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Agito's dum dum drawings

Hi, I only do concept arts, here is latest update that i've join RavaFX so i'm not (really) available for collab anymore.



Collab with awesome nullf :D


here is the windranger doodle paint over for fun, that time was trying to apply derpina hair style from RAGE comic ...

here is the old derpina i drew:



here is one of my courier idea,
- i was thinking doing a undying type of courier after see there is a mecha and alien bug type courier, but no undead type so i thought want to give it a shot...
- i took idea of Thing (The Addams Family) and try to sketch it as undying's long distance relative... who already lost major of body part, only left hand part...
- here is the design sketches of that ^^;



Ground form http://i.imgur.com/gT8kb3L.jpg
Flying form http://i.imgur.com/dIShxbV.jpg





Crystal maiden sketch

base concept is more like a bird cage based...

based on chinese fisherman



Head http://i.imgur.com/7CDqSkE.jpg
Full body http://i.imgur.com/o2qP8nj.jpg






  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    I absolutely love all of you Dota 2 related art, and I actually wondered if you had any plans on venturing on the workshop with concepts, and you did! Glad to have a great new concept artist around here! You have some great ideas and a really nice style to couple with it, I would love to work with you in the future :D

    Again, really great style and ideas, wish you best of luck!
  • foxclover
    Your concepts are so asiany! I'd like to see some more diversity, but hey, there's always a market for asian designs. :>

    I think one issue I have with your lina concept are those side-wheel-circle-things. I'd move the them higher so it's riding her hips rather than dragging down her skirt. They just look so heavy that I think they'll weigh down the cloth, so the floaty Lina skirt feel won't translate well.

    And I fucking LOVE qilin, so. Loving the direction of the PA concept. ^^ I was just thinking we needed a qilin mount, too; it's a shame PA doesn't have one....

    Great seeing you here, Agito! <3
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I like the PA set too! Would love to see what it looks like a little more fleshed out :)
  • agito666
    i don't know how to multiquote this thing but ya thanks for welcome message and encouragement :D (or i just can't do it....)

    belkun - thank you :D

    foxclover - thanks !
    ya, if i have idea for other than oriental-ish design, right now since there is not much oriental design so i give it a shot for that :P
    as for the Lina's skirt design, hmm... i still not yet decide what to change, maybe i will waist-up the coin like you said or maybe i change it to lighter-look by changing that heavy metal coin into ring design like those in Sonic the hedgehog ...
    *PS: i like your painting

    Sukotto - i will try squeeze out some time in night after i back from office to continue my painting >_<
  • agito666
    updated courier design draft for this... next one will do either PA or Lina :D
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    Glad you found the place welcome
  • agito666
    I-ninja wrote: »
    Glad you found the place welcome

    thanks! :D
  • agito666
    was browsing some faceless void lore and concept art...then random spawn a wild idea for FV >_<


    Still WIP refining design, base concept is a mask/ face

    majority influence: Gurren Lagann anime's gunmen, 2nd reference is FV's core item, Mask of madness.

    little influence: Ultraman Saga haha :P
    warlock's golem, evangelion type F

  • Noblebatterfly
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    Noblebatterfly polycounter lvl 10
    agito666 wrote: »
    was browsing some faceless void lore and concept art...then random spawn a wild idea for FV >_<

    Still WIP refining design, base concept is a mask/ face

    majority influence: Gurren Lagann anime's gunmen, 2nd reference is FV's core item, Mask of madness.

    little influence: Ultraman Saga haha :P
    Idea of sphere and mace is nice, but that triangles look strange. All attention attract to triangles. I think you should spend more time to idea of mom mace
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Seems way too busy for me. I really like the shapes you have going on in the bracers, but the rest kinda clashes with that completely.
  • agito666
    Idea of sphere and mace is nice, but that triangles look strange. All attention attract to triangles. I think you should spend more time to idea of mom mace

    triangle chronosphere? that one merely is a low poly sphere hehe without mesh smooth? XD

    triangle as a base shape because i got search around forum. there was round shape

    and square... i kind of like that too hehe

    so left a basic triangle for me to pick up heeeheeee :P
  • agito666
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Seems way too busy for me. I really like the shapes you have going on in the bracers, but the rest kinda clashes with that completely.

    hmm too busy? guess i need to break down more simpler structure?...

    that bracer was alpha design...if you said like that then i try to revert back another version in separate layer hehe... original the eye part of the body armor was round ...
  • agito666
    Spring 2014 / CNY 2014 concept for workshop


    Meepo the tomb digger!

    or maybe not, it is something like illegal tomb digger...
    majority equipment will be bamboo based and red thread base. i need to refine for matching whole colour into blue-brown like original meepo, due to the set original colour is bamboo green + red...will have big difference for that... hehe
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    Loving those two CNY concepts! The courier looks really cute and I also really like that Meepo. The only problem I see with it is that there is too much stuff going on on the backpack. Having that many things stuffed would not only be hard to fit on the budget, but would also get lost in-game, where everything is seen from afar and the textures are 256x256.
  • agito666
    belkun wrote: »
    Loving those two CNY concepts! The courier looks really cute and I also really like that Meepo. The only problem I see with it is that there is too much stuff going on on the backpack. Having that many things stuffed would not only be hard to fit on the budget, but would also get lost in-game, where everything is seen from afar and the textures are 256x256.

    haha, ya... draft and design i usually will put a lot of stuff and let the modeller to decide cut down which part instead of when he done the 3d part... then realized too plain XD....

    ya you are right... thanks for reminder... will take note and try to simplify more details.
  • foxclover
    pssshhh just finish up that PA set, come on, you know you want to...!

    If you finish it, and I have time, I'll even throw you some fanart of it. ;)
  • agito666
    foxclover wrote: »
    pssshhh just finish up that PA set, come on, you know you want to...!

    If you finish it, and I have time, I'll even throw you some fanart of it. ;)

    okay boss.... >_<


    coloured Cai Shen / God of wealth courier for flying form


    and i notice there is no one do carnivorous plant/ man eater as NP's treant right??

  • agito666
  • Shooo~
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    Shooo~ polycounter lvl 7
    Lol cool concepts ! can itake that meepo's back ?
  • RVN gorronegro
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    RVN gorronegro polycounter lvl 3
    That lina is so good looking.
    And that undying courier, sick, nice job :)
  • agito666
    Shooo~ wrote: »
    Lol cool concepts ! can itake that meepo's back ?

    ah it is not ready yet because i really planned to make it as a set ...

    chinese illegal tomb digger style
  • agito666
    question, when i see other artist doing set concept, they only do front and back view...
    so what i do right now actually is more than enough info for 3d modeller i wish to collab or ??
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    hey agito, i would do that view/s that sells ur idea AND are so much information that another guy that is not living inside ur head understand the geometry he has to build.
    u do have not to draw front+back+side1+side2+perspective+birds eye view for that :)
    for example take ur treant concept (a rly rly AWESOME idea! i love it) the middle view already gives complete information about whats going on, what material is where, and what are the forms. the left view gives additional information about maybe a possible attack animation (or whatever..) BUT the right view that is showing the flower from behind, is not giving any more information then the front view. basicly u COULD have skipped it.

    after all its up to what u prefer :)

    keep on ur good work! greetings!
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Shock wrote: »
    hey agito, i would do that view/s that sells ur idea AND are so much information that another guy that is not living inside ur head understand the geometry he has to build.
    u do have not to draw front+back+side1+side2+perspective+birds eye view for that :)
    for example take ur treant concept (a rly rly AWESOME idea! i love it) the middle view already gives complete information about whats going on, what material is where, and what are the forms. the left view gives additional information about maybe a possible attack animation (or whatever..) BUT the right view that is showing the flower from behind, is not giving any more information then the front view. basicly u COULD have skipped it.

    after all its up to what u prefer :)

    keep on ur good work! greetings!

    To add upon that, if you really want to do other perspectives, you can always stop after you draw the basic shapes
  • agito666
    Shock wrote: »
    hey agito, i would do that view/s that sells ur idea AND are so much information that another guy that is not living inside ur head understand the geometry he has to build.
    u do have not to draw front+back+side1+side2+perspective+birds eye view for that :)
    for example take ur treant concept (a rly rly AWESOME idea! i love it) the middle view already gives complete information about whats going on, what material is where, and what are the forms. the left view gives additional information about maybe a possible attack animation (or whatever..) BUT the right view that is showing the flower from behind, is not giving any more information then the front view. basicly u COULD have skipped it.

    after all its up to what u prefer :)

    keep on ur good work! greetings!

    ya a little worry because i doing lina set and got a lot detail really involve chinese ancient design
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well, I'd say that it really depends.

    I think it's very important to put oneself in the situation of the modeler. Now of course some people like to improvise and "jam", elaborating further on a design at the 3D stage. But in some cases, having some extra information can be a huge benefit. It doesn't necessarily adds to the "idea", but if it can save hours of iteration, then it is great !

    To take the Treat plant sheet : I would say that one thing you could maybe add is a bit of material definition. For instance at the moment it's not really obvious whether the plant is supposed to be shiny or matte. Just a little hint of specular highlight would be enough to explain your intention to the modeler. Also and contrary to popular belief, this kind of extra touch takes no time at all at the 2d stage - since most of the heavy lifting comes from the lineart anyways. Another useful descriptive thing you can add is cross sections. Modelers really appreciate that, because it shows them that you thoroughly thought about the object in space.

    Now of course it doesn't seem like much work, and in some cases it can even be skipped altogether ; after all, tweaking specular maps to make something less or more shiny seems like a fairly easy thing to do at the texturing stage. But in practice, if it can save even just half an hour of fiddling around exporting PSDs to TGAs, checking the way the shader reacts, and so on, then it's all beneficial. That kind of stuff can take a lot of time at the 3D stage, and it is often underestimated.

    As for orthos vs perspective, I guess it's reall also up to you. There is something very production-friendly about orthos in a sense that just like material description, they mean less guessing around at the 3D step. But orthos can also be misleading. Personally when working with modelers I really like providing them a perspective view in "action", even if loose, (like your Gurren-Lagann Faceless Void), complimented by nice tight descriptive orthos, even if they are just rendered as lineart.

    Just my two cents !
  • agito666
    Quick update: just got told void set idea the body armor (big face) design is clashing with mango's (he did earlier 1 mont month than me, so i KIV my void set first and need to design another set armor for that.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    agito666 wrote: »
    question, when i see other artist doing set concept, they only do front and back view...
    so what i do right now actually is more than enough info for 3d modeller i wish to collab or ??

    I'll chime in with my lowly 2 cents.

    In production with characters, usually you have to start from scratch, so the orginal concept initially is a proof of concept as well/beauty shot thing. This might be anything from a speed paint to an action pose. Just really establishing a base that fits the subject matter and that people enjoy the best/works the best. This image is usually then used to inform the orthographic concepts as a "must have" or "can toss" attitude when bringing it over to this next stage.

    The orthographic view is where the real knitty gritty happens, because the idea is already sold, the workings behind the image start to emerge. Lots of tweaks to silhouette and material definition are constantly happening here. This is also where it becomes less about selling it and more about making it readable by modelers, texture artists, and animators. This is all just my experience with the concept thing, so it might vary from place to place but i tried to give a little understanding on why both are valuable.

    As for the Dota2 scene, granted I'm still pretty new, but I've already started to see two camps of concepts. There are some that really push silhouette and material definition in their first couple passes, and some that really just worry about getting the idea across in the best possible way. I've seen work well in this atmosphere, and also I've seen both work on ortho shots v perspective shots. As pior mentioned, I think the getting the idea of putting yourself in the position of anyone who interacts with the concept is very important, and will also help you to push your concepts to answer questions and speak for itself.

    The one two punch for me for concepts is always, "Wow, that looks sick, AND it makes sense."
  • agito666
    thanks for the explanations... :D

    little update for void, changed chest armor and underwear (lol) because clashing with other's concept

    also updated how is the custom chronosphere i imagined...


    and here is a really quick thought of my custom ward, i notice the ward seems like getting more and more complicated design..so i thought if someone do a very simple style. will it works? like those liquid lamp that we see in gift shop.
    -also based on alchemist theme, well actually looks not. :(
    the wards are glowing and the eye balls floating like those experiment subject in the chemical liquid/ preserving solution in lab ...

    pardon my broken english...
  • Sanki
  • agito666

    okay updated for lina design info, gonna stop for this because keep doing same thing making me demotivate :(

    move to PA first temporary till the modeller ask me need extra info for certain part.
    ** got update on first post too.
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Nice concepts, but about the ward design, we cannot make anything semi-transparent. Its either there or not there, so you should keep that in mind in later concepts.
  • agito666
    Nice concepts, but about the ward design, we cannot make anything semi-transparent. Its either there or not there, so you should keep that in mind in later concepts.

    dang! that's sad :(
    no transparents-ish in game engine?

    i wonder use glow effect to maximum can be cheat or not haha... like the wraith night throne...cheating a little :P

    wait, you mean can be full transparent? if can then just need fill in the glow part? not really get it with that haha.
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    The game engine can only read white or black in the alpha channel (color map), not grey. So you can't really cheat the engine because it will ignore everything that was blacked out in the alpha channel and is set to fully transparent ingame. The alpha channel is there to conserve polygons, so people usually use it to make holes.
  • agito666
    The game engine can only read white or black in the alpha channel (color map), not grey. So you can't really cheat the engine because it will ignore everything that was blacked out in the alpha channel and is set to fully transparent ingame. The alpha channel is there to conserve polygons, so people usually use it to make holes.

    owh, so no more glow-stick ish idea for ward :(
  • agito666
    more dum dum doodles... this one i just draw out for fun...

    before Legion Commander release, when i saw the near-release concept art...
    i originally thought she and PA are same hating relationship because they 2 are both woman on helmet ( except luna LOL) and both melee, both are carries... and character type also strong attitude.
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    I had almost the exact same helmet design idea for LC; the Foo dog/chinese lion helm... I'll try to differentiate mine from your concept as much as I can.

    Your concepts do look great though, keep em coming.
  • agito666
    I had almost the exact same helmet design idea for LC; the Foo dog/chinese lion helm... I'll try to differentiate mine from your concept as much as I can.

    Your concepts do look great though, keep em coming.

    thanks bro, ya...almost all chinese theme are normally foo dog, dragon , qirin based... well the first glance of LC (especially the flag)what i see since first day she was release reminds me ... Chinese opera lol...

    and originally helmet design i was wanted to do like monkey king-ish...but scare it will break the shape of LC.
    * the 2 long antennas on the head which looks like cockroach
  • agito666

    i wonder this CK direction got conflict with other artist's design or not?
  • agito666

    a little update for the meepo, cm, and PA i doing, the CM set i haven't giving up because it is not fair to let lina get the set, must treat both sister equality lol
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    That Chaos Knight set looks really neat. If you're going for the Qilin look maybe add a fiery mane and some Scale like armor too?
  • agito666
    Sukotto wrote: »
    That Chaos Knight set looks really neat. If you're going for the Qilin look maybe add a fiery mane and some Scale like armor too?

    i think so hehe.. been searching dynasty qing style horse and armor, but since CK is western 4 horseman based so actually i kinda like to mix and match....

    and the head motive actually based from kamen rider 555 the horseman/ sagittarius monster.

    weapon wise i feel want to make a blunted axe or pumpkin mace
  • agito666
    refined some part of CK concept:

    weapon from the draft :
    from a 3 faced demon axe changed to Pumpkin mace, since demon face-ish axe is very common, also just saw someone did that, although direction is not same but motive is same, so i better get rid of it.

    > 2nd thing, not sure the round place design i refer got chinese word or not, because normally chinese decoration design those words are "happiness" "wealth" "healthy" etc. those good luck words...put those on demonic CK feels very awkward hehe... need think something about that before finalize the pattern.

    > Armor setting i planned want to make it like stone statue-ish with battle damage on that... :P


    and summarize all concept(s) I did:
    Lina Set,

    Windrunner short hair ,
    drew for fun, thinking draw more complete 3 sides of view and try to make it happen. Based from Derpina from rage comic hair. need check copyright issue first.(maybe no need)

    Undying's cousin

    CM set draft A
    CM set draft B
    Not finalize which direction yet, made it because can't let Lina set the sister alone got the new look, must make both have new looks hehe. so far direction/ keyword i've been thinking is : ice lotus, priest,miko witch, snow...hmmm

    PA set, the beast of justice wateva
    Taken, still undergoing refine chest armor design

    Pudge bird cage
    need refine more, keep thinking as "bird catcher" or "fisherman" recently, so might will come out 2 draft with more detail...this link only like...very rough detail...

    Cai Shen, God of Prosperity
    aiming for Spring 2014, thinking it is a something everyone must have good luck totem/item in game hehe.... i really hope someone take it and make it happen hehe... :D

    Meepo the tomb digger set
    direction is somewhere 1930 or 1830 or i'm not sure, because what meepo use on body all are stolen from tomb. so can't guess the age of item...
    Still undergoing refining design.

    Man eater Treant, NP ability 3
    ah well.... common concept but not sure is there someone did it?

    Void Bermuda Triangle set LOL
    still undergoing design

    Test tube/ glowing stick Ward
    technical difficulties... don't think it can become true item in game because the glow/glass material issue?

    LC set
    still undergoing design, so far i only finalize weapon deisgn... not sure the chinese word need to be "chinese word" or i re-design another word looks like "chinese" ... because dota lore there is no readable font on model lol??

    *CRAP, i already dug much "holes" and didn't finish cover'em up.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Those couriers are super cute! I would be down to animate either the cousin or the cloud guy :) very fun stuff!!
  • agito666
    heboltz3 wrote: »
    Those couriers are super cute! I would be down to animate either the cousin or the cloud guy :) very fun stuff!!


    oh ya, update news for you, the undying courier the modeller said he want to animate it ( only if I unsatisfied with the result then I can find another people to help with)...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    The game engine can only read white or black in the alpha channel (color map), not grey. So you can't really cheat the engine because it will ignore everything that was blacked out in the alpha channel and is set to fully transparent ingame. The alpha channel is there to conserve polygons, so people usually use it to make holes.

    I don't think it will need transparency to do this ward and make it look exactly like the concept

    my complaint about the design would be, that it looks quite a bit too modern
  • agito666
    Neox wrote: »
    I don't think it will need transparency to do this ward and make it look exactly like the concept

    my complaint about the design would be, that it looks quite a bit too modern

    but but...is tinker modern too??
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    No. Tinker's tech is very, very primitive, as is all of the tech in Dota. It mostly consists of wood and big, clunky pieces of metal, almost never straight lines, a lot of gears and hinges. Often those pieces are damaged or have wear and tear. Check out how Gyro, Timbersaw and Tinker handle this for reference.
  • agito666
    Spudnik wrote: »
    No. Tinker's tech is very, very primitive, as is all of the tech in Dota. It mostly consists of wood and big, clunky pieces of metal, almost never straight lines, a lot of gears and hinges. Often those pieces are damaged or have wear and tear. Check out how Gyro, Timbersaw and Tinker handle this for reference.

    ah well then i have to do more research of ancient chemistry looks then.


    modify the tube into a lab flask just like his stun skill icon then... hmmm
  • agito666
    update PA sword again, i really not sure what version design looks good... 1 or 2? (this is 2, 1st version in post #41)
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