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Hero Forge (Android Game - WIP)

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Hey guys!

My names Adam from Clapfoot Inc over in Toronto (we made Tank Hero, Sector Strike and Play tennis) We're a 5 man independant company, and we're working on our latest and most ambitious Title yet, Hero Forge. We've been trying to get to a point in this project where we feel confident enough to show you what gameplay is going to look like.

We started Hero Forge back in January as a means to address a lot of the issues we found in Sector Strike. We genuinely wanted to create a multiplayer game that was appropriate for the mobile Platform. We've played and seen a lot of games that fail because of the UI, and how well the game works with its platform. We love the idea of having a MMO on your phone, but in our opinion we always find it awkward.

So What is Hero Forge?

Hero forge is a puzzle fighting game

In Hero Forge you play as 1 of 3 unique characters: Paladin, Berzerker, and Mage. The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent by gathering cubes that correspond to specific attacks. Matching swords will do a basic attack, matching shields grant armour, and matching elements will provide mana to cast spells.

We designed the game to have a balanced PVP experience, we can honestly say that its an incredible amount of fun to play against buddies in the same room. We want to capture that experience and make sure it translates into playing someone across the world. and we plan to layer in PVE elements, like bosses and new items as well.

(Heres a message from our programmers) Our server is running node.js on Amazon EC2, with DynamoDB for storage. We also use SQS and ELB for load balancing. We hope that we will be able to smoothly scale this solution to handle a large load. If it ever happens ;)
We use G+ integration for friend lists. We found it to be quite solid and easy to integrate.

We plan to slowly build on this beta according to community feedback.
Thanks for your help.
Download the Beta Here

We've also started a making of Blog here

Below are some pictures and video (on its way!) Comments and Critique are welcome.





I will be putting up meshes, wireframes and some of the tech we had to make


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