You need to VIEW NORMALS, because your reverse might have switched a majority, but left some the wrong way. You also need to use the UV to check with the color shading. Sometimes it is a single normal flipped that is a problem.
As a new contributor to the DOTA 2 community I was quickly frustrated with the lack of a quick way to display and iterate on my model with mask1 and mask2 in Maya 2011.
So I decided to learn .hlsl and attempt to write a DOTA.cgfx material.
This is my first .cgfx, and post so Im looking for help on getting this sucker tuned. If you are familiar with writing shaders please contribute. Any feedback would be great.
Launch Maya and turn on the cgfxShader.mll in the Plug-in Manager Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager
Create a new Cgfx Shader in your Hpershade
Double click on the cgfxShader to open up the shaders attributes
At the CgFx File section click on the folder icon at the far right and open the DOTA2v0.01.cgfx shader
Load in the texture files by clicking on the box, select file, your_texture.tga
Be sure to be in textured mode, 6
HighQuality rendering is not needed with .cgfx
Create a new light directional light
Copy and paste that lights name into the Light 1 - Directional Light box
In the outliner select the persp camera then shift select the new directionalLight and select parent under constrain. This will rotate the light with the perspective camera.
Its important to note that this is currently a rough guide on how your asset may look in game. All final tuning of your texture should still occur at the import process.
Currently textures can be a bit too dark or too bright.
This shader is not done but it will hopefully be a good start for most heroes.
I only tested with Skeleton King and Queen of Pain
You may need to hit reload after assigning new textures
My scene was slowing down when I had multiple shaders visible at once
Currently not hooked up, but will be in future updates.
Detail Map - Mask1 red channel
Color Warp - Mask1 green channel
Self-Illumination - Mask1 alpha channel
Please send feedback so that we/I can continue to tweak and tune the math on this shader.
Hey guys! I have an issue with normal maps. Why are they looking like this?
I make the highpoly in zbrush and bake with xnormal.
Hey guys! I have an issue with normal maps. Why are they looking like this?
I make the highpoly in zbrush and bake with xnormal.
Looks like a world space normal map. Make sure to tick tanget space in the normal map options.
Hey guys, I've started working on a courier for Dota. I've burnt a lot of time looking into compilers, importers, exporters and qc files. Ideally I'd like to use 3dsmax to animate and export them to game however I am not sure anyone has been able to get the workflow happening with max, only maya. If anyone has knowledge that could help I would appreciate it
MAx viewport grabs, need to work out how I can get this into the game and use the shaders.
Haha. I love that courier. Pigs fly? I'm not sure anyone has gone over the Maya animation workflow for couriers. I would love to hear about that.
Hey guys, I've started working on a courier for Dota. I've burnt a lot of time looking into compilers, importers, exporters and qc files. Ideally I'd like to use 3dsmax to animate and export them to game however I am not sure anyone has been able to get the workflow happening with max, only maya. If anyone has knowledge that could help I would appreciate it
MAx viewport grabs, need to work out how I can get this into the game and use the shaders.
Hey guys, I've started working on a courier for Dota. I've burnt a lot of time looking into compilers, importers, exporters and qc files. Ideally I'd like to use 3dsmax to animate and export them to game however I am not sure anyone has been able to get the workflow happening with max, only maya. If anyone has knowledge that could help I would appreciate it
MAx viewport grabs, need to work out how I can get this into the game and use the shaders.
It's awesome how you managed to keep Dota 2's art style in such a crazy idea. Good job.
Has anyone done any successful cloth? I'm thinking of doing some cloth on my set? Any links to valve cloth info would be helpful or any info? Thanks. I can make nClothes in maya, but I'm not sure it is the same. I'll check the past feather lancer posts, which I think talked about it.
Whoa spacemonkey - huge fan of your work, love this courier as well. I cant offer any practical help with the rig/animation/max, but i imagine some of Tvidotto's posts in this thread about compiling items into the test client should get you on the right track? even with them being maya focused.
Whoa spacemonkey - huge fan of your work, love this courier as well. I cant offer any practical help with the rig/animation/max, but i imagine some of Tvidotto's posts in this thread about compiling items into the test client should get you on the right track? even with them being maya focused.
Looking forward to seeing the flying version
im always up to help those crazy guys doing couriers =]
Has anyone done any successful cloth? I'm thinking of doing some cloth on my set? Any links to valve cloth info would be helpful or any info? Thanks. I can make nClothes in maya, but I'm not sure it is the same. I'll check the past feather lancer posts, which I think talked about it.
I would also like to know, hair dynamics didn't seem to work, I just tried to use ncloth but it seems that it wasn't exported to the DOTA2 engine. I will probably have to give up on my project for now, as I cannot find any information on the issue.
Download the files linked above and save them in your Photoshop presets/scripts directory
Should be similar to, Program Files/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Presets/Scripts
Launch Photoshop. They should be visible under File > Scripts
Pro Tip, Create a new action that calls DOTA2_Mask_Exp and assign it to a hot key.
Run this script to create a master file for your heros mask files.
You must save the .psd file with your item name then _Masks for the mask export script to work properly. Example: if your item is called, SwordOfDoom, your master mask .psd file must be named SwordOfDoom_Masks.psd
Layer group names must not change or the mask export tool will not work
Layers should be a free for all, go crazy
Make sure to save at the heroes proper canvas size as well. I currently work at eighth times the resolution as the final asset. So for a 256x256, save as a 2048x2048
If you prefer to work at a higher or lower resolution you can, just be sure to edit the Mask_Exp script file to reflect that
Search for, docTga.resizeImage (12.5,12.5) and change 12.5 to a percent that works for you.
12.5 = 2048 > 256
25 = 2048 > 512
50 = 2048 > 1024
This script will copy and paste the layers from you heros_Masks.psd to the correct rgba channels within newly created _mask1 and _mask2 .tga files.
The new .tga files will be at 12.5% of your .psd texture (2048 > 256)
They will be named and saved in the location of your mask master file.
A 2048x2048 will be reduced down to a 256
If it fails to run your may have to select a layer group in your hero_Masks.psd file first.
This script will create a new .tga at one eight the size of your working file (yeah I should rename this script
The script will also run an UN sharpen mask at 120. You can edit this value inside the SaveQuarter script.
The file will be properly named and created in the same location as your .psd
Any feedback on these scripts would be greatly appreciated. I can also write .mel scripts so if you have any suggestions please send them along.
Hey guys, I've started working on a courier for Dota. I've burnt a lot of time looking into compilers, importers, exporters and qc files. Ideally I'd like to use 3dsmax to animate and export them to game however I am not sure anyone has been able to get the workflow happening with max, only maya. If anyone has knowledge that could help I would appreciate it
MAx viewport grabs, need to work out how I can get this into the game and use the shaders.
Thank you so much for your efforts! I had a chance to try out the Maya shader yesterday and I'm loving it! Fantastic job, really nice for quick iteration. Now I'm really excited to get home and try those PS plugins, keep up the great work!
I would also like to know, hair dynamics didn't seem to work, I just tried to use ncloth but it seems that it wasn't exported to the DOTA2 engine. I will probably have to give up on my project for now, as I cannot find any information on the issue.
Thanks Tvidotto. Any tips how to make the texture even better? Or is it now just how skilled you are or how good your model is?
Guys do you have some good tutorials for zbrush? I want to learn it better. I am trying to find tutorials more exactly to how to make hard surface or how to make good hair or leather. Thanks.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. With some help from Tvidotto I got a version of the model working in game however I cant get the material working at all.
If anyone who has gone through the max pipeline wants to help out that would be awesome.
Working with txt files like this reminds me of old id tech workflows ;O
Thanks Tvidotto. Any tips how to make the texture even better? Or is it now just how skilled you are or how good your model is?
Guys do you have some good tutorials for zbrush? I want to learn it better. I am trying to find tutorials more exactly to how to make hard surface or how to make good hair or leather. Thanks.
Thanks for the encouragement guys. With some help from Tvidotto I got a version of the model working in game however I cant get the material working at all.
If anyone who has gone through the max pipeline wants to help out that would be awesome.
Working with txt files like this reminds me of old id tech workflows ;O
The way I work it, is build in a way, that my LOD can be broken down to the LOD1 without much effort. I usually do my LOD build, paint, sculpt, create all the maps in photoshop. Then, I duplicate my LOD and start breaking them down without changing my UV borders much.
The way I work it, is build in a way, that my LOD can be broken down to the LOD1 without much effort. I usually do my LOD build, paint, sculpt, create all the maps in photoshop. Then, I duplicate my LOD and start breaking them down without changing my UV borders much.
you know that creating the highpoly could change you low poly right?
and that will probably change you uv and make you lose the time you spent on that
Hey guys, i've been doing a set for a contest, but i'm not sure i'm up to the task in case of texturing. If there's anyone who can do quality pretty textures and wants to help for a share of profit - pm me, that'd be wonderful.
try to use a more muted color on the background, like a grey, maybe a bluish gray to contrast with your model, it will be better for us to see and will standout your model
if you put the venomancer with the armor will help more
Hey guys, i've been doing a set for a contest, but i'm not sure i'm up to the task in case of texturing. If there's anyone who can do quality pretty textures and wants to help for a share of profit - pm me, that'd be wonderful.
you should show what are you doing, that will make easier to find someone
As a new contributor to the DOTA 2 community I was quickly frustrated with the lack of a quick way to display and iterate on my model with mask1 and mask2 in Maya 2011.
So I decided to learn .hlsl and attempt to write a DOTA.cgfx material.
This is my first .cgfx, and post so Im looking for help on getting this sucker tuned. If you are familiar with writing shaders please contribute. Any feedback would be great.
Launch Maya and turn on the cgfxShader.mll in the Plug-in Manager Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager
Create a new Cgfx Shader in your Hpershade
Double click on the cgfxShader to open up the shaders attributes
At the CgFx File section click on the folder icon at the far right and open the DOTA2v0.01.cgfx shader
Load in the texture files by clicking on the box, select file, your_texture.tga
Be sure to be in textured mode, 6
HighQuality rendering is not needed with .cgfx
Create a new light directional light
Copy and paste that lights name into the Light 1 - Directional Light box
In the outliner select the persp camera then shift select the new directionalLight and select parent under constrain. This will rotate the light with the perspective camera.
Its important to note that this is currently a rough guide on how your asset may look in game. All final tuning of your texture should still occur at the import process.
Currently textures can be a bit too dark or too bright.
This shader is not done but it will hopefully be a good start for most heroes.
I only tested with Skeleton King and Queen of Pain
You may need to hit reload after assigning new textures
My scene was slowing down when I had multiple shaders visible at once
Currently not hooked up, but will be in future updates.
Detail Map - Mask1 red channel
Color Warp - Mask1 green channel
Self-Illumination - Mask1 alpha channel
Please send feedback so that we/I can continue to tweak and tune the math on this shader.
all the polygons are reversed? i will let you try before answering =]
it worked!!! Thank you yet again Tvid you are my savior. updated
You need to VIEW NORMALS, because your reverse might have switched a majority, but left some the wrong way. You also need to use the UV to check with the color shading. Sometimes it is a single normal flipped that is a problem.
Workshop Link:
Omg awesome! I'll have a go soon when I start setting up my masks
Sharc the bossman, helping me out with the awesome shoulder concepts, I cant wait to see the finished product.
Workshop Link:
I make the highpoly in zbrush and bake with xnormal.
Looks like a world space normal map. Make sure to tick tanget space in the normal map options.
Anyway working on a SK blade. What do you think
EDIT2: In xNormal the coordinates should be X+ Y- and Z+, right?
dat handle.
new set, cheers!
Do you need to seperate the model and skin them seperatly? I also have no idea which combination of bones I should skin it too...
this is how i want it too look
great work Helenek, voting that up =]
hahaha, that grip is a little awkward
zicov nailed it, you should use the tangent normal
Hey guys, I've started working on a courier for Dota. I've burnt a lot of time looking into compilers, importers, exporters and qc files. Ideally I'd like to use 3dsmax to animate and export them to game however I am not sure anyone has been able to get the workflow happening with max, only maya. If anyone has knowledge that could help I would appreciate it
MAx viewport grabs, need to work out how I can get this into the game and use the shaders.
Good luck with getting the work flow down can't wait to see it.
Haha. I love that courier. Pigs fly? I'm not sure anyone has gone over the Maya animation workflow for couriers. I would love to hear about that.
Looking forward to seeing the flying version
im always up to help those crazy guys doing couriers =]
I would also like to know, hair dynamics didn't seem to work, I just tried to use ncloth but it seems that it wasn't exported to the DOTA2 engine. I will probably have to give up on my project for now, as I cannot find any information on the issue.
I wrote a few Photoshop CS5 scripts to help speed things up a bit when working with masks. Please try them out and send me your feedback.
12.5 = 2048 > 256
25 = 2048 > 512
50 = 2048 > 1024
- This script will create a new .tga at one eight the size of your working file (yeah I should rename this script

- The script will also run an UN sharpen mask at 120. You can edit this value inside the SaveQuarter script.
- The file will be properly named and created in the same location as your .psd
Any feedback on these scripts would be greatly appreciated. I can also write .mel scripts so if you have any suggestions please send them along.Thanks,
Crazy and wonderful!
Thank you so much for your efforts! I had a chance to try out the Maya shader yesterday and I'm loving it! Fantastic job, really nice for quick iteration. Now I'm really excited to get home and try those PS plugins, keep up the great work!
that maybe will help you guys
is the cloth file from lone druid
Thanks Tvidotto. Any tips how to make the texture even better? Or is it now just how skilled you are or how good your model is?
Guys do you have some good tutorials for zbrush? I want to learn it better. I am trying to find tutorials more exactly to how to make hard surface or how to make good hair or leather. Thanks.
If anyone who has gone through the max pipeline wants to help out that would be awesome.
Working with txt files like this reminds me of old id tech workflows ;O
look on the sites
nice that you got it =]
looking awesome =] i like the medieval armor style of it
All items are UV mapped and ready for painting and sculpting.
Just curious, are you finalizing your low first before your high-res?
you know that creating the highpoly could change you low poly right?
and that will probably change you uv and make you lose the time you spent on that
Hey paskie
try to use a more muted color on the background, like a grey, maybe a bluish gray to contrast with your model, it will be better for us to see and will standout your model
if you put the venomancer with the armor will help more
you should show what are you doing, that will make easier to find someone
Kind of reminds me of the old hydralisk look in a way :thumbup:
+1 for a better background too! Simple mid-tone gradients work wonders.
awesome shader!
really thanks for all your work