My 660ti is going to shit kittens if those are in-game shots.
I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't take place in a different time period, like near-future; I wanted BF3 multi to stay relevant but looks like it might be replaced. We should be seeing gameplay today, very exciting.
Yep, my 2GB 660ti is not gonna be playing this on ULTRA! Nice thump off that shotgun, and love the quick reload you get from popping a cartridge in the chamber sorry to see BF4 has noob-tubes though.
Shit gets super real 12 minutes in, I think it looks great, but I'm thinking the reaction to this video is gonna be that BF4 is pretty, but not different enough.
So BF 3 with DoF, caustics and you can open doors now. Cool
I've yet to play the sp campaign of bf 3, maybe I should.
(This looks as fucking good as BF 3 visually, I just hope the MP brings something at least slightly new like drivable civilian vehicles, commander mode, fully destructible buildings like BC 2, larger maps, more players per server and bigger squads) Also lol at the AI in that SP demo :P
Don't you guys think that even tho the HUD showed pc controls (press F to cut leg!), this demo was actually played with a gamepad ? I mean, no one really moves a mouse that way when playing an FPS right ...
Anyways. That looks so great. I really hope they updated the overall camera and movement system, wich I felt was kinda stiff in BF3 multiplayer. Can't wait to finally get a taste of the BF experience!
Don't you guys think that even tho the HUD showed pc controls (press F to cut leg!), this demo was actually played with a gamepad ? I mean, no one really moves a mouse that way when playing an FPS right ...
Pretty sure they did that with BF3 promos as well.
I know it's just wishful thinking, but I hope they will release this game free from Origin. I still refuse to use it and have missed out on BF3 because of that fact, and I would really like to play BF4. Like I said wishful thinking, but one might hope...
I know it's just wishful thinking, but I hope they will release this game free from Origin. I still refuse to use it and have missed out on BF3 because of that fact, and I would really like to play BF4. Like I said wishful thinking, but one might hope...
Origin is fine, kinda handy eventually. I do like Steam, and would prefer to use one portal, but one more is not reason enough to miss out on a great game.
@Andreas: I only heard and read bad things about it, and when I tried it out back when it started I had some bad experiences. Plus like you said I much rather have one portal where I keep my games. But I guess I have to give in and get origin, because I really don't want to miss this game.
Don't you guys think that even tho the HUD showed pc controls (press F to cut leg!), this demo was actually played with a gamepad ? I mean, no one really moves a mouse that way when playing an FPS right ...
Anyways. That looks so great. I really hope they updated the overall camera and movement system, wich I felt was kinda stiff in BF3 multiplayer. Can't wait to finally get a taste of the BF experience!
every trailer for every game!, slow smooth cinematic movement and mice do not go well hand in hand :P
Looks beautiful but the modern-esque setting is a little soul crushing after all of the teasing for a battlefield 2142 sequal...Looks freaking amazing though Dice are my heroes.
It's interesting that they have removed all of the colours from the HUD and scaled it back to be more like the Bad Company games.
Moving on from BF3 and looking at how the campaign is for BF4, I think they missed a trick in trying to make the SP experience even more immersive.
This is where games like COD/FC/MW don't do as well either when trying to deliver an epic, cinematic experience. The immersion breaks as soon as the screen is cluttered with information. It's still a vast improvement upon BF3 though
How does this Engine perform on PCs compared to Cryengine? I can run Crysis 3 on very high and I wonder if I could play this with decent settings, too.
Looks beautiful but the modern-esque setting is a little soul crushing after all of the teasing for a battlefield 2142 sequal...Looks freaking amazing though Dice are my heroes.
What teasing? I haven't seen any mention of a sequel.
I loved the side scope option, and some of the new/upgraded sounds. I'm a bit more excited now. I won't be pre-ordering though. I'm waiting to see if a 'next-gen' version is announced, and if I get a next-gen system right away. No mention of this on the PS4, and I know all that content/graphics can't be on the PS3/Xbox360.
Great trailer, looks fantastic visually. A bit disappointed this looks like it's in the middle east again but considering it was about 17 mins of a full campaign I could be totally wrong.
Except Origin needs to be updated constantly (at least it seems that way with how often I use it).
I dislike the battlelog system, in it's current form. It does not allow for settings management until you're actually on a server. To me, that's really a horrible choice. It's not terrible, but I would definitely be happy to no longer use it to manage my game.
Except Origin needs to be updated constantly (at least it seems that way with how often I use it).
I dislike the battlelog system, in it's current form. It does not allow for settings management until you're actually on a server. To me, that's really a horrible choice. It's not terrible, but I would definitely be happy to no longer use it to manage my game.
Don't you play on PS3?
I play on PC and never notice updates; but with Steam it's almost every time I boot up, though that probably has to do with being in the beta program.
Looks nice, but I'm skeptical of the whole "4" being behind its name from Battlefield. This doesn't look to expand what is notably worthy for a sequel in the bf franchise in my eyes as a consumer.
The ocean waves for that snip moment was pretty epic looking. But in mp? doubt it. The faces are very nice and facial animation believable. I'm a bit iffy about the uniform and fabric detailing. Looks like scribbles, but I suppose when you have a nice lighting system to render your models out, its excusable.
In the end, I am a BF buff. But this game looks like it was rushed out of dice for cash grabs and not a worthy sequel. Should be something of in between like a bad company or something, but not 4.
I play on PC and never notice updates; but with Steam it's almost every time I boot up, though that probably has to do with being in the beta program.
I have it for PC and PS3. I mostly play on the PS3, and usually every week or so, I do a PC gaming night on Fridays. Every time I fire it up, origin has an update Honestly, origin just doesn't feel 'necessary'. Can you imagine if every game company started doing this, and you had an app for each one of them?
Also, on the PC, I'd like to see them dump Punkbuster. They must have finally made an adjustment that resolved my issue, but that thing was constantly bumping me offline, even after turning everything off. And the worst part, was it NEVER tells you what triggered it, so that it could easily get debugged.
Very pretty but uh, what exactly did the US helicopter pilot expect to happen with the Russian one buzzing around them?
And why did that chopper not just land in the giant empty field, rather than the top of a very unstable building? I know there were enemies on the ground, but after the area was cleared, that chopper could have easily grabbed them.... women pilot... geesh
Can you imagine if every game company started doing this, and you had an app for each one of them?
It would probably make me leave gaming on PC. I would love if everything was on Steam, maybe GOG and Origin are fine too, but that Ubisoft nonsense is just pushing it IMO.
Another nitpicky question; after that guy was spraying that grenade launcher like a lawn sprinkler, for no reason (because the heli had killed the enemies), then when they get attacked by the enemy chopper (on the building), he doesn't pull the gren launcher out?
The game REALLY looks great, but someone needs to sit back and review what makes sense in this storyline.
+ Rihanna music on a BF trailer... seriously? Who in their right mind approved that?
+ Graphics look stunning, from small improvements to vast improvements, seems BF3 but very improved
+ Love the animation and destruction. That Heli crash looked insanely good.
+ Nobody cares about BF single player. We don't need yet another highly linear, highly scripted modern military shooter campaign. Stop trying to CoDify it, CoD's campaigns are awful and copying awful only results in awful.
+ I really hope this was a sliced video and lots will change, because even though it looked good, what was happening made zero sense - from the extraction point, to the friendly Heli ignoring an enemy assault Heli, to stupid AI moves, people surviving impossible stuff, etc. Way to go EA if this is your campaign, it's like a Michael Bay movie - zero sense, all flash, mission accomplished!
looks pretty awesome so far. Can't wait for the high def one.
Shit gets super real 12 minutes in, I think it looks great, but I'm thinking the reaction to this video is gonna be that BF4 is pretty, but not different enough.
Edit: Rwolf beat me to it.
I've yet to play the sp campaign of bf 3, maybe I should.
(This looks as fucking good as BF 3 visually, I just hope the MP brings something at least slightly new like drivable civilian vehicles, commander mode, fully destructible buildings like BC 2, larger maps, more players per server and bigger squads) Also lol at the AI in that SP demo :P
Even if it was only on smaller maps this would be awesome.
And finally somewhere else than the desert, China!
Ditto actually!
Anyways. That looks so great. I really hope they updated the overall camera and movement system, wich I felt was kinda stiff in BF3 multiplayer. Can't wait to finally get a taste of the BF experience!
Origin is fine, kinda handy eventually. I do like Steam, and would prefer to use one portal, but one more is not reason enough to miss out on a great game.
@Andreas: I only heard and read bad things about it, and when I tried it out back when it started I had some bad experiences. Plus like you said I much rather have one portal where I keep my games. But I guess I have to give in and get origin, because I really don't want to miss this game.
And to the chinese woman at the end.. I got your back!
every trailer for every game!, slow smooth cinematic movement and mice do not go well hand in hand :P
lol at Total Eclipse of the Heart haha.
It's interesting that they have removed all of the colours from the HUD and scaled it back to be more like the Bad Company games.
Moving on from BF3 and looking at how the campaign is for BF4, I think they missed a trick in trying to make the SP experience even more immersive.
This is where games like COD/FC/MW don't do as well either when trying to deliver an epic, cinematic experience. The immersion breaks as soon as the screen is cluttered with information. It's still a vast improvement upon BF3 though
What teasing? I haven't seen any mention of a sequel.
I loved the side scope option, and some of the new/upgraded sounds. I'm a bit more excited now. I won't be pre-ordering though. I'm waiting to see if a 'next-gen' version is announced, and if I get a next-gen system right away. No mention of this on the PS4, and I know all that content/graphics can't be on the PS3/Xbox360.
I'm also a graphics whore so I'll probably buy it
I have to say Origin doesn't encroach on me in any way.
I dislike the battlelog system, in it's current form. It does not allow for settings management until you're actually on a server. To me, that's really a horrible choice. It's not terrible, but I would definitely be happy to no longer use it to manage my game.
Don't you play on PS3?
I play on PC and never notice updates; but with Steam it's almost every time I boot up, though that probably has to do with being in the beta program.
The ocean waves for that snip moment was pretty epic looking. But in mp? doubt it. The faces are very nice and facial animation believable. I'm a bit iffy about the uniform and fabric detailing. Looks like scribbles, but I suppose when you have a nice lighting system to render your models out, its excusable.
In the end, I am a BF buff. But this game looks like it was rushed out of dice for cash grabs and not a worthy sequel. Should be something of in between like a bad company or something, but not 4.
I have it for PC and PS3. I mostly play on the PS3, and usually every week or so, I do a PC gaming night on Fridays. Every time I fire it up, origin has an update
Also, on the PC, I'd like to see them dump Punkbuster. They must have finally made an adjustment that resolved my issue, but that thing was constantly bumping me offline, even after turning everything off. And the worst part, was it NEVER tells you what triggered it, so that it could easily get debugged.
And why did that chopper not just land in the giant empty field, rather than the top of a very unstable building? I know there were enemies on the ground, but after the area was cleared, that chopper could have easily grabbed them.... women pilot... geesh
really amazing particles and jaw dropping set pieces, physics based lighting?
It would probably make me leave gaming on PC. I would love if everything was on Steam, maybe GOG and Origin are fine too, but that Ubisoft nonsense is just pushing it IMO.
The game REALLY looks great, but someone needs to sit back and review what makes sense in this storyline.
+ Rihanna music on a BF trailer... seriously? Who in their right mind approved that?
+ Graphics look stunning, from small improvements to vast improvements, seems BF3 but very improved
+ Love the animation and destruction. That Heli crash looked insanely good.
+ Nobody cares about BF single player. We don't need yet another highly linear, highly scripted modern military shooter campaign. Stop trying to CoDify it, CoD's campaigns are awful and copying awful only results in awful.
+ I really hope this was a sliced video and lots will change, because even though it looked good, what was happening made zero sense - from the extraction point, to the friendly Heli ignoring an enemy assault Heli, to stupid AI moves, people surviving impossible stuff, etc. Way to go EA if this is your campaign, it's like a Michael Bay movie - zero sense, all flash, mission accomplished!
+ MP footage or gtfo.