Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know, over the past year I've recieved a tonne of mail regarding my questionable choices in art. Many have suggested I shouldnt waste my time with tits and ass models, and most whom I've attempted to explain myself too, have only ended up hating me further.
I've stubbornly fought against the ever-increasing amount of suggestions to curb my enthusiasm towards sexy female characters but I wanted you to be the first to know, that I've finally realised you are right.
Sorry to all the folks I've offended, no more sexy girls from me.
Your pal,
PS - I can't wait to see your morgan freeman!
You have no need to explain yourself or your art. You should always just keep enjoying what your doing. If they dont like it, they dont have to look at it.
My part in it : Guys, I'm a walrus!
Ah I see what I missed now. I guess this is what I get for day drinking all Easter day hahaha
Blogpost at best. Maaaaaaybe facebook status
Hazardous, you shouldn't stop 'because people told you so'. You should genuinely not want to do it because it cheapens your considerable skillset. Someone who has worked as hard as you should not be producing work that looks like Poser art. 'Tits' is not a (particularly good) theme.
I like your most recent piece. And I'm looking forward to seeing your new direction. Good luck.
EDIT: Oh. I've just realized what day it is. Thought Haz had finally matured but I guess he's only getting worse. Never mind!
hahaha im at work crying from laughter. nice job!
Whether this is an elaborate April Fool's joke or not, one thing you need to be reminded of is that art is indeed "design by committee" - especially when it is your own material, you are not on a job hunt, and are extremely successful at what you do. I mean, great artists on this forum like Andreas did not get to where they are today by doing their own thing and making their own mark. No. Fuck no. They worked hard at general discussion, sharing thoughts on subjects they have no experience in, and by talking - not doing. THESE are the things that make a great artist.
I'm talking to you as a friend, man. These people that have been ragging on you for years are not speaking out of jealousy that you can do something they wish they had the talent to pull off. No, they are speaking the truth. You need to censor yourself, you need to bend your own personal beliefs to please a vocal minority. While you have spent time working away and perfecting your craft, all the while teaching other artists to follow in your footsteps and actually being a productive member of the community...these people have been developing personal opinions and just talking about the things they would like to do. See the difference? Who's the better person here?
Try to make everyone happy.
Yours in Christ,
Well played good sir.
The delicious inevitability of self righteousness walking triumphantly into the callous back hand of sarcasm was a joy to behold. :P
Oh Gav.
You (and a lot of other people) give what we do a little too much credit (making 'art' for business men to truly profit from, not you, on creative projects that don't even come from you). You aren't painting the fucking Sintine Chapel roof, Gav. And neither is anybody else. It's just game art. Tryto stay humble.
And yes, people who have tried to steer Haz away from this tackiness aren't doing it out of jealousy. They are trying to actually help him grow by offering other avenues he could explore, but, as some other 'fellows' that come along, he refuses to. He is the exact same as all those 'artists' in P&P who refuse to change anything because it's 'stylised'.
One analogy would be film-making. It's like watching a talented director making pornos when he could actually be making decent movies.
Anyways, this is (more than likely) a troll thread deliberately created to incite. Not sure why I'm bothering.
I also don't think that many artists actually PM him as much about this topic as he claims; otherwise you'd see them out here saying the same thing too. All in his head.
Haz just needs the occasional attention-seek, bless his cotton socks.
There is a reason people use the "/s" note on their posts, I can't tell if this thread is funny anymore or dwindled down to cats pics status, because people felt the need to ruin a good April's thread
Holy shit this thread needs more Gav and The Wire gifs, those are great.