Dude. Dude. Haha. Just kidding. Listen. Export all files at 256 by 256. Using a texture border of 4. In maya, if you are doing point light and occlusion passes, do a texture border of 6 to match up. That way, if u have to go to 128, you won't have any problems. There you go.
For those that are having problems with the fbx imports. this is how i do it :
first :
decompile the part that u need. If u need the weapon, decompile it from the game then import to maya and then bind it to your model. Dont forget to delete history and freeze transformations. Clean all trash data from your model. Check hypergraph for unused nodes. You need to select the whole bone hierarchy from the root to the bone atached to your item. So click on the root then go edit>select hierarchy then with shift pressed click on the rest of the meshes you want to export. then you can export as FBX. This way you dont really need to change the original maya orientation, and i dont have positioning problems inside the game engine anymore.
Ok, Now im having a huge problem. My model is ready and all textures seems to work. But the compression is killing me, my textures are getting lots of artefacts does anyone know a way to get around the image compression from the build in compiler? i can save files really small but the compiler messes it all up. im trying to find a solution with the VTF Edit, but im getting the same artefacts from the dota2 compressor.
photoshop jpeg compressed (13kb and low quality loss that's what i want !!)
as you can see, if u zoom enough, there is a serius yellow bleeding, its turns out to be annoying on the game. Im thinking about get rid of this shield already, too big for those textures.
Dota item making is primitive. There really is no need for you not to be self-contained. I'm only now realizing the limitations. The amount of design that is withheld is minimal.;)
Been sitting on these for a week, figured Id upload them today after the disaster that was the omniknight sword, haha. Jack and I had some unused concept from the polycount contest and I really loved the shape of these weapons so I figured I'd bring them to life.
Ok, Now im having a huge problem. My model is ready and all textures seems to work. But the compression is killing me, my textures are getting lots of artefacts does anyone know a way to get around the image compression from the build in compiler? i can save files really small but the compiler messes it all up. im trying to find a solution with the VTF Edit, but im getting the same artefacts from the dota2 compressor.
Make sure your video settings are turned to max in game, one setting is set down a notch by default and cases some pretty nasty compression if its now maxed.
Hey guys, long time lurker here, just finished up an item for the Dota 2 Workshop. Please rate and critique
"Forged amongst hellfire and brimstone, the Firebrand was discovered shortly after Clinkz's battle with the demon Maraxiform. After the fallen protector of the Hoven lands defeated the demon, he seized the Firebrand from the very depths of hell itself. Just as Clinkz was born anew in hellfire, so too was his newly claimed weapon."
photoshop jpeg compressed (13kb and low quality loss that's what i want !!)
as you can see, if u zoom enough, there is a serius yellow bleeding, its turns out to be annoying on the game. Im thinking about get rid of this shield already, too big for those textures.
i guess i will never get this quality on my low res textures due compression. Even the low res maps on maya looks ok.
that what i was imagining
the dota texture have some insane limitations, they are using just one map of 1024 x 1024 for each character, which leads to some really small textures to the objects
to avoid those artifacts you should try to mirror the uvs to get more resolution
also you could try to use more of the space, let me show you an example
this is the spirit bear im doing with a friend for the contest
see that almost everything is mirrored? the texture limit for the spirit bear is 512 x 512 so is like im using a 1024x512, its a lot more pixels to spare
check how i get closed to the border, as the textures will be joined togheter to create just one, you can get near the borde with no worries
another detail is the size of the head on the texture, as it will appear on the portrait it have much more resolution then the rest of the body, parts that will not appear to much like the botton part of the feet i used fewer pixels
if you manage to use better the pixels on your textures, you will get rid of those artifacts
but that is not easy, you need a lot of trial and error
Been sitting on these for a week, figured Id upload them today after the disaster that was the omniknight sword, haha. Jack and I had some unused concept from the polycount contest and I really loved the shape of these weapons so I figured I'd bring them to life.
Just noticed that a majority of workshop entries are dishonestly posting rendered and tweaked images that look nothing like their in game items. That is just sad. I wish their was a button that says illustrated objects don't reflect the in game items.
Naga! Qop! Some of them use their fancy renders for the preview image, which means the first image you see. It is just dishonest. You look at the game image from the compiler and the same item just looks flat. Human beings are easily manipulated and fooled. They can't separate the fantasy, photoshop render from the real thing.
Because you aren't noted on this board for your honesty. Remember that?
You know whats worst, reposting the same item again.
Like I said earlier, your over exaggeration the situation. There is nothing wrong, at all, with what they did. It's not dishonest, its not lying to anyone, its just a cleaner way to present the work that was created. Besides, its not like she didn't include in game previews as well. It's all there plus more.
You know whats worst, reposting the same item again.
Like I said earlier, your over exaggeration the situation. There is nothing wrong, at all, with what they did. It's not dishonest, its not lying to anyone, its just a cleaner way to present the work that was created. Besides, its not like she didn't include in game previews as well. It's all there plus more.
Stop being stupid.
Yeah, because my original items weren't submitted with the compiler and weren't the correct LOD, so I should just leave them, never to let them regain their fame. Stop being lame, Helenek. No one cares that you rip off the textures and geometry of valve's items and then pass them off as your own. It is cool.
Naga! Qop! Some of them use their fancy renders for the preview image, which means the first image you see. It is just dishonest. You look at the game image from the compiler and the same item just looks flat. Human beings are easily manipulated and fooled. They can't separate the fantasy, photoshop render from the real thing.
The examples you gave are not fancy renders, they are realtime viewport shaders. With no official item set previewer in game this is a viable alternative that shows these items off in a realtime environment that's about as close as your going to get to viewing them in game.
Im going to go out on a limb here and ask, how did you create your item set screenshots? it looks like your using the same process that you are accusing these artists of.
Look at the preview images. Simple as that. I'll give you the examples.
It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks like in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest.
Look at the preview images. Simple as that. I'll give you the examples.
It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest.
^^Proving he is the most retarded individual on the polycount forums.
"It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest." -SinAmos
He spouts this bullshit, then posts that as his preview thumbnail image.
"We author source textures 4 times larger than the in-game size for painting and promotional purposes. E.g. a typical weapon has texture resolution of 256x256 pixels in game but source art is 1024x1024"
All of the images mentioned are well within the clearly defined boundaries, and from what i have read these artists go out of their way to reproduce images that match the in game assets.
The preview image is a clean image. It is not juiced up. I can juice it up by rendering a Zbrush sculpt. That would be even better. Than, I'll add some trim and then use the hero's body as contrast. Haha. The preview image is what I'm talking about, Helenek. I didn't do anything to the actual item. Do you see any smooth, painted, illustrated edges? No you don't. Even in the set image, those are the real items with the real 256 or 128 images. There is no need to lie.
Can you notice a difference? I wouldn't vote up the sword from the compiler, but boy, would I vote up the image above it. You can't get that image in the game. It just isn't going to happen.
"It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest." -SinAmos
He spouts this bullshit, then posts that as his preview thumbnail image.
That is the actual render of the actual item with the actual maps according to the game. No flowing colors. The images I present as dishonest look painted, but I shouldn't expect you to be able to see this. You aren't any kind of artist, right? Just a handle and texture stealer? Haha. Anyway, I'm finished with this point. It is obvious. Time to start using some Photoshop actions and get that paint look.
You're slamming those previous images for having a "fancy trim" and then your render has a shitty mosaic tile filter on it. And the images of Anuxinamoon's items from the in game compiler are pretty similar to the ones from the render with all of the items together because they're the same items... That look you describe as "painted" is because the textures are well done and at a higher resolution than the in game items for presentation purposes. But I shouldn't expect you to be able to see this.
Don't worry. I'm working on a preview image that is going to blow those out of the water. I'll post it when I finish. And no, it isn't because of high quality images. Nice try though.
Don't worry. I'm working on a preview image that is going to blow those out of the water. I'll post it when I finish. And no, it isn't because of high quality images. Nice try though.
"The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important"
you said it right SinAmos
so why dont you stop blaming the other and learn something about what makes something appealing to the eyes, you choose white as the background of your itens, it amost fade you objects turning it black and swallowing all the details
you should try to LEARN before attacking the other guys or workshop submitions, that attitude is awkward
later we will be discussing the photoshop on nude pictures or how fake is a woman with make-up.
i will get yours and anuxi´s art as examples
she chooses a clean font without serif, easy to read at distance or in a thumbnail
the color of the font was choose from the character color pallet, the orange have a appealing contrast with the grayish blue as they are opposite colors on the color well
also the font is probably a professional font, with a lot of study in the spacing and weight of each character, wich makes it even more readable.
look at yours font, some free font from a zip that you downloaded looking for "medieval fonts" on google
anuxis background uses the same color scheme of the character but less saturated, wich makes the character stand from it
look the saturation of yours, even your character is like you contrasted the colors, the black are too dark we can barelly see the details
look the details of the placement of the anuxis naga on the frame, its pleasable to look at it, she also drawn a shadow under the character to define the ground and make it more believable to the eyes
you just added the default yellow glow of the layer options on the photoshop, which made your font harder to read and made your blacks stronger to the eye
did you think about why a bright frame on the imagem? that helps the eye to define better the image on the site background
before you start to defense yourself as you ALWAYS do, think about what i wrote and see that on your image, see the mistakes you did and LEARN with it
im an architect and i had a huge amount of art classes, at least about that i know what im talking, so plz, dont be a child to deny everything i said and try to learn, at least something...
The truth is I didn't spend a year on the display, because I was more concerned with the actual geometry limitations, mask utilization, and technical details. That is the point. I did the other files fast, because that isn't the real work, but my discovery was that that didn't matter. People in workshop are shopping lies and I get it. Their images don't match what they are selling. I am going to reload some images, which will drive the point home. It is all about the packaging and selling. It has nothing to do with the actual content. I just hadn't been paying attention to the current entries until recently. This new deception is fine, but it doesn't make it any less of a deception. You can't sell people inferior products unless you juice them. Everyone needs the juice. It was just a rude awakening that I didn't want to adapt to, but I am going to. Besides this, the limitations leave only ugly items. The amount of ugly items in the game takes away some of the original excitement. The test for me is to try to create content that defies the ugly the limitations create. It is great that people can cover up the ugly, but it doesn't take away from the truth. Some creators actually do a real good job with their items and don't use the paint brush imagery.
You're not selling shit on the Workshop, it's for the community to filter the user-submitted items worth Valve's time.
The Store isn't the Workshop.
As for the store icons? I don't know where you live but if it's somewhere on Earth then you must be aware that marketing fucking matters. The store icon is purely there to entice people to click and see what's inside, it doesn't matter what it is. All of these submissions that you're bitching about have in-game screenshots attached, your argument is just beyond pointless.
Have you seen the community's reaction to a submission with an awesome store icon and no in-game screenshots? It's very negative, people won't vote on anything unless they see what it looks like in-game.
The beauty shots are there to show a clear, unobstructed view of the item which is something the in-game compiler doesn't allow.
SinAmos, thats exactly right, you havnt been paying much attention at all. Take a step back and think about exactly what your saying, do you really think its a smart choice to publicly shit all over some of these contest submissions? is it clever to do that on the workshop and on the forum hosting said contest? and all over artists who have been long standing contributing members of this community.
Wouldn't it have been more constructive to just send the artists in question a polite private message and inquire? because right now all im seeing is a petty, jealous artist trying to pull others down instead of build them up.
I'm not putting anyone down, but speaking truth. I don't care if people are offended by the truth. I know everyone wants to live in their own bubble, but what I'm saying isn't false. You can make all the excuses want, but it doesn't take away from facts.
"it's for the community to filter the user-submitted items worth Valve's time" - so, it would be important for the submissions to be more meat than potatoes? I see a lot of 5 stars on this pretty picture icons, but when you look at the actual in game item, it just isn't that pretty. I'm being honest. I know honesty is a scary prospect.
I see some really good submissions that don't use the fantasy imagery, but I see more and more fantasy glamor shots. The filter is being deceived. I get it. We live in an INSTAGRAM age, where everyone is trying to make everything more pretty than it is. I really wish the workshop was about making some awesome items, but the LOD limit really makes it difficult. I put together a twisted rope that no one has even conceived, but the limitations of the count is really difficult for the beauty of any artists geometry to shine.
This isn't real, but this is what the workshop is about. I get it. I'll adapt.
The beauty shots are there to show a clear, unobstructed view of the item which is something the in-game compiler doesn't allow.
In a perfect world:
Not that I should say this and I love Valve but blame them for not having some kind of previewing option:poly136:. The screen they allow us to have now to see the items is so small we have no choice but to make bigger renders.
Also you can view the characters running around in the world a lot closer than the item preview window, they need a zoom option or something in their and no one can use renders from applications other than the in-game previewer.
In reality:
We have no choice, you can do It too no one is talking down to you, if you can make pretty images like anux's then go for It, ask anux herself though after slandering her for false advertising and lack of details to her items might put you in a bad light and in reality not only to her but to studios viewing these forums.:poly141:
Okay now that zbrush render above is a bad move on that person's part but he is doing what he can to get his item some attention at least but yea that is a pretty manipulative image, I can agree their.
But that is for the user to decide the person debating on whether or not to purchase that item.
This forum belongs to us. Just like Dota belongs to us. If you are afraid of the studio, that is up to you. I'm looking at beauty shots that don't appear with the real ITEMS with the real TEXTURES. Sorry, but that is dishonesty. Give me the real LOD preview with the real 256X128 or 256X256 textures. Stop making excuses. I want to see the real thing. There are some really good items that use in game previews as their images. I see really good work, where the artist works with in the limitations. I don't believe giving free passes for whatever reason you want to give. That being said, that should be the point. The people who do good work should be rewarded, where as the people that try to manipulate, should not be rewarded.
What is the point of doing all the hard work on the LOD and LOD1? Reward that great use of limited geometry. Glamor shots shouldn't be the push from the community.
I just made that image to prove a point. I don't want to have to do that, so I join the mainstream dishonesty push by the users that were talking crap about the facts I was laying out.
Dude. Dude. Haha. Just kidding. Listen. Export all files at 256 by 256. Using a texture border of 4. In maya, if you are doing point light and occlusion passes, do a texture border of 6 to match up. That way, if u have to go to 128, you won't have any problems. There you go.
can you show those artefacts and the uv you made?
original uv (snapshot) and texture.
compiler compressed texture 17kb
photoshop jpeg compressed (13kb and low quality loss that's what i want !!)
as you can see, if u zoom enough, there is a serius yellow bleeding, its turns out to be annoying on the game. Im thinking about get rid of this shield already, too big for those textures.
this is how the whole thing looks with 1k maps on maya :
i guess i will never get this quality on my low res textures due compression. Even the low res maps on maya looks ok.
Dota item making is primitive. There really is no need for you not to be self-contained. I'm only now realizing the limitations. The amount of design that is withheld is minimal.;)
Direct Links
There is another guy doing a Dazzle set for the poly count contest, who is experiencing the exact same problem in the last few weeks.
He says he's tried uploading items on other characters and it works fine, so it might just be Dazzle that's the problem.
Does anyone know of a good way to contact valve about this issue?
Make sure your video settings are turned to max in game, one setting is set down a notch by default and cases some pretty nasty compression if its now maxed.
"Forged amongst hellfire and brimstone, the Firebrand was discovered shortly after Clinkz's battle with the demon Maraxiform. After the fallen protector of the Hoven lands defeated the demon, he seized the Firebrand from the very depths of hell itself. Just as Clinkz was born anew in hellfire, so too was his newly claimed weapon."
that what i was imagining
the dota texture have some insane limitations, they are using just one map of 1024 x 1024 for each character, which leads to some really small textures to the objects
to avoid those artifacts you should try to mirror the uvs to get more resolution
also you could try to use more of the space, let me show you an example
this is the spirit bear im doing with a friend for the contest
see that almost everything is mirrored? the texture limit for the spirit bear is 512 x 512 so is like im using a 1024x512, its a lot more pixels to spare
check how i get closed to the border, as the textures will be joined togheter to create just one, you can get near the borde with no worries
another detail is the size of the head on the texture, as it will appear on the portrait it have much more resolution then the rest of the body, parts that will not appear to much like the botton part of the feet i used fewer pixels
if you manage to use better the pixels on your textures, you will get rid of those artifacts
but that is not easy, you need a lot of trial and error
good luck =]
i hope that helped
great work Helenek =]
I didn't know there was a courier entry for the contest. Crazy.
poses not indicative on final anim
Finally posted it on the workshop, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=108934470&searchtext=
spirit bear sounds awesome Thiago!
I would love to animate that!
5 star from me.
That courier is awesome it should have no problems getting accepted
no there isnt =]
its the lone druid´s summon
just for beeing a courier already have a problem to be accepted =]
all custom animated items are getting delayed to be in game or are not entering for now, how many custom courier did you guys saw in game?
as far as i know the tegu was made by someone not from valve but was in a time that they were asking artist to help with some models
btw, great model spacemonkey, im really happy that you manage to finish it.
congrats and continue the good work =]
You know whats worst, reposting the same item again.
Like I said earlier, your over exaggeration the situation. There is nothing wrong, at all, with what they did. It's not dishonest, its not lying to anyone, its just a cleaner way to present the work that was created. Besides, its not like she didn't include in game previews as well. It's all there plus more.
Stop being stupid.
Yeah, because my original items weren't submitted with the compiler and weren't the correct LOD, so I should just leave them, never to let them regain their fame. Stop being lame, Helenek. No one cares that you rip off the textures and geometry of valve's items and then pass them off as your own. It is cool.
The examples you gave are not fancy renders, they are realtime viewport shaders. With no official item set previewer in game this is a viable alternative that shows these items off in a realtime environment that's about as close as your going to get to viewing them in game.
Im going to go out on a limb here and ask, how did you create your item set screenshots? it looks like your using the same process that you are accusing these artists of.
It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks like in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest.
^^Proving he is the most retarded individual on the polycount forums.
This is a beautiful image, but it has no reality to it. Sorry, just the truth, but most don't care about the truth.
This is a beautiful image, but it has no reality to it. Sorry, just the truth, but most don't care about the truth.
"It is okay to have juiced up images in all the images, but these preview images are dishonest. Sorry, they just are. The human eye is primitive, so the first impression is really important. They get the vote on the preview image, but that isn't what the item looks in the game. The in game COMPILER image should be the preview. Even having the fancy trim and and hero in the background is dishonest. It is cool. I get it. The items don't look that good without all the juice. I just think it is dishonest." -SinAmos
He spouts this bullshit, then posts that as his preview thumbnail image.
Valve clearly states,
"We author source textures 4 times larger than the in-game size for painting and promotional purposes. E.g. a typical weapon has texture resolution of 256x256 pixels in game but source art is 1024x1024"
All of the images mentioned are well within the clearly defined boundaries, and from what i have read these artists go out of their way to reproduce images that match the in game assets.
Can you notice a difference? I wouldn't vote up the sword from the compiler, but boy, would I vote up the image above it. You can't get that image in the game. It just isn't going to happen.
That is the actual render of the actual item with the actual maps according to the game. No flowing colors. The images I present as dishonest look painted, but I shouldn't expect you to be able to see this. You aren't any kind of artist, right? Just a handle and texture stealer? Haha. Anyway, I'm finished with this point. It is obvious. Time to start using some Photoshop actions and get that paint look.
Don't worry. I'm working on a preview image that is going to blow those out of the water. I'll post it when I finish. And no, it isn't because of high quality images. Nice try though.
I can't wait to see.
you said it right SinAmos
so why dont you stop blaming the other and learn something about what makes something appealing to the eyes, you choose white as the background of your itens, it amost fade you objects turning it black and swallowing all the details
you should try to LEARN before attacking the other guys or workshop submitions, that attitude is awkward
later we will be discussing the photoshop on nude pictures or how fake is a woman with make-up.
i will get yours and anuxi´s art as examples
she chooses a clean font without serif, easy to read at distance or in a thumbnail
the color of the font was choose from the character color pallet, the orange have a appealing contrast with the grayish blue as they are opposite colors on the color well
also the font is probably a professional font, with a lot of study in the spacing and weight of each character, wich makes it even more readable.
look at yours font, some free font from a zip that you downloaded looking for "medieval fonts" on google
anuxis background uses the same color scheme of the character but less saturated, wich makes the character stand from it
look the saturation of yours, even your character is like you contrasted the colors, the black are too dark we can barelly see the details
look the details of the placement of the anuxis naga on the frame, its pleasable to look at it, she also drawn a shadow under the character to define the ground and make it more believable to the eyes
you just added the default yellow glow of the layer options on the photoshop, which made your font harder to read and made your blacks stronger to the eye
did you think about why a bright frame on the imagem? that helps the eye to define better the image on the site background
before you start to defense yourself as you ALWAYS do, think about what i wrote and see that on your image, see the mistakes you did and LEARN with it
im an architect and i had a huge amount of art classes, at least about that i know what im talking, so plz, dont be a child to deny everything i said and try to learn, at least something...
Someone should report Valve for false advertising, these images take advantage of my primitive eyes.
The Store isn't the Workshop.
As for the store icons? I don't know where you live but if it's somewhere on Earth then you must be aware that marketing fucking matters. The store icon is purely there to entice people to click and see what's inside, it doesn't matter what it is. All of these submissions that you're bitching about have in-game screenshots attached, your argument is just beyond pointless.
Have you seen the community's reaction to a submission with an awesome store icon and no in-game screenshots? It's very negative, people won't vote on anything unless they see what it looks like in-game.
The beauty shots are there to show a clear, unobstructed view of the item which is something the in-game compiler doesn't allow.
Wouldn't it have been more constructive to just send the artists in question a polite private message and inquire? because right now all im seeing is a petty, jealous artist trying to pull others down instead of build them up.
"it's for the community to filter the user-submitted items worth Valve's time" - so, it would be important for the submissions to be more meat than potatoes? I see a lot of 5 stars on this pretty picture icons, but when you look at the actual in game item, it just isn't that pretty. I'm being honest. I know honesty is a scary prospect.
I see some really good submissions that don't use the fantasy imagery, but I see more and more fantasy glamor shots. The filter is being deceived. I get it. We live in an INSTAGRAM age, where everyone is trying to make everything more pretty than it is. I really wish the workshop was about making some awesome items, but the LOD limit really makes it difficult. I put together a twisted rope that no one has even conceived, but the limitations of the count is really difficult for the beauty of any artists geometry to shine.
This isn't real, but this is what the workshop is about. I get it. I'll adapt.
In a perfect world:
Not that I should say this and I love Valve but blame them for not having some kind of previewing option:poly136:. The screen they allow us to have now to see the items is so small we have no choice but to make bigger renders.
Also you can view the characters running around in the world a lot closer than the item preview window, they need a zoom option or something in their and no one can use renders from applications other than the in-game previewer.
In reality:
We have no choice, you can do It too no one is talking down to you, if you can make pretty images like anux's then go for It, ask anux herself though after slandering her for false advertising and lack of details to her items might put you in a bad light and in reality not only to her but to studios viewing these forums.:poly141:
Okay now that zbrush render above is a bad move on that person's part but he is doing what he can to get his item some attention at least but yea that is a pretty manipulative image, I can agree their.
But that is for the user to decide the person debating on whether or not to purchase that item.
What is the point of doing all the hard work on the LOD and LOD1? Reward that great use of limited geometry. Glamor shots shouldn't be the push from the community.
I just made that image to prove a point. I don't want to have to do that, so I join the mainstream dishonesty push by the users that were talking crap about the facts I was laying out.