Man. So, the tone is good. Action looks good. Turtles look good from far away, but once you get close to em and they start emoting, they creep me out. Don't like that.
Also, wish April oNeil didn't have some family connection to creating the turtles.
Also Shredder is puny. That dude needs some muscles.
VO for the turtles doesn't really match the gritty look of them and serious tones. The animation on the face looks creepy, not to mention the designs are just not very TMNT like i guess. Dunn really care for Megan Fox as April. Then the trailer was cut in exactly the same way as all other transformer movies. So no interest so far.
I went from being pretty skeptical, to curious when I first saw the designs, to pretty damn excited after the trailer. It actually looks like a pretty good take on them so far, there's nothing jumping out at me as sacrilege or anything like that.
I am just going to say this is Michael Bay's design and/or dream of the turtles, for sure as hell not mine or everyone else's.
What I am surprised about is no one working on the movie set ever said this is not how it is done, haven't you learned already? But they saw $$$ and said i'll do whatever you want, i thought bay had a dispute with Megan on Transforms..
Anyway i'll say Leo looked badass i was like okay maybe he didn't ruin it then Mikey spoke I saw that face (almost looking African American, nothing against that just not a turtlish face to me, so sad face took over.)
Oh theres going to be a lot to hate about this movie. See its not made for those who grew up on this stuff, its made for the rest who have no idea what it is or just know of it from the current generation of bad ninja turtle toons.
To be fair, ninja turtles 2 and 3 ruined it first so I suppose one cant get too angry about this... still, they took enough liberties to destroy the lore and remake it again to fit their egos.
April's father made the turtles, which was a quick fix from the original plan by Michael Bay which had them coming from space instead...yeah aliens... tired of seeing Megan Fox in all these Bay remakes as well, whether it be Transformers or Ninja Turtles...
Just feels like Transformers, but with the Turtles, don't know how feel.
That's the impression I'm getting as well. I'm going to have to pass on this one. This visual interpretation of the Turtles is firmly entrenched in the uncanny valley. The more exaggerated animatronic approach used in the original live-action film was a better choice. These turtles faces really are kind of creepy.
The first Transformers was stupid, but tolerable. The second was an atrocity. The third was somewhere between, but leaning toward the second. This film seems to be in serious danger of following the same path.
There could be some hope. The gag with the mask is actually more wit than I usually see from Bay's films. But Bay really needs to find a different art designer to partner with for these sorts of productions.
Oh theres going to be a lot to hate about this movie. See its not made for those who grew up on this stuff, its made for the rest who have no idea what it is or just know of it from the current generation of bad ninja turtle toons.
However, the new Nickelodeon TMNT show is really well done.
The art is some of the best I've seen in a televised 3d animated series. Solid character designs, consistent art direction, and the writing is more than tolerable for adults who have to watch alongside their kids.
Looks dumb as hell. I won't watch it, but I know it will still put butts in seats and make a squajillion dollars because people like to watch shiny garbage explode loudly on huge screens.
... Shiny garbage burns so good though!
In all honesty, I think I would watch and enjoy this. Despite growing up on the old cartoon from way back when I can't cry sacrilege over something that was a 30 minute merchandising commercial. Will it be bad? Hell yeah, but I'll still probably enjoy it.
The art is some of the best I've seen in a televised 3d animated series. Solid character designs, consistent art direction, and the writing is more than tolerable for adults who have to watch alongside their kids.
I would second the recommendation for the most recent turtle animated series. It has been of consistently high quality. As someone who has watched the vast majority of turtles cartoons, I would actually say that this recent series is the best treatment to date for TMNT. It's well worth watching on its own merits alone, and especially so for anyone who was a fan of the original series. Just top-tier modern TV animation across the board.
If you want some decent turtle action, definitely take a look at this new animated TV series, it delivers. The potential train-wreck that this movie is likely to be is only more disappointing when I see Nickleodeon doing it right on the small screen.
Did no one catch the HUGE size of the turtles? In every other version of them they have been appropriately smaller if not the same size as humans. Here, they are giants. They look monstrous and demeaning versus more under toned. That was one of their strengths, being the small fry. It also fit being mutated from small reptiles.
Mr. Hobo, I will have to attack you in the hangouts for this sacrilege. Expect many instances of me playing crappy music you cant get out of your head.
The movie looks good (entertaining) to me. At the very least it looks no worse off than the TMNT movies of the 90s that I grew up with. My criteria when it comes to franchises like this is that if it ends up being something that I would have enjoyed watching as a kid, then it's done its job.
If this guy touches the Highlander series. I'll flip my shit
Lets be real here; there is nothing in this world that could harm the Highlander series any more than some of the previous Highlander movies already did. The Source was terrible enough, but its a shining jewel next to Highlander II: The Quickening. We all want to pretend that that one was never made, but deep down we know the truth. There can be no future disappointment found in Highlander movies because the bottom of that pit was hit in 1991.
My criteria when it comes to franchises like this is that if it ends up being something that I would have enjoyed watching as a kid, then it's done its job.
Lets be real here; there is nothing in this world that could harm the Highlander series any more than some of the previous Highlander movies already did.
You are probably correct. Also, the Highlander movies pretty much just involved humans. Michael Bay could probably work with that material. There would have to be constant references to the military, mournfully billowing U.S. flags in the background, gads of explosions, and some extremely tasteless humor. But I think a Highlander film could easily weather any combination of those factors. The basic conceit of that series is immortal dudes cutting each other's heads off.
Franchises like the Transformers and TMNT require a bit of preserved childish wonder to make them work. And you need to be able to work with non-human characters, often realized through CGI. Michael Bay has no idea how to accomplish that in a meaningful way. All of his most tolerable films have involved people playing people. As soon as you start into the realm of the fantastic he is way out of his depth.
^ Ironically that looks better than the turtles in the movie
seriously? come on. there is no way that image looks better than what was shown in that trailer.
I really don't understand the need to hold on and love something so old like it was a member of the family and somehow Bay came along and defiled them to the point they are no longer welcome to family functions. These viewpoints are based off emotional responses and not logical thought out ones.
All of the shows we watched as kids were just ads for toys to get us to pressure our parents to buy us shit.
Going back and trying to share these with my son and daughter and I realize how horrible these were. Not just TMNT, but GI Joe, Thundercats, Transformers. It is just nostalgia.
If this was your first look at TMNT ever I am sure your views would be changed.
The movie looks good (entertaining) to me. At the very least it looks no worse off than the TMNT movies of the 90s that I grew up with. My criteria when it comes to franchises like this is that if it ends up being something that I would have enjoyed watching as a kid, then it's done its job.
Lets be real here; there is nothing in this world that could harm the Highlander series any more than some of the previous Highlander movies already did. The Source was terrible enough, but its a shining jewel next to Highlander II: The Quickening. We all want to pretend that that one was never made, but deep down we know the truth. There can be no future disappointment found in Highlander movies because the bottom of that pit was hit in 1991.
Sure, when we're kids we find almost anything enjoyable since we lack the experience and comparative knowledge of what's out there. So, of course we'll settle for what's good, instead of knowing what could have been great. Which instigates us fans for calling them out. As we grow older, we can see that even some fan art is better than the what we're seeing in this trailer which is gives us(me) knee jerk reactions.
For me, it isn't so much about whether it's better than the outdated movies- I'll agree, comparing what Bay could do for Highlander compared to any of the outdated movies is unrealistic.
What it comes down to is.. Giving his track for the remakes his made.. I wouldn't trust him with another one of my favorite childhood shows .. no fuckin way.
These viewpoints are based off emotional responses and not logical thought out ones.
Indeed. So far I've liked the GIJoe and Transformer movies for what they were; they're pretty much what I hoped they would be back when I used to make the toys drop-kick each other while imagining all the sweet battles they were having.
We never used to argue if we thought the turtles looked too big to be considered heroes; we didn't even bat an eye when Megatron would transform into a gun 1/20th his size and we probably didn't care when spores turned Cobra Commander into a snake.
If this was your first look at TMNT ever I am sure your views would be changed.
It wont be. Luckily kids have access to the Nick Cartoon. Which is awesome. Its better than the original cartoon by far. The only place your argument would work would be overseas markets like China. Which is what this film is most likely aimed at. The international box office versus the domestic. China gobbles up bay films.
Also, for those stating about selling toys as kids. You have to realize you have it wrong. It was a comic book first, then a mini series, then a regular series with toys. I.E. The toys came after NOT before. Today though, your argument totally stands.
We never used to argue if we thought the turtles looked too big to be considered heroes;.
Come now, your own child argument works against you here. What audience will these over-sized mutants attract and market to? Not children. Tween boys.
I can very well see this movie scaring younger viewers. The uncanny valley, and again the whole monstrous size of them. There might be more behind what the preview shows. Another area that at least the original movie explored, was family. It had a heart. Kids want heart. Western culturally influenced Tween/Teen boys just want action/bad assess.
seriously? come on. there is no way that image looks better than what was shown in that trailer.
I really don't understand the need to hold on and love something so old like it was a member of the family and somehow Bay came along and defiled them to the point they are no longer welcome to family functions. These viewpoints are based off emotional responses and not logical thought out ones.
All of the shows we watched as kids were just ads for toys to get us to pressure our parents to buy us shit.
Going back and trying to share these with my son and daughter and I realize how horrible these were. Not just TMNT, but GI Joe, Thundercats, Transformers. It is just nostalgia.
If this was your first look at TMNT ever I am sure your views would be changed.
No kidding. I remember being riveted while watching Air Wolf but now I fall asleep after the first 4 minutes. My kid loves it though. I now fully understand why I'd be glued to the TV and my dad would be either sleeping or laughing at how stupid that show was.
I think it will be a big dumb movie, just like most of Bay's films. But you know what? It'll be a good stretch of time where I can just put my brain on autopilot, not have to think about the numerous plot holes, just watch shit blow up and giggle like a child.
Go back and watch the first Turtles movie before you see this one. Then ask yourself, "Was it really worth getting my nuts in a vice over this original movie?"
"Dare to be Stupid" by Weird Al in the 80's animated Transformers movie. 'Nuff said for letting go of the past.
Sure, when we're kids we find almost anything enjoyable since we lack the experience and comparative knowledge of what's out there.
And what, when we get older we turn into nostalgia snobs and act like the man is shitting all over our childhood simply because he made a movie faithful to the reality of a franchise and not what our nostalgia thinks? And then maybe we begin to assume that movies based on talking turtles who fight crime are no longer geared for today's kids, but that they should have been aged to comply with our bookreading selves instead?
I'll put it this way: If they ever make another Masters of the Universe movie I wouldn't expect it to be some deep cinematic masterpiece that challenges me to reflect on my understanding of human interaction. I'd expect to see a barbarian punching a skeleton-wizard in his skully face.
And sure, there's some great TNMT fanart out there. How will that design animate beyond that one expression if it has to act in front of a camera for 90 minutes?
Come now, your own child argument works against you here. What audience will these over-sized mutants attract and market to? Not children.
I'm pretty sure children of most action-figure-buying ages like seeing mutant ninjas of any size fight anything. And I can can very well see the 1990 movie scaring younger audiences with its grittiness and uncanny valley too, because it did. That didn't stop it from being Ninja Turtles movie, nor did it make me stop playing with my Technodrome.
I'm pretty sure children of most action-figure-buying ages like seeing mutant ninjas of any size fight anything. And I can can very well see the 1990 movie scaring younger audiences with its grittiness and uncanny valley too, because it did. That didn't stop it from being Ninja Turtles movie, nor did it make me stop playing with my Technodrome.
Your mixing up toys with the play out on screen of what those toys represent. We did not have IMAX 3D films in super high def where kids really can see whats going on. Forget the toys. The toys are irrelevant to this film other than merchandising. They are something purchased most times after the fact. Not before. The uncanny valley in the original was laughable at best. It also had Jim Hensons company behind it to give the sponge suits and puppetry character.
In either case, neither of us are kids, so assuming you know what you would have thought of this as a kid is pure speculation. In theory, mine probably would, but then, I was at that Teen/Tween stage. I can tell you though, I truly believe it wouldn't have any staying power.* It would just be another action flick.
That's what I think your missing in your defense. Will this film have any life beyond its video release? Will kids remember it fondly, or just something stupid from their childhood? Will it be Halo? Or will it be Dino Crisis? (Brought up as Dino Crisis is a tween boys dream of making a game with everything "cool". The problem is, the game isn't that good and easily forgotten).
Don't get nostalgia mixed up with valid reasoning of why this film very possibly will be nothing more than a money maker easily forgotten. Like I said, nothing in it showed heart. It showed BAYSPLOSION.
P.S. Action figure ages isn't what we are talking about. There isn't a set standard of what this means. How many on here have Action Figures at there desk case in point? (Don't act like you once in awhile when no one is looking you don't do a quick playthrough with them).
*Edit was trying to think of a good example of a child franchise film that kids liked at the time, but later on regretted. He-man, the Movie.
Don't get nostalgia mixed up with valid reasoning of why this film very possibly will be nothing more than a money maker easily forgotten. Like I said, nothing in it showed heart. It showed BAYSPLOSION.
Atleast dye your hair for April geees. I hope the high piched "woooo" wasn't coming from Raphael... I should stop now before I spiral out of control haha.
But whutevs I'll try to reserve my qualms till after.
Man. So, the tone is good. Action looks good. Turtles look good from far away, but once you get close to em and they start emoting, they creep me out. Don't like that.
Also, wish April oNeil didn't have some family connection to creating the turtles.
Also Shredder is puny. That dude needs some muscles.
Otherwise, sure. Better than expected
At least they're no aliens!
Nothing about that trailer excites me for this.
VO for the turtles doesn't really match the gritty look of them and serious tones. The animation on the face looks creepy, not to mention the designs are just not very TMNT like i guess. Dunn really care for Megan Fox as April. Then the trailer was cut in exactly the same way as all other transformer movies. So no interest so far.
When I'm looking at this, all I can think of is.. Batman's coming to save gotham again..
Plus.. where's my nerdy Redheaded yellow jumpsuit wearing reporter?
Want to see.
Don't want to see.
What kind of crap is this?
I am just going to say this is Michael Bay's design and/or dream of the turtles, for sure as hell not mine or everyone else's.
What I am surprised about is no one working on the movie set ever said this is not how it is done, haven't you learned already?
Anyway i'll say Leo looked badass i was like okay maybe he didn't ruin it then Mikey spoke I saw that face (almost looking African American, nothing against that just not a turtlish face to me, so sad face took over.)
But I'll download this sure
^Meh, edited my post so those that missed this video conversation with a screen writer might want to comment on.
To be fair, ninja turtles 2 and 3 ruined it first so I suppose one cant get too angry about this... still, they took enough liberties to destroy the lore and remake it again to fit their egos.
April's father made the turtles, which was a quick fix from the original plan by Michael Bay which had them coming from space instead...yeah aliens... tired of seeing Megan Fox in all these Bay remakes as well, whether it be Transformers or Ninja Turtles...
His response was classic...
"There are very few appropriate places for Michael Bay's dick, and my childhood IS NOT ONE OF THEM."
That's the impression I'm getting as well. I'm going to have to pass on this one. This visual interpretation of the Turtles is firmly entrenched in the uncanny valley. The more exaggerated animatronic approach used in the original live-action film was a better choice. These turtles faces really are kind of creepy.
The first Transformers was stupid, but tolerable. The second was an atrocity. The third was somewhere between, but leaning toward the second. This film seems to be in serious danger of following the same path.
There could be some hope. The gag with the mask is actually more wit than I usually see from Bay's films. But Bay really needs to find a different art designer to partner with for these sorts of productions.
Have you gone back and watched the original series as an adult? Time has not been kind to it:
However, the new Nickelodeon TMNT show is really well done.
The art is some of the best I've seen in a televised 3d animated series. Solid character designs, consistent art direction, and the writing is more than tolerable for adults who have to watch alongside their kids.
... Shiny garbage burns so good though!
In all honesty, I think I would watch and enjoy this. Despite growing up on the old cartoon from way back when I can't cry sacrilege over something that was a 30 minute merchandising commercial. Will it be bad? Hell yeah, but I'll still probably enjoy it.
I would second the recommendation for the most recent turtle animated series. It has been of consistently high quality. As someone who has watched the vast majority of turtles cartoons, I would actually say that this recent series is the best treatment to date for TMNT. It's well worth watching on its own merits alone, and especially so for anyone who was a fan of the original series. Just top-tier modern TV animation across the board.
If you want some decent turtle action, definitely take a look at this new animated TV series, it delivers. The potential train-wreck that this movie is likely to be is only more disappointing when I see Nickleodeon doing it right on the small screen.
Did no one catch the HUGE size of the turtles? In every other version of them they have been appropriately smaller if not the same size as humans. Here, they are giants. They look monstrous and demeaning versus more under toned. That was one of their strengths, being the small fry. It also fit being mutated from small reptiles.
Mr. Hobo, I will have to attack you in the hangouts for this sacrilege. Expect many instances of me playing crappy music you cant get out of your head.
Lets be real here; there is nothing in this world that could harm the Highlander series any more than some of the previous Highlander movies already did. The Source was terrible enough, but its a shining jewel next to Highlander II: The Quickening. We all want to pretend that that one was never made, but deep down we know the truth. There can be no future disappointment found in Highlander movies because the bottom of that pit was hit in 1991.
quoted for truth
They should have had this guy doing the turtles from the get go.
Lol it will never beat the old movies! It just look like another popcorn movie from michael bay as usual. Krang better be in this movie tho.
Curtesy of myself.
Though i second that i would watch the dave rapoza version of TMNT.
Also, HA!
You are probably correct. Also, the Highlander movies pretty much just involved humans. Michael Bay could probably work with that material. There would have to be constant references to the military, mournfully billowing U.S. flags in the background, gads of explosions, and some extremely tasteless humor. But I think a Highlander film could easily weather any combination of those factors. The basic conceit of that series is immortal dudes cutting each other's heads off.
Franchises like the Transformers and TMNT require a bit of preserved childish wonder to make them work. And you need to be able to work with non-human characters, often realized through CGI. Michael Bay has no idea how to accomplish that in a meaningful way. All of his most tolerable films have involved people playing people. As soon as you start into the realm of the fantastic he is way out of his depth.
Oh snap! That would make a really good 3D/2D art challenge! Design what Krang would look like in a Michael Bay movie!
seriously? come on. there is no way that image looks better than what was shown in that trailer.
I really don't understand the need to hold on and love something so old like it was a member of the family and somehow Bay came along and defiled them to the point they are no longer welcome to family functions. These viewpoints are based off emotional responses and not logical thought out ones.
All of the shows we watched as kids were just ads for toys to get us to pressure our parents to buy us shit.
Going back and trying to share these with my son and daughter and I realize how horrible these were. Not just TMNT, but GI Joe, Thundercats, Transformers. It is just nostalgia.
If this was your first look at TMNT ever I am sure your views would be changed.
My turtle looks like Shrek too!
Sure, when we're kids we find almost anything enjoyable since we lack the experience and comparative knowledge of what's out there. So, of course we'll settle for what's good, instead of knowing what could have been great. Which instigates us fans for calling them out. As we grow older, we can see that even some fan art is better than the what we're seeing in this trailer which is gives us(me) knee jerk reactions.
For me, it isn't so much about whether it's better than the outdated movies- I'll agree, comparing what Bay could do for Highlander compared to any of the outdated movies is unrealistic.
What it comes down to is.. Giving his track for the remakes his made.. I wouldn't trust him with another one of my favorite childhood shows .. no fuckin way.
Indeed. So far I've liked the GIJoe and Transformer movies for what they were; they're pretty much what I hoped they would be back when I used to make the toys drop-kick each other while imagining all the sweet battles they were having.
We never used to argue if we thought the turtles looked too big to be considered heroes; we didn't even bat an eye when Megatron would transform into a gun 1/20th his size and we probably didn't care when spores turned Cobra Commander into a snake.
It wont be. Luckily kids have access to the Nick Cartoon. Which is awesome. Its better than the original cartoon by far. The only place your argument would work would be overseas markets like China. Which is what this film is most likely aimed at. The international box office versus the domestic. China gobbles up bay films.
Also, for those stating about selling toys as kids. You have to realize you have it wrong. It was a comic book first, then a mini series, then a regular series with toys. I.E. The toys came after NOT before. Today though, your argument totally stands.
I can very well see this movie scaring younger viewers. The uncanny valley, and again the whole monstrous size of them. There might be more behind what the preview shows. Another area that at least the original movie explored, was family. It had a heart. Kids want heart. Western culturally influenced Tween/Teen boys just want action/bad assess.
No kidding. I remember being riveted while watching Air Wolf but now I fall asleep after the first 4 minutes. My kid loves it though. I now fully understand why I'd be glued to the TV and my dad would be either sleeping or laughing at how stupid that show was.
I think it will be a big dumb movie, just like most of Bay's films. But you know what? It'll be a good stretch of time where I can just put my brain on autopilot, not have to think about the numerous plot holes, just watch shit blow up and giggle like a child.
Go back and watch the first Turtles movie before you see this one. Then ask yourself, "Was it really worth getting my nuts in a vice over this original movie?"
"Dare to be Stupid" by Weird Al in the 80's animated Transformers movie. 'Nuff said for letting go of the past.
I'll put it this way: If they ever make another Masters of the Universe movie I wouldn't expect it to be some deep cinematic masterpiece that challenges me to reflect on my understanding of human interaction. I'd expect to see a barbarian punching a skeleton-wizard in his skully face.
And sure, there's some great TNMT fanart out there. How will that design animate beyond that one expression if it has to act in front of a camera for 90 minutes?
I'm pretty sure children of most action-figure-buying ages like seeing mutant ninjas of any size fight anything. And I can can very well see the 1990 movie scaring younger audiences with its grittiness and uncanny valley too, because it did. That didn't stop it from being Ninja Turtles movie, nor did it make me stop playing with my Technodrome.
Your mixing up toys with the play out on screen of what those toys represent. We did not have IMAX 3D films in super high def where kids really can see whats going on. Forget the toys. The toys are irrelevant to this film other than merchandising. They are something purchased most times after the fact. Not before. The uncanny valley in the original was laughable at best. It also had Jim Hensons company behind it to give the sponge suits and puppetry character.
In either case, neither of us are kids, so assuming you know what you would have thought of this as a kid is pure speculation. In theory, mine probably would, but then, I was at that Teen/Tween stage. I can tell you though, I truly believe it wouldn't have any staying power.* It would just be another action flick.
That's what I think your missing in your defense. Will this film have any life beyond its video release? Will kids remember it fondly, or just something stupid from their childhood? Will it be Halo? Or will it be Dino Crisis? (Brought up as Dino Crisis is a tween boys dream of making a game with everything "cool". The problem is, the game isn't that good and easily forgotten).
Don't get nostalgia mixed up with valid reasoning of why this film very possibly will be nothing more than a money maker easily forgotten. Like I said, nothing in it showed heart. It showed BAYSPLOSION.
P.S. Action figure ages isn't what we are talking about. There isn't a set standard of what this means. How many on here have Action Figures at there desk case in point? (Don't act like you once in awhile when no one is looking you don't do a quick playthrough with them).
*Edit was trying to think of a good example of a child franchise film that kids liked at the time, but later on regretted. He-man, the Movie.
Atleast dye your hair for April geees. I hope the high piched "woooo" wasn't coming from Raphael... I should stop now before I spiral out of control haha.
But whutevs I'll try to reserve my qualms till after.