My name is Kim and I have recently started practice handpainted textures and can't seems to get that much feedback from DA so I thought about giving this side a try.
Any kind of feedback would be helpful.
I'm not that used to 3D-modelling, so I guess you will find some things that could be optimized. If you do please tell ^^

Software used
Looks fine to me nice job, is this for anything, character, environment?
Or just practice?
The only thing I would touch is the length of the blade, It's a little small but that also depends on who's swinging It.
I take It this is inspired by the character Link?
I see It's about the Wow style Texturing Video, looks alright then.
Weirdboy - Thanks for the tip! I will do so when I fix it later. I'm going to make some touch ups.:)
Here's another piece I did accually finish today, also just practice. I think wood is one of the most fun thing to do, have only painted it a few times before.
Also, I left a bit of uv-space in the upper corner on purpose, I saved it to make soething else, not quite sure yet, but probably just something small.
Feedback would be appreciated!
Can you give me any tips on how to start painting in such a style? I'm really interested in it, but I find it hard to find anything about it on the net. I just found this forum and try to find something. That's how I came to this thread
Have added gold, apples and a bottle in the uv-space which was empty. Also done some fixes to the metal, more highlights on the metal crate and done some changes to the metal on the barrel.
Well I just started myself so maybe I'm not the best person giving advice, but when I started I looked/studied many pictures of peoples handpainted textures and also on different games. When you have done some study it's only a matter of practice, as with everything, you have to practice in order to learn and to make progress. :P
A tip is to search on google after "hand painted textures" or more specific search as "hand painted barrel".:)
Found this on youtube [ame="
When I paint, I only use the standard brush with some smooth and transfer. And also I always have it on 100 % opacity. When I blend/mix colours I use the eye dropper tool to pick the colours next to it.
But there's plent of techniques you can use, you have to find the one suting you the best
Also, run the sharpen function a few times on your gold-coin texture - it's looking a bit blurry.
switz Thanks for feedback, changed the edges on the plank. It looks better I think so thanks!:) Also changed the golden stones into gold coins instead, looks more smooth with the rest of the stuff.
From the wiki >http://wiki.polycount.com/TexturingTutorials?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=handpaint_more-color-saiainoshi.jpg
Well using a tablet will make i't allot easier. Its not so much about Photoshop since its about painting but of course its an advantage to know the software you work with. I have not used it but here you got a tutorial for that kind of stuff. http://www.3dmotive.com/training/photoshop/hand-painted-weapon-texturing/?follow=true
And it's funny. I actually just recently found this! And better yet I found it for free on youtube! Lol.
And again, great job with these textures! I love this style/look in games! It just has such a fantastical look about it! Awesome work!
So My advice is to search for alot of pictures/textures and "study" them, how do things accually look like. Even though it's cartoony style you want it's a good way to start.
As I wrote earlier
Hope iy helped a little bit
Have done some character concept and practice tileble textures, this time roof tiles. Which I plan to use on some house models.
I'm thinking on creating a town in 3d with handpainted textures, thought that would look better as portfolio than just seperat objects.
I appreciate feedback on the textures
The project i'm working on now is to great a lot of handpainted, low poly assets to build a town/city in udk. This is only for learning, so it's not going to be used for anything.
I have just started building, started of painting the textures for windows, door and then added more while working. i'm extruding it from a plane.
I'm trying to pack as many uv stuff as possible on the same texture and re-using it.
picture is a print screen from viewport.
What you have is a good place to start for sure. You just need to push things further. With handpainted textures you want to push the style of the piece. Try to get the materials across, paint in depth and volume, sharpen details when needed, play with color. Also, dont forget about the lines of construction and contact shadows. Keep it up
Have changed the texture for the sword and shield. I think it looks a lot better now. I will keep in mind to push my textures a bit futher than I have previously done.
I have been working on this project for about 4 weeks now, most of the time have been consumed by drawing all the textures.
You can find the tiles used here:
I have some uv-space left to use for more props and bake light maps.
I have only been using diffuses and specular maps, all 512x512.
This is my first time using UDK and vegetation. Will post the textures later.
image upload
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I have used 7 uv's totally, 3 of them are tileable.