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[Dota2] – Venomancer – Poisoned Friends

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SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
Hy guys. Here is my Venomancer WIP thread. Id like to add some changes into the character. but i really dont know is this allowed. I started from drawing the concept, so i want to ask you what can i change or not. Here is the concept. I change only the tentacles for this moment. I like them. I download model and open it in 3dsMax. So model consist of separete parts like body head, small tail, ward and others. But i cant see something like this in Change list of the character. Id like to change his tentacles. More muscular arms with bone and hitin plates like bugs have, make more agressive and heavy armored body with scratches which is glowing green like acid. Only i saw in change list is:
Head, Shoulders, Back (Tail), Weapon, Misc, Ward (Ability 3).
Thats all. I cant understand how venomancer can carry weapon cause he has no arms. As i understand i cant change his tentakles (why? they will setup on the same bones.), also i cant change body? Please help. image.png


  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    i just continue drawing, waiting for your help.
  • lochness
    yeah very nice idea, hydra venomancer
    keep it up
  • Erafic
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    Erafic polycounter lvl 10
    The changes you're allowed to make are to the separate pieces of the character, they count as the separate items. The core body and its texture however you're not allowed to change at all. As for weapons that's just the name given to the item slot, I could imagine it being claws on the venomancer.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Looking good so far! Be careful though that the smaller heads don't overpower the main one in the silhouette and in the design. Also, make a twoheaded plague ward :D
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    sorry, guys for my bad english, but i cant understand can i change tentakles or not, also its interesting to me can i change arms which colored in orange on the scetch. I d like to add more massive arms with huge sharp dig claws. There is somethin about shoulders in list, so i can make poisoned cristal wings which are the rudimental couse of evolution.
    And also some parts looks like gydralisk ^_^
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I love them heads but you should definitely check if you can get away with that, I would have done the same, changed the "arms", to something new.

    Best of luck double check!
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Understood. So i can make nasty heads but make them smaler, not to owerpower the main one ^_^ . Today will make some scetches and will choose the best one.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    continue working with silhouette. Dont like the tail.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Okay, guys here is the progress. I made very simple scetch in z brush to try forms and shapes, so here is th result. Id like to say that i dont like the faces of the tentacles. Its better to add dragon forms and hitin rock pieses with sharp edges. Also i must work with area where tentacles and body connect. When a understand that all proportions good ill continue with retopo and resculpt on clean mesh, or just project forms on new mesh and continue with details.
    Cant wait for your advices and critic. Thanks.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Okay, this some changes. I like the forms, so i continue with retopo on clean mash and resculpting. I think i will change hitin armor plates so they look more like venomancers body armor. Also i dont know wot to do with his teeth. Wait for your criticue and advices.image.png
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Your paintover comments are by far the best in this competition :)
    Great work so far! I think for the jaw, just a row of lower teeth is enough, preferably so they're sticking over the upper jaw. Not much else to say, looking fantastic!
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Oh oh oh! I have one question. Is it true that staff i will make for dota2 can bring me money? I know, i m sort of slowpoke.
    Making detail highpoly.
  • Sharc
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    Sharc polycounter lvl 7
    Yep if the the stuff you make gets ingame then you get paid on the amount of times that item was purchased.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Here is the higpoly. Any ideas? Now going to retopo this guy. Worry that it will be dificult to keep the polycount. As usual waiting for your criticue and advices. If something will change on highpoly i can simply tweek low poly mesh.image.png
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Cmon guys, i feel alone here. I sure u have some ideas for this pretty monster. He is not perfect. Soon will post lowpoly mesh.
  • shanks37
    nope actually those are looking amazing. might as well take all of my money right now please
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    I ll never believe it, seriosly, or its a good joke :-)
  • Cymen
    The Darkness Venomancer.
    I have been waiting for Venomancer items and this looks pretty good. Loving the concept but I think they are too detailed. No need for that many scales, IMO and the ones on top of the head might to a little big. I like the second version (I never asked for this) the most. The acid-spitters do not need the teeth of the 3rd version. They look vicious enough in the second version.
  • Cymen
    The Darkness Venomancer.
    I have been waiting for Venomancer items and this looks pretty good. Loving the concept but I think they are too detailed. No need for that many scales, IMO and the ones on top of the head might to a little big. I like the second version (I never asked for this) the most. The acid-spitters do not need the teeth of the 3rd version. They look vicious enough in the second version.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    It's true, those do look pretty damn good. I mean, I can't find anything wrong with them, they look great to me! You have to lure in the Polycount gurus though to see what they think.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    So, here is the low poly. Damn i spend 6 hours to do this couse i was afraid to hurt polycount. Hope baking on this mesh will be successfull. Every triangle was in count... tomorrow will continue with mapping. Waiting for your advices.image.png
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Also want to say that when LODs time come ill go crazy cause i dont sure that there will be enought poligons to reduce.
    Guys today during the lunch i eat boiled eggs, so about the arms, its good idea to place poisoned bomb eggs on his shoulders. I saw venomancer has sort of AO ability so i hope glowing bomb eggs will take their place. Another question what is better classical hidralisc form arms or more human arms? I love hidralisc arms, also think to place venom crystals like on the tentacles But this crystals can be blades or sort of.

    I worry that Valve will not approve tentacles cause its very lowpoly.... or everything ok? In other side siloette is ok. Hmmmmm..
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    I decided to continue with arms, so i can see how all the set will look. Here is some siloette, which i have done at work for 5 minutes. Anyway i d like to create something in zbrush
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Also guys, can i modify arms bones? Id like to make arms more massive and huge, so if i can change arms geo can i change their bones?
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    You can add new bones that attach to the current ones but you (probably) won't be able to do custom animation. As somebody pointed out in another thread, the bones dont have to 100% match the geo, I'd suggest testing out your idea in low poly and see if it works.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks, man! You my only hope :3
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, i just made the arm blade. Like its organic structure, but its better to finish all the arm and maybe scale down the blade or tweek a bit if it will be neccecery.
    Now i d like tl sleep a bit. Cant wait your feedback and advices.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Absolutly no ideas?
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Im so alone here guys. Dont any one have any design ideas?
    I think its better to scale down heads. Now working with arms, also draw ward concept, bur had no camera to take a pic i think it will be eggs with just borned venom creature. Please more feedback. Its very Importanr for me. Also you can advice some style decigions. And i try to post as often as i can in spite of deadline on my main work. Thanks.image.png
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Honestly it all looks great so there's not too much to say other than awesome job ^_^. I know you're looking for feedback but I can't think of anything that could drastically improve it. I'm a little worried all that detail won't be visible when the textures are scaled down but the only way to see that is to test it, and valve might use high-resolution textures for promotions anyway.

    Are you going to be making custom plague wards for him as well? If you don't play the game and don't know what I'm talking about, he puts wards down on the ground that spit at people.
  • keiwannabe
    buahaha cute hedgehog!

    the idea/design itself is pretty awesome! the heads on top might be a little too big/heavy because they're turning the attention away from Venomancer's main head. but keep the design on the heads! they're looking great. my only concern is the limit of polygons for the in game version (LoD0)

    (...i can't stop looking at the hedgehog meme)
  • Clyptic
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    Clyptic polycounter lvl 6
    This is looking bad ass!
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Done with arms. Post today evening. Start with tentacles redisign. This is a small overpaint where i try to experiment with forms. Anyway i like this face much more
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Cool idea but I'm afraid nobody is going to see it because it's on the underside :S
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Maybe place it on top?
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    To be honest, I like the way the tentacles are in your previous version. I think this will make them a bit too cluttered as they already have a really nice design.
  • oDD
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    oDD polycounter lvl 18
    great work, you worry too much :)
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    this one pre final/ work with its lower part. i think its looking better. what do you think?
  • terry1337
    looks sweet only doesn't feel like its part of the body.
  • shanks37
    yeah i have to say i'm really not on board with the pustule things. i cant see them translating well in game and even here they feel like a step backwards.

    i do like the newer head shape though, it fits veno's silloutte better.
  • Cymen
    Love the new arm-design. The postules should be a very bright or yellow-igh green.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks guy, lower part had been drawn about in 5 minutes, cause i was hurry in my last tram from work, now im at home, working on it. I like newer part cause forms feel separated and not so heavy, also now it not break venomanser siloette. You now, clever design is a very difficult subject, but im trying to improve it. Thanks for feedback. New scetch of lower part wil be about in an hour.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Okay i spend some time with overpainting, so here is the result. I m not really sure how to made lower part but i like number 2 and spikes on picture number 3. I think spikes must create sort of shoulder armor with grotesk and wow style, massive and agressive. In other side i think it should be mor clever to create shoulders with arm mesh and tentacles must flow under the torso like on original mesh. Waiting for your advices.
  • SpaceCentipede
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    SpaceCentipede polycounter lvl 4
    Also some more quesrions.
    For the first id like to know your opinion about tentacles frontside neck. Skin or stony armor plates like broun ones on venomansers body? I think stony looks more complex and when camera is zoom out it looks more clear.
    Second, please give me some feedback about last picture.
    Third question is something like this. Can valve say that a stole character design from starcraft hidrolisc? But the default characters skin looks like zerg. Omg.
  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 12
    Dude, you might want to know that your entry was featured on the Dota 2 blog... Congrats!

    I should probably take time to answer your questions. I actually think skin would work better than scales for the tentacle's front/neck thing. It's not necessarily about complexity.

    I like #3 best - especially the blade-like spikes.

    As for the zerg thing... I dunno. I've never played SC...
  • reaverxai
    Third question is something like this. Can valve say that a stole character design from starcraft hidrolisc? But the default characters skin looks like zerg. Omg.

    The original Veno model in the Warcraft 3 mod was just a Hydralisk model, so yeah, veno is a re-imagining of a hydralisk.

    I like 1 and 2 in your last image. Look more integrated with the main model. I also like how the front looks in #2

    Looking great, keep it up!
  • aycheff
    Also some more quesrions.
    For the first id like to know your opinion about tentacles frontside neck. Skin or stony armor plates like broun ones on venomansers body? I think stony looks more complex and when camera is zoom out it looks more clear.
    Second, please give me some feedback about last picture.
    Third question is something like this. Can valve say that a stole character design from starcraft hidrolisc? But the default characters skin looks like zerg. Omg.

    Veno's model in DOTA1 was a Hydralisk, so most likely why you feel they're the same.


  • Managor
    I like the claws that you've made but I dislike the fact that the poison spitters have their own set of eyes like they're parasites. You should make them look more like just limbs. Their design is cool though.
    Also some more quesrions.
    For the first id like to know your opinion about tentacles frontside neck. Skin or stony armor plates like broun ones on venomansers body? I think stony looks more complex and when camera is zoom out it looks more clear.
    Second, please give me some feedback about last picture.
    Third question is something like this. Can valve say that a stole character design from starcraft hidrolisc? But the default characters skin looks like zerg. Omg.

    Venomancer in the original Dota 1 mod (for WC3) acutally was the Zerg Hydrolisk. Many of the heroes in Dota 1 were recognizable models from Blizzard. What Valve did for many of the coprighted/trademarked models was maintain their general style and feel but made them their own. Like Venomancer. He's similar, but different. Another good example is Brewmaster, in Dota 1 he was a Pandaran (like the latest WoW expansion), Valve kept the "bear"-like aspects, but removed the panda-like aspects.

    I like what you're doing with the tentacles, on the front side neck I think you should mimic the scaling of the underside of Venomancer's body (the brown colored area).

    Overall I really like what you're doing with this hero, the armblade looks fantastic and of the options you gave in the latest picture I liked 3 the best, though I don't like the spikes you've placed on the shoulder where the tentacle attaches.

    I wonder what you plan on doing with the "feelers" for Venomancer's "head" I see them as being similar to a tarantula's pedipalps (or feelers) so not like fangs or anything of that sort. I don't really have any ideas for them, myself.

    Mostly, I'm excited to see what you plan to do with Venomancer's ward!
  • bensow
    Dude I gotta say it looks amazing. Rarely we see someone work on Deathbringer but you took the challenge :D It looks pretty high poly to me tho, will it be able to go into the store?
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