How can i get the key to this game ? Ive submitted the survey a month ago, and still no sucess. I have a concept ready and after reading this post im upset becouse i cant submit it couse i need to have the game to do so. Thats so boring ...
I solved the material missing by fixing the directory structure in my Qc file!
also, I've found out a little trick for heroes like CK that are yet to get separate parts.
If you edit the .VMT for the item you want to hide, you can put the command $alpha 0 and it will make that item invisible, this should work as long as that specific item has a separate material from the main hero model (which should almost always be the case I think). This work like a charm, and is much faster than re-compiling the hero without the weapons.
I solved the material missing by fixing the directory structure in my Qc file!
also, I've found out a little trick for heroes like CK that are yet to get separate parts.
If you edit the .VMT for the item you want to hide, you can put the command $alpha 0 and it will make that item invisible, this should work as long as that specific item has a separate material from the main hero model (which should almost always be the case I think). This work like a charm, and is much faster than re-compiling the hero without the weapons.
Nice , how did you created VTF format files ? (I mean the import options and settings) by the way here's something I made:
Nice , how did you created VTF format files ? (I mean the import options and settings).
The VMT I copied it straight from the base weapon material of the hero, and adding the links to the various vtfs for color, normal, etc.
I created the VTFs with Nem's Tools, by leaving everything standard. Don't know if that's the correct way to do it, but seems to work fine.
By the way, here's the link to my workshop submission. I'm going to change the texture quite a bit, but I'd love some feedback.. I'm kinda of a crappy texturer.
Hi guys, this thread is awesome!
Some really good submissions so far.
This is what I've been working on for the Tidehunter.
Let me know what you think, I've never submitted anything before but am reading up a lot on how to do it. I tried to meet the polygon and texture size requirements. I don't really understand the whole compiling part of it or even if I have to do it for a single weapon but i'm going to give it a try.
No zbrush, just a simple highpoly to bake the normals and then I handpainted the rest of the detail, in the future I would like to use zbrush as soon as I can get my hands on a working copy.
How big can an item be? I don't really have any idea what I'm doing on all fronts, but I wanted to try making a hat for Tidehunter based on the giant extinct fish, dunklesteus. Here's what I had so far...
@jwest: Great axe, but why put it on tidehunter? Doesn't really have a nautical theme to it. Seems like it'd be a perfect match for beastmaster, especially if you modified the skull a little to be more of a cow skull. He's not modifiable yet but i'd imagine he will be in the near future considering he recently got a cosmetic touch up.
@sparr: The general rule of thumb for item size is to not expand a heroes selection box. An item like this I'm pretty sure would be extending his visible area too far above and would create selection issues, unfortunately.
Something like this for comparison's sake would be much more acceptable:
More importantly it doesn't read very well. It's hard to tell what it is at first glance without explanation. I'd ditch the lower jaw and work on making the item sit better on the top of his head while better defining key structures like eyes and teeth. Try to make the item really feel attached to the character. 1 more thing the detailing looks a little bit too high and could look noisy when zoomed out.
Hey guys, after playing around with the SFM (Source Filmmaker) beta a bit today I noticed that it came with an updated version of the SourceSDK (at least as up to date as CS:GO's it seems (maybe more?)) and it seems to work a bit better than the Alien Swarm SDK for viewing Dota 2 models.
1: Install SFM and Launch the SDK
2: Create a new mod titled dota 2 beta
3: Click 'Open Game Directory in Explorer' & extract all your Dota 2 files into this folder (Don't worry about overwriting anything)
4: Restart the SFM SDK, select dota 2 beta from the mods dropdown located at the bottom of the list, fire up the model viewer and you're good to go!
Since it seems like Valve is handing out more SFM betas than CS:GO betas this could make for a good alternative and allow those in the beta access to a more advanced version of the model viewer than the Alien Swarm SDK provides.
Ah that's really good to know Mark, personally going to be trying to get my set in engine soon for some higher end tweaks. Speaking of which could use some feedback from you guys:
Pretty happy with where it's at right now but i sorta feel like the set lacks a bit of oompf and not really sure how i should go about adding it. Haven't really started on the textures just yet wanted to get some feedback.
Hey everyone, just figured I'd drop by and make a post here on this thread, I made a taunt for Rubick and wanted to share it, maybe hear out some thoughts as I like hearing what crits people have to offer.
Also, if anyone is making an item that would change a hero's animations or a new courier, I would be glad to help you with the rigging/animations. Thanks!
I skin the differents items ( lod 0 and lod 1 ) i make the texture as valve want but i don't know how submit my work if i had create a bundle ( all items in one file or each items one by one )
I have no idea to how compile my models and materials, i dont know how export in .mdl .
If someone can help to show how submit..
That looks great Walgrind, unfortunately I can't offer any help with submitting it as I am completely new to this process as well.
In fact I have a question regarding the weighting on the .ma files valve has made available. On some of the characters the weighting is a little off (points being pulled on the left leg when adducting/abducting the right). When/if I get around to trying to submit something, would I have to correct these weights or is my sole concern the weighting on the objects I've created?
Sorry if this has already been covered in this thread, I've skimmed it over a few times but I may have missed it.
I am working on a set for Kunkka inspired by Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast, what do you guys think?
Blue Rogue's Moonstone Monacle:
I am having a lot of trouble exporting the smd files and with the source sdk maya plugins and proll's plugins, is there an updated tutorial for exporting from maya 2012 to the dota workshop?
@Walgrind, the items would need in separate files - and if we take the Accepted part of the Dota Workshop as any indication, you will want to submit each item separately as well.
First, what modeling program are you using? You're gonna need to get some SMD exporter/importer plugins for it. To compile MDLs out of SMDs is a whole 'nother can of worms - a quick Google yielded this [ame=""]tutorial[/ame] (watch from 12:00 onward, the tutorial itself is for 3ds Max, but compiling is modeling program-independent.)
As for how to structure the zip file for each submission, check the 'General Submission Requirements' section here.
In fact I have a question regarding the weighting on the .ma files valve has made available. On some of the characters the weighting is a little off (points being pulled on the left leg when adducting/abducting the right). When/if I get around to trying to submit something, would I have to correct these weights or is my sole concern the weighting on the objects I've created?
I've noticed the source files that Valve provides are actually slightly different than the final in-game ones when de-compiled; including differences in bones and geometry. I'd say, go ahead and try your best to correct any errant weighing (on YOUR items only), as the weighing in the provided sources is being animated by a slightly different version of the skeleton/weighing that's present in the game files. The best way to pre-empt this is to use the bone structure/weighing of a decompiled version of the model so that everything is in sync.
Hmm, I've noticed they've put some models into dota, still unreleased but in the files. I have to say they look a bit different, for one I thought you were only supposed to have one smoothing group, but then it definitely seems to look like they've been added afterwards. I'm not sure the mask textures are on either.
So I figured it's about time I jumped onto this bandwagon and first up is a new lance for Phantom Lancer - a Feathered Naginata.
Current paintover of how I'm thinking to texture it, I'll probably crank through a few more iterations of color variations after I get back from Costco.
Has anyone given jigglebones a try to see if their supported with Dota 2 submissions? I'm assuming they are, but haven't got around to testing it myself yet.
@walgrind - Absolutely amazing, it fits Bloodseeker extremely well.
@Crazy - I've been torn over your Drow set. Part of me really loves the original concept that sort of looked like icy obsidian (although I almost feel as if all that detail would be lost in game ) and the other half of me really enjoys the current model. That being said I think the current texture comes across as far too blurry and lacks definition because of it. Perhaps try blending the two ideas - taking the textured look of your concept and merge it with the current models?
Also congrats to everyone who seems to have had their items 'unofficially' added in that last patch.
started about an hour yesterday blocking out a samurai themed item set
edit: going to use this as a base for a paint over after reading all the pdf's this is purely to block out some shapes, havent thought out the colouring yet
So, I can't really find info on it anywhere, but are we able to submit items from any of the characters that we can pull from the compiler? The tech requirements only list twelve characters on the dota 2 site, but I have seen things being uploaded for any number of the others. I've started hashing out a set for the Death Prophet in the mean time, I'm just not sure what to do with it once I finish.
I mentioned i was having some trouble earlier with exporting smd and compiling to mdl format. I can see my model in the alien swarm model viewer, but not when i go to test it in the dota publish tab. Has anybody else been in a similar situation?
i have a question about the couriers and mounted animals animations, im not sure about the courrier but the mounted animals, like on the Luna char, they look to the side they are changing the direction of the movement
i was trying to find what does that and i didnt found anything checking the valve documentation
i was expecting that they were controlling some bone, using a blend shape or blendin two animations
studying the donkey model on the npc build guide, i found on the run cycle two frame with the character looking to the side
anyone have some information on how they do that in game and if they do a blend between the two animation (run and looking to the side) what are the names of the files?
Hey guys, found your thread on my internet travels, some awesome work in here!
I've had a go at creating some models, but when it comes to doing the UV map and texturing, I have 0 knowledge. A lot of you guys have some awesome textures that suite the style of the game so well and I was hoping someone could point me to a few decent UV mapping tutorials and texturing tutorials (even better if they're game related!).
I'd like to contribute to the dota 2 store, and post here in the future, but I have a lot to learn before doing either :P.
I don't do any 3D modelling, although I enjoy sharing ideas with people in the Steam workshop. I have a concept for a Broodmother set that I wanted to share with you all. I was trying to get a modeller to go with my idea but he ended up not using it, and I didn't want it to go to waste.
I just want to be really clear about what is my own work, and what isn't. The helmet/back armour was designed by ZzREDzZ, so I'm NOT suggesting that you design that, just ignore it. (Or do your own take on it)
His workshop page is here:
So, my idea was to expand on the armour theme and to do some leg plates.
Basically, the plates follow the natural spikey look of Brood's legs. I've tried to make them light-looking, so not big and bulky.
I know, I'm horrific at drawing. But if anyone sees that and feels inspired to make something out of it, feel free. If you do, let me know as I'd love to see it in 3D!
Great stuff guys. Seriously. Walgrind. That is a sweet bloodseeker outfit. Is that new modeled or just a skin paint?
Guys, I just uploaded my set and I strictly submitted source files of OBJs and TGAs. I also talked to the MAYA to Source Tutorial creator Nauz to see if he would write up a DOTA 2 specific compile setup, as the file structures are different and it could be helpful for item testing. I could probably write one myself, but I need to get back to some other work.
i have a question about the couriers and mounted animals animations, im not sure about the courrier but the mounted animals, like on the Luna char, they look to the side they are changing the direction of the movement
i was trying to find what does that and i didnt found anything checking the valve documentation
i was expecting that they were controlling some bone, using a blend shape or blendin two animations
studying the donkey model on the npc build guide, i found on the run cycle two frame with the character looking to the side
anyone have some information on how they do that in game and if they do a blend between the two animation (run and looking to the side) what are the names of the files?
Your .qc will look something like this (UNTESTED, SO NO PROMISES):
//Model definition Stuff ^
// Ground animation requirements
$sequence run "run.smd" fps 30
$sequence idle "idle.smd" fps 30
$sequence death "death.smd" fps 30
$sequence spawn "spawn.smd" fps 30
// Animation Blending begins
// First, define the three states you want to blend
$animation turn_right "turn_right.smd"// Single frame animation SMD at maximum turn right
$animation turn_no "turn_no.smd"// Single frame animation SMD going straight
$animation turn_left "turn_left.smd"// Single frame animation SMD at max turn left
// Then, tell the compiler that you want to mesh these together
$sequence turning {
turn_left turn_no turn_right // Creates a [3, 1] array of animations to blend from
blendwidth 3// Basically sets the array into a coordinate system, making turn_no (0,0)
blend turning -11// Tells the blend which coordinates in that system to be able to choose from.
// (-1, 0) is completely turned left, (1, 0) is completely turned right.
And that might do it.
Just make sure your turning slider in the Model Viewer operates the same as the default courier. If it's backwards, then you'll be turning left when he's actually turning right, making for some sick drifting.
When you submit something to the workshop, does it go up almost immediately or does it take a certain amount of time? I tried to submit last night but it looks like there may have been some error as there is nothing listed in my workshop files.
Submitted the horns again and it worked this time around. Although, I am getting some hate from people already it would seem. Anyways, if it strikes you as something you'd like, give it some upvotes.
Submitted the horns again and it worked this time around. Although, I am getting some hate from people already it would seem. Anyways, if it strikes you as something you'd like, give it some upvotes.
it just need the first to say something negative to make the others follow...
I like very much your courier , his shape and his style, it's very "dota" like ,don't worry.
Its legs are maybe too "stick" (more meat in the thighs) but if its legs are more ckicken you can scale his feet (more assumed and exaggerated ) like this
In dota a "courier" walk on the map at his first lvl and flight after upgrade, so your dragon must walk (with his wings closed maybe) and flight after.(and request to Valve that they musn't add white wings on your dragon)
I was under the impression that painting an emiss map in mask1.tga would pull the color of the light to be emitted from the corresponding color map. Is this correct or does painting an emiss map just mean that it's always 100% illuminated (inside the engine, that is) ?
Also, how strict is the poly budget on items? I'm something like 30 tris over the given number (as found on the official guidelines). Is it a hard cutoff or is it more of a guideline ?
So I'm working on this sword for either Kunkka or Tidehunter (probably fits better with Kunkka's lore) that I'm calling "sword of the nautilus". The idea is, it has somewhat of a ships helm design on the hilt, and will have some spiral "nautilus" designs on the texture. Do you guys this I should even bother finishing/submitting this? I feel like I have art block
@Twoflower I really like the hammer, the handle is the weakest bit though, the spiral pattern just doesn't work well and lacks the hand painted quality the rest of it has. I think a flat texture with a bit of detailing at the top and bottom like the rest would work better.
The head of the hammer also looks a bit off, i'd remove the cracks from the corners and try to get a worn area where the hammer would actually be smacking things, maybe put some cracks there?
you can get an invite and some items in the store for 30.
also, I've found out a little trick for heroes like CK that are yet to get separate parts.
If you edit the .VMT for the item you want to hide, you can put the command $alpha 0 and it will make that item invisible, this should work as long as that specific item has a separate material from the main hero model (which should almost always be the case I think). This work like a charm, and is much faster than re-compiling the hero without the weapons.
Nice , how did you created VTF format files ? (I mean the import options and settings) by the way here's something I made:
Have anyone sucesfully tested models in new dota2 test mode ? I can see my model in Alien Swarm - SDK but it's empty in dota2 viewer...
The VMT I copied it straight from the base weapon material of the hero, and adding the links to the various vtfs for color, normal, etc.
I created the VTFs with Nem's Tools, by leaving everything standard. Don't know if that's the correct way to do it, but seems to work fine.
By the way, here's the link to my workshop submission. I'm going to change the texture quite a bit, but I'd love some feedback.. I'm kinda of a crappy texturer.
Some really good submissions so far.
This is what I've been working on for the Tidehunter.
Let me know what you think, I've never submitted anything before but am reading up a lot on how to do it. I tried to meet the polygon and texture size requirements. I don't really understand the whole compiling part of it or even if I have to do it for a single weapon but i'm going to give it a try.
AWESOME work jwest,i loved the concept and the texture.
That purple light gave a really nice look to the blade
Thanks man!
@sparr: The general rule of thumb for item size is to not expand a heroes selection box. An item like this I'm pretty sure would be extending his visible area too far above and would create selection issues, unfortunately.
Something like this for comparison's sake would be much more acceptable:
More importantly it doesn't read very well. It's hard to tell what it is at first glance without explanation. I'd ditch the lower jaw and work on making the item sit better on the top of his head while better defining key structures like eyes and teeth. Try to make the item really feel attached to the character. 1 more thing the detailing looks a little bit too high and could look noisy when zoomed out.
i wish i could texture like you two
are there any guides for this?
i think that can help
It's a pretty basic install and follows more or less the same setup as if you were using the Alien Swarm SDK. You will need GCFScape installed in order to extract your Dota 2 files (details on how to do that can be found in comfy blanket's post).
1: Install SFM and Launch the SDK
2: Create a new mod titled dota 2 beta
3: Click 'Open Game Directory in Explorer' & extract all your Dota 2 files into this folder (Don't worry about overwriting anything)
4: Restart the SFM SDK, select dota 2 beta from the mods dropdown located at the bottom of the list, fire up the model viewer and you're good to go!
Since it seems like Valve is handing out more SFM betas than CS:GO betas this could make for a good alternative and allow those in the beta access to a more advanced version of the model viewer than the Alien Swarm SDK provides.
Give it a shot and see how well it works for you
Pretty happy with where it's at right now but i sorta feel like the set lacks a bit of oompf and not really sure how i should go about adding it. Haven't really started on the textures just yet wanted to get some feedback.
Any suggestions/ crits appreciated!
Also, if anyone is making an item that would change a hero's animations or a new courier, I would be glad to help you with the rigging/animations. Thanks!
I just finish my Raven BloodSeeker .
I skin the differents items ( lod 0 and lod 1 ) i make the texture as valve want but i don't know how submit my work if i had create a bundle ( all items in one file or each items one by one )
I have no idea to how compile my models and materials, i dont know how export in .mdl .
If someone can help to show how submit..
good job to everyone
In fact I have a question regarding the weighting on the .ma files valve has made available. On some of the characters the weighting is a little off (points being pulled on the left leg when adducting/abducting the right). When/if I get around to trying to submit something, would I have to correct these weights or is my sole concern the weighting on the objects I've created?
Sorry if this has already been covered in this thread, I've skimmed it over a few times but I may have missed it.
Blue Rogue's Moonstone Monacle:
I am having a lot of trouble exporting the smd files and with the source sdk maya plugins and proll's plugins, is there an updated tutorial for exporting from maya 2012 to the dota workshop?
First, what modeling program are you using? You're gonna need to get some SMD exporter/importer plugins for it. To compile MDLs out of SMDs is a whole 'nother can of worms - a quick Google yielded this [ame=""]tutorial[/ame] (watch from 12:00 onward, the tutorial itself is for 3ds Max, but compiling is modeling program-independent.)
As for how to structure the zip file for each submission, check the 'General Submission Requirements' section here.
I've noticed the source files that Valve provides are actually slightly different than the final in-game ones when de-compiled; including differences in bones and geometry. I'd say, go ahead and try your best to correct any errant weighing (on YOUR items only), as the weighing in the provided sources is being animated by a slightly different version of the skeleton/weighing that's present in the game files. The best way to pre-empt this is to use the bone structure/weighing of a decompiled version of the model so that everything is in sync.
Finally finished my Eastern Desperado Set
Hope you guys all like it
Current paintover of how I'm thinking to texture it, I'll probably crank through a few more iterations of color variations after I get back from Costco.
Has anyone given jigglebones a try to see if their supported with Dota 2 submissions? I'm assuming they are, but haven't got around to testing it myself yet.
@walgrind - Absolutely amazing, it fits Bloodseeker extremely well.
@Crazy - I've been torn over your Drow set. Part of me really loves the original concept that sort of looked like icy obsidian (although I almost feel as if all that detail would be lost in game ) and the other half of me really enjoys the current model. That being said I think the current texture comes across as far too blurry and lacks definition because of it. Perhaps try blending the two ideas - taking the textured look of your concept and merge it with the current models?
Also congrats to everyone who seems to have had their items 'unofficially' added in that last patch.
edit: going to use this as a base for a paint over after reading all the pdf's this is purely to block out some shapes, havent thought out the colouring yet
i have a question about the couriers and mounted animals animations, im not sure about the courrier but the mounted animals, like on the Luna char, they look to the side they are changing the direction of the movement
i was trying to find what does that and i didnt found anything checking the valve documentation
i was expecting that they were controlling some bone, using a blend shape or blendin two animations
studying the donkey model on the npc build guide, i found on the run cycle two frame with the character looking to the side
anyone have some information on how they do that in game and if they do a blend between the two animation (run and looking to the side) what are the names of the files?
I've had a go at creating some models, but when it comes to doing the UV map and texturing, I have 0 knowledge. A lot of you guys have some awesome textures that suite the style of the game so well and I was hoping someone could point me to a few decent UV mapping tutorials and texturing tutorials (even better if they're game related!).
I'd like to contribute to the dota 2 store, and post here in the future, but I have a lot to learn before doing either :P.
Thanks in advance!
I don't do any 3D modelling, although I enjoy sharing ideas with people in the Steam workshop. I have a concept for a Broodmother set that I wanted to share with you all. I was trying to get a modeller to go with my idea but he ended up not using it, and I didn't want it to go to waste.
I just want to be really clear about what is my own work, and what isn't. The helmet/back armour was designed by ZzREDzZ, so I'm NOT suggesting that you design that, just ignore it. (Or do your own take on it)
His workshop page is here:
So, my idea was to expand on the armour theme and to do some leg plates.
Basically, the plates follow the natural spikey look of Brood's legs. I've tried to make them light-looking, so not big and bulky.
I know, I'm horrific at drawing. But if anyone sees that and feels inspired to make something out of it, feel free. If you do, let me know as I'd love to see it in 3D!
Guys, I just uploaded my set and I strictly submitted source files of OBJs and TGAs. I also talked to the MAYA to Source Tutorial creator Nauz to see if he would write up a DOTA 2 specific compile setup, as the file structures are different and it could be helpful for item testing. I could probably write one myself, but I need to get back to some other work.
Everyone please vote on my set.
There are five items in all. Thanks.
You'll need to use a sequence blend:
Your .qc will look something like this (UNTESTED, SO NO PROMISES):
- //Model definition Stuff ^
- // Ground animation requirements
- $sequence run "run.smd" fps 30
- $sequence idle "idle.smd" fps 30
- $sequence death "death.smd" fps 30
- $sequence spawn "spawn.smd" fps 30
- // Animation Blending begins
- // First, define the three states you want to blend
- $animation turn_right "turn_right.smd" // Single frame animation SMD at maximum turn right
- $animation turn_no "turn_no.smd" // Single frame animation SMD going straight
- $animation turn_left "turn_left.smd" // Single frame animation SMD at max turn left
- // Then, tell the compiler that you want to mesh these together
- $sequence turning {
- turn_left turn_no turn_right // Creates a [3, 1] array of animations to blend from
- blendwidth 3 // Basically sets the array into a coordinate system, making turn_no (0,0)
- blend turning -1 1 // Tells the blend which coordinates in that system to be able to choose from.
- // (-1, 0) is completely turned left, (1, 0) is completely turned right.
- }
And that might do it.Just make sure your turning slider in the Model Viewer operates the same as the default courier. If it's backwards, then you'll be turning left when he's actually turning right, making for some sick drifting.
Great OpethRockr
i was testing the turn slider on the alienswarm SDK and its exactly that.
on the mirana char, apparently it have an animation called turns with all the states, in your example there is 3 smds for the 3 states.
when exporting a smd is possible to define just a frame as a frame range?
for example, i have my turn left at the end of my run, can i export the run.smd, the turn_right and turn_left.smd from one single file?
and really thanks for you reply, i think it wraps everything i wanted to know to start a corrier =]
Yes, it is entirely possible (and smarter) to export a single SMD with those three states inside.
First, export a three frame SMD with the states, and define your animations thusly:
Order is arbitrary: you could have turn_no be frame 1 or whatever. Everything else should be the same.
Submitted the horns again and it worked this time around. Although, I am getting some hate from people already it would seem. Anyways, if it strikes you as something you'd like, give it some upvotes.
Expect the hate. Most can't do, so that is all they have.
it just need the first to say something negative to make the others follow...
i commented there, hope that helps =]
im working on a courier, something like a chicken dragon, and i have some questions
(its just a blocked model with low details. The colors are just to separate the main parts)
1- do you guys think this one could fit on the Dota universe? i saw some cute couriers that made me think that something more "cartoony" would fit
2 - the chicken legs, works? maybe longer? or maybe cut it of and return to a normal dragon leg?
3 - any sugestion?
Its legs are maybe too "stick" (more meat in the thighs) but if its legs are more ckicken you can scale his feet (more assumed and exaggerated ) like this
In dota a "courier" walk on the map at his first lvl and flight after upgrade, so your dragon must walk (with his wings closed maybe) and flight after.(and request to Valve that they musn't add white wings on your dragon)
I look forward to see your futur work !
need to make an emissiv map for it but don't know how mask_1 and mask_2 works yet
its explained here:
basically you need to put your emissive mask in the alpha channel of mask1.tga (you cant use colour obviously)
Also, how strict is the poly budget on items? I'm something like 30 tris over the given number (as found on the official guidelines). Is it a hard cutoff or is it more of a guideline ?
The head of the hammer also looks a bit off, i'd remove the cracks from the corners and try to get a worn area where the hammer would actually be smacking things, maybe put some cracks there?