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Leica M3 for Marmoset Toolbag article



  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Damn EQ, those materials are fantastic. If I had to give a crit I would say the yellow on the scratched edges seems pretty saturated, but to be fair I have no idea what the real world version looks like.

    And maybe just a tad too glossy? But damn. Especially loving the detail on the main body of the camera - is that a worn plastic cover or something on the top part? Lens looks so good as well.
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    The subtle details on the lens rings is pretty great. Digging it!
  • Ryan Hawkins
    Great job EQ I like it a lot but I'm not sold this piece is done or it shows what some are saying is the definition of what is good material definition.

    I will just simply post my thoughts on the piece and you can either fix them or just take the critiques with a grain of salt. Yes everyone is entitled to critiques on Polycount even EQ folks lol.

    The wood on the tripod is glossy yes and more of a soft wood that if dropped or rubbed up against something could bruise or get scuffed real easy. Your specular levels on that section are overall a tad to glossy. I think you should show some more contrast on the wood especially around the scratches and inside the indents. I feel it is just overall a nice soft feeling wood you have going on right now but needs that extra push forward.

    The gold parts and the pins that hold those areas together look and feel very bland they are simple a flat color with a hint of grunge in the specular map to me. I think you should work on getting some surface noise on the diffuse or at least on the edges to show some type of temperature change in how the metal is reacting to the room. The metals could maybe use some type of soft and hard markings across the surface in the specular map to show this piece is some type of metal. You could use some scuff marks as well considering the wood area is intended to show age the framing should share that same age.

    The black on the body could be a little more saturated with the smaller details benefiting from the spec map more. The lense body seems like it was dipped in aluminum. You need to revisit either the diffuse or the specular map again in this region and break out the individual sections of the body. They all are mostly moving parts I assume so they can and will get some form of dirt and grime even if its on a minimal level near the seals and even on the cleanest body you would have a tad bit of residue from cleaning or oils in those areas too. The top of the body looks great and feels metal but part of me wants to see some tighter contrast areas on that surface it still feels a bit soft to me.

    Overall I really like the piece I just am not sold it is done. I feel you still have maybe 5% left in the Diffuse and specular to truly obtain material definition. This is my two cents so if you feel this is way off the wall that is fine and those of you who want to flame me then do so.

    Great piece EQ and I look forward to your texture write up.
  • EarthQuake
    Thank for the comments guys!

    I totally agree that some areas here could use another pass, and you've given me some excellent critiques so far. I know this is sort of a lame thing to say, but I've got a lot of the actual tutorial images/content etc written up already so I'm not sure if I will be able to implement any more suggestions at this point.

    Overall I wanted to keep it clean and show that you can create solid material reads with very simple image content, a lot of the areas on the final material here are just flat colors . So while I completely agree that more work could have been spent on per-material detailing and things like that, for the scope of the tutorial I think what I have currently gets the point across. But yeah, If I wasn't locked into my content so far I would give it another pass, I probably should have posted some material wips sooner.

    Per: I was going for a "red brass" finish there, sort the unfinished look you'll see on brass like so: http://www.plumbest.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/N/2/N25008.jpg Maybe a bit unrealistic to have that sort of finish this sort of object though, but that's why I opted for the extra saturation. Also yeah, some of the warmth is coming from the sky content there too I think.
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    awesome stuff dude!
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 13
    Can't wait! Feed my brain EQ!
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    over all it looks good.few things that bother me are material definition(as mentioned above) and bevel/chamfer width.

    if you were going for photo-realism then the chamfers are way too wide. this is a common mistake i have seen on many of your work. this over chamfering worked ok with brink guns because of their style but for realism it doesnt quite work. it tends to look a bit like toy-ish.

    i never been a big fan of how marmoset tends to make everything look metal-ish.
    the spec colors seem off to me as well but i am not sure if its my display or not.
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Tasty as hell.
  • Jessica Dinh
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    Jessica Dinh polycounter lvl 10
    Wowza, super pretty work Earthquake :D I'm so excited for the tutorial, cuz I downloaded the Marmo trial just the other day. I'm really loving it so far ^_^
  • Mio
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    Mio polycounter lvl 13
    wow! really nice piece EQ!, can't wait for the tutorial :D

    both the mesh and material looks fantastic!!

    love it!
  • warxsnake
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    warxsnake polycounter lvl 8
    Great model and as usual, I love your texture work.
  • keelhauler
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    keelhauler polycounter lvl 11
    Great work and really loving the lens!

    Maybe you are doing it for the tutorial in mind, but the choices with the body plates feel off. The not quite chrome like grey coating over brass is odd for M3. Makes sense if you are thinking it as painted surface, just haven't seen paint with that color.

    The wear is bit harsh and too even. Would work better if it was more on the areas that touch the hands most often.

    This is just coming from the camera geek in me and otherwise really great work! Can't wait for the tutorial.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great, EarthQuake. Looking forward to the tutorial.
  • hamzaaa
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    hamzaaa polycounter lvl 11
    I think I just had a Marmorgasm. I love it and can't wait for the tutorial! I can't appreciate it enough what you folks are doing for the community, plain awesome! :D
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Great stuff! Just what I need for Marmoset as I was a bit lost with defining materials.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 20
    lovely work indeed, just discovered by your new avatar :)
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