After seeing the cool stuff in the noob challenge 6 I thought I might as well have a go at this the next time it comes around
The concepts you posted are great! I have a few contributions; I'm thinking of something different to the sci-fi genre that the last challenge had, but still had lots of different elements so different workflows can be used!
I didn't find much, but rather than filling this page in crap I thought I may as well just post the things that have some interest or usability:
I'll post some later, but just to say we should steer away from sci fi and ruins, since we did those already, and i think we did an outdoor scene the one with the little house?
I love that seashell hut, but damn would it be tough. Something really lush and organic might be cool. I'd be interested to see how people approach something like this:
I also love these concepts by Gray Shuko... I think he's a Blizzard artist.
Been lurking the noob challenge threads, you are all an inspiration so keep it up!
I haven't done much 3D as of late so I need to get back on it. I'm considering joining in this round, so I'm picking the following two concepts:
I don't know if this has been suggested before in previous Noob thread, but what about doing some Art Test this month? Might be good practice.... and hey, you might just get noticed too?
Not a bad idea; right? Or is it?
Bungie Test:
Splash Damage:
Splash Damage:
Just throwing out some examples, these are just a few I could think of...
Might be kinda neat to see how people fill in the "gaps"
I recently returned from six weeks in Europe looking at Art. I was originally going to be there until June 12th, but sickness forced me to end my trip short (but not before I saw everything I needed too), so for your amusement, I give you Ponte Vecchio in Firenze, Italy.
I also love these concepts by Gray Shuko... I think he's a Blizzard artist.
Oh man, I really wanted to keep plugging away on the DXHR:ML challenge from April, but if one of these gets picked, it may just need to get added to my backlog of permanent WIPs. These are really hard to pass up.
This one got one of my many votes last month. I still say it'd be a good choice. Modeling and texturing demands are pretty reasonable, which should give those of us who spend the whole month modeling and texturing a bit more room to stretch out and start experimenting with the really fun-looking lighting in the scene.
I recently returned from six weeks in Europe looking at Art. I was originally going to be there until June 12th, but sickness forced me to end my trip short (but not before I saw everything I needed too)
How can you see "everything you needed" in Europe? That sounds like an absurd notion, even for a whopping six week trip (I think I've only been fortunate enough to total 3.5 weeks over two trips, 8 years apart ). That aside, doing one of these challenges from photos instead of a concept could be an interesting twist.
Okay, I need to stop now before I vote for everything
Vote 1.
This awesome. And have many different objects - interesting for modelling and texturing.
But without character. It may be problem for noob as me
Vote 2.
Many buildings, but look great and may be modular.
Sorry for my english )
I like the wall too. tis a very nice concept. I just assumed it would be harder than the subway concept based on the variety of foliage. Having said this, it's probably because i have never tackled foliage before...
What a noob mistake. I would be happy to take it on and learn.
edit: reasoning: it's a cool scene, and it seems to be between this one and the with the wall, they are both interesting, but I think this one would just be a lot more fun/interesting with the range of props/filler stuff in it.
I vote this one
The concepts you posted are great! I have a few contributions; I'm thinking of something different to the sci-fi genre that the last challenge had, but still had lots of different elements so different workflows can be used!
I didn't find much, but rather than filling this page in crap I thought I may as well just post the things that have some interest or usability:
From bioshock, concept artist Ben Lo:
Some Gears of war lovin in here, I thought it would be cool due to having different sort of architecture involved:
I'm happy with anything, I know that the choice will be awesome. Can't wait guys!
How about we do something that is more urban?
I also love these concepts by Gray Shuko... I think he's a Blizzard artist.
Personally I like the above as posted by VelvetElvis, but I find the Seashell house to be also quite an intriguing scene.
Since I'am thinking about participating in this next month as well, here are some concepts I'd love to realize!
As for the settings I'd say the same as uberphoenix so no sci-fi and ruins.
(I vote for this one!)
Just without horse and carriage maybe since it would take a bit long...
Without the people of course...
Alright, these are my ideas, hope you guys like them.
or this
and this
I haven't done much 3D as of late so I need to get back on it. I'm considering joining in this round, so I'm picking the following two concepts:
Saved you the hassle of fixing them
I'm voting for these two.
Not a bad idea; right? Or is it?
Bungie Test:
Splash Damage:
Splash Damage:
Just throwing out some examples, these are just a few I could think of...
Might be kinda neat to see how people fill in the "gaps"
Oh man, I really wanted to keep plugging away on the DXHR:ML challenge from April, but if one of these gets picked, it may just need to get added to my backlog of permanent WIPs. These are really hard to pass up.
Also, really digging seashell house.
This one got one of my many votes last month. I still say it'd be a good choice. Modeling and texturing demands are pretty reasonable, which should give those of us who spend the whole month modeling and texturing a bit more room to stretch out and start experimenting with the really fun-looking lighting in the scene.
How can you see "everything you needed" in Europe? That sounds like an absurd notion, even for a whopping six week trip (I think I've only been fortunate enough to total 3.5 weeks over two trips, 8 years apart ). That aside, doing one of these challenges from photos instead of a concept could be an interesting twist.
Okay, I need to stop now before I vote for everything
This awesome. And have many different objects - interesting for modelling and texturing.
But without character. It may be problem for noob as me
Vote 2.
Many buildings, but look great and may be modular.
Sorry for my english )
This one gets my vote.
Nice ratio of modular assets to unique pieces.
My vote.
But since this one seems like it has more momentum, I'm also voting for this (or the bridge scene that was posted with it:
The wall offers some unique challenges too... I'm quite interested to see how people would approach the landscape, foliage, and water.
and this
What a noob mistake. I would be happy to take it on and learn.
I vote for that one, I love it.
If it gets picked, it'll be a great challenge.
I vote for this one.
When does voting close? End of the month right?
This one has my vote, seems like it's very possible to do within a month, lots of areas nice things to tweak and look pretty
^ I think this one is a good contender vs the castle wall in noobish ability (like myself
^ Same goes for this one
If anyone is wondering, this guy is a concept artist for Aion (or was)
If I was to vote for any of the current posted it'd probably be the castle wall or this:
Anyway here are my suggestions.
This one is amazing :O, without the person and the robot ofc
I'll put in another vote for this one
edit: reasoning: it's a cool scene, and it seems to be between this one and the with the wall, they are both interesting, but I think this one would just be a lot more fun/interesting with the range of props/filler stuff in it.