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(not so) Tiny Tina Comic



  • Goldo_O
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    Goldo_O greentooth
    Thanks everybody! So glad that's it's out, now I can catch up with so many games I wanted to play: 3rd DLC of BL2, god of war, metal gear revengance...

    Tris, thanks so much for your message! You can't imagine how happy I am to know that you guys at Gearbox liked it!
    It sounds like a lot of employees or relatives have been involved in the game, for voices, mocap (I didn't know about this one!) etc. Which must make the game so much more special for you when you play it, that's awesome!
    I have to ask, did your girlfriend actually did this famous jump on the detonator box when Tina gets introduced for the first time? Instant classic!
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Wow, awesome work. I love that it's hard to tell if this is 2D or 3D. Also can you confirm the whole comic was done in Marmoset? If so, that's awesome!

    Oh and despite Tiny Tina's dialogue being the worst part of the game for me, it didn't bother me in this comic, good job!
  • Bbox85
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    Bbox85 polycounter lvl 9
    For that particular sequence, no. That would've been awesome though! That sequence was key frame animated by the Lead Animator Dia Hadley I believe. I think the skipping up to the detonator remained her though. During the mocap session I don't believe that they had a prop for the detonator, my girlfriend had to pretend to push down on something. In the end i think the sequence turned out alright but lacked that bit of character during the detonation, so Dia took the artistic license to make it what it is in the game now. Which like you've said is freakin' awesome.
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