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Relationship issues caused by 3d?

grand marshal polycounter
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Obscura grand marshal polycounter
Okay maybe this is not the best place here for this topic, but I get back to this case from time to time, and it looks like there won't be end of this , so now I decided to ask you guys what to do, maybe some of you was in the same shoes.

I'm working on my new folio in my free time for a few months now, we all know this takes time. In the meanwhile I'm doing freelancer jobs, but I can't really live from the money that I get from it so I need a on site stable job as soon as possible, this is why I'm making the new folio. I live together with my girlfriend for like 7-8 months, and we get argued from time to time because she can't understand the importance of my new works. She say I'm just an addict and I can't do other things other than 3d and I'm doing it way too much. I told she that this will give me a new job, once I finished my new folio. But she still say I'm just an addict. I got a few time "just look for a normal job like the normal people do" too. Shortly this... Any thoughts/suggestions?


  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Obscura wrote: »
    I live together with my girlfriend for like 7-8 months, and we get argued from time to time because she can't understand the importance of my new works. She say I'm just an addict and I can't do other things other than 3d and I'm doing it way too much.

    Every relationship is different, and I don't want to overstep my bounds here, but man... it doesn't matter if you're a game developer, mechanic, cook, whatever... a solid SO will support you through it. Obviously this needs to be reciprocal. From the very little you've said here, it just sounds like she's being pretty self centered. Not a good sign. I say keep doing what you're doing and have more conversations about the importance of your work right now. If she continues to give you grief, she may not be the one to stick with you through thick and thin. I hope you're both willing to work through it.

    More to your point, putting in the work has never been an issue with any of my SOs. The only major issue related to this industry and how it has affected my relationships is that I can get overly stressed by work. I found myself taking that stress home. No bueno.
  • slipsius
    Looks like it's time to update your life portfolio with a new girl friend... One that is more supportive of your dreams... I know it's harsh, and hard to deal with, but I don't think I could be with someone who didn't support my passions, never mind imply that I`m not normal...
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I'm disagreeing with the two posters above me.

    I'm wondering if this is the real issue, or that the real issue that you've gracefully glossed over is that you have been living with your girlfriend for 7-8 months and have been perennially unemployed for the duration.

    It's not her responsibility to support you whilst you work on your portfolio and look for work. If work isn't coming in regularly as a freelancer, you should probably be looking at non-3d work to supplement your income and reduce your reliance on her, and work on your portfolio on the side. Don't forget to schedule plenty of time for her too, since she's also supposed to be important.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah my missus has been amazingly supportive over the years, but she is also an illustrator so she knows where I am coming from.
    maybe just explain to her how much it means to you and that doing art involves lots of long hours - nothing weird in that regard.
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    You have to ask yourself how much of a work-life balance you have. Consider how much time you are actually spending with her. At the end of the day, she is your partner and whilst she should support you (and help advise you) in any decision you make, you also have to support and help her. No career is worth sacrificing your other half for and you should take some down time to keep her company (or even just to show you care).

    Try taking an hour or two off each night, or take the Friday off and just spend the evening with her. Heck go for a walk and use it as an opportunity to build on your art skills. Observe your environment whilst spending time with her, visit art galleries, watch movies with her and pull ref from those.

    If you think she's the one and you neglect her, you'll regret it later on (especially all the time you both missed out on together).

    I agree with Ambershee too, find a part time job doing something else if you can't do what you want to do. Its always good to have some kind of back up (when I first started to work on my portfolio, I did office work and saved enough to relocate and start fresh with an industry job).

    (NOTE: This is the point where I should read over what I put and listen to my own advice!!).
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    I also disagree, based on the little amount of info given. Having been in this scenario before and looking back, it was more my fault for obsessing over working on art and not finding a healthy balance of work/life. It is something I still struggle with 10 years later, now with a wife and kids, but it is important that you find that balance.

    The mentality of focusing solely on one thing and ignoring the rest of your life including friends and family is obsessive behaviour. "Just one more portfolio piece and then I'll have a job and everything will be back to normal." Take a step back and try to see it from your gf's perspective and understand why she sees it as addiction. Your portfolio will never be done, so find a good way to pace yourself.

    *edit* I should say this is me projecting my past experience onto your current situation. Everyone is different and every situation has different factors. Perhaps your gf really doesn't support your dream, or maybe it's somewhere in the middle.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    "but I don't think I could be with someone who didn't support my passions, never mind imply that I`m not normal..."

    I agree with this
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Obscura wrote: »
    But she still say I'm just an addict. I got a few time "just look for a normal job like the normal people do" too.

    No. No. No. DUMP

    My wife has been immensely supportive and even pushes me to do more artwork at home.

    I am very happy.
  • cody.rauh
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    cody.rauh polycounter lvl 6
    So my girlfriend says she feels like she is 2nd to my work. I tell her it is either I work 12 - 16 hours a day on this with option to take days off, off on holidays etc. Otherwise it is 16 hours a day + commute for minimal wage pay, never home, working holidays, likely no days off.

    So work same amount of time for 3x pay or for dirt.
    I pay the bills, and until that changes can't afford to do anything else.
    If the situation is the same for you she needs to understand you are looking out
    for her and your well being by paying bills and working.

    If she is paying the bills then do the art part time, and work something else part time, and make time for her.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    cody.rauh wrote: »
    So my girlfriend says she feels like she is 2nd to my work. I tell her it is either I work 12 - 16 hours a day on this with option to take days off, off on holidays etc. Otherwise it is 16 hours a day + commute for minimal wage pay, never home, working holidays, likely no days off.

    12-16 hours a day? To work on your portfolio, or for a literal job? And what job is 16 hours a day at minimum wage? Your post sort of confuses me.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, been here before.
    Here's one tip that helped me change that relationship dynamic::

    Try to include them as much as possible in your hobby/work.
    (It's a huge part of your life that she's left out of)
    For instance- If you're modeling a female..ask if she wouldn't mind being the reference subject.
    Making her feel important to your success, is the key here.

    What it all comes down to is sharing in the experience.
    When she becomes emotionally invested in what your doing, you'll be amazed at how things may change.

    The motivation and support that comes from this was a real eye opener for me.
  • WarrenM
    One thing that might help her is to set a time limit. "I'm going to work on my portfolio/job hunt for X months. If nothing happens, I'll get some job somewhere and work on it in my spare time only."

    People work better with milestones.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    From what it sounds like soon you need to make a choice about this industry or her

    Even then it sounds like you are on the road to a breakup anyway
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    If they're not willing to support your life's dream, it's time to move on...

    That's not to say there aren't growing pains to every relationship, seeing as you've only been together for 7-8 months. Being confined to your computer for x amount of hours certainly can't help. Just be up front with her, tell her this is your life's dream, and if she's not cool with that, then you need a new gf.
  • nyx702
    The polarized replies here are interesting. I don't think there is a great answer either way. I'ts really hard. I agree with Baj and Jason for the most part. Relationships are continual compromises and the grass is rarely greener from my experience. Relationships are alot like 3D or any other art. You start off with something rough and you dont really know what it is yet. You slowly build up the foundation, things start to take shape and you polish it over the years until its (nearly) perfect. Throwing your WIP away as soon as you make a mistake or you're not happy with it and you will never end up with a finished work if you get my analogy.

    In college I was in a pretty similar situation. I always wondered how other people did it and was (sometimes) jealous of all the single dudes that had so much free time to work on their craft. My overworking and her inflexibility ended up causing us to split up for a bit. We eventually came back together and have been for 11 years. It was a classic case of needing time apart to see what we are missing... I make sure to give her attention and she lets me have my time too. It ended up working out HOWEVER there are still some scars from the experience and it would have been a whole lot better if it never happened. Hindsight is 20/20 ya know?

    EDIT: This is going to sound really cheesy but one of the most eye opening books I have read is "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." In summary everyone has different ways they feel loved or valued. You may be spending lots of effort showing her the way "you" love her but she is not receptive to that particular method. The trick to maximizing your effort is finding the way "she" feels loved. As a male there so many ways females think and feel that I will never get... but now that I know I can work with it and try to be understanding.
  • WarrenM
    I think some of the nay sayers need to try and see it from her side of the fence. It's easy to lash out at her, but obviously she's frustrated with the situation. Odds are she's not just some evil harpy who won't support his dreams ... there's probably more to the story. If this has been going on for ages, maybe she has a point? There's supporting someone's dreams and then there's being a sucker ... again, deadlines and milestones are important for keeping expectations in sync.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    No one should ever call you an addict or tell you to just "get a normal job."

    I have 0 tolerance for that.

    The grass is greener on the other side. You just need to spend the time to find someone worth it.
  • nyx702
    I think you are exactly right WarrenM. The "computer" and the time you spend with it has become a negative experience to her. I feel like once that has happen its going to be a fight to change someones mind about it. It's like eating something really nasty... it takes alot to make that sound appealing again.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Wow guys ^^ Here are some missing info from my first post. We are paying things together. As I said, I'm doing freelance jobs, but sometimes there aren't any from them for 1-2 weeks. Sometimes there are a lot and I get good money, but sometimes I just get a little. I worked with a studio before, but I relocated and I haven't found a new job yet. So now I'm working from home when its possible. I try to find the balance between art and my girlfriend. I work on the freelance jobs, when she is also working. After she arrived back to home, I usually leave my computer. Usually, but sometimes I'm going back and forth between my pc and she. I would say she and 3d gets my free time in 1-1 ratio. But not always. The strange thing is that the last case when we got argued was 5 years ago. After that I tried to give almost all of my free time to she. But today I said no, today I'll work on my stuff and dang, she went crazy. Today I got that too I'll never get a good job... One more thing that I should mention and can change the situation is that she is absolutely not interested about what I make/do. When I say look what I made, I completele see that she has 0 interest in it and she never said great job or anything which is started bugging me. We are together for a year btw, and we live together for that 7-8 months.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I guess the keyword here is might not always be interest but do you guys respect each other and what you do.

    Right off the bat if the answer is no then maybe its time for you to reflect on it.

    All valid points on the top... but yea. find common ground and see what really is the problem. It seems so far like she just doesn't care for your goals and that is not acceptable.

    Hope you sort it out and is all for the best.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    No. No. No. DUMP

    My wife has been immensely supportive and even pushes me to do more artwork at home.

    I am very happy.

    I agree.

    Without my girlfriend I dunno what the hell I would be doing, wouldn't have a ounce of passion or drive I channel into my work.

    My girlfriend loves me, and loves my passion and excitement I get from such things, people that love you, want to see you happy and doing well ultimately.

    And while a marriage of convenience is never convenient, you may face serious relationship issues if you find love before stability, finding stability than love is ideal, problem is at least as it was in my case love can find you, and love doesn't believe in convenience lol.

    Edit: Also just wanted to say, 3D isn't the cause of your issues, you could replace 3D with anything that consumes time and energy and doesn't pay of instantly, Weight lifting, sports, running a business, getting a degree.

    The level of understanding shown by those that oppose you will be either fear, ignorance or a lack of respect for you.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I've been down this road before but not every relationship is like this. I know what it's like to feel guilty when you sit down to work when you need to be fired up to get a crapload of work done. Those don't work.

    I'm in a situation now that my boyfriend is also a workaholic, so we share our office together and while he's off doing his rocket sciency things I do my artstuffs. We make an effort to shut down our computers and do things together and travel, a time that's clearly scheduled for no work (Game of Thrones on Sundays is pretty much a holy event). He isn't in the game industry so he doesn't completely get how it is, but he was very understanding when I was busting out portfolio because I've explained to him how most the work as artists happens before the interview. Pretty sure most fields don't have something like a portfolio to show in advance, it's the resume that speaks loudest for them. But as artists, we bust ass between jobs rather than catch up on Netflix. Point is there has to be an off time for you both to look forward to. But don't forget to communicate how important portfolio is, not everyone is wired with that information like we are.

    Ultimately it's up for you to decide if this is a long term relationship for you. I've dated dudes in the past who have come and gone but Max is my longest running relationship of 10+ years.
  • Equanim
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    Equanim polycounter lvl 11
    Art jobs come and go and you don't need a job to be an artist.

    Girlfriends aren't nearly as replaceable.

    What about finding something part time (10-20 hours a week) so you at least have some income that isn't dependent on freelance?
  • ToffeeApple
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    ToffeeApple polycounter lvl 8
    When I read your first post I thought that maybe your girlfriend was unhappy regarding your lack of employment and so being unsupportive on purpose to try encourage you to get a regular job. Now that you say you earn enough money to pay your way I think you really need to have a serious chat with her. Explain to her that you need to be able to say no to her now and again (refer to what happened before when you chose to get on with some work). Tell her that in order for this relationship to work she has to be understanding. Tell her that she has upset you and that you would like to see some interest in your work and you would like her to encourage your dreams and reward your achievements.

    I know all this sounds strange - telling someone to support you. But my boyfriend actually said all this to me - I thought it very odd at first and I also didn't realise that I hadn't been that supportive and that I'd been selfish. It was definitely a good eye opener though and really helped our relationship. That's not to say that I understood straight away - at first I didn't take him seriously but gradually it sunk in. I'm now a lot more careful about what I say to him and try to encourage him with his work.

    So just be open with her and give her some time. If the behaviour continues, keep being open and telling her that you are serious about what you need. And if that doesn't work, she's possibly not right for you.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I once had a girlfriend who said, every time I opened my sketchbook...

    "There he goes...into his little world again..."

    Needless to say, it didnt last very long.
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 12
    100000000000000% agree with Isaiah Sherman.
    Obscura wrote: »
    Wow guys ^^ Here are some missing info from my first post. We are paying things together. As I said, I'm doing freelance jobs, but sometimes there aren't any from them for 1-2 weeks. Sometimes there are a lot and I get good money, but sometimes I just get a little. I worked with a studio before, but I relocated and I haven't found a new job yet. So now I'm working from home when its possible. I try to find the balance between art and my girlfriend. I work on the freelance jobs, when she is also working. After she arrived back to home, I usually leave my computer. Usually, but sometimes I'm going back and forth between my pc and she. I would say she and 3d gets my free time in 1-1 ratio. But not always. The strange thing is that the last case when we got argued was 5 years ago. After that I tried to give almost all of my free time to she. But today I said no, today I'll work on my stuff and dang, she went crazy. Today I got that too I'll never get a good job... One more thing that I should mention and can change the situation is that she is absolutely not interested about what I make/do. When I say look what I made, I completele see that she has 0 interest in it and she never said great job or anything which is started bugging me. We are together for a year btw, and we live together for that 7-8 months.

    understand that relationship can end at any point. your career is more important, i think.

    HOWEVER i see why she is acting this way, you are depending on her financially. i think you are wrong in this argument.

    yea it's pretty shitty that's she's not interested in your work and doesn't care about it, but understand that you are depending on her and i think she went "crazy" because she's financially supporting you and the least you can do is hang out with her more.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    katana wrote: »
    I once had a girlfriend who said, every time I opened my sketchbook...

    "There he goes...into his little world again..."

    Needless to say, it didnt last very long.

    Actually she say really similar things sometimes...
    But when I'm not doing 3d, everything is fine.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    basically she is using drama/needyness to steal your attention and get your focus, even if its a negative bit of attention. I can totally identify with what you are going through, a couple years back I was in a relationship, and starting on learning to DJ. My gf at the time was terrified of the idea of me working in bars/clubs where I would be interacting with hot girls and basically would try to distract me any time I was doing a mix or working on my goals. Super jealous, insecure, pathetic behaviour. So I broke it off and enjoyed my freedom as a single man for a while. Now I have a hotter gf, who is super supportive of what I do.

    This is a common pattern people around you will do when they see you actually on your path working/doing what makes you happy. A lot of the time it comes from feeling shitty about their own lack of motivation/hobbies/lifestyle. they will do anything they can to knock you off your path, negative comments, drama, general bullshit.

    Basically you gotta be like a rock, identify what your end goals are and continually work towards them. No woman will ever give you the satisfaction of being a self made man doing what you love. A good woman will support your journey, and if not I say cut it off.

    A big trap a lot of guys fall into is feeling that they will never meet another girl as cool or hot as their current gf and cling to a toxic relationship when in reality, its pretty easy to meet new awesome girls that are actually good for you. Its a really scarce mindset to fall into, and ultimately it usually leads to a girl thinking you are pathetic and weak, while walking all over you and your dreams.

    some reading I found pretty awesome, there is a bit of wooo wooo new age shit in there but overall really good read is this, really helped me when I was aspiring to get into DJing in addition to my game art dayjob:
    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Way-Superior-Man-Spiritual-Challenges/dp/1591792576/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1400183699&sr=1-1&keywords=way+of+the+superior+man"]The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida[/ame]

    My personal view would be to say peace to the chick, focus on your goals and find someone whos supportive at what you do. You gotta act like a boss and that will be 10x more attractive to successful women. Dont let yourself be manipulated and walked over.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    basically she is using drama/needyness to steal your attention and get your focus, even if its a negative bit of attention.

    This is a common pattern people around you will do when they see you actually on your path working/doing what makes you happy. A lot of the time it comes from feeling shitty about their own lack of motivation/hobbies/lifestyle. they will do anything they can to knock you off your path, negative comments, drama, general bullshit.

    Basically you gotta be like a rock, identify what your end goals are and continually work towards them. No woman will ever give you the satisfaction of being a self made man doing what you love. A good woman will support your journey, and if not I say cut it off.

    A big trap a lot of guys fall into is feeling that they will never meet another girl as cool or hot as their current gf and cling to a toxic relationship when in reality, its pretty easy to meet new awesome girls that are actually good for you. Its a really scarce mindset to fall into, and ultimately it usually leads to a girl thinking you are pathetic and weak, while walking all over you and your dreams.

    some reading I found pretty awesome, there is a bit of wooo wooo new age shit in there but overall really good read is this, really helped me when I was aspiring to get into DJing in addition to my game art dayjob:
    The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida

    My personal view would be to say peace to the chick, focus on your goals and find someone whos supportive at what you do.

    I agree
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    Obscura wrote: »
    One more thing that I should mention and can change the situation is that she is absolutely not interested about what I make/do. When I say look what I made, I completele see that she has 0 interest in it and she never said great job or anything which is started bugging me.
    This is the point that makes me say that this relationship isn't likely to work out. I was in a relationship that was like that, and we talked about it a lot (mostly me saying, "Hey, this matters a lot to me, I don't even care if you're lying, just say *something* nice about it," and then the issue continuing). Being indifferent about things that are really important to you isn't going to be isolated to this. People who behave this way aren't going to care about anything that they can't directly relate to no matter how important it is to their partner. That's not a good quality for successful long-term relationships.

    As a counterexample, my husband (not the same relationship, I might add) is red-green colorblind, which inhibits his ability to directly appreciate many aspects of art. But he gets that it's important to me, and he focuses on the parts that he can appreciate -- aside from the occasional comment of, "Really? That's a different color?" or the like, he's always been able to come up with something to say to encourage me. He also does things such as saying, "Hey, I noticed you've been working really hard on (whatever I've been working on). That's great and I'm proud of you for sticking with it despite (whatever thing about it has been driving me crazy/not working right/whatever)." If I've been overly focused on something, he will sometimes say something about us not getting to spend a lot of time doing things together and we fix it. I can't imagine him ever saying that if we had a 1:1 split time between my work and our time together, and if I'm close to an important milestone and can't arrange it then, we work out when we can spend more time together and plan on a date. I'm definitely happier in this situation, and I imagine that even if all other variables were the same I still would be.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry to hear that Obscura...here's my take on it.

    There are plenty of fish in the sea. When it comes to being an artist who needs to maximize their creativity without any negative energy, then usually the best course is to nip it in the bud, before it gets out of hand. You both will end up being the better for it.

    I mean if you were to get a paying job tomorrow doing 3D, would she only stay because you were making a paycheck or would she stay because she was with someone who was focused on what they love?
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Unfortunately it seems like you're in a tough position. It might be easy to say "forget about her and move on" but it seems like you've been with her for quite some time based on that comment where you said the last time you argued was 5 years ago.

    I'm a bit curious on how much she is working to pay bills, because if she is working 14 hours a day then I can see why she would be upset at you. Ideally you would want your SO to be supporting of you, if she isn't interested in your work, then you should try to find a way to make her interested. I know some people who play videogames and their SO hates games, but they tried introducing gaming to their SO slowly, through friendly co-op games for example, and now they are happier since they both have the same hobby.

    I'm not sure how one would introduce 3D art to their SO other than showing it to them (which in this case didn't seem to work much.) Maybe you could try explaining to her why you love art so much. Of course, I'm no relationship expert so anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, but generally when trying to reason with somebody, you want to first understand why they came to the conclusion they are currently at.

    It's also important to always be unbiased. It's very easy to turn a relationship story into a one sided argument. Good luck, hopefully you can find work soon.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Basically you gotta be like a rock..... No woman will ever give you the satisfaction of being a self made man doing what you love. A good woman will support your journey

    I disagree with the first part, and agree with the second part.

    I think for some people, having a happy relationship is far more fulfilling than a career could ever be. For other people, this clearly isn't true. But everyone is different.

    And yes, a good Significant Other will support you and your journey. But be careful, in such situations, not to neglect or to ignore the need to contribute to a healthy relationship.
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    Yep, been here before.
    Here's one tip that helped me change that relationship dynamic::

    Try to include them as much as possible in your hobby/work.
    (It's a huge part of your life that she's left out of)
    For instance- If you're modeling a female..ask if she wouldn't mind being the reference subject.
    Making her feel important to your success, is the key here.

    What it all comes down to is sharing in the experience.
    When she becomes emotionally invested in what your doing, you'll be amazed at how things may change.

    The motivation and support that comes from this was a real eye opener for me.

  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    My wife and I have never had an argument, but she's never even made any sort of casual comment that made me feel like she didn't appreciate my working on my art. She's actually really happy any time she sees me painting.

    That being said, I've worked numerous day jobs alongside pursuing art to place as little burden on her as possible, and if ever I get the slightest feeling that she'd like to spend time with me I will drop whatever I'm doing in a heartbeat to make her happy. And I try to spend time with her every day whether I get that feeling or not.

    I would gladly stop what I'm doing to spend time with her partially because I know she supports me in the endeavor. Conversely, she probably supports me in the endeavor partially because she knows I'll stop what I'm doing to spend time with her if I need to.

    Additionally, my wife has her own creative endeavors she pursues. I support her in those as much as possible, and if there is the possibility for crossover - we love working together!

    It's true that you need to find someone who supports you in your life goals. But it's also true that you may need to look inside yourself, and determine whether or not you're willing to give her the attention she deserves. Art is a very personal pursuit, a constant struggle to improve yourself and your understanding of various concepts - many involving the world around you and how you see it. Don't be afraid to try and better understand yourself, as well.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    I have a friend of mine who is studying applied science and used to date an art student girl..

    He said to us that what she was doing never seemed serious to him and that art people should only date other art people...

    Maybe he was right...
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Blond wrote: »
    I have a friend of mine who is studying applied science and used to date an art student girl..

    He said to us that what she was doing never seemed serious to him and that art people should only date other art people...

    Maybe he was right...

    i wouldn't say that, i have never done anything but art, worked music and film, than moved into game art. My GF is a business major with a minor in Spanish.

    Even know we dont work in the same worlds, we both appreciate what each other do, and its been 2 years of living together so far.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Blond wrote: »
    I have a friend of mine who is studying applied science and used to date an art student girl..

    He said to us that what she was doing never seemed serious to him and that art people should only date other art people...

    Maybe he was right...

    my best friend at one point was an electrician's apprentice and worked part time as a sound engineer for a radio station.

    His fiancee who I also knew well was a art student finishing up her time in college and spent most of her time playing wow, she broke up with him over some nonsense that he wasn't ambitious enough or going anywhere in life she said, which actually made him go to uni just to spite her.

    Now many years have past and I know shes not doing well, but my best friend is doing pretty okay, but its always left me thinking how people sure can have weird values and expectations of each other, and I think personally Economic pressure is on our generation like no other, jobs and money is not easy to come by and bills pile up to the sky.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    This is a very interesting thread, with interesting points of view.

    One problem I had with past relationships was a bad combination of over-working, and under-communicating.

    Many people have vastly different definitions of 'overworking'.

    To me overworking was 2 months of nothing but Work, Art, Eating, Sleeping, and Shitting (See Dominance War). That kind of behaviour can be completely relationship-destroying. Especially if they are not an artist themselves, and you are bad at communicating the importance of what is being worked on.

    Moderation is very important. So are building and nurturing relationships. So is health/exercise.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    She just has to understand that your art is your life. Its just as important to you as the relationship and sometimes one has to go before the other. It sucks, but being a good boyfriend isn't going to get you a job.
    That being said, it helps to give a heads up. I just recently told my gf that we were prolly only gonna hang out once a week for the next 2-3 weeks because of crunch. I guess the key is communication.
    Then again, she has a demanding job that makes her unavailable too...
    For this shit to work, you have to understand each other. And if she says you're excessive working means ur addicted shows a lack of understanding.

    It is worth mentioning that your case seems to have a lot to do with the fact that ur at your desk all the time (since ur doing freelance). Since I wk at an office, she sees me get up and do shit, even tho its to do the same thing.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    Honestly the most solid advice I have ever heard ANYWHERE .
    Make oneself happy, achieve goals, go for upward mobility instead of expecting others to fill the void for you.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Just go talk to her, be honest with each other and get to the bottom of it before doing something drastic or before resentment falls in, communication can make or break a relationship, especially in what we do. Sometimes you can talk but not actually "talk," so be patient and always try to see things from the others perspective. Life's too short to worry about the small stuff :)
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    well, if she's so self centered, she will soon find someone else who wants to be her slave 24/7 and she'll dump you sooner or later.

    my girlfriend doesnt give a shit about my art either, we've been living together for 3 years, and initially it bothered me, when i was showing her something that took me days/weeks/months to make, with pride, and she would say "oh. nice" but then she realised that praise is important to me as an artist so now she's being enthusiastic when i show her my creations. i dont care if she means it or not, the fact that she tries to be supportive about it goes a long way. whenever i feel bored to finish some work she pushes me to get down and finish it instead of watching a movie or something. and when i work on the pc she's quietly reading a book so she won't bother me...
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Aga22 wrote: »
    well, if she's so self centered, she will soon find someone else who wants to be her slave 24/7 and she'll dump you sooner or later.

    my girlfriend doesnt give a shit about my art either, we've been living together for 3 years, and initially it bothered me, when i was showing her something that took me days/weeks/months to make, with pride, and she would say "oh. nice" but then she realised that praise is important to me as an artist so now she's being enthusiastic when i show her my creations. i dont care if she means it or not, the fact that she tries to be supportive about it goes a long way. whenever i feel bored to finish some work she pushes me to get down and finish it instead of watching a movie or something. and when i work on the pc she's quietly reading a book so she won't bother me...

    Lol, so your girlfriend fakes it to make you happy, how sweet of her :)
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    First off, I would like to say I really appreciate the many comments and the trying to help. I have some news and it looks like they aren't good ones.Prepare yourself, PC soap opera is coming, I'll try to tale honestly and detailed.... I stood at my computer last evening, and around half past 10 she said turn it off now because the sound of the keyboard and clicking is annoying now. I said ok. I went out to brush my teeth and when I came back there is darkness. I thought I will watch the tv cause I wasn't tired yet. I asked where is the remote control, and she said dont turn it on because the lights would be also annoying.....I was just looking. Then I started to try to talk about this whole thing, and it turned to be an argument again, and she said very rough things in my opinin that I wouldn't expect. I explained that this 3d thing is important to me, and this is a big part of my life as I'm an artist,and I worked and I will work this even if she doesn't like it. Nothing goes easy, It was hard to get my first job in the profession, then I also had to show something to get a job. I had to made new ones when I wanted my second job, and now I have to show an even better something to get a better job. She said its really sad that I'm upgrading this slow. lol. Then I continued with explaining that nothing would be better if I would work in a shop for example because I would get the same money as I get from the freelancing at the moment. Yes it would be better if I would work in a studio. But this is hungary. We have studios only at Budapest. Only there. When I relocated from there to here where I live at the moment, I thought the freelancing will be ok and work, because I red that on the hungarion forums. Now I see this isn't 100% true. It works, but you don't get good money, just if you are doing it for years and you have many connections. When she heard the freelance word, she was laughing and she said she dont know how I think this, and I should wake up from my dreams. Also, maybe I already wrote this, but I said everything would be/will be a lot better if I/when I would/will work inside a studio. She said she can't wait years... years?! It takes months to get there, and again, first I need to show up something. She didn't believe this anyways. As it came to me she don't think that I have any talent and I'm just wasting my time with this something unundertandable bullshit, and I simply dont want to work at a normal job as the normal people, because its comfortable to me to sit at home. Here it looks like she doesn't view that I'm also working I'm just doing the freelance thing, which isn't a job in her opinion. I must mention here that I usually still get the same amount of money as she make, and a "normal job" wouldnt be better at all. Also I mentioned that when I will get a new job, then we must relocate to budapest. She said then you will go alone and I'm interested to see how you will live from it. Here I was really angry and disappointed now. But I continued to trying to talk about this whole thing and to try to explain better, but she said just stop it because its boring. So I turned to my other side and I tried to sleep.

    In the morning she was acting like nothing happened. She was trying to stroke and to be sweet, and she said it was because of her red days. Man.... This rough words because of someone is bleeding? Don't joke with me. Now I'm really disappointed and a little disillusioned too. Now to me it looks like I should actually leave.

    Anyways, If she would know about this thread, there would be an armageddon. Even if there are positive and constructive comments with a big trying to help. But where could I go if she isn't open to discuss.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    I know the pain man, and i know a close mate is going through the same thing.

    We both do 3d art, and I get the "stop playing video games and pay me attention" shit all the time, while i'm staring at a cube in max. many video game, call me a programmer again i double dare you mother fucker.
    Its really getting on my nerves, because i fucking struggled for years to get to the point where i was working on art if not everyday bare minimum a few days a week, as apposed to a few years ago where i'd only managed to spend an hour or two max a month!
    I decided to go to uni to push me even further, i've got 2 jobs going so i can afford to live, sure there isn't much time in the week for her but fuck, gotta roll the hard 6 sometimes, it would be nice to have support.
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I can imagine how this situation would look if I would play games too :D
  • RyanB
    Obscura wrote: »
    But where could I go if she isn't open to discuss.

    Are you open to getting another job?
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Actually I did other jobs too when there wasn't any freelance jobs. I worked in a factory for example. I understand and know that its not possible to live without money and job, so I would look for a "normal" job if there wouldn't be an other option, like I did. But would you work in a shop or in a factory with good feeling when you are a 3d artist and you worked in studios, and when you can get freelance 3d jobs? And would you give up your goals and dreams because someone doesn't like them?
  • WarrenM
    Lol, so your girlfriend fakes it to make you happy, how sweet of her
    My wife and I have been together for over 10 years now. I make random stuff on the computer and she makes high end enameled jewelry. Neither of us really knows how the other does what they do, but we're always highly supportive of each other whenever we show something we've done.

    The support and intention behind the reaction is what's important. She supports his art and the effort that went into it, even if she's not really into the end product.
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