, but not say a regular smart material (which is just the one group). Specifically the Scratched Painted Metal 06 preset has a paint material within the metal material, which is where I noticed this.
I checked what you suggested Devil_Inside, no luck, the sliders were already at 100% by default for me.
Here's what I see, using same sky and roughly same angle/position for camera/sky:
Is this perhaps because my project was created with TB2 (metalness) profile and I'm viewing in 3DO? When using profiles should we not bother with 3DO at all? Also ignore the normal map errors in the 3do version, that's because for some reason when I control-dragged a material slider it also changed the normal map value — can't recall if dDo used to do that or not. It was jsut overriding certain parts with a flat value.
However, just a friendly reminder that this is still a problem, and has been for a while now.
#2: Additionally when I re-render any project (including projects that I haven't changed in more than a week) after configuring input maps with the Reimporter, I always get this script error on the Misc/Background layer of the BaseMaterial_IDs.psd:
#3: Not sure if this one was caused by a DDO error or my own human error but somehow the BaseMaterial [Specular] psd file became compressed into a single layer. Consequently it gave me a whole bunch of general photoshop script errors until I deleted and recreated that map.
I made a thread about it here : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=142887
Feel free to use this thread to talk about this issue !
I tried several thing in the thread, but maybe you'll think of something I missed that'll help quixel team to fix this issue.
The code says the pattern file for this material should be called Dried Mud_40a8_l3HcEq9m2YiQapAXg but that file is nowhere to be found in the installation files.
Error occures ONLY if the project has a color map! Without it, everything works just fine.
EDIT: Seems that the generated ID Map does not have a Layer called "Misc/Background". Instead there are layer called "Misc/Undefinied ###".
If I'm commenting out the "CreateSeamTerminator" function it works again but I could not find the place where you renaming the layers of the ID map
Every, goddamn, time!
I have this issue as well.
Also, I'm curious about this point:
What is this and where do I find it, and what's it for?
- Automatic Dilation
- Unlimited Resolution
- FIXED: Reimporter not refreshing custom masks
- FIXED: Seam Termination Misc/Background error
- FIXED: Over sensitive blur sliders
- FIXED: Misc bug fixes
DOWNLOAD 1.7b HEREBek: One thing that could be the culprit here is that 3DO uses a directional light for the sun in addition to the HDRI. Use the HDRI light adding feature in TB2 and it should a lot more similar. Let me know if this helped!
Mathew O: Thank you very much for bringing up this issue! Thanks to your report there is now automatic dilation support that addresses this issue. Edge padding is not needed for any of the maps -- DDO will now take care of it automatically based on the black background of the ID map. The color IDs will also be fully dilated.
9of9: More on this very soon
- Teddy
Edit: I must say that I'm seriously impressed that that's remedied and implemented less than 24 hours after I reported it :P
So for others:
1.7b as offered in this thread is a patch. You need to have 1.6 installed before the patch can be used.
If you run the DDO - that all is well.
If the first press release info, or update launcher - you get this error.
After the error is no longer possible to run DDO. A window appears here with this error: "No input paths specified. Aboting butch"
(Quixel 1.6 + 1.7b / Photoshop CC2014/ windows 8.1 64 bit / )
After restarting the suite - DDO works.
Error handling causes the window version or update launcher window.
I think he is not linking properly to the project because I can load a mesh with the custome loader and it work okay, but I can never load textures with it and I cannot have a project and view the updates in real time, wich is a bit annoying :P
Also the Suite Bar will not stay in front and load behind PS, that in 1.7B as well as was a problem in 1.7A. Also noticed that the timer on the trial version went from 18 days to 12 days in the matter of 1 version.
I too am getting this error on the latest version of Quixel Suite after I try to load a project (ver 1.7b). I've also been getting this message at my work on version 1.6 - only it happened randomly and on specific computers.
Another user has made a thread about it here.
I'd appreciate if you were able to look into it Teddy, for now I'm gonna try downgrading to 1.5.4, as that worked perfectly fine up until today. Its only problem being it closed the program when trying to load a project through DDO.
Edit #1: Downgrading didn't work, seems to repeat the 'closing Quixel Suite altogether' bug when attempting to 'load project' through DDO.
Edit #2: Possible workaround for the time being. I created a new standard user account on my computer, which let me at least load a project in DDO without crashing.
Hopefully this is helpful to other users with the issue - and it might be helpful to finding out what causes the issue.
The user account it's producing the crash on has administrator privileges.
Download 1.7c Preview
Lots of bug and crash fixes in this one! There's also a new behavior kicking in when long tasks are being performed (like creating a new project, rerendering, or loading advanced Smart Materials): Everything will minimize until processing is done, so that you can browse/youtube/etc instead of staring at PS doing its thing.
This also has a very practical benefit: processing is much faster, and you will get results faster. This is because PS does not spend time on redrawing UI/histogram etc, increasing the generation times by up to 200%.
I hope you like it!
- Teddy
Gun Metal Black 02
Gun Metal Black 03
Grainy Plastic
Battle Armour 02
Old Blue Plastic
and one (of the two) tungsten presets.
edit: Upon further testing I find this happens if I assign a smart material via 3do's shift+c+LMB, but NOT if I apply the same smart material via ddo's UI (which I then assign to a colour ID)
edit: Annnnd sometimes assigning the colour ID via ddo's UI just does nothing....
Hey Teddy, thanks for the quick turnaround on releasing patches, really appreciated.
Unfortunately the new patch doesn't seem to fix the issue I and many other people are encountering with the Suite crashing after trying to load a project in DDO.
As far as I can tell it might be something to do with user profiles? If there's anything I can try for you to help pinpoint the issue, please let me know
For now I'm going to use the workaround of having a secondary user account.
--- Sorry, don't carefully read patch notes, to much work to do
Another thing that is when work with mask in dynamask and first time in that window I choose color ID it overrides all by black color and seems to dont react o sliders at all and all underlaid sliders don't do anything too but when I apply a mask preset something like "sharp cavity" it starts too work. I think i just doing something wrong. I can upload mask pdf.
Bug: It seems using the Exporter is broken for 16bit. Exporting 8 bit works fine but if I try to export as 16bit the automation fails (it asks me to manually save a file).
Also just got this trying to use the re-importer (although I did successfully use the re-importer earlier with 1.7c however now it seems permanently bugged for this project)
I installed Quixel Suite in the Program Files Directory instead of the suggested one. When I click "next" in the installer of 1.7c it pointed out that it has to be installed in the directory where the old version of Suite is, but after clicking okay I cant get back the the directory choosing.
Bek: Thank you so much. This really helps. I will try to reproduce these now and have them fixed in a patch today. Also, thanks for the reimporter report, much appreciated. Looking into it.
DRSpaceman & XemnasKH: Thanks for letting me know, really sorry to hear this is still an issue. Would you mind zipping up the project and sending me? I can't reproduce it and I'm thinking it might have something to do with backwards compatibility that I haven't managed to bump into myself. Hoping to fix this ASAP. Also please let me know if Photoshop is REALLY crashing, or if this could be the new speed processing feature that got you confused, which hides SUITE + PS until processing is done. It's a little crude UI wise and I will try to make it clearer what is happening for the final 1.7 build.
Podden: True, it's pretty stupid how the installer works right now. Will try to fix this.
Thanks again everyone,
- Teddy
Unfortunately 1.7c didn't fix this issue for me at all. When I roll back to 1.6 it works at it used to (in 1.6 only some wood smart materials were broken). In 1.7b & 1.7c normals seems to be overriden in case of all materials I tried.
Hi Teddy, it's a bit confusing which of us this response is directed at
http://youtu.be/AhOCirZu31g (Apologies, I have no idea how to embed videos)
Let me know if there's anything you want me to try to remedy it! Cheers
currently the feature using black in color maps appears to result in broken occlusion and cavity maps. I would have posted this here directly but at the time didn't figure out that it was related to 1.7 specifically. so my apologies! here is the original thread with what I experienced: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2181881#post2181881