Hi guys, I thought I might give this a shot. My idea is a zombie robot horse pulling a zombie robot dude in a chariot. The general feel I'm going for is that the horse/rider are immortal, but not invulnerable. As bits have rotted (or been exploded) off, they are replaced by mechanical parts. Oh, and the rider is going to have an M16, because why not.
Now, I've never actually made a horse before, so here goes nothing. This is what I have after about a day. I still need to add more robot bits and blend them into the horse better. Any feedback or critiques are very welcome. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
Feel free to leave a comment if you love it, or hate it. Thanks guys!
I still need to sculpt and entire character, man this would be easier if I was better at this haha. Anyway, everyone else's work is looking pretty slick. I am really excited to start to see some finished pieces. Good luck everyone!
I really like your latest update, adding the saddle and some more mechanical bits really brings everything together. Can't wait to see the next one!