Hy guys. Here is my Venomancer WIP thread. Id like to add some changes into the character. but i really dont know is this allowed. I started from drawing the concept, so i want to ask you what can i change or not. Here is the concept. I change only the tentacles for this moment. I like them. I download model and open it in 3dsMax. So model consist of separete parts like body head, small tail, ward and others. But i cant see something like this in Change list of the character. Id like to change his tentacles. More muscular arms with bone and hitin plates like bugs have, make more agressive and heavy armored body with scratches which is glowing green like acid. Only i saw in change list is:
Head, Shoulders, Back (Tail), Weapon, Misc, Ward (Ability 3).
Thats all. I cant understand how venomancer can carry weapon cause he has no arms. As i understand i cant change his tentakles (why? they will setup on the same bones.), also i cant change body? Please help.

keep it up
And also some parts looks like gydralisk ^_^
Best of luck double check!
Cant wait for your advices and critic. Thanks.
Great work so far! I think for the jaw, just a row of lower teeth is enough, preferably so they're sticking over the upper jaw. Not much else to say, looking fantastic!
Making detail highpoly.
I have been waiting for Venomancer items and this looks pretty good. Loving the concept but I think they are too detailed. No need for that many scales, IMO and the ones on top of the head might to a little big. I like the second version (I never asked for this) the most. The acid-spitters do not need the teeth of the 3rd version. They look vicious enough in the second version.
I have been waiting for Venomancer items and this looks pretty good. Loving the concept but I think they are too detailed. No need for that many scales, IMO and the ones on top of the head might to a little big. I like the second version (I never asked for this) the most. The acid-spitters do not need the teeth of the 3rd version. They look vicious enough in the second version.
Guys today during the lunch i eat boiled eggs, so about the arms, its good idea to place poisoned bomb eggs on his shoulders. I saw venomancer has sort of AO ability so i hope glowing bomb eggs will take their place. Another question what is better classical hidralisc form arms or more human arms? I love hidralisc arms, also think to place venom crystals like on the tentacles But this crystals can be blades or sort of.
I worry that Valve will not approve tentacles cause its very lowpoly.... or everything ok? In other side siloette is ok. Hmmmmm..
Now i d like tl sleep a bit. Cant wait your feedback and advices.
I think its better to scale down heads. Now working with arms, also draw ward concept, bur had no camera to take a pic i think it will be eggs with just borned venom creature. Please more feedback. Its very Importanr for me. Also you can advice some style decigions. And i try to post as often as i can in spite of deadline on my main work. Thanks.
Are you going to be making custom plague wards for him as well? If you don't play the game and don't know what I'm talking about, he puts wards down on the ground that spit at people.
the idea/design itself is pretty awesome! the heads on top might be a little too big/heavy because they're turning the attention away from Venomancer's main head. but keep the design on the heads! they're looking great. my only concern is the limit of polygons for the in game version (LoD0)
(...i can't stop looking at the hedgehog meme)
Done with arms. Post today evening. Start with tentacles redisign. This is a small overpaint where i try to experiment with forms. Anyway i like this face much more
i do like the newer head shape though, it fits veno's silloutte better.
For the first id like to know your opinion about tentacles frontside neck. Skin or stony armor plates like broun ones on venomansers body? I think stony looks more complex and when camera is zoom out it looks more clear.
Second, please give me some feedback about last picture.
Third question is something like this. Can valve say that a stole character design from starcraft hidrolisc? But the default characters skin looks like zerg. Omg.
I should probably take time to answer your questions. I actually think skin would work better than scales for the tentacle's front/neck thing. It's not necessarily about complexity.
I like #3 best - especially the blade-like spikes.
As for the zerg thing... I dunno. I've never played SC...
The original Veno model in the Warcraft 3 mod was just a Hydralisk model, so yeah, veno is a re-imagining of a hydralisk.
I like 1 and 2 in your last image. Look more integrated with the main model. I also like how the front looks in #2
Looking great, keep it up!
Veno's model in DOTA1 was a Hydralisk, so most likely why you feel they're the same.
Venomancer in the original Dota 1 mod (for WC3) acutally was the Zerg Hydrolisk. Many of the heroes in Dota 1 were recognizable models from Blizzard. What Valve did for many of the coprighted/trademarked models was maintain their general style and feel but made them their own. Like Venomancer. He's similar, but different. Another good example is Brewmaster, in Dota 1 he was a Pandaran (like the latest WoW expansion), Valve kept the "bear"-like aspects, but removed the panda-like aspects.
I like what you're doing with the tentacles, on the front side neck I think you should mimic the scaling of the underside of Venomancer's body (the brown colored area).
Overall I really like what you're doing with this hero, the armblade looks fantastic and of the options you gave in the latest picture I liked 3 the best, though I don't like the spikes you've placed on the shoulder where the tentacle attaches.
I wonder what you plan on doing with the "feelers" for Venomancer's "head" I see them as being similar to a tarantula's pedipalps (or feelers) so not like fangs or anything of that sort. I don't really have any ideas for them, myself.
Mostly, I'm excited to see what you plan to do with Venomancer's ward!