really? it did nothing to solve my problems, wierdly enough on ultra settings I get almost the same fps as I do on low settings.
Looking into it the min requirements for BF4 is an i5 or an i7. So think it might be time to upgrade the cpu RIP Q6600. I got the updated beta drivers too and found no improvement. Just get inconsistent frames.
you mean... DICE are doing what the CoD devs have been doing since forever? OH MY COD!
3 and 4 will NEVER amount to bad company 2. Miss the days when BF didnt try to be more like COD to win over some of its audience
Just played the beta, its not fun to me but the effects are superb. Not the scripted destruction but mostly the bullet holes and some of the lighting effects in dark areas
To be dead honest it almost looks like a playstation 2 game when these stupid bloom effects aren't hogging up the screen. Seems like thats what they rely on too much for visuals. Sure theres some nice scenes when the highlights meet the sun rays but look in the opposite direction and you're back in 2005
Looking into it the min requirements for BF4 is an i5 or an i7. So think it might be time to upgrade the cpu RIP Q6600. I got the updated beta drivers too and found no improvement. Just get inconsistent frames.
I dont know, this is the only game my q6600 has ever complained about, BF3 runs quite well on high settings, why would BF4 be so very different.
I don't know why people are buzzing about the levelution stuff. We did scripted animated triggers for Motorstorm Apocalypse. There you could actually drive on a falling skyscraper, as well as in it or underneath it.
Sure the same thing happens every time you play the race but at least it's interactive in such a way that you actually get a chance to move out of the way and/or be on it while things are falling.
Way more interactive than the skyscraper experience that is in BF4. Which is really gimmicky.
So far, the beta has some good, and some bad. There are some nice improvements, over BF3, that were nice to see. Mainly, multiple paths across the map, and more importantly, out of the spawn base. I have yet to be spawn camped. The single use weapons are also nicely balance, to prevent over use.
Unfortunately, there are a LOT of 'bad' things. Many of these can be easily fixed (and may be already). Right now, I really hope we are actually playing an Alpha level game, because the number of issues seems overwhelming to fix before the end of the month. Here's a quick list:
- Weapons not appearing. (especially if switching class just before auto deploy)
- Progress bars (at end of round) are all over the place, and not calculating properly
- When the building falls, if the building starts to lean, you're pretty much dead. If I run across the roof, and it's on an angle, I should still be able to run; not mysteriously die.
- Sometimes I parachute off the roof, JUST in time, and I still die, because I'm within 20ft of the building... at the top... when the building is still leaning, and falling away from me.
- The weapon damage seems COMPLETELY inconsistent. Sometimes I put a whole clip in the back of someone (hit markers the whole time), then they turn around and pop me with 2 shots, and I die. Sometimes it's the reverse (I insta-kill them).
- On the note of weapons, the pistols seem very over powered (at least the p226). I feel like I' deadlier running around with my pistol as my main weapon.
- When using the stinger, most of the time, my HUD does not appear
- Vehicle stealing is too easy... possibly easier than BF3. Almost every map now, there is a guy going to our base, and taking our chopper. And their's practically no way to defend against it, because the chopper is on a rooftop.
- The light attack choppers are WAY OP. I'm getting 2 shot by them constantly. You can't even get a lock on one, before it turns, and kills you. The people I'm playing with are either an INCREDIBLE shot, or they only need to fire the gun near me.
- The choppers are way more difficult to fly, and the control changes on the console were completely unnecessary.
- The use of the electric gates feels more like a gimmick than at all useful. Most of the gates are for shops that only serve to block yourself from reaching the objective. Not to mention, every area with a gate, also has a huge opening next to it.
- Defibs are pointless, because you have 2 seconds to revive someone, before they are no longer revivable.
- Once again, there are buildings that people can get on, but only have 1 point of access. Instead of 1 ladder to reach the top, now there's only one elevator. And like before, someone camps the shit out of that entry point. So, if there is a group of guys being a nuisance on top of the building, it's almost impossible to stop them. Why doesn't the building have a ladder and an elevator? Hell, maybe a stair case, so they have more entry points to watch.
- The elevator implementation is terrible. You get into an elevator, the door closes, then a guy stands outside, while you go 'up'. His guy barrel sticks through the door. Then suddenly I teleport to the roof. The whole time, enemies on the roof are made aware of my approach, because of course, the door is open until someone is coming. Why? The doors should close after a set time, and you hit a button to open the door. Then they wouldn't be so aware someone is coming. PLUS, I should be able to send an empty elevator, just to throw them off.
- Personal ammo is too low. I understand what DICE is going for here, but I still feel like there should be more ammo.
- Once again, DICE played up a fully destructible environment, but basically I can blow out glass, and some walls, but very few useful walls.
- RPGs are single shot destroying tanks, when hit in the rear.
- Once again, my player is having problems stepping over a 3 inch lip, of a destroyed wall, and there are also building corners, with a glass door, where I blow out the glass around it, and the player won't walk through (despite plenty of room).
- No team chat. Though, during one round, we had 7 people in our squad. All friends, who were joining on each other. It was nice to actually communicate with friends, since it appears that DICE made the decision to not support team chat.
- No way to mute people? I couldn't find it, if possible. I joined a match, and got stuck in with 2 guys yelling in spanish (on a US server). I switched squads, when I couldn't' find a mute option.
On a separate note... WTF are my boats?! You teased the shit out of these boats, yet I see none on the consoles. Will they be in the final release, or are current gens just fucked? If they won't be there, then DICE should have just held off another month, and made it for nextgen consoles only. It's currently gimped down so much, that's only a poorly rendered shadow of what it should be.
Oh, and I find the match completely uninteresting, once the building falls. I'll be SO glad when people get past the raging hard-on of watching it fall. I'm tired of people knocking it down, just to see it, and not for strategic reasons (my own team taking it down, when we controlled it). The building falls, and the map colors become 50 shades of grey. Most of the vertical challenge is gone. Not to mention, you don't get kill credit for people who die, when you knock down the building.
At this point, I've decided against grabbing a current gen version, and just waiting for the PS4 version. If I hear that many of the problems above still exist, when I get my PS4, then I may just skip out on the game completely. I know several people who have cancelled their pre-order, and several others who have decided against the PS3 version. DICE has a chance to absolutely stomp CoD with this game, and I think they are fumbling it right now.
They'll only stomp CoD if they release BF4 on current consoles with a steady 60fps framerate... and of course that's not going to happen
It's actually very interesting that the least advertised feature of these games (framerate) is actually what makes or break them in practice !
They'll only stomp CoD if they release BF4 on current consoles with a steady 60fps framerate... and of course that's not going to happen
It's actually very interesting that the least advertised feature of these games (framerate) is actually what makes or break them in practice !
generally console games have a higher input fps than PC games
On pc games 60 fps has the best input and best draw rate (at 60hz), so it feels great. But players like me don't want anything under 55 because you can feel it.
Consoles seem to be different, they draw around 25-30 but the input fps or whatever seems to be higher, so you don't notice the drawing as much. 40 fps on a console even feels smooth.
Playing BF3 and then playing COD you do notice quite a difference though. Probably because COD maps are becoming smaller and smaller so its easier to bake everything
To be dead honest it almost looks like a playstation 2 game when these stupid bloom effects aren't hogging up the screen. Seems like thats what they rely on too much for visuals. Sure theres some nice scenes when the highlights meet the sun rays but look in the opposite direction and you're back in 2005
I take this back I didnt realize the map gets covered with ash
Other things I forgot:
Is it intentional to have the RPG lock onto designated vehicles? I thought this was a bug, and it was running the javalin code, but I'm reading/hearing elsewhere that this is the intentional operation.
There are places you can go through the map already.
And, there are points in the map, that teleport you to the sky, or propel you 20ft up, just by running by
really? it did nothing to solve my problems, wierdly enough on ultra settings I get almost the same fps as I do on low settings.
Ran it at work today and the processor was at like 50% load at home was 100% so think it is it. That or some shit is going on with hyperthreading. People say that disabling cores is giving them more fps on older processors.
Stuff I have seen:
The Airburst weapon is awesome to counter snipe snipers
Recon players are useless at targeting anything. Just sit on top of buildings trying to snipe
Gotta spam ammo drops to give ammo now. Not fun when 5 guys are standing next to you.
Die randomly either parachute not deploying or just plain dying.
Game spawning you out of the playable zone.
PLD designating unmanned vehicles unless theres a way to specify what to designate.
Recon now has a PLD wich lets you lock onto vehicles.
Once you have a lock, a engineer can lock onto that target and have a target seeking rpg.
So not a bug, but you do need 2 people for it.
Which is ridiculous, since, as far as I know, no such technology exists. Rocket propelled grenades are dumb weapons. Yes, it takes 2 people... like the Javalin required before. At least THAT is actual functionality.
tbh, I don't mind the two people function here. It's teamwork and that's hard to come by when playing with strangers on a bf server.
I will mention and I hope you guys agree with me on this. But... It appears that a LOT of waist line objects that I should be able to leap over. Are NOT possible with BF4. For example, the elevator that goes to the roof by US objective (B) Bravo. There's a part on the roof that sits behind the elevator that the player should be able to leap over. But for some reason, he can't. It's ridiculous!
I not arguing against the 2 man teamwork. I'm pointing out that the RPG shouldn't lock onto anything. Grenade launchers are dumb, and fly in straight lines. They aren't laser guided, and make hard turns. That's what Javalins are for.
The stupid thing about that DLC is, they are doing their 'premium' campaign again. In other words, once the game is out, I'll be able to buy premium, and get that DLC. I won't pay any more money than the guy who pre-ordered to get that DLC. There is absolutely no incentive for my to pre-order.
Anyone playing yet? I played a little bit of multiplayer, but default TDM server setup is 100 kills I think, so in a 64 player server, that's only a 4 minute match. I like what I've seen of the maps so far, quick 4 minute glimpses :poly121:
I decided to try out the campaign a little too. I'm really enjoying the variety of environments so far. Oh, and I encountered this bug that wouldn't let me climb the ladder on the ship. I climb it and it shoots me in the air, only to fall and die. I try again and land in the water, but can't surface. I restart the checkpoint and spawn in the air, but land alive and where I needed to be. "Oh shit" is right...
Yikes Lele, Haven't seen that before. I'll send it forward to some guys. :O
Sixth game shipped! Feels good man!
That's a bug that has been around since BF3, which is a reason I was left extremely concerned after the BF4 beta (and why it stopped my pre-order). In the beta, I was seeing bugs from BF3, that had been fix. In this case, one that had not been (if it's the one I'm thinking of). Many people refer to it as the super jump, but in the BF3 multiplayer, you could hit certain points where ladders meet the water, and you would rocket up into the air. In the beta, I had it happen once, when I walked near a block of cement, in the rubble.
Anyway, I didn't come here to bash things, just sharing my disappointment. I was going to get it for the current gen console, but decided to wait until I get a PS4. By them, I'm hoping some of the bugs have been worked out (again). Visually there's some great detail, and as a software developer, I do get impressed by all the work that would have been required to make all this happen.
Why is the camo on the uniform different? That makes no sense. I can only assume one is from a completely different build (i.e non-release, and predating the other?)
i think its too similar to be different builds. I suspect because the Boner has Aliasing issues, the higher camo pattern might have been too noisy. Same with the clouds and lighting too. Also seems like the Boner uses higher contrast to hide artifacts.
Side by side comparisons. Turns out the Xbone version runs at 1280x whilst the Ps4 one runs at 1600x. The Xbone has somewhat better contrast, but still looks pretty shitty by comparison.
The PC version destroys both of the others completely.
The camo pattern on the xbox matches the pc version, only the ps4 is different. There's a lot of little inconsistencies across all platforms. In some shots, the ps4 looks more like the pc, in others the xbox does.
I'm a BF fan, but not a fan of marketing gimmicks. Sorry, but this game will not be in my reason of any purchase. New graphics + FX < Nothing significantly new from BF3. You will not be getting my moneys worth.
For the game looks good, and during BETA, played well. There really wasn't much substantially new that would make me wanna fork over $60-70 bucks on this. Being a downer on BF4 I will do, because anyone supporting this outta know why most companies who make something significant end up signing that dotted line in the contract that lets all control go to the publisher with the $$$ that could care less for you and what you do.
In some shots, the ps4 looks more like the pc, in others the xbox does.
I'm not sure any of those shots have an Xbox version that looks better than the Ps4 version. Battlefield 4 is only one game of course, but if you're hedging your choice based on the game you currently intend to buy (and many people do), for me the choice would be pretty clear.
lol i must be blind because most of the xbox ones looked a lot similar to the PC than the ps4 ones. the higher contrast looks better and most textures looked crisper. I like the subtle DOF in some of the console shots vs mostly being crystal clear on PC, like the shots with the chopper in the background.
wow, in those comparison shots the xbone looks terrible by comparison... is the game upscaled to 1080p on the xbone or something? it looks jaggy as fuck!
XBONE version looks one generation behind, seems SSAO (or whatever it is) is missing in some scene, also the high contrast is likely there to cover the graphic weakness, PS4 looks promising and as usual, PC blows both out of the water.
as the game itself, as good as it goes, I really don't like the whole marketing BS behind it, I see a horde of DLSs coming its way just like the bloody The Sims, as long as EA's got the back of it, its always dubious and dodgy, on the other hand, DICE is cool though, I really like the efforts they pull on Frostbite engine.
I want to play it, but I predict a Bf3 style DLCing the multiplayer game to death, fragmenting the user base. I'm not going in for that.
They already have 5 planned dlc packs on the main home page. dlc pack #2 is pretty much 4 maps from bf3. Not sure why they would do that since the graphics in bf4 are not ground breaking from bf3 as it was to bf2.
I'm a bit worried that in an art forum, there are people who genuinely can't see that the Xbox One version is visually a lot worse than the other two in most situations! The textures aren't crisper, the gamma curve is just broken and contrast cranked up as a result. In many cases, the textures seem to be quite a lot lower resolution on the Xbox One - e.g. the steering wheel in the car, or handling the water materials.
Re-releasing old maps worked for CoD, so I guess they're copying the model. It costs so little development time to achieve if you've barely changed your engine data formats that personally I find it insulting.
It's speculation from a rival magazine that DF did something wrong - whilst the contrast is one thing, that wouldn't screw up the horrible pixellation (AA issues?) in places, result in inferior lighting or cause it to render at a lower res
I've been enjoying BF4 since release. There are some game changing bugs though that really do need to be fixed asap.
The rubber-banding is pretty much everywhere, I try to play through it but it eventually becomes unbearable.
The sound glitch is another, while this you can kind of play through it's hard to know where anything is coming from, you can only hear your gun and vehicles from time to time, everything else is muted.
While the game is pretty or almost completely similar to BF3, I think there are things that help make the game worth the purchase. The Levolution is cool (not necessarily exactly how they pitched it) but regardless it's nice feature and the little traps and interact-able level elements really help and make things awesome and different. I don't regret my purchase at all even with these bugs (assuming they get fixed hah, which is very likely).
I pre-ordered it on late january, when origin put an offer saying: "get the premium edition pre-ordering now". But... i only see china rising!
And the worse is that the second dlc are 4 maps from bf3...
I see myself playing the ultra short campaign, entering 2 online matches with some guys using hacks (like with bf3 on its first days), and not playing it again. If that's the case, i won't buy a BF game anymore.
Too many people bought the game + premium service at origin mexico/india using VPN, 20€ each... Origin/EA does not do anything with that fraud, and stupids as me paying 70€ for a pre-order of the digital deluxe edition.
I'm enraged , 8 hours for the launch, and i'm sure there will be cheaters with max level and all unlocked as usual.
Played it a little bit. MP is so much more balanced over BF3's MP that BF3 is unbearable to play now. Much more responsive, much better hit detection, just a vastly better experience. Level design for the couple of maps I had played seems better too.
Sure, it doesn't look a ton better than BF3, but it does feel much more polished. Although I hate the return of the sound bug where your engine sounds disappear momentarily... that is so annoying.
All in all, a very interesting experience so far. The SP has some awesome moments as well, 3 levels in.
Those XO and PS4 comparisons really show how underpowered the XO is as well.... a ton of the shots show major draw distance issues with many distant objects being drawn at all. Then a heavy DOF is used to blur the background to distract from it...
I was just informed, last night, that there is not a "BF3" controller configuration, as promised. Can someone confirm this? (particularly on the PS3)
You wont get precision mirrored bf3 controls but you can customize the controls under options to be close. Foe example, i use default and legacy for my heli pilot controls. Its virtually identical to BF3, however one tiny difference being the acceleration controls. Left stick controls acceleration rather than right trigger.
You wont get precision mirrored bf3 controls but you can customize the controls under options to be close. Foe example, i use default and legacy for my heli pilot controls. Its virtually identical to BF3, however one tiny difference being the acceleration controls. Left stick controls acceleration rather than right trigger.
Yep... and that was my problem in the beta (and why others were outraged too). I wanted the acceleration of that damn stick! I can't fly with it there. I hated the new knife location, but got use to it, after moving it to the circle, and I absolutely despised the movement of the spot button. Battlelog on the select button is the dumbest change overall. That should be a start button menu option. I don't know why, but it angers me in a very deep way, that they felt the need to not keep the controller configuration, with nothing to justify it (no new features).
really? it did nothing to solve my problems, wierdly enough on ultra settings I get almost the same fps as I do on low settings.
Looking into it the min requirements for BF4 is an i5 or an i7. So think it might be time to upgrade the cpu
3 and 4 will NEVER amount to bad company 2. Miss the days when BF didnt try to be more like COD to win over some of its audience
Just played the beta, its not fun to me but the effects are superb. Not the scripted destruction but mostly the bullet holes and some of the lighting effects in dark areas
To be dead honest it almost looks like a playstation 2 game when these stupid bloom effects aren't hogging up the screen. Seems like thats what they rely on too much for visuals. Sure theres some nice scenes when the highlights meet the sun rays but look in the opposite direction and you're back in 2005
I dont know, this is the only game my q6600 has ever complained about, BF3 runs quite well on high settings, why would BF4 be so very different.
Sure the same thing happens every time you play the race but at least it's interactive in such a way that you actually get a chance to move out of the way and/or be on it while things are falling.
Way more interactive than the skyscraper experience that is in BF4. Which is really gimmicky.
Stuff like this:
Unfortunately, there are a LOT of 'bad' things. Many of these can be easily fixed (and may be already). Right now, I really hope we are actually playing an Alpha level game, because the number of issues seems overwhelming to fix before the end of the month. Here's a quick list:
- Weapons not appearing. (especially if switching class just before auto deploy)
- Progress bars (at end of round) are all over the place, and not calculating properly
- When the building falls, if the building starts to lean, you're pretty much dead. If I run across the roof, and it's on an angle, I should still be able to run; not mysteriously die.
- Sometimes I parachute off the roof, JUST in time, and I still die, because I'm within 20ft of the building... at the top... when the building is still leaning, and falling away from me.
- The weapon damage seems COMPLETELY inconsistent. Sometimes I put a whole clip in the back of someone (hit markers the whole time), then they turn around and pop me with 2 shots, and I die. Sometimes it's the reverse (I insta-kill them).
- On the note of weapons, the pistols seem very over powered (at least the p226). I feel like I' deadlier running around with my pistol as my main weapon.
- When using the stinger, most of the time, my HUD does not appear
- Vehicle stealing is too easy... possibly easier than BF3. Almost every map now, there is a guy going to our base, and taking our chopper. And their's practically no way to defend against it, because the chopper is on a rooftop.
- The light attack choppers are WAY OP. I'm getting 2 shot by them constantly. You can't even get a lock on one, before it turns, and kills you. The people I'm playing with are either an INCREDIBLE shot, or they only need to fire the gun near me.
- The choppers are way more difficult to fly, and the control changes on the console were completely unnecessary.
- The use of the electric gates feels more like a gimmick than at all useful. Most of the gates are for shops that only serve to block yourself from reaching the objective. Not to mention, every area with a gate, also has a huge opening next to it.
- Defibs are pointless, because you have 2 seconds to revive someone, before they are no longer revivable.
- Once again, there are buildings that people can get on, but only have 1 point of access. Instead of 1 ladder to reach the top, now there's only one elevator. And like before, someone camps the shit out of that entry point. So, if there is a group of guys being a nuisance on top of the building, it's almost impossible to stop them. Why doesn't the building have a ladder and an elevator? Hell, maybe a stair case, so they have more entry points to watch.
- The elevator implementation is terrible. You get into an elevator, the door closes, then a guy stands outside, while you go 'up'. His guy barrel sticks through the door. Then suddenly I teleport to the roof. The whole time, enemies on the roof are made aware of my approach, because of course, the door is open until someone is coming. Why? The doors should close after a set time, and you hit a button to open the door. Then they wouldn't be so aware someone is coming. PLUS, I should be able to send an empty elevator, just to throw them off.
- Personal ammo is too low. I understand what DICE is going for here, but I still feel like there should be more ammo.
- Once again, DICE played up a fully destructible environment, but basically I can blow out glass, and some walls, but very few useful walls.
- RPGs are single shot destroying tanks, when hit in the rear.
- Once again, my player is having problems stepping over a 3 inch lip, of a destroyed wall, and there are also building corners, with a glass door, where I blow out the glass around it, and the player won't walk through (despite plenty of room).
- No team chat. Though, during one round, we had 7 people in our squad. All friends, who were joining on each other. It was nice to actually communicate with friends, since it appears that DICE made the decision to not support team chat.
- No way to mute people? I couldn't find it, if possible. I joined a match, and got stuck in with 2 guys yelling in spanish (on a US server). I switched squads, when I couldn't' find a mute option.
On a separate note... WTF are my boats?! You teased the shit out of these boats, yet I see none on the consoles. Will they be in the final release, or are current gens just fucked? If they won't be there, then DICE should have just held off another month, and made it for nextgen consoles only. It's currently gimped down so much, that's only a poorly rendered shadow of what it should be.
Oh, and I find the match completely uninteresting, once the building falls. I'll be SO glad when people get past the raging hard-on of watching it fall. I'm tired of people knocking it down, just to see it, and not for strategic reasons (my own team taking it down, when we controlled it). The building falls, and the map colors become 50 shades of grey. Most of the vertical challenge is gone. Not to mention, you don't get kill credit for people who die, when you knock down the building.
At this point, I've decided against grabbing a current gen version, and just waiting for the PS4 version. If I hear that many of the problems above still exist, when I get my PS4, then I may just skip out on the game completely. I know several people who have cancelled their pre-order, and several others who have decided against the PS3 version. DICE has a chance to absolutely stomp CoD with this game, and I think they are fumbling it right now.
It's actually very interesting that the least advertised feature of these games (framerate) is actually what makes or break them in practice !
generally console games have a higher input fps than PC games
On pc games 60 fps has the best input and best draw rate (at 60hz), so it feels great. But players like me don't want anything under 55 because you can feel it.
Consoles seem to be different, they draw around 25-30 but the input fps or whatever seems to be higher, so you don't notice the drawing as much. 40 fps on a console even feels smooth.
Playing BF3 and then playing COD you do notice quite a difference though. Probably because COD maps are becoming smaller and smaller so its easier to bake everything
I take this back I didnt realize the map gets covered with ash
Is it intentional to have the RPG lock onto designated vehicles? I thought this was a bug, and it was running the javalin code, but I'm reading/hearing elsewhere that this is the intentional operation.
There are places you can go through the map already.
And, there are points in the map, that teleport you to the sky, or propel you 20ft up, just by running by
Once you have a lock, a engineer can lock onto that target and have a target seeking rpg.
So not a bug, but you do need 2 people for it.
Ran it at work today and the processor was at like 50% load at home was 100% so think it is it. That or some shit is going on with hyperthreading. People say that disabling cores is giving them more fps on older processors.
Stuff I have seen:
The Airburst weapon is awesome to counter snipe snipers
Recon players are useless at targeting anything. Just sit on top of buildings trying to snipe
Gotta spam ammo drops to give ammo now. Not fun when 5 guys are standing next to you.
Die randomly either parachute not deploying or just plain dying.
Game spawning you out of the playable zone.
PLD designating unmanned vehicles unless theres a way to specify what to designate.
Which is ridiculous, since, as far as I know, no such technology exists. Rocket propelled grenades are dumb weapons. Yes, it takes 2 people... like the Javalin required before. At least THAT is actual functionality.
I will mention and I hope you guys agree with me on this. But... It appears that a LOT of waist line objects that I should be able to leap over. Are NOT possible with BF4. For example, the elevator that goes to the roof by US objective (B) Bravo. There's a part on the roof that sits behind the elevator that the player should be able to leap over. But for some reason, he can't. It's ridiculous!
Ahhh, fuck EA. I love getting 75% of the game for full price
couldn't EA just prohibit resale of their products in an organized manner such as gamestop? As opposed to ebay etc
I decided to try out the campaign a little too. I'm really enjoying the variety of environments so far. Oh, and I encountered this bug that wouldn't let me climb the ladder on the ship. I climb it and it shoots me in the air, only to fall and die. I try again and land in the water, but can't surface. I restart the checkpoint and spawn in the air, but land alive and where I needed to be. "Oh shit" is right...
Sixth game shipped! Feels good man!
Me too, I loved the fuck out of BF3 (so shoot me), but the EA price gouging model is obnoxious. Will not support.
i like it. its an improvement on bf3. which was a decent game too.
some of the large levolution moments in maps seem pointless (lancang dam for example)
can normally catch me playing under the name of camsedin
That's a bug that has been around since BF3, which is a reason I was left extremely concerned after the BF4 beta (and why it stopped my pre-order). In the beta, I was seeing bugs from BF3, that had been fix. In this case, one that had not been (if it's the one I'm thinking of). Many people refer to it as the super jump, but in the BF3 multiplayer, you could hit certain points where ladders meet the water, and you would rocket up into the air. In the beta, I had it happen once, when I walked near a block of cement, in the rubble.
Anyway, I didn't come here to bash things, just sharing my disappointment. I was going to get it for the current gen console, but decided to wait until I get a PS4. By them, I'm hoping some of the bugs have been worked out (again). Visually there's some great detail, and as a software developer, I do get impressed by all the work that would have been required to make all this happen.
Side by side comparisons. Turns out the Xbone version runs at 1280x whilst the Ps4 one runs at 1600x. The Xbone has somewhat better contrast, but still looks pretty shitty by comparison.
The PC version destroys both of the others completely.
For the game looks good, and during BETA, played well. There really wasn't much substantially new that would make me wanna fork over $60-70 bucks on this. Being a downer on BF4 I will do, because anyone supporting this outta know why most companies who make something significant end up signing that dotted line in the contract that lets all control go to the publisher with the $$$ that could care less for you and what you do.
I'm not sure any of those shots have an Xbox version that looks better than the Ps4 version. Battlefield 4 is only one game of course, but if you're hedging your choice based on the game you currently intend to buy (and many people do), for me the choice would be pretty clear.
as the game itself, as good as it goes, I really don't like the whole marketing BS behind it, I see a horde of DLSs coming its way just like the bloody The Sims, as long as EA's got the back of it, its always dubious and dodgy, on the other hand, DICE is cool though, I really like the efforts they pull on Frostbite engine.
They already have 5 planned dlc packs on the main home page. dlc pack #2 is pretty much 4 maps from bf3. Not sure why they would do that since the graphics in bf4 are not ground breaking from bf3 as it was to bf2.
Re-releasing old maps worked for CoD, so I guess they're copying the model. It costs so little development time to achieve if you've barely changed your engine data formats that personally I find it insulting.
Still, the resolution is much lower on XBone.
The rubber-banding is pretty much everywhere, I try to play through it but it eventually becomes unbearable.
The sound glitch is another, while this you can kind of play through it's hard to know where anything is coming from, you can only hear your gun and vehicles from time to time, everything else is muted.
While the game is pretty or almost completely similar to BF3, I think there are things that help make the game worth the purchase. The Levolution is cool (not necessarily exactly how they pitched it) but regardless it's nice feature and the little traps and interact-able level elements really help and make things awesome and different. I don't regret my purchase at all even with these bugs (assuming they get fixed hah, which is very likely).
Preloaded and ready to whooop some ass.
I just like this game
And the worse is that the second dlc are 4 maps from bf3...
I see myself playing the ultra short campaign, entering 2 online matches with some guys using hacks (like with bf3 on its first days), and not playing it again. If that's the case, i won't buy a BF game anymore.
Too many people bought the game + premium service at origin mexico/india using VPN, 20€ each... Origin/EA does not do anything with that fraud, and stupids as me paying 70€ for a pre-order of the digital deluxe edition.
I'm enraged
Sure, it doesn't look a ton better than BF3, but it does feel much more polished. Although I hate the return of the sound bug where your engine sounds disappear momentarily... that is so annoying.
All in all, a very interesting experience so far. The SP has some awesome moments as well, 3 levels in.
Those XO and PS4 comparisons really show how underpowered the XO is as well.... a ton of the shots show major draw distance issues with many distant objects being drawn at all. Then a heavy DOF is used to blur the background to distract from it...
You wont get precision mirrored bf3 controls but you can customize the controls under options to be close. Foe example, i use default and legacy for my heli pilot controls. Its virtually identical to BF3, however one tiny difference being the acceleration controls. Left stick controls acceleration rather than right trigger.
Yep... and that was my problem in the beta (and why others were outraged too). I wanted the acceleration of that damn stick! I can't fly with it there. I hated the new knife location, but got use to it, after moving it to the circle, and I absolutely despised the movement of the spot button. Battlelog on the select button is the dumbest change overall. That should be a start button menu option. I don't know why, but it angers me in a very deep way, that they felt the need to not keep the controller configuration, with nothing to justify it (no new features).