Hey, welcome to our second unofficial dota 2 workshop friendly competition (because huge names are cool)
This month we will work with the 3 most voted heroes on the pool
the pool this month was
"heroes that doesnt have any set"
the idea of the competition is to create item´s in a friend environment and with the feedback of the other participants get the best result possible
there is no prize, is just and excuse to work and get everyone motivated
everything that is accepted by the workshop could be part of this competitions: solo items, sets, couriers and wards (announcers?) (huds?)
-Solo item (dont need to be part of a set)
-newcomer item (just for the first submition on the workshop)
- open for teams of any size
- open for every acceptable item on the workshop
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works
- the final submition need to be based on one of the heroes on the list or be a wearable item for that hero
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59
**on the last day of the january, the dota update came with a set for Queen of Pain, which goes in the opposite direction of the rule for this month "heroes without sets"
the 4th place was shared by Nyx and Spectre but Nyx also got a set on the same update which lead us to add Spectre as our third hero
Storm Spirit
Keeper of the light



the polycount logo over the aegis
Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game
Solo Items
Staff of illumination by Pierate
The Majestic guise of light by Jack
Lightkeep´s staff by Frump
Ring of the Storm by Anuxi
the Elder´s beard by reverendFlacid
the Elder´s TopKnot by reverendFlacid
Split blade of the Ascendants by Cpt. Roque
Empowered vestments of gods By Zaphk and Onilolz
Tortured revenant set by Don Don
Ezalor First Light Set by Bronto Thunder
CloudBurst by Scuba Cat
January competition - Mirana´s items
Nightsilver Sentinel by Anuxi
Blessings of the Lunar Dragon by Bronto Thunder
Solo item
MoonLight Observer By beetrootChan and Vlad
SnOwl courier by T_Vidotto
Valron, the frost guardian mount by Paskie
Split blade of the Ascendants by Capt. Roque
*all the rules and and hero charts are made by the communty, im just compiling them
Should definitely have a pool of heroes this time instead of bombarding the workshop with one. Perhaps vote down to 3-5 out of the heroes who don't have sets.
Heroes with no sets (But are workshop supported):
(# of items) - Name
(0) - Alchemist
(0) - Batrider
(5) - Brewmaster
(0) - Centaur
(0) - Dark Seer
(0) - Keeper of the Light
(0) - Leshrac
(0) - Lich
(1) - Lycanthrope
(0) - Nyx Assassin
(4) - Ogre Magi
(3) - Phantom Assassin
(7) - Pudge*
(0) - Pugna
(0) - Queen of Pain
(0) - Razor
(0) - Silencer*
(4) - Skeleton King*
(2) - Slardar
(0) - Slark
(0) - Spectre
(2) - Spirit Breaker
(0) - Storm Spirit
(0) - Venomancer
(0) - Weaver
*Have sets in files but not in shop yet
"Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
- Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
- The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
- Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
- Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
- Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
"Have you set up a poll for it on reddit like last time ?
between those i like the idea to get a hero that doesnt have items. Chaemirix made a great list of those heroes
based on the first month with mirana, mounts were the most worked items, maybe a hero with a mount this week could be a good idea to call more people to participate
the reddit vote was a nice way to get the community feedback, i am up to do that again
I dunno, that's just my opinion.
I think the theme idea might be alright, but it'd need to be somewhat generic in order to not flood the workshop with one concept done on multiple heroes. Colors doesn't really work because colors should match specific heroes color schemes.
I think that might be the best way Anuxi, my impression is that we already have a theme that helps create the poll, which is "heros without items", it seems a little redundant to add another theme on top of that.
The list of hero's without items is getting pretty short pretty quickly now though, and i can see more creative theme's being a good way of populating that poll once that option dries up.
There's a good selection of heroes to choose from out of the list Chaemirix provided; most of them have a "weapon" or "head" slot. Why not make this month about weapons? Or head-slots? We can limit it to that list and allow any number of submissions - I think it terms of adding more contenders and entries into the pool that would be a good start and a decent compromise to the duelling ideas for March.
I had to think about the single slot idea, but you know i think that could really work, especially due the accessibility it would add.
We can do "All Pick" everyone gets to pick their own hero and only one person per hero first come first serve (if we do this i get anti-mage)
or "All Random" where everyone who wants to do it gets assigned to a random hero
and we can't do any heroes with more then 3-4 sets in-game
At least we've got a lot of ideas for the upcoming months for whatever is not picked this month..
Hope this wasnt too harsh and that a cool theme will be found for this month
If you don't want to make something from the characters chosen, there is nothing to stop you from making it and posting it in the normal DOTA 2 thread, right? In order for it to be a competition (even just a friendly one) I feel like everyone needs to be working towards the same theme or from the same character set. Otherwise it's not really a competition as much as a free for all. Just my thoughts.
there is still the single item category, i think we dont need to narrow the item possibilities like "just head piece" but i think we should narrow the heroes option, or else is the same as the workshop thread
i think the idea of this competition is to share ideas on the best way to make items to a hero and help people that dont know what to do giving them a start, suggesting some color schemes and modeling styles
maybe we just need to make more clear that dont need to be a set and a set dont need to have a mount =]
maybe we could open to 3 heroes instead of one and get the 3 top voted as suggested before.
and that team idea is amazing
I'll gladly attempt whatever it may be.
nah, im not sir
i just start the post but we decide the rules as a group =]
During the month we can start to piece together if we want to do a team month for April, or a theme, or whatever else. For now we're closing in on March to iron out details, especially if it's a group thing.
can we define that will be the top 3 heroes of the "non item list"?
sounds good!
Sure, whatever works for you guys.
I think heroes like Pudge could really use a set, but he really doesn't need too many more "single items".
Does someone want to start a poll for reddit?
I also think it would be better if the poll let you make 3 selections, but a bit late for that now, maybe next month.
5% slark!? Bah!
Looks like we've got:
1. Storm Spirit
2. Queen of Pain
3. Keeper of the Light
Runners up:
4. Spectre & Nyx Assassin
Do we want to do top 3 or 5? The latter two are a bit more difficult to make items for, so I wouldn't mind some people investing time into them for a contest.
I'm crying inside that Dark Seer wasn't chosen.
Wasn't Bisho Bola working on a Storm Spirit set? It looked pretty rad based on the concepts!
Choose a hero from the top 3
choose a slot and make an item for that slot
rinse, repeat
is that correct? sorry - i wasn't around last month and if a concrete decision was settled on in the thread i overlooked it
i dont think is a good idea to change the number of the heroes after the voting, will look like we are trying to force some hero on the contest
about the rules guys, i have some questions
1- should we keep the categories as they were last month? (we decided on the posts but i forget to change on the first post, sorry guys)
2- RULES (any suggestion on it)
1 - open for teams of any size
2 - open for sets, solo itens, couriers, ward and annoucers!? =]
3 - everyone should keep posting feedback on other works
the idea is to try to invite guys that never submitted to the workshop.
probably need to be clear =]
The top three now would be:
Storm Spirit
Keeper of the Light
Thoughts anyone? Want to swap it up, or keep it how it is?
ouch, that got us umprepared
isnt there a new set for slark? i read that on dota.dev i think
im up to swap too, since the month didnt start