The texture makes the chest area look better. I think the sweater would benefit from folds coming down to the split area. I cropped a picture of your reference to show where and what im talking about.
Also small folds going up to his pectorals from the stomach area would help. the cloth in that general area is pretty flat and uninteresting.
Don't forget the penis!
Lookin good though, the only thing I could say for is if you wanna get good at male characters you should start with a more in shape ref, or just practice the forms of a male first. But I'm no character artist so.
Will try the revisit the sweater to make it more interesting Macattack @AlexCatMasterSupreme I know where you are comning from but I can't help to disagree. I know everyone is making those very fit and muscular/bodybuilder male character. But people come in all sort of shapes and size and it's really fun to experiment stuff away from the male-hero stereotype. Off course i'm not saying we shouldn't make those, because it would be wrong to say that, but I think it's important to learn to do something a little diff
Perfection is in the imperfections. The superhero characters with the large muscles, breasts, etc. are boring without a defining character flaw. If an internal conflict can manifest itself in an outward appearance then the character is a lot more interesting.
I say, be honest with how the reference ACTUALLY looks, and not how you would like it to look.
Thanks Joe, does look real better with the longer hoodie!
Will try to give thoses hands some love tomorow,
will try to start blocking out the bag tomorow too!
Thanks again for all the support/comment guys !
The bag looks great. And those shoes... super clean! How much of that is sculpting vs sub-div modeling? Single mesh or separate geometry? Please, share your secrets.
Hey Brandon! Thanks a lot for your comment I appreciate it.
I very rarely do subdivision modelling, when I do its for stuff like belt, belt buckle etc etc. I only use a very low resolution basemesh that only gives me the base shape of the objects for me to start with, an be able to move it around. The rest is all scultping, I use a lot of mask.
Awesome! Thanks, Tits! (never thought I'd be able to say that without offending someone) I had been trying to emulate your clothing style with subdivision modeling wondering why on earth I was having such a hard time. Looks like I was massively over-complicating the process.
Take a look back at your first model from a little bit over a year ago and then look at this... you've come so far - seriously!! your already reaching an extreme level Marie!!!
One thing i can advise on, be sure to over compensate for the folds etc, especially if you plan to take this to low poly and normal map, and texture it realistically / photographically because those textures and final realistic lighting solution will really dumb those folds and details down a little bit.
Whatever you do, dont stop this project,.. keep pushing
Hey this is looking great! Getting the hands as realistic as possible will really help. A friend on mine told me that the three most of important areas for creating convincing CG humans are the face, hands, and feet.
Keep up the good work, and hopefully I'll see you on hangouts again soon
@Hazardous, Thanks, your comment just made my day! By compensate you mean to exagerate those fold I think?
@ -Em'- Thanks, I am happy you like it! @SCB I know right, really gotta rock those hands but i'm having a lot of trouble, going to really take the time and try to figured it out tonight! I am in the hangout almost everyday, sure will bump into each other at some point.
Bleh, didn't work on the hand yet, updated the bag, had a crash and lost a bit of work so it took longer,
Really got to get the ''courage'' to work on those hand, SOON
I'm calling it done, it's never perfect but I always stop when I find I learned what I had to learn from it.
I think it was a very good pratice and a big step in the way to become better at male character!
So once again Thanks to everyone for helping me out with comment and critics, very helpfull as usual.
Starting the low rez pretty soon
hey tits, this is looking great, though i think with some small tweaks with the move brush you could improve it a lot. currently there's just a few irregularities with the thicknesses of some things, his right calf is very large compared to his left, and the angle of his legs looks a bit weird. I would fix the leg angle when your on your low poly, but you can make the other fixes really quick and easy now. here's what i mean:
Haha I did not even use the new insert brush because I didn't figure out how it works yet..
It's an old alpha I made from a 3ds max model. I made a brush, nothing very fancy
I have a tendency to put zbrush aside for "hard surface", might be worth another look. I think it turned out great, your base meshes look very clean too. Any plans for a low poly and textures?
Hey psyk0 ! Thanks a lot for your comment, happy it might make you give another shot to zbrush. Will sure make a low poly with textures, will be starting that very soon,
I'm planning on doing very realistic, photo-based texture to brake away from my habbit of hand painted one and show something different in my portfolio. I was planning on maybe taking the character back and making a zombiefied version too. Think it might be a nice challenge and a great addition to my portfolio again since I have no creature-monster and things like that.
I would say that your cloth is still somewhat lacking, you have the large details in place, the broad folds on the arms and such are looking good and are fairly accurate, however i would suggest going into more detail and adding some more high level details to the cloth itself.
Small amounts of pinching around where the stitches would be, particularly around the front pocket, and a few sharper, smaller, folds would help a great deal.
The third from the left in this image is a good example of what I think you should try and incorporate into your model, it's similar as far as cloth density and weight goes.
^^ looking at this makes me think i'm going to be out of a job in a few years
this is what i was saying in the paintover i did for you on page 1, there's too much wide open untouched cloth that need some sense of cloth creases, because as you can see in the examples above, there's something going on in every single area
Hey mazz, and Mr ace, Understand what you are saying but at the same time the shirt that the man is wearing on the picture and the one my character is wearing are really different. On yours we are talking about a kind of cotton-thin shirt and on mine we are talking about a thick wool-hoodie, those kind of material have way less small and very defined fold. Tho i totally agree that those comment would apply on the jeans . And my shirt does miss the stiching on the side, wich i will add!
My ref on that once again
shubiaowoai : lol!? Thanks
Miyavi Yeah for sure not the best for explaning that kind of stuff but I can sure try.
Baking is the process used to transfer the detail of a high resolution mesh to a low resolution mesh (like the one i just posted). For this character I will bake my normal map and my occlusion map using 3ds max render to texture. There is other software/ways to bake.
you can read more there about normal maps
and here about ambiant occlusion
shubiaowoai : lol!? Thanks
Miyavi Yeah for sure not the best for explaning that kind of stuff but I can sure try.
Baking is the process used to transfer the detail of a high resolution mesh to a low resolution mesh (like the one i just posted). For this character I will bake my normal map and my occlusion map using 3ds max render to texture. There is other software/ways to bake.
you can read more there about normal maps
and here about ambiant occlusion
Oh! So that's known to me as "projecting from high poly to low poly".
Thanks a lot!
First pass on occlusion-normal map,
still a lot of clean up to do but i'm getting there, i'm kinda slow 'cause i'm doing Overtime at work at the moment...!
I've been following this one, don't usually post but your progress has been great
I also agree with you about the sort of fabric the jumper he's wearing is - it's easy to be trigger-happy with cloth folds and crinkles and such in sculpting programs, and make everything look like it's made of silk or thin cotton. Much harder to take into account what sort of fabric you're dealing with and adjust accordingly, which I think you've done well.
@Fade aolani Thanks a lot, pretty happy you followed the thread
Happy you agree with the fabric-wrinkle thing, English is not my first language and I was trying to make my point and was not sure if I was putting my idea in a very clear and correct way! But happy to see it actually made sense to someone (yay!)
Still need to correct the AO on the side of the bag and i boosted it for the render since it was really white.
Anyway, starting the texturing
So finally figure out I had so much trouble getting good result with my marmoset toolbag screenshot because I am running with and AMD card instead of a Nvidia, I'm obviously very disappointed . Here is a side by side comparison
So i'm still working on the texture, no huge update again but huge update in terms of render quality!
He's looking good Marie. Texture wise his jeans seem like they could use a bit more contrast, in the whites of the thighs (where most modern jeans have vertical striping from the dye process) and the deep blues you find at the seams.
Also, long vertical stripes of dark and light from the different color threads. Photoshop is good for this --render--fibers, then stretch them length wise and play with the blend mode.
as far as the cards,
I found the same thing out about ATI vs Nvidia recently, and it made a huge difference in marmoset and also the Maya viewport. Seems like toolbag should represent this fact a little more widely, at least somewhere on their site, but it's good software and their team is really good about troubleshooting/customer service, so o'well.
Also small folds going up to his pectorals from the stomach area would help. the cloth in that general area is pretty flat and uninteresting.
Lookin good though, the only thing I could say for is if you wanna get good at male characters you should start with a more in shape ref, or just practice the forms of a male first. But I'm no character artist so.
@AlexCatMasterSupreme I know where you are comning from but I can't help to disagree. I know everyone is making those very fit and muscular/bodybuilder male character. But people come in all sort of shapes and size and it's really fun to experiment stuff away from the male-hero stereotype. Off course i'm not saying we shouldn't make those, because it would be wrong to say that, but I think it's important to learn to do something a little diff
I say, be honest with how the reference ACTUALLY looks, and not how you would like it to look.
Keep rockin tits!
By the way, the shoes look awesome.
Thanks Joe, does look real better with the longer hoodie!
Will try to give thoses hands some love tomorow,
will try to start blocking out the bag tomorow too!
Thanks again for all the support/comment guys !
Thanks createdbyj and almighty_gir
you may proceed
just a little sneak peek
I very rarely do subdivision modelling, when I do its for stuff like belt, belt buckle etc etc. I only use a very low resolution basemesh that only gives me the base shape of the objects for me to start with, an be able to move it around. The rest is all scultping, I use a lot of mask.
here is some screenshot from my basemesh if it can help
don't like what i Have in the front of the bag, will redo tomorow
need to work on those hands, maaaaan, I hate those!
One thing i can advise on, be sure to over compensate for the folds etc, especially if you plan to take this to low poly and normal map, and texture it realistically / photographically because those textures and final realistic lighting solution will really dumb those folds and details down a little bit.
Whatever you do, dont stop this project,.. keep pushing
It has a good feeling of body forms under those wearings
Keep up the good work, and hopefully I'll see you on hangouts again soon
@ -Em'- Thanks, I am happy you like it!
@SCB I know right, really gotta rock those hands but i'm having a lot of trouble, going to really take the time and try to figured it out tonight! I am in the hangout almost everyday, sure will bump into each other at some point.
Really got to get the ''courage'' to work on those hand, SOON
I think it was a very good pratice and a big step in the way to become better at male character!
So once again Thanks to everyone for helping me out with comment and critics, very helpfull as usual.
Starting the low rez pretty soon
will make sure to take a look at your critics before I started the low resolution character
Here is a Final render from zbrush this time
nope it wouldn't with the new insert brushes you can do something like that pretty easily.
It's an old alpha I made from a 3ds max model. I made a brush, nothing very fancy
I'm planning on doing very realistic, photo-based texture to brake away from my habbit of hand painted one and show something different in my portfolio. I was planning on maybe taking the character back and making a zombiefied version too. Think it might be a nice challenge and a great addition to my portfolio again since I have no creature-monster and things like that.
No low res goodness?
working on the low resolution!
Small amounts of pinching around where the stitches would be, particularly around the front pocket, and a few sharper, smaller, folds would help a great deal.
The third from the left in this image is a good example of what I think you should try and incorporate into your model, it's similar as far as cloth density and weight goes.
this is what i was saying in the paintover i did for you on page 1, there's too much wide open untouched cloth that need some sense of cloth creases, because as you can see in the examples above, there's something going on in every single area
My ref on that once again
Would you mind explaining to me what exactly baking is? I looked it up, but I wasn't very convinced about the explanation >.<
Miyavi Yeah for sure not the best for explaning that kind of stuff but I can sure try.
Baking is the process used to transfer the detail of a high resolution mesh to a low resolution mesh (like the one i just posted). For this character I will bake my normal map and my occlusion map using 3ds max render to texture. There is other software/ways to bake.
you can read more there about normal maps
and here about ambiant occlusion
Oh! So that's known to me as "projecting from high poly to low poly".
Thanks a lot!
still a lot of clean up to do but i'm getting there, i'm kinda slow 'cause i'm doing Overtime at work at the moment...!
I also agree with you about the sort of fabric the jumper he's wearing is - it's easy to be trigger-happy with cloth folds and crinkles and such in sculpting programs, and make everything look like it's made of silk or thin cotton. Much harder to take into account what sort of fabric you're dealing with and adjust accordingly, which I think you've done well.
Happy you agree with the fabric-wrinkle thing, English is not my first language and I was trying to make my point and was not sure if I was putting my idea in a very clear and correct way! But happy to see it actually made sense to someone (yay!)
Still need to correct the AO on the side of the bag and i boosted it for the render since it was really white.
Anyway, starting the texturing
So i'm still working on the texture, no huge update again but huge update in terms of render quality!
Also, long vertical stripes of dark and light from the different color threads. Photoshop is good for this --render--fibers, then stretch them length wise and play with the blend mode.
Less like this even pattern:
and more like this, with the veticals:
as far as the cards,
I found the same thing out about ATI vs Nvidia recently, and it made a huge difference in marmoset and also the Maya viewport. Seems like toolbag should represent this fact a little more widely, at least somewhere on their site, but it's good software and their team is really good about troubleshooting/customer service, so o'well.