holy crap, that one was the first one i watched the speed sculpt on, some cool things your doing there, as well as just awesome sculpting chops. I especially liked how you did the braid, was that some kind of premade braid piece you brought in to duplicate? This ones one of my favourites.
Today a Dreamworks one since i just wanted to rewatch this movie so badly :P
Oh wow, looks amazing!
This is the first stylized character I attempted to make in 3d, but I ended up throwing all relevant files in the recycling bin after getting frustrated over how difficult it was to translate the style to 3d. you make it look so easy.
Trevor, i sculpted a rough braidpiece shape out of a sphere and copied it down by holding ctrl and using the transpose move
Today a Dreamworks one since i just wanted to rewatch this movie so badly :P
This is the first stylized character I attempted to make in 3d, but I ended up throwing all relevant files in the recycling bin after getting frustrated over how difficult it was to translate the style to 3d. you make it look so easy.
This thread is awesome.
did another study
I am really digging on Merlin.
Inspirational as always.
those are amazing
every 1 of them
put a big smile on my face