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Ironman 3



  • slipsius
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It was mentioned in the thread of awesomeness, but worth it's own thread I guess :)
    As I said there, I'm very much looking forward to this. And that trailer looks like it won't disappoint.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Sure, show Stark Mansion blowing up. I really wish trailers would be less revealing. Reminds me of the football field in Dark Knight Rises. My choice to watch the trailer, so I guess it's kinda my fault. I like the music they used though! Is this going to be the last Ironman perhaps?
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Looks great, I'm excited! Still only cautiously optimistic. It's very cool that they are introducing elements of the Extremis storyline.

    I'm a little dubious of the inclusion of the Mandarin. Ben Kingsly is a great choice, but it seems like if they try to be true to his comicbook counterpart, he'd simply be too ridiculous. However, if they stray from the comicbook too far... what's the point of even saying he's the same character?
  • System
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    System admin
    iron patriot is rhodey - theres a image somewhere that just got released of the armor, and it has his name painted on it.

    found it -
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    Hopefully this won't be the film that runs the franchise into a reboot like Spider-Man 3. And Robert Downey Jr? Yummmm
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Hopefully this won't be the film that runs the franchise into a reboot like Spider-Man 3. And Robert Downey Jr? Yummmm

    I think there are some different expectations here. With the Spider-Man movies (and X-Men movies) they had seemed to be getting progressively better, until the third one which kind of ruined it. In my opinion at least.

    With Iron Man, it's a bit different. I thought the second movie was pretty weak actually. So I don't think the bar is as high. I think people will like it even if it's not as good as the first one.

    I just hope they keep the core elements that made the first ones good, which to me was their ability to keep things light-hearted and fun, as opposed to going the grimdark route like a lot of comic movies have.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The problem, as I saw it, for Spider-man, was they kept trying to increment the villain count, with each iteration. The earlier batmans did this too. ie; first had 1 villain, second had 2, and the third had 3. The extra villains created too much division in the plots, and prevented anything from developing properly. The Ironman series hasn't been doing this, which brings me more hope :)

    Honestly, I'm glad to see them get a different type of villain. Not just another iteration of an ironman type suit.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I'm not really down with the theory of "More villains = worse movie". It's just how they're dealt with.

    Think about the Nolan Batman movies. All of the movies have had at least three villains. Begins had Ra's and the league of shadows, Scarecrow, and The Mob. Dark Knight had Joker, Two-Face, scarecrow, and a bunch of other miscellaneous dudes who I'll also just lump into "The mob" again. Dark Knight rises had Bane, Talia, Scarecrow, Ra's (kind of) and Catwoman (kind of). Even if you don't like those movies I don't think the amount of villains would be to blame.

    Also, it seems like Iron Man is ramping up in a similar fashion to the Spider-Man movies. This one looks like it will have a ridiculous amount of potential villains.
    The Mandarin
    Aldrich Killian
    Maya Hansen
    Jack Taggert
    and possibly Iron Patriot, depending on how they use him. Although I think it's just War machine and won't be portrayed as a villain.
    Although I guess we won't know how any of that pans out until we see the movie.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, that's more to my point... 'how they use them'. In the third spiderman, sandman was almost pointless. Just some random idiot, who's easily manipulated. He should have been developed more, while spidey was spending time being conflicted over venom. None of the Topher character, and no Harry whining/goblin.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    predicting it now:

    the new armour is the extremis armour, and the film will feature part of the argonaut plan. it will lead to the bleeding edge armour and "rescue" in avengers 2.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Shiniku wrote: »
    I'm a little dubious of the inclusion of the Mandarin. Ben Kingsly is a great choice, but it seems like if they try to be true to his comicbook counterpart, he'd simply be too ridiculous. However, if they stray from the comicbook too far... what's the point of even saying he's the same character?
    He'll be a little tricky to fit in without things getting silly, but lord knows if Marvel can pull of an Avengers movie without the ridiculous concept coming apart at the seams, the chap with the magic rings shouldn't be that difficult to ground.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It's not the same director as the previous movies, hence why from the trailer alone, you can feel a certain change of mood, so don't expect anything ridiculous.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I never followed the comic series, but how exactly is this guy getting what looks to be exact replicas of the Iron Man suit? Did someone copy the design when the War Machine suit was taken to the Army?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    extremis was a virus (i think) that is implanted into stark, which he then manages to re-write. but in doing so the virus merges with his brain (making him think even faster than he already does) and sees his body as "broken", so it fixes it by implanting parts of the ironman suit into the hollow parts of his bones.

    these then create a synaptic/mental link between him and the suit. so the suit no longer runs on "garvis" and now runs directly from starks mind.

    the argonauts project, was designed because stark felt he couldn't be everywhere at once, but that due to his now enhanced mind he could control multiple iron man suits. so he builds some that don't need to be worn, just controlled.

    so, i imagine that this movie will go something like:
    stark develops extremis, and the synaptic link to the suit
    stark develops argonauts
    bad guy takes over the suits
    stark gets a bit of a beating
    banner comes to help stark
    banner and stark take down bad guy

    queue link to thor 2/ avengers 2.
  • Mark Dygert
    I really hope this isn't the film where they jump the shark, nuke the fridge and coin a new phrase all before the credits roll.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    My guess wold be a bit closer to the comic.
    Maya Hansen develops extremis as another attempt at creating a super soldier, the serum gets stolen by terrorists and it used against a small town (the scorch mark bodies).
    Tony gets his ass handed to him because the extremis enhanced person is faster than him. He wins the day but not by much and sees the usefulness and danger of it.
    He uses it on himself so that his reaction times can be even faster.
    He cant sleep because his brain is now on over drive and can see all the horrible things going on all over the world.
    He develops the other Ironman suits to be controlled by his mind so that he can help all over the place all the time.
    They get hijacked by the Mandarin and used against him. Ends up having to revert back to his old suit that's slower but cant be controlled from the outside.
    He kicks his ass old school style, the end.

    Somewhere at the end having tony realize that the rings are not of this world. Maybe a post credits scene of him giving them to Thor for safe keeping in his vault.

    Looks like the final lineup is;
    IM3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers 2, and Ant Man
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I really hope this isn't the film where they jump the shark, nuke the fridge and coin a new phrase all before the credits roll.

    Drown the House?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i don't see why hulk, or at the very least banner wouldn't be involved in the film...

    Ruffello is already signed on for what... 6 more films? none of which are hulk films. that says to me that he will have cameos in a few of the side movies as well as the avengers.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    i don't see why hulk, or at the very least banner wouldn't be involved in the film...

    Ruffello is already signed on for what... 6 more films? none of which are hulk films. that says to me that he will have cameos in a few of the side movies as well as the avengers.

    Sure, but I really doubt he'll have too major a part. I feel this one will be a fairly personal story about Tony Stark again.

    We may see Ruffalo but probably just on TV or in a brief scene. I think if any of the other Avengers were going to be MAJOR supporting characters in this movie, they would probably have showcased that in the trailer.
  • Foe
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    Foe polycounter lvl 5
    Somehow, the patriotic iron man suit looks as if it was made for Captain America so it becomes superarmor on a super being.

    Most likely made for rhodes, as he is typically the one that pulls Tony out when he is in a pickle,
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    i don't see why hulk, or at the very least banner wouldn't be involved in the film...

    Ruffello is already signed on for what... 6 more films? none of which are hulk films. that says to me that he will have cameos in a few of the side movies as well as the avengers.

    Covering their options, they might want to do a Hulk trilogy at some point
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    hurg Ben Kingsley, this movie is going to be bad, was there one movie he was in since Schindlers List, which was any good? :O
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Foe wrote: »
    Somehow, the patriotic iron man suit looks as if it was made for Captain America so it becomes superarmor on a super being.

    Most likely made for rhodes, as he is typically the one that pulls Tony out when he is in a pickle,

    In the comics Norman Osbourne becomes leader of H.A.M.M.E.R. which essentially replaces SHIELD. He gets access to all of Tony Starks equipment and suits and makes the "Iron Patriot" which he wears. While this looks extremely similar to that suit, the fact that they don't own the rights for Norman Osbourne pretty much ensures it won't be him. Also, on the high-res version of this shot you can see Rhodes name stenciled on the chest piece, so it looks like a repaint of War Machine.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Really? You're going to base a movie's success based on Ben Kingsley being in it? He's been in other good movies (Hugo & Shutter Island). I also don't believe he's the reason some of his other movies flopped. He's just been taking part in bad movies.

    As for Banner making an appearance, he's currently not listed on IMDB for Ironman 3. That doesn't mean he won't make a secret appearance (maybe in one of Stark's labs; 'our R&D department'), but I doubt he'll be playing a major role. It does seem natural that he'd be in it though, considering how friendly they were too each other in the Avengers, and how they respected each other's intelligence.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Really? i think Ben Kingsley is a good actor. Why the hate on him? I actually got a little more excited about the villain being him on this one haha
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Same here. I think he's a pretty good actor
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    He's a damn good actor! When he's trying, at least. He's definitely phoned it in for some stinkers, but I really wouldn't see him as a detriment to the movie, and it seems like he's really trying with this one. He came up with an interesting voice for the character.
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    I see no reason why pretty much every nation doesn't have it's own Iron Man by now. Only about, oh, everyone seems to be able to build or steal something something to counter it. First movie, Iron Man fights a beefier Iron Man, second movie, Iron Man fights Iron Man *and* a beefier Iron Man. Third movie, Iron Man fights Iron *Men*?

    I pretty much watch these movies for Downey's acting. The actual action is snooze-worthy.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    They covered that on the second one. The key (sort of) is his power source. That's what they established in the first one, his power source was difficult to replicate, at that scale. That's why it was stolen from him. The only flaw in that, is in the second one, when Rhodey is able to get into his suit, yet he doesn't have an arc reactor in his chest. So how does it get power?

    Anyway, that's a side argument, that I honestly allow to be ignored. The reason other countries don't have it, is because they aren't as smart as Stark. Simple as that. The arc reactor is the key to the compact suit, not to mention, the tech that goes into making the suit function.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Really? while i do appreciate Downie Jr step up on his acting, i also enjoy the suit, how it works, how it moves when he flies. Pepperpot to me is awesome, and i look fwd to more interaction between them in the new one.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Rhodey's suit probably ran on the original arc reactor that Tony built in the cave, I'd guess Iron Patriot uses one of the reactor's Whiplash built
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Neox wrote: »
    hurg Ben Kingsley, this movie is going to be bad, was there one movie he was in since Schindlers List, which was any good? :O

    Hugo was pretty dang good, and he had a staring role in that.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I was actually thinking that this might be the arc where Stark try to make the suit more intelligent, but it got too smart. We will see, I have only seen one trailer by accident, always try to avoid watching any trailers for movies I know I'm going to watch anyway.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think it's going to be extremely difficult to avoid these trailers, once the opening date nears. Just like everything else, the entertainment that doesn't need advertisement, will get the most advertising.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Neox wrote: »
    hurg Ben Kingsley, this movie is going to be bad, was there one movie he was in since Schindlers List, which was any good? :O

    he was fantastic in sexy beast. 12 years ago mind (jeez that makes me feel old)
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    love sexy beast, he is such a prick in that movie hahah. looks cool!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Here's the extended cut of the Superbowl teaser, such as it was.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Here's the extended cut of the Superbowl teaser, such as it was.

    Is that a Boeing Dreamliner in the aerial sequence? :P
  • moose
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  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Damn that looks like it's gonna rock. It feels like this films been coming forever. Not to keen on the very tired 'battling insomnia while battling the bad guy too' story angle but I'm not going to see this film for the story!

    Love the magnetic hinge-less parts on his suit!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    HD version of the latest trailer
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1Y3P9D0Bc"]Iron Man 3 -- Official Trailer UK Marvel | HD - YouTube[/ame]

    Hulkbuster armour looks pretty silly, but eh. We'll see what happens.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    I still think Ben Kingsley will do a good job.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    moose wrote: »

    that little shot in the trailer at 1:52... was filmed at Epic :)

    When he's doing the press speech about 'good ole fashion revenge'?

    This new trailer made my pants tight.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    notman wrote: »
    When he's doing the press speech about 'good ole fashion revenge'?

    This new trailer made my pants tight.

    this, 100%

    also, i totally fucking called the plot!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    notman wrote: »
    When he's doing the press speech about 'good ole fashion revenge'?

    This new trailer made my pants tight.

    Na, sorry, when Don Cheadle is standing in the patriot suit thing. 1-2 seconds haha :P They did film a lot in this area tho.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Selaznog wrote: »

    Gwyneth Paltrow at the 1:56 mark = daaammmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    moose wrote: »
    Na, sorry, when Don Cheadle is standing in the patriot suit thing. 1-2 seconds haha :P They did film a lot in this area tho.

    Ahhhh. That's why I asked, because they clip so fast around that point. I'll be thinking of it when I see that scene in the movie now ;)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    just got back from seeing this, totally badass. not spoiling anything!

    watch through the end of the credits... both sets of credits.
  • Sculptaur
    Yeah I saw it the other day as well. It was awesome.
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