Hi there I have been working on this environment for a while now and decided to actually show what I have got so far. I did have a crack at this when it was posted on the 2nd Monthly Polycount Environment Challenge and I failed miserably so I thought I'd have another attempt lol. I don't really feel like I'm nailing the concept as it stands but it's the best work I have done to date so I'm gonna keep pushing this piece forward until I have something I can call finished and worthy of putting into my portfolio.
This is what I have so far...
There's more things I want to fix but here's some initial thoughts on what needs work
The open floor panels look longer than the holes in the floor.
Also, take a look at
I remember that guys work. Very inspiring. I hope to produce something that good someday XD.
Dude, if you really push this environment, it could be really really nice. You have a great foundation already.
Nothing much to see this time. I upped the geometry in the roof panels and had a go at making a starry background. Still trying to figure out how to make the glass reflective though as I really liked the reflections I got on the previous screenshot.
I haven't done much with the values yet as Beefaroni suggested so I might focus on that tomorrow whilst I work through my to do list. Maybe add a bit of colour in some parts.
My eye keeps getting drawn to the far doorway, but there's nothing there... it's in darkness and mostly empty. There's nothing wrong with a bit of shadow, mind, or even some empty spots, but they just don't seem to fit there. I wonder if it wouldn't be better if the far blast doors were closed.
The holes in the floor might be more interesting if there was a dim light down there - either red emergency or orange maintenance lighting.
The teeth on the door are supposed to intermesh (think of the teeth from opposing gears), yet they seem to line up evenly with their opposite number.
Yh I guess you're right. When I first made the strafield it was really bright and busy but too distracting. Perhaps I could lose it as I want the busy section to be where the computers and wires are. Plus I can get my reflections back lol
I haven't started that bit yet but I'll try some things out.
They aren't suppose to be holes (it's just the same material as the ceiling used to be) but I will replace it with something better. The orange and red lighting is a good idea :thumbup:
Haha you noticed that too. Well spotted. To be honest I was meant to fix that ages ago and completely forgot lol
(My to do list just got bigger) lol
Thanks for your input
No I was kind of stupid and baked and textured each piece individually. Looking back on it I probably could've made a texture for all the large pieces like the floor without losing much visual detail at all.
However, the techy bits in the middle section of the hallway are all using one texture sheet as I thought it could save me some time. I took inspiration from this:
I haven't got the materials to look as good as I want them too yet but I'll work on it soon
That's all I'm goign to say for now, I'm looking forward to some more updates!
It's been a while since my last update as I have relocated for my job. It's only something small but I remodelled the toolbox so it looks more interesting. I had been weighing up whether I should use tiling textures or model this as a unique prop. This way took longer but it does look better. Hopefully I'll find some more time to continue this whilst I attempt to learn how to make things look good in Unity for my new job