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TB2 beta thread


  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    i suggest not implementing anything that is not 100% realtime or not achievable in realtime viewport (like offline raytracing). in my opinion, toolbag should remain a completely realtime game engine type renderer to show off what is possible in games. turning it into an offline rendering goes in a whole different direction.
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Killzone use a mix of a lot of things for their reflections :

    I agree with MM otherwise.
  • EarthQuake
    BARDLER wrote: »
    Would it be possible to do ray traced reflections when you render something out? Run screen space reflections in the viewport, but for presentation purposes have the option to calculate ray-traced reflections on certain objects and/or materials. Something like that maybe.

    This is certainly a cool idea, but is it possible? Maybe (but I'm no engineer), however, is it feasible? No, not likely.
    MM wrote: »
    i suggest not implementing anything that is not 100% realtime or not achievable in realtime viewport (like offline raytracing). in my opinion, toolbag should remain a completely realtime game engine type renderer to show off what is possible in games. turning it into an offline rendering goes in a whole different direction.

    Yeah I think its safe to say that this is what we're trying to do at Marmoset. Implementing an offline renderer that runs in the background is likely beyond the scope of what Toolbag is.

    Our goal so far has been to do as much as we can in realtime, with realistic techniques that could be implemented in games (if not on current hardware, hardware in the near future at least). Then, on image export, crank it up to 11, mostly by rendering very large images/doing sub-pixel sampling to improve the quality of the end result.
  • almighty_gir
    Offline / Send Message
    almighty_gir ngon master
    well... realtime reflections (or at least faked ones) have been in games since at least max payne 2, maybe even longer.

    i'm pretty sure MP2 used the camera behind the mirror, mirror rendering the camera technique. i don't see how or why that wouldn't be possible OR feasible for toolbag2.
  • EarthQuake
    well... realtime reflections (or at least faked ones) have been in games since at least max payne 2, maybe even longer.

    i'm pretty sure MP2 used the camera behind the mirror, mirror rendering the camera technique. i don't see how or why that wouldn't be possible OR feasible for toolbag2.

    Well, rendering reflections in a mirror is totally different than ray-traced real-time reflections though. In most games that have a mirror-type effect, they're simply rendering the entire scene twice.

    Real time reflections for say, water, or fixed simple planes like a hardwood floor can also be done in a much more simplified manner, because you basically just need to flip the rendered content. Of course these techniques have big limitations, just like SSR.

    Now, I'm not trying to say that its impossible to improve the current SSR implimentation, or that we'll never do any sort of reflections that are better than the current methods, just trying to temper expectations. Real-time ray-traced reflections are a very, very complex issue to solve.

    I'm not aware of any game that has done real-time ray-traced reflections. Froyok: That link is interesting, it looks like they are doing a mix of cubemap reflections and possibly a ray-trace to see where to use other techniques like SSR, which is very similar to what our system does. SSR content basically replaces the IBL cube map content where appropriate. Do you have any more technical details on their methods, a white paper or anything? Its difficult to really understand what they're doing from the small blurb there.
  • MM
    Offline / Send Message
    MM polycounter lvl 18
    using feature like render to texture on a mesh like it is done in unreal or any number of engines is fine because it is still realtime. it would just render everything twice for one iteration of reflection but i bet it would be a severe performance killer.

    however, real ray tracing is completely different as far as i know. i am sure it that will also be possible to do 100% realtime ray tracing in future but if Marmoset can pull off full real raytracing in realtime then go for it.

    bottom line is, any and all feature should to be available in realtime preview viewport and not just final image output. final image output should only be for better anti-aliasing and better sampling. also just think about how frustrating it would be to repeatedly test every shot by doing offline render instead of being realtime all the time.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    yeah i'm in agreement with EQ and MM, it should all be realtime and nothing should be limited to the "offline" portion of the renderer (which i'm sure isn't a true offline renderer anyway, just using the word to define the difference).

    yes, using the camera to mirror technique would double the rendering cost for the pixels involved, and yes that's something to consider.. but at the same time, you have all the tools available in TB2 already for people who's machines might not particularly enjoy the strain (not that i think it'll cause major issues anyway). reduce resolution to 1:2, move things about, increase to 1:1 to get a better idea of how it looks, increase to 2:1 for final grab. reduce again as needed.
  • Froyok
    Offline / Send Message
    Froyok greentooth
    Aren't mirror effect a problem with deferred rendering ?

    @HQ : Sorry no, this is the first time I read on this subject for this game. I don't think they released more details (yet).
  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    ishi_kawa_cg, those renders are impressive, any chance you could give some info on your workflow or wireframes of the hair on the Chimpanzee?

    Can't wait for this to come out!
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Unfortunately I don't I have the beta, but can't wait to get my mits on it when it launches. That being said, I don't know if what I'm about to say is possible yet in tb2.

    For the SSR, you said you already to a lerp or something between the ssr and the cubemap when appropriate, which seems like the best (common) practice here. What I'm wondering is if you can place probe nodes in the scene to generate cube maps real time, and therefore would be able to lerp not just between ssr and the scene cubemap, but the cube map most relevant to that reflection. I know for a fact that it's possible, but I'm not sure if tb2 has that, so just throwing it out there.

    The probe nodes could also be useful for just lerping between each other based on camera location.
  • almighty_gir
    Offline / Send Message
    almighty_gir ngon master
    what about having a special camera type, you can place it anywhere in the scene that you like, but you can't look through it like a regular camera (just name it reflection actor or something). and that actor always points toward which ever camera is currently being used. and the "mirror" shader always uses that actor to generate its image.
  • Azkur
    Offline / Send Message
    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    isn't that basically the same has rendering 2 images like earthquake mentioned before?
  • almighty_gir
    Offline / Send Message
    almighty_gir ngon master
    that's what's already happening... but if you do it that way, you get more direct control over what's rendered.
  • MrHobo
    Offline / Send Message
    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    Good suggestions all around it seems, sorry to keep throwing more monkey's into the machinery (or in the this case spidermen), but this bug (Im assuming) keeps happening. Whenever I open a scene with multiple meshes where some of theme are hidden and others aren't it shows all the meshes on screen at once regardless of whether they are hidden or not.


    Also is there any way to roll a camera on it's side. I see that there are transform options when I have a camera selected but I don't think it's doing anything.

    And lastly a suggestion, a light view or the ability to link a light to a camera so that they can be positioned easier and faster.
  • EarthQuake
    pior wrote: »

    - The rotation "jumps" when typing-in angle values are still present (as highlighted in the earlier video).

    This should be improved with the latest build, the widget got a bit of an overhaul, let me know if you're still getting this issue.
    - The background skies are very low res - I understand that the overall lighting is derived from lower resolution sky maps, but shouldn't the background displayed in the viewport be at least 4k ?
    This is a straight up content issue. Unfortunately some of our included skies are not high res. However, if you load a super high res sky, Toolbag will diplay the full resolution. If you can find it, 10000x**** or so works great. If you haven't tried loading your own custom sky content, do it!
    pior wrote: »
    - Need shit-selection of multiple objects in the viewport (especially since the Outliner allows that already)

    You can ctrl+select in the viewport. I'm not sure how shift-select would work?
    - Need to be able to rotate objects and lights by grabbing the surface of a "control sphere". See Max.
    Screen space rotation is in with the widget update in the latest build. But free-rotation is not in.
    - There needs to be a way to enable screen space object dragging at any time ("tweak mode"). Middle click-drag could work, from anywhere in the scene (no need to "touch" the object to drag it). See Maya.
    This is in now as well, the little square in the middle of the widget gui. It gets occluded by object icons which is a bit annoying for now, but its there!
    - Is there currently a way to interactively scale an object up and down in the viewport ?
    No, scale is not in yet.
    pior wrote: »
    - Once finished, Render Turntable should open the Windows Explorer folder containing the generated files.

    This isn't in, but we did add an option to open the output folder from the capture menu with the latest build, may help.
    - Also, shouldn't "Capture Turntable" actually render a full smooth turnaround (in uncompressed avi, or as TGA image sequence with alpha, to be converted into a video later) as opposed to screenshots from just a few discrete angles ?
    Video export will likely come somewhere down the line. Smoothness of export is tied directly to the framerate and duration options in the turntable settings though, if you want a really smooth turntable (ie: lots of frames) just use a high frame rate or a high duration, or both.
    - Need "Frame all" happening if the user hits the Frame key when no objects are selected.
    I think frame selection(ctrl+f) and frame scene(ctrl+shift+f) are in there now with the latest build.
    - Is there any way to scale (= zoom out) the displayed sky ? I understand that it is a cheat and should better be performed by adjusting the FOV of the camera, but sometimes it might be useful for presentation purpose, to make an object appear smaller or bigger, and so on. See Keyshot.
    No, not currently.
    - Might need an option to lock the orientation of Directional Lights relatively to the camera angle (see Mudbox). And another option to lock them to the sky angle, making the sky "drag" the user lights along when shift-rotating it, consolidating the whole light components into a big lighting rig. Maybe this could be a per-light setting.
    You can't parent to cameras yet, but you can parent to the sky light. Any user created lights can be added to the sky group and the rotation will update when you shift+drag.

    Just wanted to reply to a few of these, as I think some of the stuff you're asking for is already there, in some form at least. The rest will be logged in the great log of logs!

    Thanks for such detailed and organized feedback!
  • EarthQuake
    Getting the sky visibility crash?

    We still can't repro this. Can you guys send/upload/etc your error logs?

    1. Load TB and make it crash.
    2. Make sure not to open TB again
    3. Find and post/upload C:\Users\<your account>\AppData\Local\Marmoset Toolbag\log.txt

  • radiancef0rge
    Offline / Send Message
    radiancef0rge ngon master
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  • Stromberg90
    Offline / Send Message
    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    opening image data/gui/font/segoeUI9.tga
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    cannot open sky data/sky/other/blank.tbsky
    opening code data/shader/sky/sky.vert
    opening code data/shader/sky/../common/util.sh
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    opening image data/texture/aperture/Circle.dds
    opening image data/gui/viewport/lightdir.tga
    opening image data/gui/viewport/lightspot.tga
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    opening code data/shader/mat/other/shadowParams.sh
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    opening code data/shader/mat/other/directLightParams.sh
    opening code data/shader/mat/diffusion/directLambertian.frag
    opening code data/shader/mat/merge/reflectionMerge.frag
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    opening code data/shader/mat/reflection/../../common/util.sh
    opening code data/shader/mat/merge/wireframeMerge.frag
    opening code data/shader/mat/merge/shadowMapMerge.frag
    opening image data/gui/control/menubar.tga
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    opening code data/shader/post/txaa.frag
  • EarthQuake
    I'm testing it on a pretty powerful PC with a Quadro 4000 graphic card.

    The skin shader is great and the light editor is crazy: here I'm using six directional lights generated from the evening construction environment, created just in a few seconds :)

    Looking awesome!
    - definitely needed scaling options for objects;

    - directional lights need some visual feedback regarding their direction;

    - I'd like to import and export shaders from one scene to one another; semtimes I spend quite a lot twaking a shader and would be cool to store it and use in different scenes, just like in TB1;
    Materials can be imported and exported in the current build. Click the dropdown next to duplicate in the material pallete, you should see an import and export option.
    - I'd like to merge different TB scenes through an import/merge option: IE I can work on an environment and a character in different scenes and merge them when finished.

    Hope this makes sense!

    Any discount for Beta testers? :)
    Sorry, we're only offering discounts for Toolbag 1 discounts at this point.

    Thank you very much for your feedback!
  • EarthQuake
    Tits wrote: »
    Hey guys!
    I've been playing with it a lot last night and I had those bugs I've never had before.
    First all the new scenes I made would lose all of the material/maps everytime I reopen them, And sometimes even if I am applyting the texture back on it, it still look like metal and very weird and I actually have to rebuild my material from scratch. I have this bug too that when I ctrl z (undo) It lost all of my scene texture and once again, when applying them back it would still look like metal and I would have to rebuilt all my material from scratch,
    Happened to me like at leat 5 times last night and I was not having those kind of issues before,
    Is there a specific way to set it up to prevent it from hapenning? Is is because all of my texture are not in the same folder than my toolbag scene? I always worked like that in toolbag 1 without issue.

    Hey Marie,

    Please take a look at this post and let me know if it helps with the saving issues: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1943422&postcount=411
  • Stromberg90
    Offline / Send Message
    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Found a bug/glitch here, was just messing around with the shaders turning stuff on and off then this happened.

    Don't know how to replicate it :P
  • Stromberg90
    Offline / Send Message
    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Testing sveiny's orc in toolbag2, fun just messing around with the lighting and such :)
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    loool shaderCEPTION
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    Im getting a weird undo glitch. when I hit undo it unhides my hidden meshes.
  • EarthQuake
    Robeomega wrote: »
    Yay release date any info on price yet?

    Upgrade price is $85 for existing TB1 owners, and $129 retail.

    More info here: http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/tb2-features
  • EarthQuake
    retleks wrote: »
    Unfortunately I don't I have the beta, but can't wait to get my mits on it when it launches. That being said, I don't know if what I'm about to say is possible yet in tb2.

    For the SSR, you said you already to a lerp or something between the ssr and the cubemap when appropriate, which seems like the best (common) practice here. What I'm wondering is if you can place probe nodes in the scene to generate cube maps real time, and therefore would be able to lerp not just between ssr and the scene cubemap, but the cube map most relevant to that reflection. I know for a fact that it's possible, but I'm not sure if tb2 has that, so just throwing it out there.

    The probe nodes could also be useful for just lerping between each other based on camera location.

    We do not have a cubemap probe baking/blending system. If there is enough interest in it we may look into doing in the future.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Azkur wrote: »
    loool shaderCEPTION
    yah undo seems to have a lot of bugs, Everytime I undo it break all of my material/texture.
    Still can't seem to keep my material working while opening a save scene most of the time, but for some other it works...!
  • EarthQuake
    Bal wrote: »
    ishi_kawa_cg, those renders are impressive, any chance you could give some info on your workflow or wireframes of the hair on the Chimpanzee?

    Can't wait for this to come out!

    +1, Awesome work as always Yosuke! It would be great to see a wireframe shot or a writeup/youtube for how you're doing the hair.
  • EarthQuake
    Tits wrote: »
    yah undo seems to have a lot of bugs, Everytime I undo it break all of my material/texture.
    Still can't seem to keep my material working while opening a save scene most of the time, but for some other it works...!

    Not sure if you saw my last response, but, could you take a look at this post and let me know if it helps with your scene saving issues?


    It looks like we have some bugs with the undo, where undo is replicating other bugs, like the visibility state bug, and the file path/saving bug, which sort of makes sense.
  • EarthQuake

    Thanks for the logs guys!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    EarthQuake wrote: »

    We may have narrowed this down a bit, I've finally managed to reproduce this bug (with seth.'s help). I've got the bug logged, but for now please try to do the following and see if it helps:

    A. Avoid: spaces anywhere in the folder structure or file names
    B. Save your .tbscene file above the folder where you textures are, ie:
    asset/textures/*.tga and asset/scene.tbscene

    Avoid: asset/textures/*.tga and asset/scenes/scene.tbscene

    Let me know if following these rules fixes the issue for anyone!
    Yah the thing is that it seams a little bit inconsistent on my side.
    For exemple I had a file saved in a folder under the texture folder (texture/scene/*.tbscene) and all the texture used on ellie are not working BUT the texture for the turntable, wich are located in a completly different folder, way farther away are working...!
    And on this other scene, in the same folder than the textures of ellie, ellie works fine, but then the turntable material are broken...! haha

    Maybe the solution would be to have the scene in the same folder than the texture? It's just weird cause that never happened with tb1 !
  • EarthQuake
    Tits wrote: »
    Maybe the solution would be to have the scene in the same folder than the texture?

    Yes, please try that and see if it fixes your problems. If this works it may help us narrow the bug down.
    It's just weird cause that never happened with tb1 !

    TB2 from a code perspective was completely re-written, so there may be issues unique to TB2 that you were never a problem with TB1.
  • 8infinite8
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    8infinite8 polycounter lvl 3
    Marmoset CO.

    Please, please, please can we have "Duplicate" for lights and meshes as well as the option to choose local and world co-ordinates to move and rotate objects.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Yes, please try that and see if it fixes your problems. If this works it may help us narrow the bug down.

    TB2 from a code perspective was completely re-written, so there may be issues unique to TB2 that you were never a problem with TB1.

    right now it is in the same folder than the character's texture and it seems to be working fine, the turntable texture are working too even if they are in a complete different folder, tho when I do an Undo yersterday that broke the turntable's material.
    I would need to put all of them in the scene folder I guess :)
  • EarthQuake
    Tits wrote: »
    right now it is in the same folder than the character's texture and it seems to be working fine, the turntable texture are working too even if they are in a complete different folder, tho when I do an Undo yersterday that broke the turntable's material.
    I would need to put all of them in the scene folder I guess :)

    Ok thanks! So that would seem to be consistent with other people who are getting the save bug too (having the scene file in a different location than the textures).

    The Undo bugs make sense, how we do undo is basically just saving the raw state of the scene, so if the file paths aren't saving correctly, and the visibility isn't saving correctly, those paramaters won't save into the undo state either. So hopefully when those bugs get fixed, the undo bugs will be resolved as well.
  • EarthQuake
    I've been playing around with a couple new features that we'll have in the next release. Namely, additive blending, and parallax mapping.

    Additive blending is great for creating wet shells around eyeballs. I'm using a normal map with the shape of the outer layer of the eyeball for, and I've set it to additively blend the specular pass only.

    The inner mesh chunk has a normal map for inner shape, with detail for the iris indentation. I'm also using the parrallax mapping on the eyeball here as well.

    And another with a larger parallax depth. It tears a bit at the extreme angles but I think it works anyway.

  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    so good, thank for adding that :)

    i really hope normal maps and/or displacement maps can be applied to additive blend shader, and may be even fuzz and even detail normal map.... am i getting too greedy :poly142:

    *edit* might as well add refraction+distortion+transparency blur to the wish list
  • EarthQuake
    MM wrote: »
    so good, thank for adding that :)

    i really hope normal maps and/or displacement maps can be applied to additive blend shader, and may be even fuzz and even detail normal map.... am i getting too greedy :poly142:

    *edit* might as well add refraction+distortion+transparency blur to the wish list

    Additive is in the transparency slot, so I don't think you'll be able to additive + transparency or refraction (when refraction is in, it isn't yet).

    However you can do a unique normal map for it, as its an entirely different material in this case. You can have diffuse light affect the add pass(optional checkbox), what you would do if you wanted fuzz in the add pass is set diffusion to microfiber, set up your fuzz settings how you like, and then set albedo color to black (otherwise it will add that too).

    So here is what it looks like with diffuse included in the add pass, with a black albedo color and green in the fuzz:

    Now, to use this you need to have a "shell" mesh, a mesh just a little bit larger than you base mesh. You can make it yourself, or add displacement with a flat color value and a very small scale value (which is what I did here).
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    more dicking around with skin...

  • Luke_Starkie
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    Luke_Starkie polycounter lvl 8
    I'm so excited. Those eyes look ace! So many good features.
  • Rikk The Gaijin
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    Rikk The Gaijin polycounter lvl 6
    EarthQuake those eyes are EXACTLY what I asked for, thank you, thank you so much!!!!
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    this is probably mentioned already but posting anyways to move up the priority.

    hidden group node does not stay hidden upon scene reload. object list still shows it is hidden but the group is visible in viewport anyways.
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    I'm just going to leave this here. Happy Black Friday.

  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    pre-ordered, can't wait!
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    EarthQuake wrote: »

    Now, to use this you need to have a "shell" mesh, a mesh just a little bit larger than you base mesh. You can make it yourself, or add displacement with a flat color value and a very small scale value (which is what I did here).

    So does this mean that the clipping issues have been taken care of? :)
    Will the beta auto update to full release or will I need to download something new, also the extra 10 off made me cave and pre-order.
  • EarthQuake
    MrHobo wrote: »
    So does this mean that the clipping issues have been taken care of? :)

    Not yet, that bug is still in the queue. Though I did not notice any clipping issues with the shell method, unless the shell was the exact same size as the other mesh. I'll be curious to see how this works for everyone.
    Will the beta auto update to full release or will I need to download something new, also the extra 10 off made me cave and pre-order.

    Yes, I believe that on release the beta will auto update to the full retail copy, and if you've purchased a licence you'll just need to enter your Marmoset Id (which you may already have from being in the beta). For beta users who have not pre-ordered/purchased a licence , the beta will switch over to a 30 day trial mode. A 30-day trial will also be available publicly as well.
  • CapableWizard
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    CapableWizard polycounter lvl 9
    Can't wait for the release, hoping to pre-order I have a few questions though:

    The company I work for owns Toolbag 1 but has no intention of buying Toolbag 2. They're fine with me using their invoice ID to purchase a copy for myself but who would own the license, me or them?

    Also, my laptop contains a NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M - DX11 with 2gb ddr3. I know it's not the fastest card but can anyone give me any insight as to whether it will be capable of running all the new PBR stuff? I'm fairly sure it will but I'd like to just check before I pre-order, I could wait for the demo but then I'd lose the $10 off!

    Sorry for the (probably obvious) questions, really excited for the release and can't wait to try it out :D
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