i'm extremely proud to announce that my own character takes part of an awsome animation tutorial by Justin Harrison at 3dMotive!
i have been lurking around on 3dmotive website and i can just recommend it to everyone! i have bought some tutorials for myself and am planning to do so in the future becasue they are really great and really useful!!
Damn, such amazing work. I wish I could draw/texture like that... Have you ever tried drawing with a mouse? I don't have a tablet (because I haven't really needed one), and every time I try to draw/paint something its just horrible. Is a drawing tablet necessary for creating high quality handpainted textures?
itsmadman - i'm not that amazing, thanks for you kind words Santewi - thank you! recently i always use tablet to draw textures, but in the past when i started to work in 3d industry i only used mouse for some time.
as for hand painting and hand painted textures, i'm not a pro, but i can say if you are interested in hand painting digitally, and you have a chance to get a tablet, than don't hezitate! because your hand can handle more precise movements with a tablet, than with a mouse and don't forget that tablet pressure is a really imortant part of digital painting that's only available with a tablet
@Santewi - I would advise pushing through the rough beginnings with a tablet. It is tough getting used to at first, but it will pay off with time (it gets fun, trust me!).
I found that tweaking the pressure and movement sensitivity helped in the beginning
& @tsabzy - congrats on getting your model out there in the tutorial! I've been lurking this thread for a while, and I have to say, your work is beautiful and worthy!
latorril - thank you! Blaisoid - thank you, but actually there's a lot better hand painted texturing tutorial on 3dmotive by Tyson Murphy. i even bought it coz it's just freakin' awsome!
Hey Tsabszy really liked ur time-lapse texture vid. first time ive seen some actual use of the canvas painter! pretty exciting stuff. could you expand a bit on your workflow with it?
it looked like you where painting in photoshop as well as back in max? if so how did u get it to update between the two?
also how are u rotating the scene in max with your tablet? that one has always been the main reason i don't tend to use it. thanks and keep up the good work
Great work so far and some handy information too. I'm also interested in your canvas paint workflow, being new to texture painting I often find myself guessing where I want certain features on UV, that paint feature seems like it would be great for mapping out a general idea.
hey Frozan!
yeah, im a big sc fan as well and sometimes i play some multiplayer too, but im pretty bad at it
i hope you'll get the idea after i'll be done with the full video of this method, but when i paint with viewport canvas i always go back and forth between 3ds max and PS, and before i edit my texture in viewport canvas i close it in ps and vica verse. so i always edit the texture in either max or ps (so only one program at a time)
i think you can quite easily use your wacom tablet coz you only need a middle mouse button mapped to that you have on our pen. so you can navigate in max's viewport.
btw if you check out the "help" for viewport canvas, you'll know how to change brush size, brush hardness, and opacity with the combination of Shift/Ctrl/Alt + Click
if i recall correctly:
shift + ctrl + leftclick = Brush Size
ctrl + alt + leftclick = Brush Hardness
alt + ctrl + leftclick = Brush Opacity
painting whlie pressing shift is Ereasing the layer (so quick access to Ereaser Brush = until you hold shift and you draw a line, your brush will work as an ereaser)
space = straight line (left click, then space and left click elsewhere will draw a straight line between the to point you clicked)
Great work so far and some handy information too. I'm also interested in your canvas paint workflow, being new to texture painting I often find myself guessing where I want certain features on UV, that paint feature seems like it would be great for mapping out a general idea.
well i hope my vid will help you when it's done. what i can tell you is that the brush handling of Viewport Canvas is far from perfect and it's kind of limited in some ways. but it's a really great tool for laying down main forms and some details and cleaning up stuff at the end of your texturing.
You should actually do a 3d Motive video on using the canvas painter and photoshop as workflow. def not a lot of light on canvas painter out there. thanks for the fast response
Amazing texturing work ! Can't wait to see the entire Ultralisk video and your viewport canvas / photoshop workflow. I'd pay to see more hand-painted texturing tutorials ^^
unfortunately i've been lazy, plus i was not satisfied with the Ultralisk and haven't started it over yet
but here's another and a quicker one. hope you like it!
Now THATS a gun! Nice!
Small crit: I'd probably shift the color of the metal to a slightly cooler value and up the contrast on the metal parts a bit, as right now it reads as some kind of stoney material to me. Maybe try and add some really harsh highlights here and there, something like so:
Hope you don't mind the paintover.
Other than that I really like what you've been doing, keep it up man!
I thought Viewport Canvas was supposed to be a load of ass, although judging by your vid it looks quite nice. You could check out 3D coat for the painting tools as well, its pretty sick! Like the gun and would recommend going with 3Dguy's paintover, really pops in that!
some3dguy - thx for the crit!! i totally agree, i usually fell into the mistake of my metal materials look too stoney
btw i also already did a try yesterday, to give it higher contrast, coz i felt the same way.
thx again! gutty333 - thank you, im glad you like it! Torch - i've tried 3d Coat, and it's brush handling is just awsome. my only problems are the kinda strange psd handling and the how shortcuts work.
but ill be messing with it more in the future for sure!
actually VC is something i was forced to use, coz my company couldn't allow another different program to be in the pipeline.. so i had to create only diffuse stuff without any projection solution. and so i was getting more and more confortable with VC because that was myonly potential to imitate projection painting.
it has a lot of downside.. the biggest being is that it's bug and tools haven't been developed since 3ds 2011
and it's brush handling is terrible, as you can see i paint most of the details in PS.
but it's a tool that is worth to mess with. and i really want to encourage the guys at Autodesk to develop it..
many things came to my mind:
I hate you coz it's more then awesome
I also hate you because I had to find it accidentally here on pc, not in my mailbox right after you pressed stop on the recording
Really diggin' the style you have, and I'll most definitely watch the video!
And you can be sure as hell that I'll get back to weapon making business now IT'S ON
I like adding slight color to the metal. Also take you texture at the end and add a Levels adjustment to it. Just pull the ends of the levels to the ends of the curves (chopping out the flat lines). Then add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer and bring the brightness down to something manageable.
SPYFF, Paul68Rageous the texture is not entirely finished yet so i'll post a Sketchfab as soon as it's ready Jeff Parrott thanks for your input! yeah, others have said the same as you, and i totally agree i will try to do my best
btw the game i basically first started (about 2 years ago) to mess with fully hand painted textured characters has just launched today.
it's a silly, funny game made by a farely small team!
i had so much fun in developing my texturing skills on this project.
the quality and texturing style of the characters vary quite a bit from the start to my recent characters, for one reason that i have developed some skills (at the start i used some baked lights and later everything was hand painted and my painting techniques had totally changed)
unfortunately time and development didn't let me to redo almost none of my oldest textures, but at least a very few. i'm still okey with the result.
wow more and more people are doing handpainted textures. Big fan of these kinds of style. Looking forward to more. Keep it up!
Just wondering, how do you create ur base colour? Do you do a bake with direction lights/ incidence?
well in the past i used to put 4 spot lights facing down in a ~45°angle from the front and from the back (so if you observed it from the top view they looked like an X) i baked it onto a grey model without any teyture and i used it as an overlay layer and then painted everything beneath it (i also always panted this layer a bit, where it was too dark, or too bright) this gave the main lighting for the textures.
later i had to get back to this project after many months (and some experimenting at home) and then i painted everyhing by hand without any baking, because i find it much more soft looking, acurate, plus i don't have to struggle with the overlayed layer on top, just quickly repaint everything i need to change.
in the beginning i used that pre-baking solution only because of my lack of experience with hand painted stuff
Scorpyx - thank you for your compliment!!! calen - i'm really glad you like it 3DVlad - thank you! it's so much of a great feeling to be of an inspiration for you StephLee - thanks! and just keep up with checking others works and practicing skills come by a lot of practice
btw you have some awsome only diffuse stuff too as i could see!
Beats - i have no idea yet, but i hope i can find time to do some practicing soon
chrisradsby - it's an honor if you feel that way, you have some fricking beautiful works yourself!
Scythe - thanks for keep checking back
Dmarmor - i'm glad you like it! thanks!
Nitewalkr -
i have been lurking around on 3dmotive website and i can just recommend it to everyone! i have bought some tutorials for myself and am planning to do so in the future becasue they are really great and really useful!!
Santewi - thank you! recently i always use tablet to draw textures, but in the past when i started to work in 3d industry i only used mouse for some time.
as for hand painting and hand painted textures, i'm not a pro, but i can say if you are interested in hand painting digitally, and you have a chance to get a tablet, than don't hezitate! because your hand can handle more precise movements with a tablet, than with a mouse and don't forget that tablet pressure is a really imortant part of digital painting that's only available with a tablet
I found that tweaking the pressure and movement sensitivity helped in the beginning
& @tsabzy - congrats on getting your model out there in the tutorial! I've been lurking this thread for a while, and I have to say, your work is beautiful and worthy!
Blaisoid - thank you, but actually there's a lot better hand painted texturing tutorial on 3dmotive by Tyson Murphy. i even bought it coz it's just freakin' awsome!
i really hope you'll enjoy it!
it looked like you where painting in photoshop as well as back in max? if so how did u get it to update between the two?
also how are u rotating the scene in max with your tablet? that one has always been the main reason i don't tend to use it. thanks and keep up the good work
im a huge sc2 fan and play a lot as well
yeah, im a big sc fan as well and sometimes i play some multiplayer too, but im pretty bad at it
i hope you'll get the idea after i'll be done with the full video of this method, but when i paint with viewport canvas i always go back and forth between 3ds max and PS, and before i edit my texture in viewport canvas i close it in ps and vica verse. so i always edit the texture in either max or ps (so only one program at a time)
i think you can quite easily use your wacom tablet coz you only need a middle mouse button mapped to that you have on our pen. so you can navigate in max's viewport.
btw if you check out the "help" for viewport canvas, you'll know how to change brush size, brush hardness, and opacity with the combination of Shift/Ctrl/Alt + Click
if i recall correctly:
shift + ctrl + leftclick = Brush Size
ctrl + alt + leftclick = Brush Hardness
alt + ctrl + leftclick = Brush Opacity
painting whlie pressing shift is Ereasing the layer (so quick access to Ereaser Brush = until you hold shift and you draw a line, your brush will work as an ereaser)
space = straight line (left click, then space and left click elsewhere will draw a straight line between the to point you clicked)
well i hope my vid will help you when it's done. what i can tell you is that the brush handling of Viewport Canvas is far from perfect and it's kind of limited in some ways. but it's a really great tool for laying down main forms and some details and cleaning up stuff at the end of your texturing.
also thx Cuban brother
but here's another and a quicker one. hope you like it!
Small crit: I'd probably shift the color of the metal to a slightly cooler value and up the contrast on the metal parts a bit, as right now it reads as some kind of stoney material to me. Maybe try and add some really harsh highlights here and there, something like so:
Hope you don't mind the paintover.
Other than that I really like what you've been doing, keep it up man!
Love the values and really nice workflow you have going.
btw i also already did a try yesterday, to give it higher contrast, coz i felt the same way.
thx again!
gutty333 - thank you, im glad you like it!
Torch - i've tried 3d Coat, and it's brush handling is just awsome. my only problems are the kinda strange psd handling and the how shortcuts work.
but ill be messing with it more in the future for sure!
actually VC is something i was forced to use, coz my company couldn't allow another different program to be in the pipeline.. so i had to create only diffuse stuff without any projection solution. and so i was getting more and more confortable with VC because that was myonly potential to imitate projection painting.
it has a lot of downside.. the biggest being is that it's bug and tools haven't been developed since 3ds 2011
and it's brush handling is terrible, as you can see i paint most of the details in PS.
but it's a tool that is worth to mess with. and i really want to encourage the guys at Autodesk to develop it..
I hate you coz it's more then awesome
I also hate you because I had to find it accidentally here on pc, not in my mailbox right after you pressed stop on the recording
Really diggin' the style you have, and I'll most definitely watch the video!
And you can be sure as hell that I'll get back to weapon making business now
Cordero you know, you're the first one usually, who i notice about such things, i just quickly uploaded the vid today in the morning.
about the weapon.. BRING IT OOOON!
The gun is awesome though. Nice process vid!
Jeff Parrott thanks for your input! yeah, others have said the same as you, and i totally agree
it's a silly, funny game
i had so much fun in developing my texturing skills on this project.
the quality and texturing style of the characters vary quite a bit from the start to my recent characters, for one reason that i have developed some skills (at the start i used some baked lights and later everything was hand painted and my painting techniques had totally changed)
unfortunately time and development didn't let me to redo almost none of my oldest textures, but at least a very few. i'm still okey with the result.
some older characters:
unfortunately i cannot find any screenshots about newer characters, but in gameplays and in the trailer there can bee seen a few of them
Just wondering, how do you create ur base colour? Do you do a bake with direction lights/ incidence?
well in the past i used to put 4 spot lights facing down in a ~45°angle from the front and from the back (so if you observed it from the top view they looked like an X) i baked it onto a grey model without any teyture and i used it as an overlay layer and then painted everything beneath it (i also always panted this layer a bit, where it was too dark, or too bright) this gave the main lighting for the textures.
later i had to get back to this project after many months (and some experimenting at home) and then i painted everyhing by hand without any baking, because i find it much more soft looking, acurate, plus i don't have to struggle with the overlayed layer on top, just quickly repaint everything i need to change.
in the beginning i used that pre-baking solution only because of my lack of experience with hand painted stuff
Time Lapse Video:
metascore is 82 right now. thanks for your feedback!
murph wow, thank you! you are great inspiration for me, i'm honored!
calen - i'm really glad you like it
3DVlad - thank you! it's so much of a great feeling to be of an inspiration for you
StephLee - thanks! and just keep up with checking others works and practicing
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Concept by the incredible Arthur Gimaldinov: