I started doing 3d about a year ago,but didn't really improve constantly(took a lot of brakes...a lot)
I want some critique on my work so far

Old TV

Civil War Cannon

Airplane(quick textures)

I won't be working on these models anymore,but some tips to improve my skills would be really helpful.
And underwater sceen looks promising
The plane was indeed a "speed modelling/texturing",the entire process took about 1 hours,give or take 20 minutes.
I'm currently trying to improve my organic/round shapes modelling skills,working on another airplane atm.
Here's another model I did a few days ago(my first character actually).I followed the first 5 free tutorials from Digital-Tutors,then modelled the rest myself.
Medieval Battering Ram.
I don't know why but most of my textures end up being very noisy,no matter the texture size...anyone know why this happens?
Moving on to animations now.
Also here's the texture.A little bit messy in some parts.I'm realizing now,that I wasted some UVspace on the lower part of the texture.
It looks like you're using a lot of photos for your textures which can be noisy by default. Texturing is as much about knowing when not to use detail as when to add detail.
Also there isn't a lot going on to draw attention to key areas of focus on your Battering ram. It's a good start though. I'd fade some areas to shadow (not complete black though) and also add some lighter areas where you want to draw the eye. The metal is probably a good opportunity for this.
I've always used photos for my textures(which I now realize was kind of a bad thing...I've made bad habit out of this).But how exactly could I texture something without too much use of photos(I'm talking about realistic textures)?
I looked at the some of the texturing tutorials here and in most of them the texture is mostly hand-made(the scratches,highlights,dirt,etc).Maybe I should follow the same principles?
Keep going!
I want some feedback on it,before moving on so I don't mess up things later.The wheels look weird too me.