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Nightshade UV Editor (Maya)



  • devingeesr
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    devingeesr polycounter lvl 13
    Hello when selecting my uvs then pressing the  set Texel Density I get the following "NSUV\core.py line 1992: list index out of range"
  • Treidge
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    Treidge polycounter lvl 11
    Spotted one more bug and one missing feature using Maya 2017 and NSUV 2.1.3:

    1) Bug - Auto Seams feature doesn't work if accessed through the NSUV's Polygons menu. Instead, the following error given:

    1. # Error: TypeError: file C:/Users/Treidge/Documents/maya/2017/scripts\NSUV\UI.py line 3822: autoSeams() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given) # 

    2) Missing feature - the Layout command in Maya now has an option to specify Shell padding and Tile padding in pixels (in addition to units). This options are missing from the NSUV's Layout menu.
  • janoshx
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    janoshx polycounter lvl 6
    should I be able to use NSUV as a panel in split viewport or quad view? The NSUV is visible in panel list but when i select it the viewport goes to perspective instead of NSUV. If i have used NSUV and then select UV editor from viewport panel menu i get NSUV without the toolbox that is normally on the left side of the NSUV floating window.

    Normal UV editor

    UV Editor after i have used NSUV and then selected UV editor from panel menu

    The floating NSUV window works just fine
    I am still using maya 2016 SP6 on MAC
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    BMWVED polycounter lvl 3
    I can not understand, maybe I'm doing something wrong... on primitives  all the cool but when a heavy object... delay is a minute or a half. http://prntscr.com/d27mbj this object is delay a 20min.
    Resize Texel density is very huge. 

    my PC:
    cpu intel Xeon E5 2650 + 2680
    40gb ram
    gpu asus GTX 1070

  • Handwiches
    Hi, I've been trying to download the latest version off of creative crash today and I'm getting a 0 kb zip file.
    Edit: seems to be a site-wide problem today.
  • OneMoreShepard
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    OneMoreShepard polycounter lvl 4
    Getting this error, what to do? 

    python("import sys");if (`window -ex polyTexturePlacementPanel1Window`){deleteUI -window polyTexturePlacementPanel1Window;}if (`window -ex NSUV_mainWin`){    if (`window -q -iconify NSUV_mainWin`){        window -e -iconify 0 NSUV_mainWin;    }else{        window -e -iconify 1 NSUV_mainWin;}}else{    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV']")`);    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV.UI']")`);    catchQuiet ( `python("del sys.modules['NSUV.core']")`);    python("import NSUV");};
    # Error: line 1: UnicodeEncodeError: file D:\Programs\Maya2016\Maya2016.5\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\core\system.py line 742: ascii # 

    This is line 742 in that file:
     return result[0].decode('unicode_escape')

    I can open NSUV after in empty scene, but when I try to open any of my scenes I'm getting this fatal error:

    Also, plugin worked just fine for a few weeks, and all of a sudden this

  • TheGabmeister
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @Treidge Trying to make those hotkey scripts you talked about...You say you need to know the runtime command of each NSUV function, but how can we know those names? Trying to open the script editor and echo all commands, but no luck there.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter

    Trying to make the NSUV editor work in Maya 2022.3 (worked without problems in ver2018). Every time I try to import NSUV i get this message:

    # Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file C:/Users/Jeremy/Documents/maya/2022/prefs/scripts\NSUV\__init__.py line 23: No module named 'optVars' #

    I definitely have the file in the folder, named optVars.py, and re-downloading it didn't fix the issue either.

    In this thread from AD forums I found others experiencing the similar problems with Maya not picking up modules:


    ...But applying those syntax fixes didn't do it for me. Can anyone confirm if this is a simple syntax problem easily fixed, or if there are tons more problems due to new changes in python language?

  • Treidge
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    Treidge polycounter lvl 11

    Justo, is there a particular reason you want to use NSUV editor specifically in Maya 2022? Since Maya 2017.3 it is integrated into Maya under the name of "UV Toolkit". You can have all NSUV features (and a few extra ones), assign hotkeys to commands, etc. So, if you don't — just use UV Toolkit.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter

    Hi @Treidge , mainly it's for the UI - the last native UV UI update (while nicer than before) has huge buttons in tabs, and it's impossible to have everything visible onscreen afaik. The result is having to open/close tabs constantly. NSUV had everything in small icons (with smart, context LMB/RMB funcionality even) which allowed everything to be on display even in smaller screens 🙂

  • Treidge
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    Treidge polycounter lvl 11

    Well, it is possible to make the import work by making few adjustments to script files. You need to modify every import declaration in NSUV's Python (.py) files to make relative module imports working again.

    Find lines like this:

    1. import optVars as vars

    Change them like this:

    1. from . import optVars as vars

    There are four .py modules in NSUV and there are several imports like this in each of them. Just search for "import" and you'll easily find them.

    Unfortunately, it will not make the NSUV working. It seems that NSUV menu appears in UV Editor and you can create the Shelf button, but it will not be functional. I think too much has changed since Maya 2017, so it's not compatible now without code re-write.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter

    @Treidge Hey Treidge, thank you for taking the time to look into this. I tried using the library called lib2to3 to translate all the .py files to python 3, and amongst the changes the one you mentioned was corrected. Sadly, it still did not work. It's a shame really - this UI was so so good, and I'd wish I had the knowledge to be able to bring it to Maya 2022.

    The only 2 remaining methods I still haven't tried is translating the scripts by using the python-future library, which comes in Maya 2022 already, and the library python-modernize.

    This blog details how to use these, but I'm still too much of a donkey with this stuff to understand how exactly to follow these code instructions.

  • Treidge
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    Treidge polycounter lvl 11

    I gave a try to 2to3 library in the blog post you've linked and it didn't make a difference. I believe NSUV doesn't work in Maya 2022+ for the most part because of some (probably insignificant) Maya's Python API changes, less likely because of transition to Python 3.x. As if some function or two were renamed or removed and that broke the whole thing.

    After you make NSUV to import, it starts to throw an error because of some "sRGB Gamma" item not being found, but it is unclear how to fix it, because it refers to a internal Maya library. There can be even more of errors like this even if you fix this particular one.

    So, for me it seems that it is possible to make NSUV working again, since it imports and even shows some "signs of life" here and there, but you'll need to have at least some understanding of Maya's internals and Python API.

    I personally too find the UV Toolkit UI a bit chunky in comparison to the NSUV's one, but since I'm more reliant on hotkeys than on UI buttons, I can keep most sections of UV Toolkit collapsed most of the time, so it leaves enough screen space to keep less important ones accessible.

    Maybe try to look into something like this and find your way with UV Toolkit, if NSUV isn't viable anymore. For example, you can assign "Automatic" projection to something like "P" hotkey, Normal-Based to "Ctrl + P", Planar to "Alt + P", Best Plane to "Shift + P", etc., Then you'll have most used types of projection under just one hotkey (with modifiers) and the "Create" section of UV Toolkit could be kept collapsed most of the time. Same with other basic operations under Cut and Sew, Unfold, Align and Snap.

    Just some thoughts :)

  • Deadly Nightshade
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    Deadly Nightshade polycounter lvl 10


    My name is Martin ("Nightshade") and I'm the developer of NSUV.

    Nightshade UV Editor is NOT supported in Maya 2018 and later for the simple reason that I have stopped developing and maintaining it. The reasons for this is primarily that Autodesk acquired the UV features from me, and paid me to help them implement this into Maya. So since 2018 all NSUV features (I think?) should be in the official version of Maya.

    What Autodesk did not want to adopt though was the user-interface, which I understand is a big part of what people loved about my tool.

    According to my contract with them I am still allowed to develop and maintain this thing, but code needs to be shared with them. I was fine with this and I started creating a new version for the newer Maya's.

    This turned out to be a huge time-sink. The UI changes to the UV editor between 2017 and 2018 are quite substantial, and I ended up working only on UI stuff and not any new features. Time dragged on and I came to a point where I realized that the amount of money I make on this tool does not justify the amount of time I spend developing and maintaining it - not even if you consider the lump sum that Autodesk gave me for the acquisition.

    To give you some perspective, at it's peak I made maybe $150 a month on this tool from sales.

    I loved working on this thing - primarily due to all the support and nice comments I got about the tool. It was nice knowing that I did a difference to many Artists' workflow, and it inspired me to pursuit a career as a Technical Artist and learn programming.

    As for me updating the tool and continuing the development of it: I consider it unlikely. I can't monetize this and justify the time spent, and there's also no future in UV tooling. Automation tools are getting better and better. There's also very little money to make in Maya tooling unless you write something revolutionary that can be compiled to a plugin so that people can't steal your code.

  • tsungyuw
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    tsungyuw polycounter lvl 8

    Hi Martin,

    Nice to see you still around. I love your tool and used it a lot in the past,

    I also made some tools for Maya. One of the feedback I got is it's not 'Maya' enough,

    I found sometimes it's hard to make my tool feel more like Maya's default feel

    because the way to use it (workflow) is quite different.

    Not sure that's one of the reasons they didn't implant more useful tools into Maya.

    I develop tools for myself (study), and I realize there is no way I could protect my code as I don't have the knowledge to compile them into plugins.

    just want to say thanks for developing NSUV, even though I have done a lot of UV tools myself, I still got some inspiration from your tool.

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