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Leica M3 for Marmoset Toolbag article

Dear Humans,

I am very excited to be doing some work with the fellows at Marmoset (formerly 8monkey labs), makers of Marmoset Toolbag. The first thing we want to do is a tutorial covering material types within Toolbag, the various maps (Diffuse, Normal, Spec, Gloss) and how they all work together to create a dynamic material. This seems to be a frequent question, "How do I make X material in Toolbag?", so we figured it would be a good starting point. I'm working on an example asset that will show off a variety of material types (various metals, rubber, leather, varnished wood, etc.). The model(.mesh + .tgas) will be released with the tutorial so everyone can see it spinning around in full 3d glory.

So here it is, the Leica M3 w/ 50mm 1.2 Noctilux. Highpoly, rendered in Modo.


Low and bakes to follow.

We're planing on doing a variety of other tutorials to cover the more technical aspects of some of Marmoset Toolbag's features, and highlight some of the lesser known features as well. So stay tuned for more cool stuff.


  • Pedro Amorim
    I like where this is going.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Looks great (and nice lens choice ;) )
  • EarthQuake
    Looks great (and nice lens choice ;) )

    Thanks Paul!

    Yeah, I thought about doing the F/0.95, but that thing is so huge, it would dwarf the body.
  • Racer445
    Offline / Send Message
    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    Wow what a Realism Nerd just make Character

    aka this is sick
  • Millenia
    Offline / Send Message
    Millenia polycount sponsor
    I've got a raging boner already
  • konstruct
    Offline / Send Message
    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    dig the new logo!
  • EarthQuake
    perna wrote: »
    This turned out op dollar Joe, lovely edge control.The connection point between the camera and pod (so sue me, I don't know the terms), is that design original? Seems like it got bulked up a lot but what do I know, maybe it's really like that. Looks like you need a couple control loops on that part anyway (see 1st image on the right)

    The tripod in general is a hodge-podge of various refs, but I see what you're saying and agree that bit is weak, its in your face a bit so I'll spruce it up before I get on to the low.

    It's called a... tripod mount plate I guess. Interesting bit about this camera, the tripod mount is way off to the side, which looks a bit silly when mounted a tripod, so I did the little offset plate thing. Yeah, camera nerds, even worse than gun nerds!
  • keelhauler
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    keelhauler polycounter lvl 11
    That is some camera/lens you got there and great work also!

    Nice to see more camera nerds around here. :)
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Oh :) awesome work man and awesome camera too :) looking forward for the texturing part :)
  • EarthQuake
    Another quick render here, quickly updated the tripod mount plate with a little love, and added in those circular thingies that are always a pain in the ass to pry apart on the strap lug. Simple change, but I think it adds a nice little bit of extra visual interest there.


    Some wires as well, there's a few sub-d tricks here, like floating in the viewfinder areas, then deleting the faces behind the floaters so I can cut an interior into the mesh, saves a lot of hassle doing it this way instead of merging those bits into the main mesh chunk.
  • keelhauler
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    keelhauler polycounter lvl 11
    Looking really nice and thanks for the wires. Can't be sure with all the different versions Leica has, but shouldn't the viewport classes be flat without the roundness in the edges or is it a conscious choice?

    Can't wait to see more. :)
  • EarthQuake
    keelhauler wrote: »
    Looking really nice and thanks for the wires. Can't be sure with all the different versions Leica has, but shouldn't the viewport classes be flat without the roundness in the edges or is it a conscious choice?

    Can't wait to see more. :)


    Yeah, I tend to add bevels to pretty much everything, I think it improves readability and gives a nice little pop, but no in this case its not entirely realistic.
  • blorg
    Hi Joe,

    would it be ok to post the camera wires on my blog (gotwires.blogspot.com)?


    PS. I tried PM, but your inbox is full.
  • osk
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    osk polycounter lvl 4
    looking forward to see where this will go. love the marmoset toolbag.
  • EarthQuake
    Moar wires, showing some detail shots of some of the stuff that wasn't really visible in the last shot.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Dear Mr Earthquake, are you intending to update this thread with progress, or just more and more angles of the same wires?

    (This is awesome.)
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Joe's hard surface makes my surface hard

    On a serious note, how long did this take you (roughly)?
  • EarthQuake
    Dear Mr Earthquake, are you intending to update this thread with progress, or just more and more angles of the same wires?

    (This is awesome.)

    Its the neverending wireframe story! I wanted to give blorg another shot for his blog post, so, I'm not just randomly uploading new shots without doing any extra work if thats what it looks like lolol.
    Millenia wrote: »
    Joe's hard surface makes my surface hard

    On a serious note, how long did this take you (roughly)?

    I'm doing this 2-3 hours a day between other commitments, so progress is slower than it otherwise would be. The high took about a week, so probably about two full work days for the actual modeling and then a little more for planing/reference gathering.

    I'm on the low now but have some sort of cold/flu thing(seriously, who gets sick in the summer, wtf), but I want to get low/bakes done by the end of the week/weekend here.
  • Hang10
    Awesome work EQ. especially love how the bumps look on the lens dials(?) might have to try that to see how you did your edge control.
  • ThaSlimShady
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    ThaSlimShady polycounter lvl 4
    Millenia wrote: »
    I've got a raging boner already

    This is... a side i've never seen of you mil xD


    Looks really nice man!, I have a camera like this at home :) If you want I can take some pics? Maybe model this one as well? xD :D
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Nice job EarthQuake! Dude, is this an AO you baked somewhere or the SSAO from Marmoset? It is so nice... looks like Mray AO.
  • EarthQuake
    Hang10 wrote: »
    Awesome work EQ. especially love how the bumps look on the lens dials(?) might have to try that to see how you did your edge control.

    Thanks, yeah the front one is really easy to make, just make the basic shape, then select every other edge and scale it out from the center, and slice in the control loops to keep the shape. Same concept with the rear ring, just don't select all of the edges.

    The middle ring is more complex, I used edge slide to slide the edges down to make the semi-circular cut-out shape, and then the same select every other edge + scale method to do the ridges.
    This is... a side i've never seen of you mil xD


    Looks really nice man!, I have a camera like this at home :) If you want I can take some pics? Maybe model this one as well? xD :D

    Yeah if you've got a Leica M* I would love to get some real high res pics of the leather/rubber(leatherite?) grip pattern, preferable with very ambient lighting. Been hard to find anything all that high res, I've got a lot of old cameras here but no Leicas. =P
    bugo wrote: »
    Nice job EarthQuake! Dude, is this an AO you baked somewhere or the SSAO from Marmoset? It is so nice... looks like Mray AO.

    Doh.... Added a note to the first post that this is the high rendered in Modo, sorry if that wasn't evident. Though these Modo renders might make a good target for some features in the next version of toolbag....

    I should be able to get a similar look on some of the materials, but not the self reflection/radiosity type look you get with an offline renderer.
  • ThaSlimShady
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    ThaSlimShady polycounter lvl 4
    Ill see if it's actually a leica ;)

    Is 3600x2400 ok? I think that's the res. my camera has. Or bigger, one of the 2 :D
  • EarthQuake
    Yeah that is great. What I've found so far is mostly images at less than 1000px
  • ThaSlimShady
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    ThaSlimShady polycounter lvl 4

    Sorry man, it's a "Praktica Super TL-3" I do have the bag it comes in, I could make shots of it so you can model it with the Leica? They look of a similar size.

  • EarthQuake

    Sorry man, it's a "Praktica Super TL-3" I do have the bag it comes in, I could make shots of it so you can model it with the Leica? They look of a similar size.


    Its cool, I've got a bunch of cameras and bags like that here I'm sure, I'll be done with the lowpoly modeling here soon so I don't plan on adding anything extra at this point, but thanks anyway!
  • scotthomer
    Hngggg, this looks awesome! Not sure if its the way its rendered, but it feels like a die-cast miniature. Love it.
  • keelhauler
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    keelhauler polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Yeah if you've got a Leica M* I would love to get some real high res pics of the leather/rubber(leatherite?) grip pattern, preferable with very ambient lighting.

    I have Leica M2 that I can photograph for you. Need pics of anything else than the vulcanite/leatherite?
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Awesome stuff, EQ!
    Can't wait to see more :)
  • EarthQuake
    Alright, low poly and uvs done, many test bakes consumed, normals out of the oven and material masks prepped!


    Just a real quick overview of what I do after I complete the lowpoly modeling and UV work as far as material work is concerned.
    1. Explode highpoly mesh
    2. Assign basic materials to highpoly mesh. This part is major here. You can do use RGBCMYW as valid materials, or in other words:
    RGB -1,0,0 - 0,1,0 - 0,0,1 - 1,1,0 - 0,1,1 - 1,0,1 - 1,1,1

    I like to use the white material to mask sub-materials or additional misc. things that you would want to mask, if you're over 6 mats and still have a lot of little things to mask, put them all in one material, that way when you go to split it up, you only have to look in one spot for them.

    You can stick to basic RGB as well but then you're only getting 3 masks, and you'll have to do a lot of hand editing after the fact if you've got more than 3 material types on your model, you can do arbitrary colors too but it is much harder to automate splitting the maps so I wouldn't recommend either. Per wrote a very nice Photoshop action for pulling apart the RGBCMYW masks, so you guys might have to beg him to release it. I'm pretty sure he is some sort of witch, as I have no idea how it actually works, and every time I try to think about it I get a headache.

    3. Explode lowpoly mesh to match high
    4. Bake your Normals, AO, and Color mask as you normally would.

    Now you should have some awesomely horrendous nerf-looking thing like you see on the far right. Going through this process is super important, it will save an immense amount of time over manually selecting and masking your materials.

    I'll condense this into the final tutorial, but figured some people may appreciate a little more explanation while I'm running through the process.


    Lowpoly wires


    This is baked in Maya, using a script (which I believe Mop wrote originally) to assign hard edges of the UV boarders(before baking of course). Then locking normals (normals->lock normals) and triangulating (Mesh -> Triangulate) as your mesh normals will change when you triangulate, and Marmoset will choose slightly different triangulation when you import a mesh with quads (causing X shaped smoothing errors). Simple OBJ export, this method is the most reliable I've found for getting good results into Marmoset, though FBX probably works fine too.

    You can triangulate before baking too, but that can be a pain.
  • EarthQuake
    keelhauler wrote: »
    I have Leica M2 that I can photograph for you. Need pics of anything else than the vulcanite/leatherite?

    I think I've got something that works here now for the Vulcanite (Thanks, I forgot what it was actually called!). Anyway I think this works, I found a better ref that I was able to run through Crazybump.

    I wouldn't mind extra references, and its always cool to see another Leica, but if its a bother for you don't worry about it. If you just want to post some photos of your sweet camera though, go right ahead. =)
  • keelhauler
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    keelhauler polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    I think I've got something that works here now for the Vulcanite (Thanks, I forgot what it was actually called!). Anyway I think this works, I found a better ref that I was able to run through Crazybump.

    I wouldn't mind extra references, and its always cool to see another Leica, but if its a bother for you don't worry about it. If you just want to post some photos of your sweet camera though, go right ahead. =)

    The Vulcanite came out great. Never too much bother to try out some macro shots. Didn't have the best of lighting to work with but could put some refs up for you. PM me if something like Dropbox works for you.
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    My god EarthQuake thank you (and Mop) for that script it is amazing and will save me so much time! Thank you!

    and obviously the camera is looking perfect!
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Awesome work, man. It's really cool to see your workflow on this. :)
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    ^ Agreed. Looking very nice already, can't wait for the remainder.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    I made a set of actions that do something similar to Per's actions that EQ mentioned at the start of the thread.

    It splits the colours in the texture and places each of them in their own layer, which is named after the colour within the layer, and then places them all in a group called RGBCMYW Masks.
    It assumes that the colours used are in the correct order and that the background colour of the RGBCMYW base texture is black. As long as you use colours in the set order of Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and White (i.e. RGB rather than GBR etc.), everything should process correctly and you will just need to delete the layers that have been created for which you do not have colours on the source image.

    Currently the action has 2 versions which do slightly different things, depending on your needs:

    RGBCMYW Splitter
    • Splits the colours in the texture and places each of them in their own layer, which is named after the colour within the layer, and then places them all in a group called RGBCMYW Masks. Retains a copy of the source image which is located at the bottom of the layer stack.
    RGBCMYW Splitter + Remove AA
    • Attempts to remove any cross contamination due to AA or due to colours mixing where bleed/edge padding is present. The actions then splits the colours in the texture and places each of them in their own layer, which is named after the colour within the layer, and then places them all in a group called RGBCMYW Masks. Retains a copy of the original and modified source image which are both located at the bottom of the layer stack.
    You can grab the action HERE

  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Somehow I missed this -- awesome work, and now you have me thinking a lot more about color masks.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    Damn, EarthQuake! This is looking killer so far. :D
  • AlbinLundahl
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    AlbinLundahl polycounter lvl 5
    Really cool, bake turned out great, gonna save that script, might be useable in the future :D
  • EarthQuake
    Finally got some more time to work on this.


    Finished up the materials and now I'm working on the text for the tutorial. Hopefully we'll have something to show real soon!
  • metalliandy
    Offline / Send Message
    metalliandy interpolator
    Looking sexy, EQ. Can't wait to see more :)
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
  • n88tr
    Just when I think I'm ready to take the plunge and use Marmo it gets all freaking complicated again.
  • mospheric
    Offline / Send Message
    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    Oh man I'm salivating... not only because of that beautiful model, but for the tutorial also :D
  • Sean VanGorder
    Damn EQ, those materials are fantastic. If I had to give a crit I would say the yellow on the scratched edges seems pretty saturated, but to be fair I have no idea what the real world version looks like.
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Nice results! looking forward to another awesome breakdown by you!
  • Low
    niak niak niak...my lens just zoomed in, ...in my pants.

    Sexy work.
  • BrendtheCow
    Offline / Send Message
    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    I really can't wait to see this tutorial. Time to redo my entire portfolio's renders!
  • David-J
    Offline / Send Message
    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    niiice. Can't wait for the tutorial.
  • Renaud Galand
    Offline / Send Message
    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    Great renders and material definition! Nice work, EQ :)
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