An interesting topic I haven't seen anyone discussing (and I warn you now - this is all just conjecture and rumors as I haven't seen any facts myself)
We know that XB1 and PS4 have 8GB of ram
We know that PS4's ram is faster
My big worry after yesterday was "HOLY SHIT - the XB1 is running a windows kernel?! How much memory will that take? How much CPU power?" I discussed with my friends the real fear of having the OS for XB1 be way more power hungry than it used to be. It does some impressive stuff, fast switching and docking and all this stuff, and it looks SNAPPY. The usefulness of these features is obviously TBD - but if their mere existence means we get less resources for games, I am worried.
Today a developer friend told me my concerns were true. It's an unnamed source, so I have no cold hard facts here - but I am told:
XB1 - 3.0GB for the OS - guess is 4GB free for Devs (breathing room)
PS4 - 1.0GB for the OS - guess is 6GB free for Devs (breathing room)
And that's just ram - I was also worried that xbox would have one or more cores reserved for the OS only to support this stuff. I suppose that is a worry on PS4 as well with recording/streaming/etc. I dunno much about this to be honest, but it could be that the stats on the box are just one factor of the actual performance.
On paper they are pretty close - but if it ends being true that Xbox has a fancy OS at the cost of dev power, and sony is the opposite - it will be very interesting to see how that plays out.
From what I have heard, the Xbox One runs 3 OS's. One OS for games, another for windows 8 apps like skype and etc, and a third OS to handle instantly switching between everything.
I think the fact that the xb1 can run windows 8 apps is pretty interesting and it has been largely overlooked. Depending on how they have set this up, you could potentially develop a single app that can be used on devices ranging from 7" tablets to 100"+ tvs and everything in between.
As for used games fees, I've seen rumors that say you will have to pay a full price fee. I have a hard time buying that, because nobody is going to buy a used game from a store and then pay a full price fee on top of that. At that point you would be paying more than just buying a new copy.
If i were microsoft and i was going to introduce a used game fee it would be a small fee. Probably somewhere around $5. Small enough to be overlooked by most people, but over a lot used game sales it would really add up. Microsoft would take maybe a 30% cut and the rest would go to the developers/publishers. This could potentially provide a major incentive for developers to create content for the console and that content would in turn bring in more customers.
In my opinion, microsoft's goal shouldn't be about reducing or getting rid of used game sales, but rather finding a way to monetize them in a way that is fair to both the consumer and the developer.
Microsoft has further detailed the method in which the Xbox One implements a fee for owners who want to play a used (pre-owned) copy of a game, saying that they'll have to pay the game's current retail price in order to experience it.
And I am already confusing Xbox One with the first Xbox. Get it together, Erich.
edit: I wonder if people aren't going to Trade in their games anymore. This is a really interesting generation we are about to enter. Can't wait! So exciting!!
And I am already confusing Xbox One with the first Xbox. Get it together, Erich.
edit: I wonder if people aren't going to Trade in their games anymore. This is a really interesting generation we are about to enter. Can't wait! So exciting!!
I'm still not entirely convinced. The situations described there still seem somewhat open to interpretation.
The first situation is not really about used games at all. A friend brings a game over and installs it on your xb1 and you are able to play it under his account. Once he leaves you still have the game installed, but can't play it under your account. Then you are presented with the option to purchase full access to the game.
The second situation deals with used games, but it refers only to newly released titles being full price. This seems to indicate that there will be a grace period where used titles can only be purchased at full price, but what happens after that? This issue still needs more clarification.
"They would be paying the same price we paid, or less?" we asked.
"Lets assume its a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price," Harrison said.
But that doesn't mean used games are dead. In fact, Harrison told us, you'll be able to sell your Xbox One games online.
"We will have a solutionwere not talking about it todayfor you to be able to trade your previously-played games online," Harrison said.
It never makes sense to limit your market, there's a lot of cool uses for the kinect that would be optional and not take anything away from the game.
Here's a few features I could see added to normal games, taking advantage of the kinect.
- Have the option to use the Kentic for games that have character creation. Do a full body scan and a up close face scan and the edit automatically does all the adjustments to make you match your character, and then you can tweak the sliders and options a bit more if you feel the need to.
Using your face for the main character through scanning it with a (insert peripheral here) has been done before. Generally it falls down on either uselessness (don't see the face) or worse, seeing the face animate, almost always badly. Games from the likes of Uncharted have proved that we're past the point at which animation became more important than raw poly count, high texture res or anything else that isn't dynamic.
- Leaning around walls in FPS. It's never felt right to me have buttons on the controller for this option. I'd feel more natural and make the game a bit more immersive.
Definite demand for this. DayZ is the place where this sort of thing would be most helpful, considering ARMA characters would get routinely destroyed in an obstacle course by Stephen Hawking. Impossibly large balance issues if this goes on to include arm, hand and trigger finger movements (you thought the roit shield was bad now...)
- Gernade throwing, I've never liked games where you have to hold the gernade button longer to throw it furter, it'd give more options if you just want to drop a gernade, or throw it sideways or around a corner. Also it'd give you better control so you can arch the throw higher or lower to avoid stuff in the way, something you cannot really do in games now.
We're getting deep into 1:1 correlation and the surrounding issues here. Again, there's going to be demand for this, but unlike Wii Tennis (where everyone can hit a reasonable forehand while physics just lubes up and bends over - this is what is generally expected from motion-based gaming), for throwing grenades as you described you need a degree of physics and control not seen.
- Voice commands, Mainly for small squad games like Mass Effect, I disliked having to pause to give orders, even if there was only a few commands.
Could work with some calibrating of the player (training them to say the right things), otherwise you're left with a dumber version of Siri.
- For racing games use rotating your head to the right/left to look out those windows.
GT5 did this with the PSEye and something shiny on the player's baseball cap. There's been several versions of this sort of thing over the years (either turn left or right and you can't see the screen naturally anymore, or lean your head left or right, and you see the screen at a tilt). Generally abandoned by both casuals (in favour of adjustable FoV) and sim racers (in favour of 3 screens)
- Better quick time events than hit this random button, things that would actually make sense in the context of an event. Like instead of taping B to grab someone that is falling, just reach out a hand instead, or leaning out of the way of something coming at you, or putting up an arm to block. I wouldn't like to see these over used, but could be better than hit whatever button
Generally these things (QTE reactions) fall into the pit of requiring something bad, dumb, ignorant, careless or otherwise apathetic to happen. The flipside being, if "I can just reach out to catch someone falling", "why wasn't I ready to provide assistance earlier?". It's like being a brain-dead spotter at the gym and waiting for the weight to half-choke the guy before you pick it up.
- Features like Metro Last Light's wipe your dirty gas mask clean button.
These fall under either character actions (smoking in Vanquish) in which it's probably better to just push a button, stop, then let the player watch them do something, or player actions, in which they're watching themself do something with a bit of lag on the TV. Also: If a hand wipes a gas mask in-game and the player's hand is in front of their face blocking the view, does the in-game hand actually exist?
- In horror games where you can only use a gun or flash light, but not at the same time, have the player point the flashlight with their hand.
The PSMove was probably better at this sort of thing (if you're so inclined...) because the controllers could fit nicely in one hand. Otherwise you're left with being able to move both hands but neither legs.
Some of these ideas might not work at all in a game, but some of them are worth a try.
Gaming controls and peripherals have been a hot topic for as long as gaming has been around. Ergonomics, interaction combinations and sequences, feedback, number of possible actions, etc are all things that are part of a constantly evolving tree leading (hopefully) to
something like the Matrix
. We've got branches for dedicated performance (Logitec wheels), we've got virtual controls (mobile games), accelerometer-based actions (mobiles, Heavy Rain), tracking controls (Wii, some arcade games). Whether this branch make up of "nothing!", or "you!" (depending on the MS marketing team's mood) pans out to anything worthwhile has yet to be decided.
The second situation deals with used games, but it refers only to newly released titles being full price. This seems to indicate that there will be a grace period where used titles can only be purchased at full price, but what happens after that? This issue still needs more clarification.
hah, you know what Microsoft asks for On-Demand digital download games on 360, right? They charge double, triple even quadruple compared to store prices for games that have been out for years. I don't know anybody in their right mind that buys from that service.
Also, if they're smart they switch to MS-points completely (always found it confusing they charge in actual currency), which allows them to sneakily charge even more due to the MS-point exchange rate (800 points = 10 dollars or something?).
i think we are well past the point where people who are concerned about there privacy are "tinfoil hats". its the reverse now. if your not worried about your privacy you are the "tinfoil hat". upgrade your understanding of the issues. there have been major legal battles over these issues and privacy does win in a lot of cases. even politicians and corporations are scared of surveillance they just do not want that right in the hands of citizens in many cases.
hah, you know what Microsoft asks for On-Demand digital download games on 360, right? They charge double, triple even quadruple compared to store prices for games that have been out for years. I don't know anybody in their right mind that buys from that service.
Also, if they're smart they switch to MS-points completely (always found it confusing they charge in actual currency), which allows them to sneakily charge even more due to the MS-point exchange rate (800 points = 10 dollars or something?).
But this isn't about digital on-demand. From what it sounds like, it is a service for consumers to buy, trade, and sell their used games to retailers and/or perhaps straight to other consumers. My guess is MS will take a % of each transaction. I would assume this will all be done directly through the console with no need to drive out to a retail store like gamestop to buy/sell your used games.
In terms of on-demand prices, i would bet the reason they charge more is largely due to their partnerships with retail locations. Why would anyone drive out to a retail location to buy a game when they could get it instantly for the same price on-demand. The increased price is a way to keep retail stores happy while still offering the convenience to consumers if they are willing to pay more.
As for MS points, i've heard those are going away completely and they will be using standard currency. I don't have a source for this, but i'm pretty sure i read something about it the other day.
Microsoft has designed a console for game publishers.
Every hardware and software decision Sony has made has been focused on providing game developers more options and abilities. Every decision Microsoft has made has been focused on providing game publishers with more options and abilities."
You mean that sony has finally gone and developed a machine that makes developing for it as easy as it has been for years on the xbox 1, xbox 360 and PC platforms by going to a more standardized architecture...
Sony has not made a machine that is easier for devs to use than anything else, they have just finally made a machine that is closer to other standards. "the only topic i will hit is kinetic.
i think we are well past the point where people who are concerned about there privacy are "tinfoil hats". its the reverse now. if your not worried about your privacy you are the "tinfoil hat". upgrade your understanding of the issues. there have been major legal battles over these issues and privacy does win in a lot of cases. even politicians and corporations are scared of surveillance they just do not want that right in the hands of citizens in many cases. "
No no.. thats just you and your ilk that think this way.
Yes they have given up some information here and there about some peoples purchases. But most of these cases have been in relation to stolen credit cards, hacked accounts or someone threatening another person via text or voice for bodilly harm.
There is still no logical reason for anyone to monitor you or your habits through Kinect.
All the information they could gather through that is already readily available to them through various other sources and have been for many many years.
This IS tin-foil hat territory, and always will be since you people dont seem to understand the kind of information they are giving up to the authorities when it is requested of them.
If I were you, I´d be far more concerned about someone using your phone, mobile phone, credit card info, bank statement, google search patterns, facebook information and easilly searchable internet history´s against you than I would be of MS spying on your in your home.
Listening to your phonecalls on any type of phone is about 3 mouse clicks away for a tech operator at your chosen service... just something to wrap your tinfoil hat around.
In regards to the hardware access I talked about earlier.
It is obvious you are completely un-aware how all this works, so I really do not want to explain it in too much detail as you can find all of it quite easilly through google.
On the PC you have to go through various middle-ware items to get to the hardware. You can not simply plug data where you want to on the hardware.
It has to go through various channels, drivers, API´s and so forth to work.
This is much less limited on the consoles since all consoles are the same hardware and much less "interpretation" software is required to negotiate with it. So you can access hardware directly and know exactly where you can put it, since every machine you are making your game for works exactly the same.
If you want a somewhat dummy proof way of learning this, watch of few of John Carmacks interviews about RAGE on the console vs the PC platform.
There is still no logical reason for anyone to monitor you or your habits through Kinect.
Of course there is, to think otherwise is catastrophically naive. Data mining is incredibly lucrative business. How do you think companies like Google or Facebook stay afloat? Advertising?
i'm really not sure how to respond to all that or even that i want to. it would have been quite sufficient to fill in some details of your previous somewhat rambling post. your enlightening explanations is a bit more rambling, and 'look it up on google'?
well thanks for that. i'm quite impressed with your grasp of all the things...
Wasn't there some system recently where the owners mused that it could detect how many people would watch for example a TV show and then shut down if there's too many because the license only covers so and so many people?
"A content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis. Content is distributed an associated license option on the number of individual consumers or viewers allowed to consume the content. Consumers are presented with a content selection and a choice of licenses allowing consumption of the content. The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken."
actually i think the plan is to send ballmer to your house for a few hours of bro talk over an ice cold can of bud light. that should be enough of a threat to make even kim dotcom crap his pants...
Wasn't there some system recently where the owners mused that it could detect how many people would watch for example a TV show and then shut down if there's too many because the license only covers so and so many people?
"KINECT is always on oh my god *tinfoil hat*"
Wrong, it's listening but not watching. It's not always seeing what you are doing. It's waiting to hear a keyword. Everyone is making such huge presumptions here - but it was stated there are integrated modes for power. It could very well be that when it's in sleep mode there is no net connection available because they turn off the power to the chip level. We don't know. What we do know is that it's a sensitive issue. Microsoft is not going to take that lightly, they're going to take it very seriously.
To play Devil's advocate: How many people have webcams built into their computer monitors, and with an OS by Microsoft or Apple? Or a smart TV from samsung with a camera in it? Your phone likely has a high resolution camera and great audio as well as always-on internet. Is it honestly that much of a different risk? Any one of these could be tampered/hacked/seized. If this is your worry, your worry is much larger than xbox one, is it not?
First, I get concerned about things like this:
A webcam does not monitor me, and make decisions based on activities in my room.
The second thing, as described by others, is the ability to disconnect my webcam, and know for certain, that no one is able to survey my room without me knowing.
I didn't get a chance to expand on my thoughts yesterday, but yes, there are some cool things the One is going to offer. And at the moment, I'm simply poking fun at it with some of my posts. Personally, I had not intentions on buying another xbox, after MS decided to cripple everything, unless you have gold (I won't get into that discussion again now). I watched to see if they would offer me something that would convince me that I need the xbox in my life again. They failed at that.
Games: Yeah, people are probably overreacting to the lack of game coverage, and yes, it will probably get covered at E3. But to respond with "we know it will play games" is just stupid. The current xbox plays games. People wanted to hear about specs, always online, will there be optical disks for games, and will they be able to sell their games still. None of this was covered until AFTER the presentation. That's the sign of a bad presentation, if you leave people with so many questions that you HAD answers for. Although, many of their answers are obviously skirting the questions, because they don't want the negative reactions. They should have covered how it will deliver games, during the presentation, then actual game offerings should be at E3.
"A content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis. Content is distributed an associated license option on the number of individual consumers or viewers allowed to consume the content. Consumers are presented with a content selection and a choice of licenses allowing consumption of the content. The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken."
cackling at how quickly microsoft escalated from twitter satire LARP to the onion meets the orwell dramedy irl. two friends good, no friends better smh (and forget about having large families watching your TV too, unless you're licensed for that)
remember those days when people cussed Jobs for sealing mp3 files with DRM to get a distribution deal with flopping muz industry heads?
looks like the US game/entertainment publishing is steadily moving to the same level of crazy
I'm betting no one whom was at the presentation or it online, wanted to know about all the live tv stuff. TV is declining, what the hell is with these idiots.
The announced all these things that should be default as if they are amazing. Oh my God! You can instantly switch between a game and tv and the internet. I can do that on the pc for years. I think they've probably shot themselves in the foot with that, the OS is going to use so much resources and players arent going to switch constantly and make use of it much.
Man, if they put a dog like that one, i might consider buying again a COD title. It would be funny to have a dog commando near you instead of useless soldiers with a poor AI.
There should be another kamikaze dog edition, something like this with C4
And for the Zombies... i want this one! this one!!
I'm interested to see what's up, a controller based game with kinect enhancements? Sounds like something similar to ME3 since the Ryse website suggests you'll be fighting and commanding troops.
If the Kinects ability to detect your heartbeat is true, which isn't too far fetched considering the tech to do that already exists, it will be interesting to see how that could work out in a horror game.
In response to the news, the shares of used-games retailer GameStop slumped by 10 per cent at the beginning of the week. The resale of used-games in the US made up 48 per cent of the company’s gross profits in the previous fiscal year, and UK retailers can expect to feel similarly squeezed by Microsoft’s announcement.
In response to the news, the shares of used-games retailer GameStop slumped by 10 per cent at the beginning of the week. The resale of used-games in the US made up 48 per cent of the companys gross profits in the previous fiscal year, and UK retailers can expect to feel similarly squeezed by Microsofts announcement.
This is only natural. The decision to go in this direction was a direct affront to GameStop in particular, and the second-hand games market in general. Microsoft likely intends to split the proceeds from this strategy with the major publishers it has partnered with. It's a means for them to financially incentivize publisher support. The XBox One has finally solved the piracy problem. (as well as the used game and game rental problems)
You can instantly switch between a game and tv and the internet. I can do that on the pc for years.
Yes on PC but you couldn't do this on a console from your couch. I think some of you guys are missing the point. Many people will make use of this. Some people don't have their pcs in the living room or hooked up to a giant tv screen. For some that is an awesome feature. Some people don't even have pcs and only play console...
So just because a feature doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean it doesn't work for millions of others.
Yes on PC but you couldn't do this on a console from your couch. I think some of you guys are missing the point. Many people will make use of this. Some people don't have their pcs in the living room or hooked up to a giant tv screen. For some that is an awesome feature. Some people don't even have pcs and only play console...
So just because a feature doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean it doesn't work for millions of others.
Doesn't the majority of pc users have a laptop that they do most of their browsing on, often in their sofa.
"The console turns on just from you saying "Xbox on". It will launch into what you were doing last."
Note to self: Don't watch porn on this thing before you go to bed.
Me: Can you put that box on the table?
(Xbox turns on, since it has shitty voice recognition)
(porn resumes)
Wife: Uhhhhhhhhh, what were you doing last night?
Rentals are a problem now? And I would think this would be one of the most significant incentives ever for hackers to try and crack a system.
They are for game publishers. They aren't getting as big a cut of that fat money cake as they would want. Being able to check in on your XBox One once a day gives them a chance to close out any form of distribution not under their direct control.
You people wanted your steam box. Well now you have it. It's called the XBox One. Of course, they're going to charge you a monthly subscription to play on-line, as well as use all of the other services that you get for free on Steam. And they're going to force a Kinect motion-controlled camera/microphone down your throat. And the drm will be even more intrusive. And they're going to screw over game developers who aren't under their thumb.
But aside from all that, now you have your steam box.
Also, in the US at least, the government has the ability to listen in on any phone conversations at their leisure without a warrant. What's stopping them from forcing MS to make a back door for them as well?
Being always on, and always off, is not a trivial difference
is it? There's been plenty of cases of cameras being remotely turned on and recording people without their knowledge - it happened with school provided laptops recently.
From what I have heard, the Xbox One runs 3 OS's. One OS for games, another for windows 8 apps like skype and etc, and a third OS to handle instantly switching between everything.
I think the fact that the xb1 can run windows 8 apps is pretty interesting and it has been largely overlooked. Depending on how they have set this up, you could potentially develop a single app that can be used on devices ranging from 7" tablets to 100"+ tvs and everything in between.
As for used games fees, I've seen rumors that say you will have to pay a full price fee. I have a hard time buying that, because nobody is going to buy a used game from a store and then pay a full price fee on top of that. At that point you would be paying more than just buying a new copy.
If i were microsoft and i was going to introduce a used game fee it would be a small fee. Probably somewhere around $5. Small enough to be overlooked by most people, but over a lot used game sales it would really add up. Microsoft would take maybe a 30% cut and the rest would go to the developers/publishers. This could potentially provide a major incentive for developers to create content for the console and that content would in turn bring in more customers.
In my opinion, microsoft's goal shouldn't be about reducing or getting rid of used game sales, but rather finding a way to monetize them in a way that is fair to both the consumer and the developer.
And I am already confusing Xbox One with the first Xbox. Get it together, Erich.
edit: I wonder if people aren't going to Trade in their games anymore. This is a really interesting generation we are about to enter. Can't wait! So exciting!!
I'm still not entirely convinced. The situations described there still seem somewhat open to interpretation.
The first situation is not really about used games at all. A friend brings a game over and installs it on your xb1 and you are able to play it under his account. Once he leaves you still have the game installed, but can't play it under your account. Then you are presented with the option to purchase full access to the game.
The second situation deals with used games, but it refers only to newly released titles being full price. This seems to indicate that there will be a grace period where used titles can only be purchased at full price, but what happens after that? This issue still needs more clarification.
Here Marc Whitten specifically says that people will be able to "sell used games back to retailers"...
kinda makes it sound like you'll be able to 'relinquish' your game license and sell it somehow...
So I agree...seems like we don't have a full picture yet.
Gaming controls and peripherals have been a hot topic for as long as gaming has been around. Ergonomics, interaction combinations and sequences, feedback, number of possible actions, etc are all things that are part of a constantly evolving tree leading (hopefully) to
hah, you know what Microsoft asks for On-Demand digital download games on 360, right? They charge double, triple even quadruple compared to store prices for games that have been out for years. I don't know anybody in their right mind that buys from that service.
Also, if they're smart they switch to MS-points completely (always found it confusing they charge in actual currency), which allows them to sneakily charge even more due to the MS-point exchange rate (800 points = 10 dollars or something?).
the only topic i will hit is kinetic.
i think we are well past the point where people who are concerned about there privacy are "tinfoil hats". its the reverse now. if your not worried about your privacy you are the "tinfoil hat". upgrade your understanding of the issues. there have been major legal battles over these issues and privacy does win in a lot of cases. even politicians and corporations are scared of surveillance they just do not want that right in the hands of citizens in many cases.
But this isn't about digital on-demand. From what it sounds like, it is a service for consumers to buy, trade, and sell their used games to retailers and/or perhaps straight to other consumers. My guess is MS will take a % of each transaction. I would assume this will all be done directly through the console with no need to drive out to a retail store like gamestop to buy/sell your used games.
In terms of on-demand prices, i would bet the reason they charge more is largely due to their partnerships with retail locations. Why would anyone drive out to a retail location to buy a game when they could get it instantly for the same price on-demand. The increased price is a way to keep retail stores happy while still offering the convenience to consumers if they are willing to pay more.
As for MS points, i've heard those are going away completely and they will be using standard currency. I don't have a source for this, but i'm pretty sure i read something about it the other day.
Sony has designed a console for game developers.
Microsoft has designed a console for game publishers.
Every hardware and software decision Sony has made has been focused on providing game developers more options and abilities. Every decision Microsoft has made has been focused on providing game publishers with more options and abilities."
You mean that sony has finally gone and developed a machine that makes developing for it as easy as it has been for years on the xbox 1, xbox 360 and PC platforms by going to a more standardized architecture...
Sony has not made a machine that is easier for devs to use than anything else, they have just finally made a machine that is closer to other standards.
"the only topic i will hit is kinetic.
i think we are well past the point where people who are concerned about there privacy are "tinfoil hats". its the reverse now. if your not worried about your privacy you are the "tinfoil hat". upgrade your understanding of the issues. there have been major legal battles over these issues and privacy does win in a lot of cases. even politicians and corporations are scared of surveillance they just do not want that right in the hands of citizens in many cases. "
No no.. thats just you and your ilk that think this way.
Yes they have given up some information here and there about some peoples purchases. But most of these cases have been in relation to stolen credit cards, hacked accounts or someone threatening another person via text or voice for bodilly harm.
There is still no logical reason for anyone to monitor you or your habits through Kinect.
All the information they could gather through that is already readily available to them through various other sources and have been for many many years.
This IS tin-foil hat territory, and always will be since you people dont seem to understand the kind of information they are giving up to the authorities when it is requested of them.
If I were you, I´d be far more concerned about someone using your phone, mobile phone, credit card info, bank statement, google search patterns, facebook information and easilly searchable internet history´s against you than I would be of MS spying on your in your home.
Listening to your phonecalls on any type of phone is about 3 mouse clicks away for a tech operator at your chosen service... just something to wrap your tinfoil hat around.
In regards to the hardware access I talked about earlier.
It is obvious you are completely un-aware how all this works, so I really do not want to explain it in too much detail as you can find all of it quite easilly through google.
On the PC you have to go through various middle-ware items to get to the hardware. You can not simply plug data where you want to on the hardware.
It has to go through various channels, drivers, API´s and so forth to work.
This is much less limited on the consoles since all consoles are the same hardware and much less "interpretation" software is required to negotiate with it. So you can access hardware directly and know exactly where you can put it, since every machine you are making your game for works exactly the same.
If you want a somewhat dummy proof way of learning this, watch of few of John Carmacks interviews about RAGE on the console vs the PC platform.
Of course there is, to think otherwise is catastrophically naive. Data mining is incredibly lucrative business. How do you think companies like Google or Facebook stay afloat? Advertising?
i'm really not sure how to respond to all that or even that i want to. it would have been quite sufficient to fill in some details of your previous somewhat rambling post. your enlightening explanations is a bit more rambling, and 'look it up on google'?
well thanks for that. i'm quite impressed with your grasp of all the things...
actually it was microsoft. lol.
us patent 20120278904 MICROSOFT CORPORATION
"A content presentation system and method allowing content providers to regulate the presentation of content on a per-user-view basis. Content is distributed an associated license option on the number of individual consumers or viewers allowed to consume the content. Consumers are presented with a content selection and a choice of licenses allowing consumption of the content. The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken."
the next xbox will ship with some huge lasers...
actually i think the plan is to send ballmer to your house for a few hours of bro talk over an ice cold can of bud light. that should be enough of a threat to make even kim dotcom crap his pants...
EA at it again, they taking bribes now.
Mix it up with a bit of COD!
A webcam does not monitor me, and make decisions based on activities in my room.
The second thing, as described by others, is the ability to disconnect my webcam, and know for certain, that no one is able to survey my room without me knowing.
I didn't get a chance to expand on my thoughts yesterday, but yes, there are some cool things the One is going to offer. And at the moment, I'm simply poking fun at it with some of my posts. Personally, I had not intentions on buying another xbox, after MS decided to cripple everything, unless you have gold (I won't get into that discussion again now). I watched to see if they would offer me something that would convince me that I need the xbox in my life again. They failed at that.
Games: Yeah, people are probably overreacting to the lack of game coverage, and yes, it will probably get covered at E3. But to respond with "we know it will play games" is just stupid. The current xbox plays games. People wanted to hear about specs, always online, will there be optical disks for games, and will they be able to sell their games still. None of this was covered until AFTER the presentation. That's the sign of a bad presentation, if you leave people with so many questions that you HAD answers for. Although, many of their answers are obviously skirting the questions, because they don't want the negative reactions. They should have covered how it will deliver games, during the presentation, then actual game offerings should be at E3.
cackling at how quickly microsoft escalated from twitter satire LARP to the onion meets the orwell dramedy irl. two friends good, no friends better smh (and forget about having large families watching your TV too, unless you're licensed for that)
remember those days when people cussed Jobs for sealing mp3 files with DRM to get a distribution deal with flopping muz industry heads?
looks like the US game/entertainment publishing is steadily moving to the same level of crazy
The announced all these things that should be default as if they are amazing. Oh my God! You can instantly switch between a game and tv and the internet. I can do that on the pc for years. I think they've probably shot themselves in the foot with that, the OS is going to use so much resources and players arent going to switch constantly and make use of it much.
Man, if they put a dog like that one, i might consider buying again a COD title. It would be funny to have a dog commando near you instead of useless soldiers with a poor AI.
There should be another kamikaze dog edition, something like this with C4
And for the Zombies... i want this one! this one!!
This just in: bicycles are much much faster than pc's AND consoles!
I'm interested to see what's up, a controller based game with kinect enhancements? Sounds like something similar to ME3 since the Ryse website suggests you'll be fighting and commanding troops.
If the Kinects ability to detect your heartbeat is true, which isn't too far fetched considering the tech to do that already exists, it will be interesting to see how that could work out in a horror game.
Actually hamster wheels have higher clock rates than both. :P
In response to the news, the shares of used-games retailer GameStop slumped by 10 per cent at the beginning of the week. The resale of used-games in the US made up 48 per cent of the company’s gross profits in the previous fiscal year, and UK retailers can expect to feel similarly squeezed by Microsoft’s announcement.
This is only natural. The decision to go in this direction was a direct affront to GameStop in particular, and the second-hand games market in general. Microsoft likely intends to split the proceeds from this strategy with the major publishers it has partnered with. It's a means for them to financially incentivize publisher support. The XBox One has finally solved the piracy problem. (as well as the used game and game rental problems)
Yes on PC but you couldn't do this on a console from your couch. I think some of you guys are missing the point. Many people will make use of this. Some people don't have their pcs in the living room or hooked up to a giant tv screen. For some that is an awesome feature. Some people don't even have pcs and only play console...
So just because a feature doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean it doesn't work for millions of others.
Doesn't the majority of pc users have a laptop that they do most of their browsing on, often in their sofa.
Smartphones/tablets however..
Note to self: Don't watch porn on this thing before you go to bed.
Me: Can you put that box on the table?
(Xbox turns on, since it has shitty voice recognition)
(porn resumes)
Wife: Uhhhhhhhhh, what were you doing last night?
Rentals are a problem now? And I would think this would be one of the most significant incentives ever for hackers to try and crack a system.
If you can turn them off. The big selling point is the passive listening UI.
As it has been shown in this entire thread, this is obviously pure speculation at this point. I would hope you could turn them off.
They are for game publishers. They aren't getting as big a cut of that fat money cake as they would want. Being able to check in on your XBox One once a day gives them a chance to close out any form of distribution not under their direct control.
You people wanted your steam box. Well now you have it. It's called the XBox One. Of course, they're going to charge you a monthly subscription to play on-line, as well as use all of the other services that you get for free on Steam. And they're going to force a Kinect motion-controlled camera/microphone down your throat. And the drm will be even more intrusive. And they're going to screw over game developers who aren't under their thumb.
But aside from all that, now you have your steam box.
Actually, I'm already planning to create a business designed purely around making kinect covers
I only rent if they don't have a demo. I'm not forking out $60 for something I haven't played created by a company im not familiar with
Wireless HDMI switch, can switch between all consoles and the PC on the main screen for about 20 bucks.
I'll back you on this! lol... seems like good profit would come from it.
The mic would still be able to hear you banging your wife or saying incriminating things...
Also, since the kinect is always on, I can easily see an error popping up if something is blocking the sensor.
Being always on, and always off, is not a trivial difference
is it? There's been plenty of cases of cameras being remotely turned on and recording people without their knowledge - it happened with school provided laptops recently.