I love doing G+ hangouts, and I'm almost always around in the evenings. Add me on G+, tell me you're from polycount, and I'll throw you in my artists group so you'll see when I've got a hangout going https://plus.google.com/101813458224906809783
Im really liking these but I wish there was a way to turn down the volume, as I work better with tunes. That and a voice reader for the chat area.
Open the Windows mixer, you can individually adjust volumes for different apps.
I was surprised by the hassle-free screencasting. I initially had some performance issues in Photoshop, but after disabling GPU acceleration I was golden (thanks for the tip!). Very cool to watch how other people work in real time, I don't have anyone to 'talk shop' with in my area.
Sharing my own screen to while I work on something.
Come get some! I`ll be animating for the next few hours. Come by and say hi.
theres one going on right now
My pc crahsed when I was in one yesterday :P
Well still going on in the link Skillmister posted, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/3...ser=0&hl=en-GB
We're still going but its quietened down a fair bit
new one up
this site is 4 nerds
I think i broke the old one by joining on my phone :thumbdown:
New link i'll keep this one up
My mic is broken and my english is really bad to talk to anyone, but it really helps working listening and seeing stuff from you:)
you can also use the built in chat if you dont have a mic or cam
I was surprised by the hassle-free screencasting. I initially had some performance issues in Photoshop, but after disabling GPU acceleration I was golden (thanks for the tip!). Very cool to watch how other people work in real time, I don't have anyone to 'talk shop' with in my area.
That's the way it is a times, been there and it's total silence that seams to be lasting forever(my fault to of course) :P