hi guys this is a new character i'm working on its a roller derby girl who plays the jammer position
I've already had a bit of crit but i needed to put it on here as your guys are brutally honest (which is great)
so yer, I've been through a few heads already and I'm just fine tuning what i have at the moment and I've started on the basic rough out for the anatomy
this one was horrible
started trying to make her a bit cuter
started playing with the fibermesh
and this is where i am at now
feel free to tear it to bits
update added pants and fishnets
the uvs need altering for the noise in zbrush to work properly with the alpha for the fishnets but will have to be done tomorrow
thanks cptSwing yer there not great i was gong to sculpt them naturally but i think it'd be better to make the bra first and them sculpt them to fit the bra
unless that's not a good idea but I'm not to sure at the moment
i have a few crits:
the pecs are terminating in the side of deltoid instead of flowing underneath them.
the clavicle is a straight line, it should curve up and back- look at a skeleton.
the hands are small in comparison to the head.
the back of the head looks like its been shrunken, the forehead slopes and the cranium slopes in at the sides while the bakc does not bulge out enough.
the chin looks very masculine with the split and shape.
the laughter lines dont sit to well with the lack of other wrinkles on the face and if your going for an attractive looking female i would smooth them out.
the brow lacks a plane change and simply curves up into the shape of the forehead.
i like the idea but if your trying to emphasize the attractiveness you may want work on your female form some more.
i hope that helps : ]
thanks very much paintforge most of the areas you mentioned are areas ive been having problems with,
ill keep working on the areas you mentioned
ive sorted out the pecs and shoulders and a few other areas
hah thanks sunkist!
nah i don't watch weeds its from a pair of booty shorts already in the roller derby fashion, loads of people have been trying to get me into weeds for ages, but i never saw the point when breaking bad exists
hah thanks sunkist!
nah i don't watch weeds its from a pair of booty shorts already in the roller derby fashion, loads of people have been trying to get me into weeds for ages, but i never saw the point when breaking bad exists
oh my heavens your cool points just went way up now that i know youre a breaking baddie
hey OtrickP I'm taking this as far as I possibly can I'm determined to make it perfect (or as close as possible) because all of my uni work was rushed due to very tight deadlines, so I'm pouring all my free time into this. The pose can be changed quite easily and yes i agree the neck area needs serious work. thanks for commenting
keep your eyes on this thread i shall be updating regularly
clavicle is still flat and level, needs a curve, look at your own clavicle.
the stomach from ribs to hips is very flat, a little more shaping could help.
the arms look to short -her hands arent coming down far enough on her thighs.
i really like the skates, they are awesome : ]
shoulders should be two head heights in width approximately. looks like 1 and bit at the mo makes her look a bit child like.
the trapezius could do with a little bulk along the back, looks ultra flat, same with the deltoids, i know she is female and skinny
but women tend to have fat pads preventing the shoulder are from being to boney.
the face is helping the child like look, its quite rounded could do with a little narrowing.
sculpting from one piece of reference might help if you arent already
thanks again paintforge you always have the best crit! its got the point where im just waiting for your name to pop up now hah.
i made the head alot bigger than the body and my tired 4am eyes where all "yer that looks good" only for my fresh eyes to look at it and be like....what is that
so i changed it back
so here is the changes ive made
Awesome its getting there. Maybe you could give her some jewelry like a bracelet with mini skates on it or something would be cool. I think the ribcage is a bit too strong maybe smooth that out a bit. Would like to see the symmetry broken as well try to find a creative way to do so. Keep it up brother!
I would take a step back and rework the hands a bit.
Soften some of those forms up, especially around the knuckles. I will make them seem more feminine. With the bulbous nature of the knuckles and the uncomfortable posing of the fingers, she appears to have a rather severe case of arthritis. The connective tissue between the thumb and the palm of the hand could also use some fleshing out.
I think the torso is reading very nicely, particularly in profile. It is a nice, realistic portrayal. Nice Job!
I completely agree with you mate
the hands need serious work, I've still never taken them past sketch phase i wont be calling this done for a while, gonna take my time and get it prefect.
the hands havn't been touched, just a heads up
the uvs need altering for the noise in zbrush to work properly with the alpha for the fishnets but will have to be done tomorrow
plus progress on how the jam skates are going
update on the jam skates
i wouldn't exactly call them pants : P
everything looks great so far, looking forward to more !
update on the booties
unless that's not a good idea but I'm not to sure at the moment
the pecs are terminating in the side of deltoid instead of flowing underneath them.
the clavicle is a straight line, it should curve up and back- look at a skeleton.
the hands are small in comparison to the head.
the back of the head looks like its been shrunken, the forehead slopes and the cranium slopes in at the sides while the bakc does not bulge out enough.
the chin looks very masculine with the split and shape.
the laughter lines dont sit to well with the lack of other wrinkles on the face and if your going for an attractive looking female i would smooth them out.
the brow lacks a plane change and simply curves up into the shape of the forehead.
i like the idea but if your trying to emphasize the attractiveness you may want work on your female form some more.
i hope that helps : ]
ill keep working on the areas you mentioned
ive sorted out the pecs and shoulders and a few other areas
nah i don't watch weeds its from a pair of booty shorts already in the roller derby fashion, loads of people have been trying to get me into weeds for ages, but i never saw the point when breaking bad exists
i am the one who knocks
keep your eyes on this thread i shall be updating regularly
the laces are super wip
the stomach from ribs to hips is very flat, a little more shaping could help.
the arms look to short -her hands arent coming down far enough on her thighs.
i really like the skates, they are awesome : ]
gonne start working into the waist and the ribs properly now
hah thanks
means a lot, ill shall defiantly keep updating so keep checking it out.
the trapezius could do with a little bulk along the back, looks ultra flat, same with the deltoids, i know she is female and skinny
but women tend to have fat pads preventing the shoulder are from being to boney.
the face is helping the child like look, its quite rounded could do with a little narrowing.
sculpting from one piece of reference might help if you arent already
i made the head alot bigger than the body and my tired 4am eyes where all "yer that looks good" only for my fresh eyes to look at it and be like....what is that
so i changed it back
so here is the changes ive made
thought id try and see if p3d could handle the decimated mesh and it looks like it can
here is the direct p3d link
new posed body
better or worse?
im aware i have buggered the face
shall fix it in the morning
update on the face.
and p3d mesh if anyone fancys a look
all the the facial hair is very long and intense but its easy enough to redo
Soften some of those forms up, especially around the knuckles. I will make them seem more feminine. With the bulbous nature of the knuckles and the uncomfortable posing of the fingers, she appears to have a rather severe case of arthritis. The connective tissue between the thumb and the palm of the hand could also use some fleshing out.
I think the torso is reading very nicely, particularly in profile. It is a nice, realistic portrayal. Nice Job!
the hands need serious work, I've still never taken them past sketch phase i wont be calling this done for a while, gonna take my time and get it prefect.
im glad you like the torso
and a belt