cool stuff
when you do your black and white process, how do you add colour?
is it a 'color' layer on top or do you use adjustments on the black and white layers?
scapulator: depends on the mood really but usually I make a group, set it to color mode, and then paint on regular layers inside.. this way I can overlap colors, but only the one on top will be "projected"
found out about wildstar here on PC, and I kinda fell in love with the game used a concept I found on the site, even tho it was really small, around 500*300 or something like that.. so to chanel my excitement,I decided to make a ... (drumroll) weapon! not a final presentation of course, just posting here for some crits and stuff.. it looks much better in greyscale, so I believe I'll have to step up my coloring game
sketchfab decided not to work with my opacity map, evan tho I tried to invert it, still acts up.. 1k diffuse!
not really satisfied with this one yet
Looks pretty good to me although there's a fantasy vibe about it which I can't place, maybe because the bare metal has a bit of a dullness to it. Might want to play more with reflections.
I think the fantasy vibe aimbiz is talking about has a lot to do with the color choices. using brown like that in a gun for example. But anyway, I totally love everything you are doing here, keep up the great work! Gotta love good hand painted art!!!
AimBiZ: it may be because it's based on a concept for wildstar, and it's a mix of fantasy and sci-fi! interesting combo I must admit I worked a bit on the reflection as you suggested
xxxcubanxxx: haha thanks! Will do
BradMyers82: thanks! I'm glad you like these stuff!
Here is the final version, got some feedback from tsabszy aswell (thanks mate! ), and improved the pistol a lot! especially the values and highlights were modified..
beezul: Thanks! On your profile it says you work at carbine, do you work on wildstar if I may ask?
KennyTies: Thanks!
well, forgive the poor thing here, but I have to expand my boundaries, and step in to the character world! I wonder if she is recognizable at all anyway learning a lot from this one, and it's extremely pleasing, but frustrating at the same time to work on it
and a thought: If I look at this thingy from a 3D perspective, it's an OK piece to look at, but if I imagine that this face was painted in 2D by a concept artist or something, then it's on the level of a drawing made in paint by a drunk 3 year old so I believe the time may have come to put a hold on 3D and draw more portraits in 2D, so I might just reach the level I want these things to be!
I think it looks pretty good so far. Don't know who she is cause it's probably a celebrity and I'm ignorant of those so seeing some reference would help.
Not much that jumps out to me otherwise. Her cheeks are a bit harsh, the collar bones placed a bit too close to each other and the transition between arm and body is so soft on the underside that it kinda looks like she has no arm pits. Shoulders might be a tad to narrow as well.
Anyway, you're doing good progress and it's great to see some different subject matter.
Drawing is the base of all art.
I wonder if she is recognizable at all anyway learning a lot from this one, and it's extremely pleasing, but frustrating at the same time to work on it .
Anne Hathaway?
By the way, it is a nice thread, your last gun is superb!
AimBiZ: Thanks for the critics! What you said was true, I fixed the issues, then after some struggle, I finally gave up on her
Lephenix: It's correct, thats who she is Thanks, I'm glad you liked the gun.
Long time no post! Got a new job, I make hand painted stuff aaaalll day, so it took me a while to find motivation to work on game assets at home again, but here it is! Another wildstar practice, this time a character, who I like to call Fred the Spellslinger 4911 triangles, aaaand a diffuse map! Would be awesome to finally try the game out, can't wait for the open beta to start!
chudork: I'm glad you like them! I bake an AO to see where is what on the model when I start from the flat texture, and as I work, the baked ao is overpainted, colored, and basically redone by the time I finish.
Missed you man! character is looking rad as always! Doing handpainted stuff at work sounds like a blast. If you don't mind me asking. For work, how long do you usually get to paint something like a character?
KennyTies: Thanks! wizo: haha thanks! Iciban: at work I only work on assets and props for now! A full character can take from 1 day to 3-4 days! It really depends on the complexity of the character, and on how many little extra things he/she has like bags, different layers of clothes or weapons! In general my experience was that if I look at the concept, and I know how I'll build it from start to finish, then I usually finish before I was supposed to! If one or two things I have doubt or different ideas on how to approach a particular area on the concept, then I usually finish just in time
Fixed some things, and tried to push things to the next level! Might put handpainting at home on a hold for a while.. I paint instead, that way I get to skip modeling and uvw and start practicing painting instantly! Should greatly help with hand painting I think! I'll upload some stuff here later on!
guess whos back? left my full time job in the game indistry to pursue my own vibe for a while, now I work half time as a security guard.. which allows me to use the creative mojo on my own projects, and bring the pain! first I wanted to show you guys some of my works here which I finished since my last post! ( its been ages, what a tragedy! ) I hope you like some of it!
That dagger looks pretty deadly! If I were you I might enlarge the ring a bit. If you compare it to a modern karambit the hole isn't big enough to fit a finger through.
TERRYTANKE: Thanks! JEDTHEKRAMPUS: Thanks for the tip, I'll check out the karambit thing you said and see what's up!
aaaand here I am with the texture right now, not really happy with the red parts yet, might re paint them... I am also recording the making of this one, if it turns out decent then I'll definitely make a video with commentary for the fun of it
wanted to do a Hades a fan art.. soo here is the concept of him so far, gotta work on the flames and stuff.. I hope the final version will be good enough to make it in 3D and handpaint the shhh out of it
I was wondering if I could turn one of Irakli Nadar's ( ) portrait in to 3D! This is where I'm at right now, still lot of things needs to change, but maybe it will not be a crash and burn at the end 4390 triangles and 2K diffuse so far
@cordero head looks cool! I also like the weapon, a lot! the colors are beautiful. I think there's one thing to critique: the blue wrapping. from angles other than the side view it looks a bit weard, because it's stuck to the model. I guess that's to save polies, because you don't need extra polies for the wrapping now, but might be somethign to consider since the sword is pretty low in poly count allready.
@tomenjerry : thanks for the feedback! I fixed what you said, it was distracting for sure!
finished the dagger! aaaaand I uploaded a making of / tutorial kinda thing where you can check how it was painted from the begining while I talk nonsense for an hour
Haven't seen the Hades yet, turned out osom the dagger too! really great ones. i can see a huuuuuuge momentum here, don't loose it! you inspire me to work and to beat you in the face when you do cool stuff like these man (and do get offended :P)
Hello there Cordero! First of all great work, every bit of piece is eyecandy!
As much as I love realistic sutff, lately I've more and more drawn to this beautiful artstyle of handpainted textures. The way I started doing it is first doing a highpoly version and using channels from curvuture and world space normal maps to get my grayscale as I don't really have the eye to paint all of the light information myself. Do you think that's okey? Any tips you may have to offer regarding this artstyle?
@Blade113 Thanks! @Sebeuroc doing what I can to make stuff more sexy, glad to hear it's working out! @RogerP Thanks man! @tsabszy haha I'm very offended! with overwatch coming out, the momentum might die out... I can only hope my computer can't handle the graphics @BradMyers82 Thanks! @DanaosC Whichever way fits your style is the best for sure! If you are comfortable with highpoly, then go and take that route! I believe people at riot games use bakes from highpoly many times to start their handpainted texture! I would recommend checking out these two step by steps, one from a friend of mine Csaba Baity, who made an awesome tutorial on the texturing a bottle ( which I believe would help you learn the workflow of a handpainted texture from start to finish with a quick exercise ) and the other from Fanny Verge, also another outstanding artist who made a tutorial which might connect with the workflow you mentioned good luck!
Here is where I'm at with the Cutie right now... don't mind the model, it's horribly off... also the texture needs huge changes, not to mention the hair.. should take another year to finish basically
@Cordero I am so glad you took the time to reply, thanks man! Yes indeed I am aiming for the Riot Games' style. Your texture work is so high quality it's mindblowing. Would it be too much to ask a quick critique on my first handpainted piece? Sorry for the trouble! Keep rocking!
I think the one thing I've noticed in all your pieces are the lack of material/height definition in your values... e.g. metal comes off looking flat, wooden objects look like flat wood with very little variety in surface detail. Another issue would be the absence of rim light.
To really push your work that little bit further I'd suggest adding some rim lighting into your texture work as a final pass along with local reflection ambiance... so basically, your metals should be adopting whatever surfaces are near to it, wood should be slightly discoloured when it's close to a surface of a different colour, etc etc.
It's these small elements that hold your pieces back but in my opinion the only things that seem to be holding you back and they're easy to apply. The values on your metals could go much higher, the general tonal distance values metals hold are quite far apart, not in every case but in most cases. I just a quick paintover to kind of back up the adjustments that I mean... they're small things but they really do push the artwork further, I guess the simplest way of saying it is that you have these skills already maybe I just feel that you need to exaggerate it more..
You however seem to have really good execution so I'm sure you'll make use of this advice very quickly and easily (Y)
I do really dig this knife btw... when you paintover something it really makes you understand the detail that went into it, so I've noticed the colour variety in the surfaces of your materials and it's something I tend to often struggle with, so bravo on that.
- blue rim light from the bottom up - highlights towards the tip of the blade (being it's the main focus) and a gradual blend back to duller values towards the handle. - local ambiance from surface to surface - exaggeration on some highlights on surfaces.
@DanaosC No problem! I'll try and find time to write some feedback on your work! Thanks for the feedback! I agree the texture could have been pushed a bit further! I'll keep in mind what you suggested next time I make an asset!
Finished this one! Still based on Irakli Nadar's illustration ( ) it was pretty challenging, not sure of the outcome
wanted to post this here before figuring out a presentation and doing the final touches on the texture! should be finished in a few days... also it's only an axe now, but there will be a dwarf dude holding this one!
when you do your black and white process, how do you add colour?
is it a 'color' layer on top or do you use adjustments on the black and white layers?
Sterna: thanks!
scapulator: depends on the mood really
found out about wildstar here on PC, and I kinda fell in love with the game
sketchfab decided not to work with my opacity map, evan tho I tried to invert it, still acts up.. 1k diffuse!
not really satisfied with this one yet
xxxcubanxxx: haha thanks! Will do
BradMyers82: thanks! I'm glad you like these stuff!
Here is the final version, got some feedback from tsabszy aswell (thanks mate!
let me know if you like it or not!
KennyTies: Thanks!
well, forgive the poor thing here, but I have to expand my boundaries, and step in to the character world! I wonder if she is recognizable at all
and a thought: If I look at this thingy from a 3D perspective, it's an OK piece to look at, but if I imagine that this face was painted in 2D by a concept artist or something, then it's on the level of a drawing made in paint by a drunk 3 year old
2526 triangles, aaand a diffuse map!
Not much that jumps out to me otherwise. Her cheeks are a bit harsh, the collar bones placed a bit too close to each other and the transition between arm and body is so soft on the underside that it kinda looks like she has no arm pits. Shoulders might be a tad to narrow as well.
Anyway, you're doing good progress and it's great to see some different subject matter.
Drawing is the base of all art.
Anne Hathaway?
By the way, it is a nice thread, your last gun is superb!
Lephenix: It's correct, thats who she is
Long time no post! Got a new job, I make hand painted stuff aaaalll day, so it took me a while to find motivation to work on game assets at home again, but here it is! Another wildstar practice, this time a character, who I like to call Fred the Spellslinger
aaand happy new year to you who reads this
chudork: I'm glad you like them! I bake an AO to see where is what on the model when I start from the flat texture, and as I work, the baked ao is overpainted, colored, and basically redone by the time I finish.
wizo: haha thanks!
Iciban: at work I only work on assets and props for now! A full character can take from 1 day to 3-4 days! It really depends on the complexity of the character, and on how many little extra things he/she has like bags, different layers of clothes or weapons! In general my experience was that if I look at the concept, and I know how I'll build it from start to finish, then I usually finish before I was supposed to! If one or two things I have doubt or different ideas on how to approach a particular area on the concept, then I usually finish just in time
Fixed some things, and tried to push things to the next level! Might put handpainting at home on a hold for a while.. I paint instead, that way I get to skip modeling and uvw and start practicing painting instantly! Should greatly help with hand painting I think! I'll upload some stuff here later on!
here is another hand painted weapon, this time it's a shield!
next one will probably be a full character, so AHW MY GAD
I made this as a warm up
I had no time to finish sadly (towards the leg area.. and no colors
I'll post the final thing here later on
left my full time job in the game indistry to pursue my own vibe for a while, now I work half time as a security guard.. which allows me to use the creative mojo on my own projects, and bring the pain!
first I wanted to show you guys some of my works here which I finished since my last post! ( its been ages, what a tragedy! )
I hope you like some of it!
what do you guys think of the design?
JEDTHEKRAMPUS: Thanks for the tip, I'll check out the karambit thing you said and see what's up!
aaaand here I am with the texture right now, not really happy with the red parts yet, might re paint them... I am also recording the making of this one, if it turns out decent then I'll definitely make a video with commentary for the fun of it
I hope the final version will be good enough to make it in 3D and handpaint the shhh out of it
4390 triangles and 2K diffuse so far
finished the dagger! aaaaand I uploaded a making of / tutorial kinda thing where you can check how it was painted from the begining while I talk nonsense for an hour
style is amazing
you inspire me to work and to beat you in the face when you do cool stuff like these man
As much as I love realistic sutff, lately I've more and more drawn to this beautiful artstyle of handpainted textures.
The way I started doing it is first doing a highpoly version and using channels from curvuture and world space normal maps to get my grayscale as I don't really have the eye to paint all of the light information myself. Do you think that's okey? Any tips you may have to offer regarding this artstyle?
Thanks for your time and keep up the good work!
@Sebeuroc doing what I can to make stuff more sexy, glad to hear it's working out!
@RogerP Thanks man!
@tsabszy haha I'm very offended!
@BradMyers82 Thanks!
@DanaosC Whichever way fits your style is the best for sure! If you are comfortable with highpoly, then go and take that route! I believe people at riot games use bakes from highpoly many times to start their handpainted texture! I would recommend checking out these two step by steps, one from a friend of mine Csaba Baity, who made an awesome tutorial on the texturing a bottle ( which I believe would help you learn the workflow of a handpainted texture from start to finish with a quick exercise )
and the other from Fanny Verge, also another outstanding artist who made a tutorial which might connect with the workflow you mentioned
good luck!
Here is where I'm at with the Cutie right now...
I am so glad you took the time to reply, thanks man! Yes indeed I am aiming for the Riot Games' style. Your texture work is so high quality it's mindblowing. Would it be too much to ask a quick critique on my first handpainted piece? Sorry for the trouble!
Keep rocking!
I think the one thing I've noticed in all your pieces are the lack of material/height definition in your values... e.g. metal comes off looking flat, wooden objects look like flat wood with very little variety in surface detail. Another issue would be the absence of rim light.
To really push your work that little bit further I'd suggest adding some rim lighting into your texture work as a final pass along with local reflection ambiance... so basically, your metals should be adopting whatever surfaces are near to it, wood should be slightly discoloured when it's close to a surface of a different colour, etc etc.
It's these small elements that hold your pieces back but in my opinion the only things that seem to be holding you back and they're easy to apply.
The values on your metals could go much higher, the general tonal distance values metals hold are quite far apart, not in every case but in most cases.
I just a quick paintover to kind of back up the adjustments that I mean... they're small things but they really do push the artwork further, I guess the simplest way of saying it is that you have these skills already maybe I just feel that you need to exaggerate it more..
You however seem to have really good execution so I'm sure you'll make use of this advice very quickly and easily (Y)
I do really dig this knife btw... when you paintover something it really makes you understand the detail that went into it, so I've noticed the colour variety in the surfaces of your materials and it's something I tend to often struggle with, so bravo on that.
- blue rim light from the bottom up
- highlights towards the tip of the blade (being it's the main focus) and a gradual blend back to duller values towards the handle.
- local ambiance from surface to surface
- exaggeration on some highlights on surfaces.
Keep up the good work (Y) Thanks for the feedback! I agree the texture could have been pushed a bit further! I'll keep in mind what you suggested next time I make an asset!
Finished this one! Still based on Irakli Nadar's illustration ( ) it was pretty challenging, not sure of the outcome
calling the axe done! dunno when I can make the character holding this one..
progress gif for those who are interested:
@Poinball I'm glad you like it!
This is what I'm on right now..
it's really rough right now, and basically all of the proportions are off.. BUT I wanted to share it anyway