Hey Ysalex, Thanks a lot for your comment!
I totally agree with uour stripe things, it makes a lot of sens and I think this will definitly help making the jeans looking better, thanks!
Yah concerning the card thinghy, I'm just a little disapointed I didn't know this earlier because I've been trying so many thing and asking a lot of people about that artefact but mostly about the blurry texture problem. Now at least I won't be wondering why i'm losing so much texture resolution all the time! I just need to find an easy way to get access to a computer with Nvidia to do my final render since I am unfortunatly not planning on changing my graphic card anytime soon
That sucks about the card, as far as the texture work is going it's looking good. I agree with ysalex that you could do with more contrast in general on the clothing, fine contrast through noise layers or adjustment layers really help sell clothing.
I'll take the denim as an example as that seems the furthest along. Due to my work I end up texturing denim quite a lot, and have a specific pattern for creating my base noise layers, here's a quick GIF with some info:
Now that is typically what I'll produce for a denim texture with some slight variations depending on the thickness of the material, strength of certain elements etc. I'll keep that in a group over my base texture, which I usually produce with gradient maps to get the most control. The adjustment layers used there are fairly basic as well, simply a lightening levels layer and a darkening one with a few spots of desaturation; it may seem like overkill having nine or so noise layers just for denim, but it gives me a lot of control.
One thing that I do see a lot of people do is create a tiling 'everything clothing noise' pattern, and use that; I'm not a fan of this for a few key reasons, firstly it makes it very difficult to manipulate subtle elements which play a big role in make cloth look believable, and it can fairly obviously tile if you're not very careful, keeping them as separate layers helps you avoid all that.
I also created a simple stitching brush a while back, literally just 9x3 brush with some spacing :P it's really basic but saves a lot of time, I'll just make a path and run a stroke path function to do all my stitching for an area in one go.
Hope some of that made sense, look forward to seeing this guy finished.
Just a little update, still working on the texture.
Taking some time because I'm learning cryengine3 (or trying to) since Marmoset was not giving me the result I was expecting with my AMD card.
More update soon once I figure everything out !
Little update, still some spec-gloss tweaking to do, engine still pretty new to me so it's not perfect haha!
I realize there is something really bugging me about the jeans at the moment, will try to give it some more love too!
Looking good Marie. Seems like you know what needs finishing and whatnot, but my $.02 is that the sweater needs way less spec, and what spec there is needs to be broken up a bit. The texture needs some variation and noise. Not necessarily dirt, but definitely some noise.
Thanks ysalex, I agree with the spec of the shirt, I used cryengine cloth shader for it and it seems that my spec is not reacting the same way with it. Will try to fix that up . I'm not too sure what you mean by addind noise in the texture tho! Got some great exemple maybe?
Great progress so far Marie-Michelle, I can clearly see the improvement at every new project
Keep it up
Yay ! Thanks a lot, I watched your Cryengine 3 video and it helped me so much. I always have trouble learning the basic of a new engine and your video made it way easier for me, thanks again! Btw, such a cute accent hehe
Hey Mr ace, I'm been using it aldready and it seems like it's been making my speculair behaving really different from when I was using the base Illum shader. At the moment I feel like it's been giving it kind of a ''wet'' look. I'm probably doing something wrong, i'll try to check it out some more, thanks !
hmm, that's odd because the cloth shader has no spec unless you specifically turn on the anistropic spec or whatever it's called. maybe turn down the spec colour to black? how many different shaders are you using?
Looking good but I have to agree with ysalex, that the cloth in general could do with a lot less spec, kinda looks like everything is ever so slightly wet at the moment.
And I think whats throwing you off about the jeans is the size of the grain, currently you have very large vertical and horizontal lines in there, I'd suggest scaling stuff down a bit and getting some diagonal elements in there to break it up a little, bit too grid like right now.
Once you have that I would also suggest getting some contrast in there, I'm nor sure what finish the jeans in your ref are but some can have a really broad range of values and that alone can make them more interesting.
Hey there!
I don't use that many different shader, the human skin shader for the face and hand, cloth shader on the cloth, the rest is using the illum shader if I remember right.
I took a look at the cloth shader last night and I rework on it, definitly looking better, less wet etc. Spec color was almost black aldready.
''Holy hazey render batman!'' I wish I knew what that meant!
Agree with the jeans i'm reworking them at the moment, really didn't like the horizontal lines, was looking pretty weird, will post an update soon
Little update on the sweater,
added fabric-grain and worked on the inside of the sweater, spec touch up an general etc etc.
Waiting for my friend to finish the rig/skin to finish this up, yay!
I did the normal thing but I can't really tell the difference
Decided to call it done for now I'm ready to start something new!
its 9800 triangles with the bag, Hope you guys like it.
No huge update since last time, couple of tweak there and there. I was waiting for the rig but then it's getting kind of long and there is no need for crazy pose with this very ''casual'' character.
Comment and critics are more than welcome as usual
'Later guys
Thanks for your input bb0x!
I've add some fog in cryengine and it's seems that it's what bugging you about it.
Will try to get a better result with more contrast next time, thanks!
Thanks Guedin! Agreed with the blueish background, you are the second person to tell me about it.
By the way, managed to render this character in cryengine 3 because of you, big thanks for the youtube tutorial video you made. I'm not the fastest at learning video game engine and you made it really easy and seamless for me !!
I totally agree with uour stripe things, it makes a lot of sens and I think this will definitly help making the jeans looking better, thanks!
Yah concerning the card thinghy, I'm just a little disapointed I didn't know this earlier because I've been trying so many thing and asking a lot of people about that artefact but mostly about the blurry texture problem. Now at least I won't be wondering why i'm losing so much texture resolution all the time! I just need to find an easy way to get access to a computer with Nvidia to do my final render since I am unfortunatly not planning on changing my graphic card anytime soon
I'll take the denim as an example as that seems the furthest along. Due to my work I end up texturing denim quite a lot, and have a specific pattern for creating my base noise layers, here's a quick GIF with some info:
Now that is typically what I'll produce for a denim texture with some slight variations depending on the thickness of the material, strength of certain elements etc. I'll keep that in a group over my base texture, which I usually produce with gradient maps to get the most control. The adjustment layers used there are fairly basic as well, simply a lightening levels layer and a darkening one with a few spots of desaturation; it may seem like overkill having nine or so noise layers just for denim, but it gives me a lot of control.
One thing that I do see a lot of people do is create a tiling 'everything clothing noise' pattern, and use that; I'm not a fan of this for a few key reasons, firstly it makes it very difficult to manipulate subtle elements which play a big role in make cloth look believable, and it can fairly obviously tile if you're not very careful, keeping them as separate layers helps you avoid all that.
I also created a simple stitching brush a while back, literally just 9x3 brush with some spacing :P it's really basic but saves a lot of time, I'll just make a path and run a stroke path function to do all my stitching for an area in one go.
Hope some of that made sense, look forward to seeing this guy finished.
Taking some time because I'm learning cryengine3 (or trying to) since Marmoset was not giving me the result I was expecting with my AMD card.
More update soon once I figure everything out
I realize there is something really bugging me about the jeans at the moment, will try to give it some more love too!
Keep it up
Looking good but I have to agree with ysalex, that the cloth in general could do with a lot less spec, kinda looks like everything is ever so slightly wet at the moment.
And I think whats throwing you off about the jeans is the size of the grain, currently you have very large vertical and horizontal lines in there, I'd suggest scaling stuff down a bit and getting some diagonal elements in there to break it up a little, bit too grid like right now.
Once you have that I would also suggest getting some contrast in there, I'm nor sure what finish the jeans in your ref are but some can have a really broad range of values and that alone can make them more interesting.
I don't use that many different shader, the human skin shader for the face and hand, cloth shader on the cloth, the rest is using the illum shader if I remember right.
I took a look at the cloth shader last night and I rework on it, definitly looking better, less wet etc. Spec color was almost black aldready.
''Holy hazey render batman!'' I wish I knew what that meant!
Agree with the jeans i'm reworking them at the moment, really didn't like the horizontal lines, was looking pretty weird, will post an update soon
added fabric-grain and worked on the inside of the sweater, spec touch up an general etc etc.
Waiting for my friend to finish the rig/skin to finish this up, yay!
And just for the laugh Silly animation
Decided to call it done for now
its 9800 triangles with the bag, Hope you guys like it.
No huge update since last time, couple of tweak there and there. I was waiting for the rig but then it's getting kind of long and there is no need for crazy pose with this very ''casual'' character.
Comment and critics are more than welcome as usual
'Later guys
But thanks dude !
Finally took the time to learn how to capture a video in Cryengine 3!
So here's a little turntable of my latest character!
Hope you guys like it!
I would just decrease the intensity of the image effect and make the bg a colder colour.
I've add some fog in cryengine and it's seems that it's what bugging you about it.
Will try to get a better result with more contrast next time, thanks!
Nice render too, although you could try to change a bit the color of the bacckgroud, like a blueish one ?
Keep it up
By the way, managed to render this character in cryengine 3 because of you, big thanks for the youtube tutorial video you made. I'm not the fastest at learning video game engine and you made it really easy and seamless for me
I do agree the back pack might be a little too saturated, especially compared to the rest of his cloths.
Thanks for the input!