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Maya 2014 finally gets a huge update to its modeling tools!

polycounter lvl 12
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BARDLER polycounter lvl 12

-The functionality of the NEX tools are built in now with some nice added features.
-Selections are remembered on a per object and per component bases.
-Basic retopology features to clean up meshes right in Maya.
-Interactive and much more stable bevel tool.
-Better and faster ways of selecting loops, faces, and verts.
-Preserve normals when freezing transformations so normals do not get flipped when scaled by negative 1.
-Slide tool that lets you slide components along the existing mesh.
-A symmetry tool that lets you model in symmetry, as well as setting symmetry after the fact.

A few other nice things as well, but overall it looks promising.


  • CrazyMatt
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Did they add shift-drag open edge extrude, or still none of that goodness?
  • Harbinger
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    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    Lookin good! My only wishlist items remaining for Maya now are:

    1: A better algorithm for the UV Smooth and/or Unfold UV's tools. They work, sorta, half the time. Smooth UV gets "stuck" on many types of projections and needs a lot of finessing. Unfold UV's only works somewhat reliably by constantly toggling the unfold constraints between horz/vert.
    2: Some type of tube UV unwrapper for tube/pipe shapes. There are tricks to unwrap these types of shapes but a more straight forward approach would be great.
    3: Some UV straightening tools like the ones found in Ninja Dojo.
    4: Color code UV edges like Softimage so it's really easy to see UV edge connections.
    5: Transfer Maps gives me slightly better results with normal maps than Xnormal and I don't have to bother with exporting my envelopes/cages. Now, if only the Mental Ray AO baking gave me similar quality and speed results as Xnormal and also included a Cavity option, I wouldn't ever have to leave Maya.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    awesome! this should really speed up my workflow :) if selections are remembered can I still change mode from face to object to edge in the right click menu and keep those or is that right click menu gonna give different results now? hmm

    hope it crashes less on mac, my workmates get 7 to 17 crashes a day sometimes
  • 3DFM
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    I bet they haven't got rid of the output window at loading ... see you in Maya version 2037
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Is there an ETA on this at all?
  • C86G
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    C86G greentooth
    Maya did NOT have symmetry before?
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    C86G wrote: »
    Maya did NOT have symmetry before?

    Nope, most people use a negatively scaled instance of a mesh.

    There is something called reflection.. but it only allowed you to move stuff around, not add or remove geometry on both sides at the same time.
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    HOT DAMN! Hell hath frozen over! I cant wait!
  • UltraLrod
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    UltraLrod polycounter lvl 7
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    I still want a fix for "preserve UVs." I don't care if you think it failed Maya, I want you to do it anyway!
  • .polygon
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    .polygon polycounter lvl 11
    nex tools are in yeah...finally
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Just fucking buy Roadkill already! NEX gonna be such a nice upgrade though!
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Good news for riggers/animators too it seems, some nice little updates:

  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    I'm not an expert with Maya, but does it or will it get the equivalent of "set flow" for edges that Max has?

    That's something I use a lot in my modelling and it's pretty essential.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    i jizzed in my pants...twice!
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Harbinger wrote: »
    Lookin good! My only wishlist items remaining for Maya now are:

    5: Transfer Maps gives me slightly better results with normal maps than Xnormal and I don't have to bother with exporting my envelopes/cages. Now, if only the Mental Ray AO baking gave me similar quality and speed results as Xnormal and also included a Cavity option, I wouldn't ever have to leave Maya.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    these modelling tools look so good that I would like to replace the standard tool shortcuts and markup menus with these new ones, is that possible in maya?
  • CrazyMatt
    For us Maya guys, here's the documentation if you wanna read it online ;)
    > http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2014/en_us/
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    So excite!

    Was looking into combining cut + loop tools, that's going to be super nice.

    Ged: yes. (a script I'd like to get around to making is one that lets you created "advanced" marking menus easier/better)
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I got a chance to play around with the new modeling tools and while the quad draw is a godsend, I have a few gripes that I have noticed so far with the multi cut and the bevel tool.

    With the multi-cut tool when adding an edge loop, you only have the relative distance from edge option.

    With the bevel, there is no option for absolute units for the offset. IE: If I want a bevel 2 units wide I better go back to the old tool. I suspect it is using the built in bevel function under the hood anyway because I see the same little glitches with both of them, so then why not expose the extra functionality in the modeling toolkit?
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Huge upadte would be integration of NinjaDojo. Now let's call it medium.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    peanut™ wrote: »
    I bet they haven't got rid of the output window at loading ... see you in Maya version 2037

    Really? You are stuck on that still?

    I am more interested in this as well as Softimage XSI 2014. As I use both for my fiddles.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    you know you can just close the output window after Maya fully loads.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    actually wasn't really that impressed with the inclusion of nex, with the exceptions of the multi-cut and symmetry tools, nex more or less just makes a lot of tools more interactive. But it does it in a way that is not very well integrated with how maya works.

    and a lot of things like the changes to the connect, bevel and extrude tools, can easily be made even more interactive than they are in nex with just a little python code, and also have them fit into maya better, instead of feeling like a whole separate system ontop of the existing system.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Hah, sounds just like Polyboost / Graphite in Max. Bought up, tacked on, released.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Hah, sounds just like Polyboost / Graphite in Max. Bought up, tacked on, released.

    ya just seems so odd to me, the extra work needed to intergrad it into the marking menu system, and the tools pallet, really only takes a tiny bit of work, like 10mins work per tool.

    but ya feels liek polyboost/graphite in max, has it;s own toolbar, and makes the original ones redundant. and in the backend it is the same tools, just with a new type of interaction.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    I'm not even complaining about the Graphite tools, some of them are pretty damn useful - it's just that so little time and love was spent on integrating them, it's almost shocking. The redundancies you mentioned, the fact that you have another whole different set of hotkeys to work out in your options (on top of Edit Poly, Editable Poly, Editable Mesh).. Autodesk could at least pretend to be trying ;)
  • gray
    despite the fact that there is some overlap in the toolset now its good to have more options rather then less. perhaps this will give some relief to the old codgers suffering from maya modeling constipation...
  • silkroadgame
    Symmetry!this is a really good new features for me.
  • nele_s
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    nele_s polycounter lvl 10
    I find it funny how many of these features already exist in Softimage for a while now .... :/ so for me its not exactly 'wow' stuff
    Though the retop looks good!
    I do agree they need to sort out their UV mapping soon! Its a complete nightmare doing the most simple of unwraps
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    Upgraded from Maya 2012, can't seem to find where "batch bake rendering (mental ray)" for AO is.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    So after upgrading to 2014 I have to same I'm somewhat underwhelmed. The new features look great and indeed many of them are great (the crease set editor is very nice). But the modeling toolkit, the thing I was most excited about is so poorly integrated with the rest of maya that it really makes me want to jump over to softimage all over again. (I thought maybe I wouldn't have to with this new update...)

    Why is raycast selection only active when the toolkit is turned on? Why do the extra manipulator circles go away when I use the default widgets for translate and scale? Why does the insert edge loop tool (with a sweet new feature of respecting the curvature of your mesh when you add it in) break the symmetry added inside of the new toolkit?

    I just want to use the tools and not have them break each other. Is that really too much to ask?

    I have been a long time user of autodesk products and I really want them to be good, but lately I'm getting very fed up with these yearly releases of buggy software that actually breaks the workflow instead of improves it.

    Also on a side note my co-worker just updated from maya 8.5 to 2013 a few months ago and hates how buggy it is compared to the old version. He says he would love to go back but since 8.5 is no longer supported it just isn't an option.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    You expected them to integrate it properly?

    Basically just stuck NEX in there like they did Polyboost into Max.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    To be fair the graphite/polyboost tools in max now are pretty well integrated. I have to agree with artquest on this one. I'm currently learning Modo for all my modeling needs but I'm sure I'll have to "finish" assets in Maya still. At least I won't have to use the horribly clunky modeling tools anymore. Such a shame they didn't put more effort into the modeling tools...ah well. Time to expand my application knowledge with something as rad as modo anyways :P
  • Bellsey
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    Bellsey polycounter lvl 8
    As I said in another thread and also several weeks back, Nex wasn't just thrown into Maya at the last minute and that was it. The toolkit was added into Beta so that people could start testing it out and providing feeedback on how things could be improved.

    Over the last few versions of Maya there has been some improvements to modeling (nips & tucks), but the inclusion of Nex is perhaps the biggest improvement thus far, but this is all part of an ongoing review of modeling and other usability improvement for Maya.

    Interesting that someone mentions 8.5, as that's often cited by some as a 'sweet spot' build of Maya and things haven't improved since. Many believe that the software appears to be more stable then more recent releases but I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. I wouldn't go back to old versions now, not when you actually look at the amount of improvements made. But even that aside, the list of bug fixes is huge, despite some still managing to creep through.

    I thought 2013 was very solid and that has been echoed by many customers. I've known several (games and VFX) studios that were using an older version of Maya (2008/9), but they've all gone current now to 2013 and even 2014.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Being a max user forced to use maya at school :

    This makes me happy.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    Bellsey wrote: »
    As I said in another thread and also several weeks back, Nex wasn't just thrown into Maya at the last minute and that was it. The toolkit was added into Beta so that people could start testing it out and providing feeedback on how things could be improved.

    Over the last few versions of Maya there has been some improvements to modeling (nips & tucks), but the inclusion of Nex is perhaps the biggest improvement thus far, but this is all part of an ongoing review of modeling and other usability improvement for Maya.

    Interesting that someone mentions 8.5, as that's often cited by some as a 'sweet spot' build of Maya and things haven't improved since. Many believe that the software appears to be more stable then more recent releases but I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. I wouldn't go back to old versions now, not when you actually look at the amount of improvements made. But even that aside, the list of bug fixes is huge, despite some still managing to creep through.

    I thought 2013 was very solid and that has been echoed by many customers. I've known several (games and VFX) studios that were using an older version of Maya (2008/9), but they've all gone current now to 2013 and even 2014.

    I can't speak for others who cite 8.5 as the "sweet spot" but I can say that one of the main reasons my co worker says that it's great is simply because of the stability/features that worked.

    I agree, maya has made a lot of steps forward since 8.5 and some of the newer features I can't do without. But when those features are buggy it really slows everything down.

    You mentioned making sure to use the submit bug report popup but many of these issues don't cause a crash immediately. (if they do I try to send the bug report.)

    But a lot of things that happen are more along the lines of:

    - left clicking on the center box of the scale command and dragging in the uv view often only scales in U instead of U and V. I have to undo and try again until it decides to work.

    - editing uvs wont update in viewport 2.0. (and the only way to fix it is to restart maya.)

    - Booleons often delete both selected meshes for no reason or fails to do anything at all. (Softimage has great booleon support so I know you guys can fix this.)

    - amd graphics cards (2012) would cause the uv editor to hang for several seconds when selecting uvs.

    Events that DO crash maya often:

    - Using the interactive split polygon tool often crashes maya.

    - combining objects (the risk goes up to almost 100% when using instanced objects)

    - I also have to be careful when using undo these days as sometimes maya will randomly crash while I'm using undo.

    - Pressing the "3" key can sometimes trigger a crash on meshes with strange topology. (edges with zero width or lamina faces.) I never had this issue before 2012 and used to press the 3 key to quickily check my mesh for errors.

    The percent of events in which maya crashes on me per version (2008 to 2014) is absolutely going up with each yearly release. I can't be the only one experiencing this.

    I've liked maya for awhile but I am being literally forced to look for alternatives to use just to meet my deadlines. Please do something about this autodesk!

    Oh and one more thing since I happen to be working with this right now... with color management turned on and set to input = srgb and output = linear, why do we still need to manually gammma correct the color swatches in maya? Can't you just add a checkbox to the color picker and set it to be on by default?
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Don't get me wrong I really enjoy using Maya as an overall application sometimes but the modeling tools are pretty far behind even still. And I think it suffers a bit from the well known 3DS Max issue where there's so much old legacy stuff that it's hard to figure out which tools are the most stable or efficient when you have 3 or 4 different ways to do simple tasks and they each have their own weird broken quirks. The way the old tools and the new tools interact for me at the moment is really strange, and it is just as strange 5-6 years ago when I first tried out NEX tools.

    I'm sure other people love this update but for me it leaves a bit to be desired still, there are some great new features but I'd love to see some of them condensed and really optimized/efficient. Hopefully that happens within the next versions and Autodesk doesn't consider this update the end-all-be-all modeling update for the next decade of Maya users. Cause that's ridiculous, and seems like what had happened for a while, which is why other applications were able to take the lead for some pretty major functions/features.

    That's just my opinion as a Maya user for the past 6 years or so, other people might be used to it but I'm still a bit frustrated.
  • gray

    can you list 5 modelling tools that maya does not have that you think are essential? other then the fact that some people like the modifier stack that max has apposed to maya nodes i don't really see anyone listing the tools they want.


    i try not to update until the service packs comes out. most of the showstopper bugs are fixed by then.

    something you can try is to go into the plugin manager and uncheck all the plugins. only enable plugins as you need them. that seems to work for me. i don't have to many crashes. maybe a few more then the old alias versions but nothing like what you seem to have.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    I still want a fix for "preserve UVs." I don't care if you think it failed Maya, I want you to do it anyway!

    story of my life!!
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    gray wrote: »

    can you list 5 modelling tools that maya does not have that you think are essential? other then the fact that some people like the modifier stack that max has apposed to maya nodes i don't really see anyone listing the tools they want.

    I don't think it's just about tools that are missing, more about the tools working like they should and being archaic in that there not as interactive or smart has in other programs, not to mention work cleanly.

    Take the Cut tool that worked great in earlier versions of Maya, it would let you cut in the centre of faces and carry on, not so in later versions, I love creating cuts around a model for them all to disappear when I close the tool. Maybe it's fixed in the newer versions, but just goes to show.

    The bridge tool almost always creates double edges unless used on simple geometry.

    A lot of the tools have these quirks to them that just impedes a good workflow
  • Zocky
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    Zocky greentooth
    Yeah, agreed with Ark, i do avoid using some of the tools, like bridge tool, even though in some situations i'd like to use it. Sometimes on simple mesh it works nice, but many times it produces double edges, so even though there is this tool, because of that, i rather use extrude edge tool and alike, because i atleast know how it will react.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    gray wrote: »

    can you list 5 modelling tools that maya does not have that you think are essential? other then the fact that some people like the modifier stack that max has apposed to maya nodes i don't really see anyone listing the tools they want.


    i try not to update until the service packs comes out. most of the showstopper bugs are fixed by then.

    something you can try is to go into the plugin manager and uncheck all the plugins. only enable plugins as you need them. that seems to work for me. i don't have to many crashes. maybe a few more then the old alias versions but nothing like what you seem to have.
    I can list one:
    Splines. Yes the ones from 3ds max. No. Extrude along spline is not the same as render in viewport.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    Ark wrote: »

    Take the Cut tool that worked great in earlier versions of Maya, it would let you cut in the centre of faces and carry on, not so in later versions

    The bridge tool almost always creates double edges unless used on simple geometry.

    both are fixed in 2014...

    now its the best time to report modeling issues... cause they are working on them...
  • gray

    i assume your talking about split polygon tool.

    if you go into the options and you uncheck 'constrain to edge' then you can cut the interior of a polygon and make random cuts anywhere you like. when you click inside a polygon and drag to the edge the vertex will be welded to the edge or vertex.

    you can never assume that the default behaviour is all there is in maya. most of the time there is a bunch of options that you need to look up in the docs. if its a node even more so.


    i have not seen anyone advocate spline modeling for over 10 years. the lack of spline modeling is a feature :). for anything complicated splines are even more hellish then nurbs. for anything simple there is generally a way to do it with curves, nurbs or polygons just as fast.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Ark wrote: »
    Take the Cut tool that worked great in earlier versions of Maya, it would let you cut in the centre of faces and carry on, not so in later versions, I love creating cuts around a model for them all to disappear when I close the tool. Maybe it's fixed in the newer versions, but just goes to show.

    you can still get that cut tool just add SplitPolygonTool to your shelf and tada old cut tool is back! Yaaaaay! I only use the old cut tool, the new one is rubbish.
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