Hi everyone.
First: fantastic work, its awesome all the work you do here. :thumbup:
Ontopic: Someone know a way to see the models of Allods? export the models to a program like maya, 3d max studio, milkshape, etc (with texture)? Im interesting in the npc models (monsters, bosses, mounts, etc), not in the characters or items.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOapP7eEqvM"]Allods Online - First Anniversary Animation Reel - PC - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for all
So, its illegal see the models? i only want to see the models, but dont exist a model viewer like wow model viewer or see the models of Lineage 2 in milkshape or umodel. Im not going to do a custom patch, modify the models or something, i only want to see them.
Wat? Yeah if you're repacking and distributing the models yourself, or selling them, or some other nefarious purpose, then it would be illegal. For viewing purposes though? How else would people make machinima or mods?
I think the key thing to remember on that is "Don't be an idiot." If you were to pass off someone elses models as your own, you're begging to be blacklisted. That said, sorry man, I have no knowledge of any model viewer for Allods.
np, i search and dont exist a model viewer of Allods, thats is why i ask about a way to export the models to a modeling program to see it
Which is a tool used to get DirectX or OpenGL data out of ... stuff. I don't know if there's a taboo when it comes to talking about this sort of thing, I should hope not.
Thanks, i will try
Its working, but the program has some bugs (some models dont appear, some models dont has textures and others has the texture wrong). I tried export it (one of this models) to milkshape but this appear when i open it "this ms3d file has invalid triangles/groups". So i send a mesagge to the page of the problem, i hope this work right soon.
So any model you export or see as of now, is about as much as you're going to get most likely.
Game as a product is intended to be played, not taken apart. There is clearly a reason it is not shipped with psd files. Right, taking a look at the meshes is hardly a deep insight into creation process, but where is the line drawn?
Anyway, is it ok to take a look at the data just because there are ways to do it and it is more or less legal? I don't think so but, but that may be just a muttering of a bitter man.
Also try the Xentax forums see if anyone has made any exporters/scripts: http://www.xentax.com/
Thanks i will try
You are reacting as if there are any superdeep secrets to be revealed. we all work with years old workflows. there are no real industry secrets on the 2d - 3d content creation side. In the end it cones down to the experience of the individual artist who worked on the assets, i don't see how looking at their work can be a problem. Unless its used ti rip and resell someones work, otherwise the experience is something no one can just rip. they still will have to learn on their own and get their art better in their own.
Anyway, thanks for discussion.
That said, i wouldn't be happy to put out my psd's but you can't deduct and copy how a work of art was done just by accessing the different layers...
Either way what intrigued me the most when i saw Allods the very first time, was the textures - they're fucking brilliant! http://forum.ragezone.com/f745/tools-texture-viewer-816960/
Like everyone says, stealing assets is wrong. I'm only doing this to see how the models are made, and not sharing anything I find.
Machinima Studio is good, but much models havent texture and others are invisibles
Too bad Slipgatecentral dont response the messages i sent 5 days ago.