I'm a big fan of Borderlands 2 so I had to give a try at their awesome art style! I decided to work on Tiny Tina and make a grown-up version of her for a short comic strip.
This story happens 5 years after Borderlands 2 ending, and Tina is now 18.
For those who don't know her, she is the deadliest 13 year-old girl on Pandora and an expert in explosives.
She's now sponsored by Torgue who made her a custom harpoon gun that is connected to a winch that she's wearing as a backpack. Whenever she wants something, it will get to her or she will get to it (depends on the size of the pray I guess ). I have yet to do some renders of Tina with her gun in action. Coming soon!
It was really fun to work on this project, I was really excited when I started the inking pass on the textures. The black outline is from Marmoset.
My good friend
Sam Griene did the rigging and skinning for Tina, and I did all the rest. It took some time to do all the characters but then it was fairly quick to do the pages. About one a day.
Anyway here is the first batch of images.
Princess Fluffybutt is back in action with a battle steed this time: a Skag puppy named Alonso that Tina domesticated (after the loss of Enrique). To avoid being bitten, she put some duck tape on its upper jaw.
Let me know what you think!
By the way, I'm looking for freelance work if you have any tips. Thanks in advance!

Hope you liked it!
Oh and here is a short animation of Tina's harpoon gun manufactured by Torgue!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlDxXIzrZ6k"]Torgue_HarpoonGun - YouTube[/ame]
very cool stuff!
Teach me Obi-Wan Kenobi.
We're having a Polycount meetup THIS Saturday - you should come.
Really great job!
I just hoped I posted that in a better time regarding the recent events.
Lol. Just kidding. Great work!
I know I still have to post some breakdown shots, I will be on it soon, but in the meantime I wanted to do a little 360 directly from Marmoset to show you the model before the Toshop work.
I don't have much to change after I render the frames in Marmoset. I usually use this "blue sky" light setup which flattens the character and gives a nice uniform lighting and 2D look.
The only thing I had to do though, was render in two passes. One with the outline and one without it. I was then masking the marmoset outlines on Tina's face. The reason for that is that the outlines on meshes of the face like eyebrows were way too dark and thick and she looked like the carwash owner's in Breaking bad first episodes.
I just realized we never see Tina's back or left side in the 5 or 6 pages so the green tooth never made it in the comics.
Might take a little while to load, it's about 18Mb.
Working without poly constraints is cool, but you feel dirty afterwards, and retopo is like working at Foxconn. 40000 tris by hand per day!
Tina is in the 70K, the skag/bunny below 20K and about 15K for the guards.
Here are the textures, I didn't put all the normal maps in this sheet because normal maps are boring. I think I just had a spec on the guards (for the guy with a reflective helmet) and Tina's gun. But most of the time diffuse+nm was just what I needed.
I put them all together but they were of course seperated. Big squares were 2048, smaller ones like Tina's face or the guns were 1024.
I didn't spend any time on the guards back because I knew that we would never see those area. The guards model/textures/rig/skin were actually rushed in 4 days... and it really showed when I was trying to pose their hands ahaha.
And as I mentionned in the previous post, the renders were pretty straight forward. Blue Sky lighting preset in Marmoset, with the ground and outline on. Then off for the face. And the background was painted in toshop (same for all the pictures of the comic, thank god the story was taking place in the desert).
Done! Just in time for next week's CreatureBox art jam!!!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Thanks for the breakdown. Best thing I've seen in a long time.