Hey there guys,
since I started doing character, making male character was always much more of a trouble for me then doing female,
that's why I decided to start praticing them *logic i know *
So here ya go, its still very WIP at the moment but i am really looking forward to get some comment and critics from you guys so I can finally get better

Thanks guys!
Only crits I have at the moment are:
-Adding some more definition to his elbows. The shape of his arm, from his wrist to his shoulder is too straight, maybe add a bit more muscle to his forearm.
-His ears seem a bit large, and maybe are placed a bit low? I might be wrong due to the angle and distance I'm seeing it from...
Off to a great start though, keep it up!
@phixel I am looking to work on all of the above
Will try to check out the arm tonight for sure.
About the ear I might check it out, but I am working here with photo reference
Thanks for the comment!
proportionally he looks good, i think there's something not quite right about his head, but it's hard to tell from that one shot.
The cloth needs more form, I'm sure you're pretty early with it, but a t-shirt will have a lot of creasing and shape too it. The pants which i assume are jeans have too sharp creases, try and keep the creases rounder and larger, and flow down through the legs. Reference is key!
good luck
Like a lot of people point out, its all very WIP, a lot of thing to soften up, to smooth, shirt is still very place holder etc.
I am at work for now but if you guys want I will post some more views of the face and maybe some reference picture. I am using picture of Someone I know so I will ask the permission first.
The reason why I am not showing the full body is because I was asked not to
anyway thanks again all of you for your very nice critics
And here a closer look at the face,
working on it at the moment, might post more stuff later tonight
Not a lot of progress tonight
still working on the fold, trying to make them more believable!
i can already see improvements over your older works, and i really like what you did with the pants, especially in the first picture, like how these were stylized, but i guess you wanna go for realism.
Pay attention on your face anatomy, i don't see much of the bone structure in your sculpted face at the moment, but you reference shows a lot (Specialy on the forehead).
Try to take a look at Ryan Kingsley's face anatomy workshop, really helped me to understanding what's going on in there. He has a free webinar too somewhere on vimeo, somewhat usefull imo.
Keep going !
These would be pretty minor tweaks though, as you have the general shape and overall facial proportions pretty close.
Bonne Chance!
@felixenfeu (bonjour Matane!) I will try to find some of the video you are talking about from Ryan Kingsley tomorow at work. I'm pretty sure i aldready saw stuff from this guy but a reminder is always good!
@ysalex thanks a lot, start working a little bit more on the face tonight but I find it very hard to reconize the face without the red beard, it's just not the same without hehe.
@phixel, thanks a lot for the comment too, as you say its hard to tell about the exact size of the face with the beard on the picture, tho I have some one at home with a shorter one so I will check it out again for sure!
Anyway no huge progress tonight since I went the see the hobbit hehe, arrived pretty late so not a long time left unfortunatly, still a little more screenshot for you guys, im trying to rework on the arm, they are bugging me...
Oh By the way, any great tips to do beard in zbrush? I have no clue
There are manyways to sculpt hair/beards depending on the effect/style you want to achieve. You could check out fibermesh, zbrush's 'hair and fur' system.
If you're planning on sculpting the beard; you basicly have two choices. Either you sculpt it directly on the face or sculpt it as a separate subtool.
The latter method is probably the easiest one though it's major problem is obvious seams:
Blending the two subtools together isn't that hard, it just needs a little love and dedication.
How you create the basemesh for the beard is entirely up to you, you could build a basemesh in your app of choice, or use zbrushes extract tools. I usually just use one of the zbrush primitives, block-out a quick shape and then use dynamesh to clean up the topology.
As for brushes, I find the claybuildup brush very nice to get a layered hair effect. I've also downloaded a brush called the crease brush which I love and use for as much stuff as possible, including (facial)hair. You might have a couple of favorites yourself, I would suggest you try those out first as you probably know exactly how they feel/work.
I would suggest thinning the wrists in relation to the forearms and hands.
With the hands, I would suggest curving the top of the hand. That would force the fingers to bend slightly inward in a more natural position. Also, to me, the thumb should be slightly more under the palm, following that curve. I hope my description makes sense.
small update tonight again!
@stefan I'm pretty happy you like my portfolio, made my day
thanks a lot for the beard suggestion, I am not a huge fan of fibermesh so I was more thinking about sculpting it. Like you can see I did a little bit of the second subtool technique for the (very few) amount of hair you see. Tho I am not sure if this technique will be the best for the beard since it is not THAT big, still trying stuff.
@benjamin thanks a lot, always a pleasure to hear my work can inspire someone. I think you were really right about the thumb, I rotate it slightly under the palm, dont know if it's noticeable in the render tho. I worked a bit on the arms /wrist too.
Anyway here ya go boyzzzz
Thanks for this by the way. Going to watch it later.
To answer your question Fomori I was thinking of giving him a sweater like the one he has on the reference picture I posted earlier in this thread. Will eventually give him shoes (yay!) and a bag I think, will be starting on the sweater tonight, most likely
Also, some of the creases on the trousers are too sharp, material like this doesn't behave like that, with sharp edges to creases, then flat plateaus on top. it has more of a flow to it and is more rounded.
Would you mind showing a close-up of the hat and tell me how you did the texture? A character I'm working on at the moment has a similar hat and I can't work out the best way to do the texture and yours looks good from here!
Thanks again for your really good and usefull input mr_ace (btw I really love your work). I will rework on the jeans to make them way soften, more believable and add more crease etc. stuff is still in a very WIP stage, I just like to pass from a thing to another never to get bored and to keep a more overall look at my character and not focusing in useless detail too quickly. The t-shirt might stay pretty blocky since it will be soon covered by a sweater so I didnt really put much attention to it.
Here is a little tutorial for the hat texture, I will actually have to redo it like I explain a little bit later, but the technique is still good if you dont mess it up like I did
Oh and By the way, I will most likely post a little update a little bit later, but If ever I dont have the time I just want to tell you guys I will not be able to post here until a little while. I'm actually spending my holiday vacation in france this year and so I will be away from computer until the third of january. So until then C&C are still welcome and i'll update the thread when I am back. So I wish all of you folks very nice holiday (or whatever), to enjoy and ... that's it!!
Not bad for the first try and was really easy to do, took about 10 mins and its going to help me solve the hair problem I was having.
Thanks for the tip :thumbup:
Here just a little bit of fun with rendering,
going back to the real shit tomorow with continuing the sculpting!
I did a really shitty paintover.
The only things I really changed were
- Slightly wider head....(but not the eyes)
- Chubbier cheeks, and masseter muscle
- Pointer chin.
- Pointer cranium.
- sucked in ears.
I hope that helpes
Killer job so far, I am really keen to see where you go from here. :thumbup:
It was a happy day when that link got sent round at work, I think natural looking cloth is something people tend to overlook, but I think it's just as important as accurate anatomy and such. Especially when 70% of the character is clothed.
Obviously for certain things you should use your discretion, for instance having folds that cross across the knees may look good when the character is just standing there but look very unnatural when in motion.
@mazz423 wow, this website you just linked is amazing, the clothing is just insane. Im having a bit of a hard time especially on the jeans part, I did way more woman and those wear their clothes way closer to the body. The look is totally different but i'm learning a lot wich is great.
Sorry for the delay, I just came back from vacation, got a whole new zbrush license from christmas and just bought myself a brand new cintiq 22HD, had a lot of setup to do. I should be back on track with some new update very soon, thanks a lot to you guys
BTW assuming you're planning on giving him shoes, I would block in some place holders for them sooner rather than later so you can work your jeans around them, rather than having to move them later. It's a pretty small thing but hey, better than nothing
Those renders in Keyshot? Looks like more and more people are discovering it. It's fun!
@Fomori totally agree with the nostril thing, i wouldn't have noticed, thanks!
I tried Keyshot before but I didn't quite figured it out. I had those very noisy render, full of little black dot everywhere even tho it took a long while to render. Maybe I should give it a second chance. I made those render with Mike A. Nash Fake it package. The blue one in Vray, the second one in Mental ray. Doing a pretty sweet job imo
Like it looks too wide, but comparing to the reference images it looks ok.
It kind of looks like a mix between a chubby/buff dude right now.
If it was a buff guy I would expect some more definition in the shoulders.
If its more a chubby guy, I would expect a belly.
Maybe you could try pushing the chest in a bit and making it a little bit less wide?
Been reworking the pants a whole lot since i was never really satisfied with them. Been trying fews techniques and going them over and over again.
So here you go, still not perfect, got a lot of polishing to do.
I tried something for the beard too, not too sure about it, checking my options...
Still nobody noticed... Not bad
Here's the right one
I will ask my model If i can send a picture of him in another shirt to make my point better
Something I find weird though is the shape of the forearms connecting to his wrists. Also, his big toes need to get a lot bigger, I think.
Nice work!
[EDIT] Missed that you had posted a later version with long sleeves so never mind the forearms.. :P
thanks for all the input about the pectoral area. I tried to make it a little less apparent. Still when I am looking at the naked reference I cannot help it, I don't believe I should do a lot of corrections on that area because it seems pretty damn close to me. Sorry if you guys think i'm being hard headed about this one hehe.
Anyway no crazy big update, but I finally hide those horrible placeholder feet for you guys
the proportions are a bit off, his knees look too low, the pants are low, that's ok if it should be that way but then the knees can't slide down too ..
But if you want to follow the refs then the folds which are suggesting the knees make them look too low and the trouser is really too low bc he doesn't wears them that way.
my advice in future would be, if you're doing a "trying to get better" project; pick a reference that we can all actively see and help criticise you on.
That jeans looks pretty hot. Check this image out, its a reallife scan, but i really made me change the way i look at cloth in general.
Not quite sold at the chest issue im afraid
Photo Ref (NSFW
Btw those will be remove as soon as I am done with the high resolution sculpt.
i understand your boyfriends concerns, even if i disagree with them, and i respect his right to privacy.
I tried to add a texture to the hoodie but unfortunatly I cannot make it perfect even with a very great Unwrap