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Wacom 22 HD!

Lovely new tablet, 1080p 22" with the old 21UX stand :D
$2000 from what I understand, or 1599 pounds in the UK.

Standard replaceable cables this time and not the one bulky proprietary one as well which is great.



  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I still don't get why they don't do a tablet (slate) with there own technique in it, like the Samsung slate 7.

    I red that this new 22" screen is actually the same old one that was in the old 24HD one, with 92% aRGB. The new 24" version got a new screen with 98% of aRGB though.

    The prices on these are still fucking insane!
  • Gusti
    I fully agree that the prices are very silly if you take into account the quality of the panel they use.
    But its not as insane as the new 24HD that got added touch support and with that went up 1000 dollars!!

    I thought the samsung Slate 7 was using wacom tech for the pen input?
    If it was made by Wacom them selves it would probably end up costing $5k, and have some sort of "authenti-feel" screen to make it feel like paper and eat up your pen nibs faster so you would end up having to buy even more of them from Wacom.

    Personally I´m waiting for a cheap 15" 1080p panel so I can just DIY a cintiq from my Intuos 4L hehe ;)

    I had the Cintiq 12WX and could not stand it as a display tablet, and ran it as a regular old tablet most times due to low resolution on their screen and the cursor being very very jittery when the screen was turned on.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, that slate is wacom tech, but it's not as highres as a Cintiq, pen input vise.

    But, I've been thinking about a DIY to, that would be awesome. From the stuff I red on that Cintic DIY forum the main problem with it seams to be jittering in most cases..
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    The Slate is 256 levels of pressure. Cintiqs are 2048. Not sure Now noticeable the difference is, I haven't used the Slate. The Cintiqs feel good though. I'm actually looking for something more portable outside of work. So I think I'm going to get a Slate. Just waiting on a price dip.

    This new 22HD is tempting though. I love the screen res and size. The 24HD is super heavy (60 lbs) and the new 22HD (20 lbs) is much lighter. Looks a bit more mobile. I wish they would have updated the 12 with better res and newer form factor.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14

    I've been turned off by the 24HD...screen is nicer I'm sure, but the stand, weight, and higher price were turn offs for me. Besides the better quality screen...the 22HD is pretty much what I wanted...a 24HD but smaller, lighter, cheaper, and with a rotating stand.

    I've been getting interested in getting a Cintiq for myself...I'd likely be going for this one..(or maybe an old 21ux since prices might be down while people try to get rid of inventory??)
  • Harbinger
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    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    I was waiting for a refresh of the 22" but completely lost interest once I saw the panel was 1920x1080. 1080P panels and the 16x9 aspect drive me nuts. Give me a 1920x1200 panel so I can at least display a 1024x1024 texture on the screen full sized.
  • Komatsu
    these past 3 or 4 weeks the 21ux had dropped from 2000 to 1700. I thought it was because they were able to keep up with demand. apparently not. they were just getting rid of them. Anyway I bought one for 1700 thinking I was getting a deal. Now two weeks later after I bought it they announced the 22HD. Guess I got burned. I would have spent the extra 300 for a newer version had I known.

    I actually prefer widescreen to 4:3 its better for toolbars.

    I also noticed after the wacom announcement alot of the folks that were selling the 21ux for 1700 have gone back up to 2000. I dont really understand that tactic. people are going to just wait for the 22HD for the same cost and they will end up getting stuck with the old model.

    the 21ux is still a nice piece of hardware so im trying to feel better about it. I do have buyers remorse now though.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    @Komatsu, I don't were you are from, but in Sweden you can get your money back if you still got all the boxes and what not. Up to 4 weeks if you buy it online. You should check out what your countrys laws says about that stuff!
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    It is a shame there is no real competition when it comes to the cintiq lineup. I tried the yiynova (cheap chinese knockoff) and sent it back just as fast... I'll stick with the older 20" cintiq I use.
    You can get those for fairly cheap. Mine was about $1200. The downside is that if the screen goes out Wacom cannot replace them due to not having any spare parts for that model.

    I am still waiting for Wacom to release a thinner, rbg-LED backlit cintiq. I still dont know why they insist on shoddy LCD panels from a few generations back.
  • WarrenM
    There's this cheap alternative that Ray really liked:


    Just as an FYI...
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Some cool vids if you're into forking over that kind of money for the 24HD touch thingy.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKh4JGHwASc"]MUDBOX & WACOM MULTI-TOUCH - YouTube[/ame]

    Sketchbook Pro
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOQ_gk3QtgA"]SKETCHBOOK PRO & WACOM MULTI-TOUCH - YouTube[/ame]
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    There's this cheap alternative that Ray really liked:


    Just as an FYI...

    I bought one of those and returned it just as fast.

    It is not very good, at all. Dead pixels all over the place, not entirely accurate, bad driver support and very springy tip. The screen is highly pixelized so when you draw on it, it doesnt look right.

    I would rather suggest people get many of the used 15-18 inch cintiqs from years ago...on ebay they for less than the yiynova anyhow.
  • Komatsu
    the first generation 21ux can be had for 800 on ebay very frequently. i would tell people to option for that instead of the knock offs.

    sltrOlsson - i logged in to newegg which is where i bought it from and it says I cant return it. this is common policy for laptops there and expensive items. they dont allow returns once its opened.

    its not a common thing to own so im just gonna suck it up and be happy i was able to get one at all. there are alot more deserving artists believe me.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Well good for the 4 people in the world that can afford Cintiqs.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    Well good for the 4 people in the world that can afford Cintiqs.

    is it really that crazy? I know tons of people that dump that amount of money on car parts, concerts, travel, musical instruments, etc... basically just their hobbies. This is for making art and art is my life.
  • JamesWarren
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    JamesWarren polycounter lvl 5
    I'm so glad this was on the front page, otherwise I may not have known about it in time to return my 21UX to amazon! I didn't really like the quality of the display for the 21UX so hopefully this new one is better.
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    is it really that crazy? I know tons of people that dump that amount of money on car parts, concerts, travel, musical instruments, etc... basically just their hobbies. This is for making art and art is my life.

    Still it seems like a crazy amount of money considering how gadgets and technology prices tend to go down yet Cintiq's never do.At least not substantially.

    And for that amount of money I prefer to travel to an awesome beach TBH.
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    Well fuck me. I bought a 21" about a week ago...
  • WarrenM
    David-J wrote: »
    Still it seems like a crazy amount of money considering how gadgets and technology prices tend to go down yet Cintiq's never do.At least not substantially.

    And for that amount of money I prefer to travel to an awesome beach TBH.
    Sure, but the beach trip lasts a week ... the other 51 weeks of the year, you don't have a cintiq. :P
  • Komatsu
    suburbbum wrote: »
    Well fuck me. I bought a 21" about a week ago...

    great you can join me in the you got porked club. I got mine about a week before you and newegg wont do a return. I knew i should have chosen amazon when i bought it.

    if you can try to return. i would if i could.
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 15
    DEElekgolo wrote: »
    Well good for the 4 people in the world that can afford Cintiqs.

    or the many others who see this as a completely reasonable and legitimate tax write-off.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I already have the 21WSX (widescreen) so not a game changer for me :)
  • JamesWarren
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    JamesWarren polycounter lvl 5
    This might seem stupid but I've decided to keep the 21UX instead of basically trading it for the 22HD. Considering they only added .2" to the screen, I can imagine the widescreen format feeling a bit cramped in comparison.
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    I dont understand why they have to be so bulky AND expensive. Look at some of the tablets out now, they include the processor and gubbins inside and are still wafer thin. These things are massive. Also, why so expesnive, again, the technology inside is nothing new, I cannot see how manufacturing costs are that high.

    I hope someone comes along soon with a nice thin slate, I can pick up and throw around, a tilt enabled stylus and has about 1024 pressure levels. Basically, an oversized Ipad with Wacom digitizer technology. Surely surely XD thats doable right now and for less than £1000 ???

    Until then I'm more than happy with an Intuos
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    EU should sue Wacom for sales monopoly, just like microsoft few years earlyer
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Dazz3r wrote: »
    I dont understand why they have to be so bulky AND expensive. Look at some of the tablets out now, they include the processor and gubbins inside and are still wafer thin. These things are massive. Also, why so expesnive, again, the technology inside is nothing new, I cannot see how manufacturing costs are that high.

    I hope someone comes along soon with a nice thin slate, I can pick up and throw around, a tilt enabled stylus and has about 1024 pressure levels. Basically, an oversized Ipad with Wacom digitizer technology. Surely surely XD thats doable right now and for less than £1000 ???

    Until then I'm more than happy with an Intuos

    Because they can, and your willing to fork on something that lasts. I've had my Cintiq for about 4 years now, and easily paid for itself, and I don't plan on buying a new one for the next 4 years. (Although the 24HD tempted me)

    Also I don' think they solved the "heat" issues w/ the big cintiqs. Until they do that, I don't think you have a overly sleek one.

    And what you described is already out there. Table's/slates and around the price your looking for $1000. Although the pressures levels aren't on the same level, it's still usable. I had a Asus asus ep121 slate for awhile. Ok, but just not big enough after going cintiq. (also tried the similar HP convertible Tablet, and Samsung's? slate with same effect)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    so are the old 21ux gonna become affordable now that there's a new version coming out? I really hope so because Im tired of wacoms totally unreasonable pricing, Ive had a tiny little wacom graphire at home for 8 years and I just cant justify paying so much for anything larger.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I don't think that the 21UX models (either 2006 grey or 2010 black) are a bad deal really, even now. The black one has nice esthetics but besides that they are pretty much identical and with the proper drivers and settings both are great! Yeah, even color wise they are not *as bad* as usually reported.

    Also - keep in mind that a 4:3 ration is something quite unique and useful. For some kind of work it is actually quite useful in portrait mode (I love it that way for character portraits - it feels BIG !)

    If anything both the new 22 and the old and revised 24 seem to eat just too much space. And none of the videos of the 24 touch seem to bring anything really new to the table workflow wise since it is still limited by the touch capabilities of the software of course.

    Now I didnt try the 24 hands on but saw it in real life and yeah - it just feels too big.
    So - no big deal really. 1700 sure is appropriate for a 21 and the size is very right. I think!
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I am still not sure if I would buy a cintiq again if my current one (old 21" UX) breaks.

    After using it for the last 4 years, there are so many downsides that aren't really fixed in later releases. and their drivers are pretty terrible.

    example: with the latest drivers I encountered an annoying issue, where every 15 strokes or so, one stroke would loose its pressure sensitivity. So you get a big hard blob of a stroke that messes it all up. So now I rolled back to driver version 6.1.4-3 I think (Thnx Pior for pointing me to the correct driver) and this problem is now fixed (a driver from 2010 ffs), but now another problem arises. The later drivers have much better calibration tools, 4 point instead of 2 point. So at the moment there are places near the edges where the cursor is about half a cm off from where I put down the pen.

    Maybe once I don't have it anymore I will recognize what I have then would be missing, but at this moment, there are enough disappointing things that dissolved my trust in Wacom. Its a cumborsome overpriced piece of tech and the latest versions arent that much different from the older models. This and the cheapness of tech these days should have put the price of a cintiq 24" to 999 euro.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    EVIL wrote: »
    After using it for the last 4 years, there are so many downsides that aren't really fixed in later releases. and their drivers are pretty terrible.

    Can't agree more. I don't know what they're doing but the driver programmers are horrible. There is a youtube video of a guy hacking his own drivers, and fixing things that should've been done in the first place.

    For reference I'm using 6.1.1 drivers. The latest drivers just makes the Cintiq unusable...
  • Sentinel373
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    Sentinel373 polycounter lvl 5
    The 22HD looks pretty good imo and its not as insanly priced as the others. or even the old 21ux. that is not to say the prices are reasonable.
    I have the 12WX and its just too small for me.
    I really want a bigger one but I'm a college student so thats not gonna happan anytime soon.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Guy sitting next to me at work has the 24HD. Build quality is actually pretty poor. Lots of plastic around, and areas where there's metal rub against the plastic. He's had it a few months now and the stand has broken in 2 places. He now has it resting on some books. He'll be returning it to Wacom for a replacement. If it continues he might get this new 22HD.

    It seems Wacom really haven't been up to their standard of late.
    Although minimally different I do prefer the Intuos 5 to the 4 though.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    There's this cheap alternative that Ray really liked:


    Just as an FYI...

    I actually emailed Yiynova and asked if it could ship to EU. Toke like one sec and I got an email saying there EU representative would come back to me. I think there tablets look very sexy! For 300 and 500 dollar it's not that much to fight about!
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    I think i need to pay off my student loans before I get one of these...by that time, maybe there will be more companies producing them and that will force the market price down.

    I see these bottoming out at around $750 in about 10 years or so.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    is it really that crazy? I know tons of people that dump that amount of money on car parts, concerts, travel, musical instruments, etc... basically just their hobbies. This is for making art and art is my life.

    yeah I agree...
    When it comes to tools, I would rather be amputated at the knees then live with the gnawing pain of compromise. ( because I went cheap. which I have with the graphire I have suffered with for the past 8? years )
    On the other hand, prices have dropped for everything over the past twenty years ( even Thailand flood prices r letting up now on hard drives )
    And although there haven't always been Cintiqs for as long?? In general it seems Wacoms get away with monopolistic murder. ( serves the rest of the industry right if their only answer are cheapo knock-offs)
    But as every enthusiasts filled their rigs with ssds in answer to Hard Drive Flood prices...
    Slate's self contained portability provide as an exciting alternative.

    I am going to suffer without an onscreen digitiser solution until windows 8 myself.
    ( just seems obvious that the Slate competition will produce performance and price selections very soon )
    Depending how powerful a Slate can become? ( multi-tasking between Z-brush - photoshop and Maya ) I might easily end up spending a lot more then $2000 if something empowering comes along like a gtx 680m/i7-3xxx ivy slate with a 24 inch screen?
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    claydough wrote: »
    slate with a 24 inch screen?

    Thats just waiting to slide off onto a floor :D
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Rwolf wrote: »
    Thats just waiting to slide off onto a floor :D

    The worse scenario I ever experienced predates my computer usage...
    Where hip art students used 4ft homosote panels as their portable push pin friendly drawing surface made portable with make shift shoulder straps to carry your drawing surface everywhere.
    ( sort of like Andrew Jones does with his Wacom slung with a guitar strap )

    Problem was I drove to college everday on a motorcycle and as aerodynamic as I tried to pack my supplies...
    High Speed winds would invariably catch my drawing surface on the highway and whip me without warning onto the next lane of traffic. ( enough terror to wet my painting pants )

    Compared to impoverished analog days everything today is gravy.

    I am hoping there are some VESA quick release articulating mount stands for Tablet and keys depending on what customization can do for comfort. Maybe when win 8 comes out custom stands will become more popular/available?

    Have alternatively been doing alot of research/following the custom touch table culture that seems to be gaining alot of steam/maturity/interest. Just wish I knew somone personally who has tried as much. ( even if sensitivity and lag was still an issue the projects seem like a lot of fun )
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB9_Tut-WG8"]How to build your own multitouch table? - YouTube[/ame]
    Just wish I had the time.

    No worrys about touch desk falling on the ground when the surface is yer table to begin with!:)

    Not very portable tho ( I suppose a portable solution could be customised? )
    As far as I know, u can't just plug n play the custom multi touch software into Z-brush and Photoshop? I do not know if as much is true with Microsoft's expensive "Surface" multi-touch table? ( I would imagine a Photoshop solution would be ready for which ever touch tech that Microsoft Surface uses? Google seems to infer there is a Photoshop solution I just can't find as much in action?? )

    http://nuicode.com/attachments/download/115/Multi-Touch_Technologies_v1.01.pdf ( free e-book )


  • WarrenM
    claydough wrote: »

    Oh yeah, this guy's not heading for shoulder strainville at all. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Young man get a coaster under that mug of coffee!!
  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    Ugh. When does Wacom's patent on this tech expire? I they might have been worse for the digitizer scene than they've helped it.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    see, i've wanted to invest in a Cintiq for a while. it took me a long time to get "used to" drawing on a tablet while watching a screen, and it's still really not comfortable to me...

    maybe uncomfortable isn't the right word. i'm comfortable with it now after years of doing it, but it still doesn't feel NATURAL. i've always preferred drawing/painting on paper. so i see a cintiq as the ability to do that, but digitally.

    so finally the opportunity has come up that's given me the funds to do it, we're buying a new house and put some money aside for "nice shit" that we want. and the Cintiq is one of those things. i'm choosing to look at it as an investment in myself, a way of helping me produce better work through a more natural feeling tool.

    the question i have though: how important (if it is at all) is it to make sure the cintiq is running that the same resolution as your regular monitor? i remember back in ye olde days running two CRT monitors and one was a slightly different resolution, it could be a total ball ache.

    my current monitor is a Dell U2312HM, 1920*1080. so should i go for the 22HD cintiq which has the same resolution? or the 24HD which has 1920*1200?

    and finally, do we really think the additional touch features are going to make that big a difference? personally i don't see it... but i guess some guys here might have more experience in the matter.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Oh yeah, this guy's not heading for shoulder strainville at all. :)

    ouchee I can feel my neck hurting just looking at the strain now.

    Looking at the videos the guys look equally uncomfortable
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VNTPwVvLzE"]BendDesk: Multi-touch on a Curved Display - YouTube[/ame]
    kind of odd looking at my own desk I have my monitors further back than pictured ( 3 27 inch monitors in surround needed to be pushed back that far ) but with my elbow on the corner I can easily touch my monitor while my elbow and wrist are both bent ( not extended ).

    ( either they r tiny or I got gorilla arms? )

    Solidworks 3d CAD showing a bit of 3D manipulation (1:30) looks promising but still too much lag.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eosYJyPcR2Q"]Touch Screen Table ????????? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]
    I wonder if the lag is coming from underpowered hardware or software without the benefit of mature adoption? From the camera? or translating the infrared fingerprints? I am willing to bet that performance will not be sorted out anytime soon in an affordable way unless these custom multitouch projects become more popular.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    see, i've wanted to invest in a Cintiq for a while. it took me a long time to get "used to" drawing on a tablet while watching a screen, and it's still really not comfortable to me...

    maybe uncomfortable isn't the right word. i'm comfortable with it now after years of doing it, but it still doesn't feel NATURAL. i've always preferred drawing/painting on paper. so i see a cintiq as the ability to do that, but digitally.

    so finally the opportunity has come up that's given me the funds to do it, we're buying a new house and put some money aside for "nice shit" that we want. and the Cintiq is one of those things. i'm choosing to look at it as an investment in myself, a way of helping me produce better work through a more natural feeling tool.

    the question i have though: how important (if it is at all) is it to make sure the cintiq is running that the same resolution as your regular monitor? i remember back in ye olde days running two CRT monitors and one was a slightly different resolution, it could be a total ball ache.

    my current monitor is a Dell U2312HM, 1920*1080. so should i go for the 22HD cintiq which has the same resolution? or the 24HD which has 1920*1200?

    and finally, do we really think the additional touch features are going to make that big a difference? personally i don't see it... but i guess some guys here might have more experience in the matter.

    I get the same disconnect
    enough to resort to scanning if drawing is more important than painting.

    I can imagine touch being very useful if creative uses are implemented. I have not tried any touch yet but I am hoping for right and left contextual pallettes. or spinning/panning the canvas with left touch while drawing with the right pen. Alternatively I would rather zoom be a combination of right and left touch instead of the finger zoom. I think drawing and erasing or drawing and smudging with touch would be more productive than gimmick and mirror the interactivity and speed I have with my pencil and pink pearl/fingers/plastic eraser pencils. More would be better and I imagine the third party customizations will also add the best evolution.

    Autodesk Labs/ MultiTouch
  • blitz
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    blitz polycounter lvl 19
    so when they start to sell the 22hd?? can't find any online shop (eu or german). send this week my one day old 24hd back...
  • JamesWarren
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    JamesWarren polycounter lvl 5
    almighty_gir: In my experience it doesn't make any difference if your monitor and your cintiq are at different resolutions.
  • WarrenM
    No, it's just like having 2 monitors of differing resolutions. Accept that moving back and forth may be a little clunky sometimes (snagging on the border between the monitors since it won't be full height on the larger monitor) and move on. It's really not a big deal...
  • Harbinger
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    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    I just read up on the Yiynova digitizers, input/cursor lag, display and driver quality with Wacom, etc. and a though struck me... Let's petition John Carmack to turn his giant brain towards tablets :) If he can do to tablet tech what he's doing with head mounted VR, artists around the world would rejoice!
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18

    my current monitor is a Dell U2312HM, 1920*1080. so should i go for the 22HD cintiq which has the same resolution? or the 24HD which has 1920*1200?

    I have a older dell 27" 1920x1200 and the 21WSX cintiq 1680x1050. Although the screen scale is slightly larger on the Dell 27, I've never felt the disconnect transitioning from the two. Mainly because I look at the 27" at a distance, and the Cintiq close up when I'm using it. I think you should be fine running the monitors native resolutions.
  • Komatsu
    having 2 displays the same resolution is helpful if your going to mirror the display. so they both show the same thing. if you try and mirror and they are not the same resolution weird things start happening.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    cool, so running photoshop + zbrush on the cintiq, with max and reference images on the main monitor is going to be the ideal solution?

    what are the cintiq's like colour wise when compared to ips monitors like the dell?
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