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Monthly Community Noob Challenge January 2014 (15)



  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Still a ton of shit to do, not sure if I'll be close to finishing in time, a lot of cool shit I wanna add. Obviously very WIP
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Small update:

    Haven't done much on interior, have been trying to make foliage for the outside. It look like crap (especially because of used shaders), but I'm not able to pull off anything better at this point. It should be enough for static scene though. In any case I'm going to make more jungle-like trees and add some mountains in the back.

    Haha just as a side note. Until I have seen your work I haven't realized it is on moon or some other body without atmosphere :D. Never the less I'm sticking to my jungle outside vision I had from start.

    @Ivalice Overall it's nice, but these smoke (i don't know if these are particles or you added it later in photoshop) is way to strong. It look like you are trying to hide something :D.

    @hannes d
    Nice work on props. I like you energy-transmit-something-thingy (second prop). I had hard time figuring out on my end what the heck it is on the concept.

    I like your take on the scene.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Damnnnnnnn suuuunnnn. Who knew Arex was a lighting artist.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    *cough*He's cheating by using UE4*cough*
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
    Offline / Send Message
    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    ZacD wrote: »
    *cough*He's cheating by using UE4*cough*

    This is torque 3d what are you talking about :poly131:
    And I think my lighting needs a lot of work so i have no idea what you're talking about but thanks though mike.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    It seem I'm cheating then.

    Now everyone can start be jelly :D
  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    Okay, I barely posted anything but I need to get this out there. I don't think I'll finish by the 31st, but I'll try. Anyways, I have most of the layout set up and need to tweak, texture, and just light this thing. Here is the texture to my floor.

    I'm fearing this looks too..... crappy? Can I say crappy? I feel like it's basic. And I spent two days trying to get this set up. I WANT to hand paint this but my hand painting is pretty poor and I would never get anything done. I love the look of the concept art because it looks all painterly in a rough sort of way and I want to try and recreate that color/texture feel. Any and all help is appreciated.
  • mats effect
    Zerogun@ I think you have way to much going on in that texture the noise is too strong. For the diffuse map you really want to keep the damage, dirt and scrapes to a min and use low opacity levels for them and focus more on on having that kind of detail in the spec map.

    Remember that metal is often really smooth and the best way to really sell metal is though a good spec map.

    Do a google search for "how to hand paint convincing metal textures", great video that might help out.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    This is torque 3d what are you talking about :poly131:
    And I think my lighting needs a lot of work so i have no idea what you're talking about but thanks though mike.

    Yeah, Your right, you suck.
  • Defaultsound
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    Defaultsound polycounter lvl 15
    Slow and steady, probably won't finish this within the month but I intend on finishing it at some point. DtT7qK3.png Two low poly assets baked. Spent time making sure there were minimal errors, good learning step for me.
  • supaclueless
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    supaclueless polycounter lvl 13
    An update on my progress for this challenge, making some slight deviations here and there from the inital concept.

    Going to finish the few remaining assets off than work on the post-processing (which will be fun coz I ABSOLUTELY have not played with that whatsoever) and finalize the lighting. Almost all assets are still not textured at all though...

  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Just popping in to say that some of these are amazing! Keep up the good work. :D
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Had a little time today and blocked in some of the stuff imma put a trim sheet on in the bays, wanna get some equipment and holographic interfaces in there with some automated machinery up to. Wanna do some animations with sparks and stuff of them working on a mech or some kinda machinery later on.
  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    Had a little time today and blocked in some of the stuff imma put a trim sheet on in the bays, wanna get some equipment and holographic interfaces in there with some automated machinery up to. Wanna do some animations with sparks and stuff of them working on a mech or some kinda machinery later on.

    I love the scene Alex so far but I want to see the scene from different angles that way we can see more of the details that you have put in, maybe a screenshot of the bays
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Sure man. Gotta finish up the trim sheet im making for it so I can start mapping it and making props.
  • Saiblade
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    Saiblade polycounter lvl 12
    Fun to see everyone's different take on the concept.

    @Zerogun I personally do like the rough texture, it maybe feels a bit large.

    Haven't gotten much done. Here is a small update on the floor not much since my last update. I've only recently started using gloss maps, been fighting for a bit trying understand them. Thou I think I've achieved the kind of effect I wanted the floor to have.
  • Defaultsound
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    Defaultsound polycounter lvl 15
    Made this thing, difficult to see what it is, but my take on it

  • sziada
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Moarrr plants:



  • mats effect
    Work in progress asset. Got more assets to finish up and a few I want to go over again but also gona focus on lighting etc over the weekend.


  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    thanks for your crits :)

    @ genwu : i think the problem with thes stripe will be weaker when i finish the wall and add the decals.

    @ Higuy : should be one of the easyiest things to make the room longer

    @ mats effect : youre door is pretty close to the concept, i like it!

    I wanted to add some more retro to my scene, so i made this rocket.
    even if it dont match perfectly to my scene, i like it ^^
    i guess, someone knows this rocket


    this reminds me tintin! sooooooooooo awessoome!
  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    I've basically gone back and redone my texture by following the hand painted tutorial and I get a much better understanding of everything. EXCEPT that it still looks horrible. Looking at it on Photoshop it looks okay, but then I import it and put it into my materials and it doesn't look right. I've tried lights in the scene, unlit, skylight, point light, anything. It just doesn't look good at all.
    I've been stuck on this problem and would like some help.
  • mats effect
    @Zerogun post your diffuse, normal, spec and gloss maps so people can take a look.
  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    @mats effect Here are my textures. I did look up that awesome tutorial and went to town with it. Took a few days to get the orange lines cleaned up mainly because I got inspiration from real world at work.

    @saiblade I have been working on merging the old and new and kind of like it. Somehow my textures were blown up in Photoshop but I shrank them down and still had something that looked ugly.
  • Subtle 1rony
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    Subtle 1rony polycounter lvl 10
    I decided to take a crack at the challenge this month. This is where I'm at currently. As I went along I liked the idea of keeping things fairly clean and happy. Feedback very much welcome.


    @Sziada: I would work on trying to get better proportions and lighting. I know that's very generic advice, but both can make your environment more believable.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Diffuse has strange color. Spec has no variation. Also your lightning is pretty basic.

    Try to change that yellow on diffuse, to something less saturated.
    Try to bright the light up, and maybe increase the radius.
    Try to change diffuse boost to higher value.
  • mats effect
    Yeah I would agree with everything @Mr Significant said @Zerogun . The spec map is really flat and not much variation at all. That's where you want to have details standing out a lot more. Look up how to make and use gloss maps too they are really important as well.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I just want to point out, if you are in the skype group you can turn off conversation notifications.
  • supaclueless
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    supaclueless polycounter lvl 13
    only thing left to really model right now is the plant, other than that i'm now working on the post-process/lighting/texture work.

    Hope to get this done in a state where I will gladly move on to something else. Learnt alot in this challenge about pp, lighting method and whatnot. Still have more to learn but this was a fun experience! :)

  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    Still so much shit to do...but I figured I would post my progress anyway. Unfortunately I doubt that I'll be finishing in the next 2 days for the original challenge deadline. However, I'll definitely be bringing this piece to completion! Hopefully by next week sometime. For now..Just a progress shot.

    I def. deviated from my original blockouts (few pages back) and wanted to emphasize the rooms purpose..for some kind of foliage cultivation of some sort. Hopefully I'll land that mood by the end.

  • mats effect
    Having a bit of an issue with terrain in cry engine. Whenever I import a height map or even just try to generate a terrain from inside cry engine it does not show up.

    Now the strange thing is when I load a different map file and import the height map into it it works fine.

    It also appears that the terrain is actually in the level as when I move the terrain tools around the view port I can see it move across the terrain, I just can't see it.

    I don't think its related to the terrain material or anything, anyone got any ideas or know any settings that I might have changed by mistake?

  • mats effect
    Also an update please feel free to give any feedback

    Please note the glass texture is a cry engine one I am using until I make my own. Also the wall just below the glass has yet to be textured at all same with the small bit of floor just below it.

  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    mats effect I could be way off, I'm not sure - but I find sometimes after I import a heightmap for terrain, if I don't mess with the values (terrain height max, etc) - Like I'm actually inside the terrain (with the culled side facing me) so you don't see anything. Maybe try re-importing > setting a max height value > and zooming way out?
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    genwu thatąs astonishing! Like the emmisives! Vegetation is little bit strange, mazbe just change color.
  • genwu
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    genwu polycounter lvl 7
    Mr Significant Thanks man! I wasn't sure if those were working in my favor or not..it's kind of hard to tell still though because I have so much unfinished :/ I'll be working more on it tonight though! Yeah, I wanted some kind of unique foliage (foliage of some other planet?) Or some purpose for the vegetation to be cultivated in some way, ha color seemed to be the easiest trick to convey that :P
  • Sepp_Brannigan
    here is a update, not finished at all
    I decided to make a teleportation station like a subway station. Each bay teleports you to a different location, for Example Bay one brings you to the crystal mine

    I dont add the plants, cause they make no sense in my opninin.


    @genwu: i like your selfilluminated textures! they look almost like an alien font

    @mats effect : here is tuttorila which helped me with my glass

    @tierzilla : Yeaj Tin Tin is Right :poly142:
  • gametime
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    gametime polycounter lvl 8
    I'm quite late to the game, but this environment doesn't seem too complex so, I'll give it a shot. I obviously won't be done by Saturday, but maybe a day or 2 later.

    I'm going to stick fairly close to the concept, in terms of mood and color range, but I will also change some assets, especially those that are hard to see.

    so here is the first blockout and also the floor and side wall. As you may see, I changed the proportions a bit, as the initial blockout seemed to be too round.


    ps: sepp: I really like your idea with the control point. I think the glass is too wavy, reduce that a bit.

  • gametime
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    gametime polycounter lvl 8
    update: did the windows and lights and instead of that odd angled rectangle thing, I decided to make a resting/plants in water area.

    I'm having issues with the water shader applied to an object. It works at first, but soon starts to flicker and turns into physic pink colors.
    Therefore I created a non-moving texture as a temporary replacement.

    Note: the plants belong to Crytek.

  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    These are looking awesome, Sepp's one for me so far :D
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Lookin baller Sepp.

    If you have some spare time, you should teach Arex how to do what you did there. He's a little challenged 31214Y.gif
  • mats effect
    genwu wrote: »
    mats effect I could be way off, I'm not sure - but I find sometimes after I import a heightmap for terrain, if I don't mess with the values (terrain height max, etc) - Like I'm actually inside the terrain (with the culled side facing me) so you don't see anything. Maybe try re-importing > setting a max height value > and zooming way out?

    Thanks. Asked on the crydev boards and ended up having to copy everything over to a new level file but it worked out well enough in the end.

    @mats effect : here is tuttorila which helped me with my glass

    Thanks! Found it a ton of help too.
  • mats effect
    Another update on mine

  • gametime
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I have not been making a lot of progress. Modeled some computer thingy. 6EDbV.png Gunna put them around the building.
  • mats effect
    @gametime looking good, nice detail.

    @alex that's one nice screen :) What are you rendering it in if you don't mind me asking I could do with improving my presentation for single assets.


    Update on mine, don't think I am going to do my own planets at this stage so just to be clear the bush and small tree thing are ones that came with cry engine.



  • gametime
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    gametime polycounter lvl 8
    aaand the door:

  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Hey matt, my vray wouldn't work so i just threw it in keyshot.
  • Sepp_Brannigan
    its the end of the month and here is my final scene

    i went a "bit" away from the reference, but i hope you like it anyway.

    the pc terminal and the small doors are the entrance and the exit for the NFC. The NFC is a public transfer posibility which teleports you to your destination. The entrance work like the entrance to the london Underground. you insert youre ticket and the door will open, except another one is using the Teleport gate at the Moment. Every Gate brings you to one destination, for example Bay 01 the the crystal Mine

    hope you like it

    critics and comments are welcome





    and there is also a night light setup





  • JamesArk
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    JamesArk polycounter lvl 10
    @ Sepp_Brannigan, great job. The crystals remind me of minerals from Starcraft so it's like your scene is the interior of a Terran building. Very cool.
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