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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread



  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Glad I could help willy...
    Just a concept, a bit off the wall. I sorta wanted to go more in the direction of the classic "big bad wolf" dressed as a grandmother who surprise their prey than a stylized dota vibe. I know he's a bear, not a wolf, but I think it still sorta works. In the case of Ursa, he'd be defending his cubs rather than preying on innocent little girls, hence the milk bottles.

    If i decide to move forward with this concept i'll probably create a couple weapons for 'em, rolling pin and a frying pan with a naturalistic vibe to 'em, should be fun and some good zbrush excersize which i really need.

    Any input is greatly appreciated. Is it too deviant from the dota lore? Should I push the original aesthetic of Ursa with more leather and tribal aesthetics? Should I ditch this idea alltogether and go for something a bit more senseible?

    It's interesting to try to make art for this community, they have incredibly discerning tastes and they're not afraid to voice them. I'm trying not to think about what the naysayers would say and just make what i would personally buy from the store. Ursa's long been considered the ultimate "pubstomper" and i couldn't think of anything more entertaining to own noobs with than a beer dressed up like Mrs Doubtfire.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I would say go for something more sensible Crazy. It seems that for Dota Valve are looking for items that expand the lore of the heroes more than silly items like in TF2. While the Alpine set for Ursa is a bit silly right now I guess they thought it fit because he's supposedly from the alpine. Plus people are flaming the shit out of that alpine Ursa set on the comments page. Imagine how Ursa in grandmother's clothes would go down.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    True... I think i'll make a post on reddit see how it goes down, i'll probably scratch the idea but we'll see how things go.
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    i would keep it within the lore of the character to be on the safe side, be interesting to see how the dota playerbase reacts to granny ursa though :)
  • DimensiO
    Hey ya'll

    I've been trying to make the models work within maya (2011 atm).
    Importing meshes and animations works but I can't seem to combine them into one file.
    As soon as I import a new mesh it starts a whole new file, thus removing the previous imported mesh.

    Is there anyone that has managed to make this work and how?
    Thanks in advance.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    DimensiO wrote: »
    Hey ya'll

    I've been trying to make the models work within maya (2011 atm).
    Importing meshes and animations works but I can't seem to combine them into one file.
    As soon as I import a new mesh it starts a whole new file, thus removing the previous imported mesh.

    Is there anyone that has managed to make this work and how?
    Thanks in advance.

    If its the same as max, you can use the merge function, I think if you hover over the import you'll get that option. You can also import multiple things using a batchloader maxscript... but then that's for max too =/ dunno about maya.
  • Blackcode
    Sharc wrote: »
    I was actually looking to partner up with a modeller for dota2 items since I'm a concept artist.

    Creeget Courier

    Witch Doctor Set

    Razor Set

    I can model pretty good and texture.
    contact me
  • Sweeep
    Alright, I'm having some issues and I guess the best thing to do here is explain the full process I used, from start to finish. Here we go:

    Using the process outlined by CyborgMatt on his blog, I managed to successfully load the Dota 2 heroes into the Counter Strike: GO SDK. That part of the process was fairly straightforward, so a massive thank you to CyborgMatt for that :D

    I then used StudioCompiler, as explained by Comfy Blanket in this thread, to decompile the model of the hero (In this case, Dazzle) which I wanted to work on. StudioCompiler was a complete nightmare and crashed repeatedly until it finally just started randomly working. Voodoo.

    To then bring that decompiled SMD into Maya I got the 4.5 directory from steamapps/****/sourceSDK/maya/ and copied the scripts over to the Documents/Maya/2012-x64/ directory. These scripts were then edited using the instructions here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Modifying_a_Source_Model_in_Maya

    I'm now at a stage where I have the model loaded up in maya, but there are no textures. It's rigged and skinned, so that's fine, but it's all one big object as oppose to the model that Comfy Blanket showed, which was broken up into different parts.

    So... where did I go wrong? :D
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    i found out the studiocompiler only crashed when i tried to different output path than the default one (My Documents). So i stopped trying to fix it and just copied the new files from My Documents into a new folder afterwards, no problems since.

    The textures are in the materials/models/heroes folder. In the studiocompiler, at the very top, you need to set the sdk path to the folder the vtf2tga.exe is in (steam/.../alien swarm/bin or whatever sdk you are using). then again use the studiocompiler to convert the textures
  • Sweeep
    Got them working! Boom! Thanks To CrazyFingers for that, went back and reread his post. Yeah, browsing for the right directory is what messes everything up, simply pasting in the path works fine. Thanks as well, Letix!
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    best opportunity to practice texturepainting ever :)
    advice welcome

  • Boosh
    Somewhere I had seen Tidehunter with a killer whale skin, but in DOTA2's customize hero screen, I haven't seen anything about selecting a different skin. Does anyone know if this is possible or will everything submitted through the workshop need to additional objects "bolted on" to the heroes?
  • Hawt Koffee
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    @Boosh, I see absolutely no reason why Valve wouldn't accept plain texture reskins - so long as the character is still recognizable and the quality is there, it should be fine to submit re-textures. I think the reason we're seeing primarily 'bolted-on' items is because that's what people are most familiar making, coming from TF2 where touching the characters' textures is a no-no.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Does anyone in the beta have extra invites? I'd really like to try my hand at this, I got started with making "skins" for Quake about 16 years ago but kinda stopped modding around Quake 2. Maybe I could share some advice.
  • supersandvich
    I can't get any of the hero models decompiled, the decompiler just crashes. i don't know what's wrong other than i'm very stupid.

    Could someone decompile puck for me?
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    Ok so riki does not come with layers so do i make ma idea on top of it or do i make a new model?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I-ninja wrote: »
    Ok so riki does not come with layers so do i make ma idea on top of it or do i make a new model?

    All Riki really wears is that tunic so it wouldn't be too hard to model new clothes or armor on top of that.
  • Sweeep
    I'm still not sure if these models are supposed to be decompiled as one object. It seems like some heroes can be imported with specific armour as separate objects which you can remove or replace, whereas other (Like Dazzle, for example) are one whole object and can't be tinkered with. I was hoping to remove his kilt and model him some beach shorts, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen :(
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    Yar hope the folks at Valve will make a style guideline for Dota2 like they did for TF2. So we know what the rules are and what we can change or what we should not touch.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    One last request:

    Puck + necrolyte as objs.

    Supersandvich I tried exporting puck for ya but got a crash as well :/
  • e-barron
    guys this will sound a little bit Offtopic but do you know how does Valve manage the payment system with an item contributed by 2 or more people?
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    thx crazyfings :) i couldnt wait and decomped death prophet myself.
    but somehow i can´t get my model compiled. anyway gonna finish this up tomorrow.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    e-barron wrote: »
    guys this will sound a little bit Offtopic but do you know how does Valve manage the payment system with an item contributed by 2 or more people?

    When you put the item on the workshop, you specify who was involved with it and what percent of the sales they get. You only have this one chance to specify these details so be sure they're right. Then if it's put in game they'll split the sales between those people.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Mark.N: thanks for the code, now I just have to dive into it
  • e-barron

    @Zipfinator thx for the answer :D that will help me in my project
    @Hawt Nice concept and nice models, also i think it really fits the antimage lore - world GL!!

    What really inspires me to make models for Dota more than for TF2 is the fact that they will be in accordance with the lore of the Hero thus we can really have a potential impact in the Dota World :)
  • pear
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    pear polycounter lvl 8
    does anyone have an extra beta key? I cant wait to make items.
  • redwake
    Thanks for the guide comfy blanket.

    I've got a key or two to spare, PM me.
    Keys have been given away (only had a couple).
  • Largs
    What software are you using to create new itens?
    I've got lots of ideas for new itens, and I can't wait to work on it
    but I'm having some troubles, I've tried converting the .smd meshfile to .obj using milkshape for that, and then openning it with Mudbox, but occurs some errors and the mesh came with some glitches and I can't add others subdivision levels =S
  • Radiocity

    Please help I cant decompile or I'm to dumb :S
    What did I wrong ?
    Watch this please:

  • Largs
    try to erase that .vtx
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    You may also want to try not moving the files out of the base directory. Try copying the dtx90 file and then renaming it to 80 within the directory.
  • esquire
    Someone was offering to pop out OBJs of characters because they had the system pretty much down.

    Would said person mind making a Outworld Destroyer OBJ and sending it my way?


    I tried decompiling but my 3DS Max ate a weiner when I tried importing the SMD/using the SMD plug-in :c
  • crazyfingers
  • esquire

    Thats the noise I just made!

    Thanks a lot Crazyfingers.

    Is it a lot of work to get the diffuse texture?

    Thanks again!
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    hmm looks interesting, anyone got a key they wanna pass my way? i give hand rubs
  • Radiocity
    Small world, whenever i search around for 3d art stuff on google it always ends up just sending me back here...

    Got everything more or less set up to start on some ursa items thanks to you guys :D!

    @neozerahan just got the texture export workin' a second ago. They're found here in the dota export directory:

    root\materials\models\heroes\(pick desired hero)

    Then you have to install an SDK for Hammer, you can do this under tools, where "games" usually is on steam. I used the Alien Swarm SDK. Then you go into the cannonfodder and set your configure button so it points at the bin folder for alienswarm.


    Quick edit: Now that i have this all set up if anyone has a request for a quick OBJ and diffuse export of a specific hero just lemme know, it's not too hard to churn out.

    Please help me im very new to this I. If I want convert my Textrue i cant because its *:VTX but in the tool i need VTF/VMt :(

    Btw Thanks the others i decompild in the same place then it works
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8

    I don't know.

    Click the image and stuff.
  • Gephoria
    Largs wrote: »
    What software are you using to create new items?
    I've got lots of ideas for new items, and I can't wait to work on it
    but I'm having some troubles, I've tried converting the .smd meshfile to .obj using milkshape for that, and then opening it with Mudbox, but occurs some errors and the mesh came with some glitches and I can't add others subdivision levels =S

    You may have to copy+paste the paths into studiomdl compiler, if you brows and hit the button it crashed for me but worked with the ctrl c ctrl v
  • Largs
    Gephoria wrote: »
    You may have to copy+paste the paths into studiomdl compiler, if you brows and hit the button it crashed for me but worked with the ctrl c ctrl v

    I tried that and it worked, in parts, because now the problem is to import texture, but i'll try a couple of things here, and it will work. thx
  • Mokymok
    If anybody has an extra key, I would appreciate it for I'm just dying to make hats/items for Dota 2.
  • terry1337
    if anyone has a extra key a i wanted to make a set with a friend of mine so if you would have one spare msg me :D^^ or ad me on steam: purpleneedle yours sincerely terry1337
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    okay guys srsly if you want to make stuff so much, then just buy the darn game.
    this is not the betakey-request thread...
    on a sidenote:
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    I'm so diving into this once I have more TIME AHHHHH this game just got like 10000x awesomeeee
  • Kamaki
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    Kamaki polycounter lvl 6
    Yo guys, I was making this fisherman set for Tide since his stuff seems pretty open right now.
    Was wondering if you had any advice on how to make the boat oar a bit more interesting, I'm pretty happy with the hat but I'm open to anything.

    Was also wondering if anyone would want to team up and help me rig them, I can decompile the files fine now but no matter what I do I can't attach the models to the bones and get them back to .mdl.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I don't think we have to worry about rigging our items for Dota2. They've changed some stuff with the animation system and I think they'd rather just handle it themselves than have us do it like we did for TF2. Nearly all of the screenshots of the items currently in game on the workshop are from Max or Maya so it leads me to believe that they didn't rig and compile them. I e-mailed Jeep at valve some questions about submitting to Dota2 but he hasn't answered them yet. Hopefully he'll reply sometime soon and we can be sure or one of the contributors who has stuff in game can tell us.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Goeddy wrote: »
    okay guys srsly if you want to make stuff so much, then just buy the darn game.
    this is not the betakey-request thread...
    on a sidenote:

    The game is in beta you can't buy it yet - unless there's some hidden purchase button. Pulling up DOTA2 on Steam only has the option to put your name onto a beta sign up list.

    The DOTA fanbase community can be horrible people, don't let that leak into here.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    You actually can buy it, Justin. They have an Early Access package for $40 I think on the Dota2 Store.

  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Justin, there's an 'early access' bundle for something like 40 USD in the in-game Dota store, so it's possible to get someone to buy it and give you a pass.

    Edit: Ninja'd by Zip.
  • e-barron
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    I don't think we have to worry about rigging our items for Dota2. They've changed some stuff with the animation system and I think they'd rather just handle it themselves than have us do it like we did for TF2. Nearly all of the screenshots of the items currently in game on the workshop are from Max or Maya so it leads me to believe that they didn't rig and compile them. I e-mailed Jeep at valve some questions about submitting to Dota2 but he hasn't answered them yet. Hopefully he'll reply sometime soon and we can be sure or one of the contributors who has stuff in game can tell us.

    So great to hear that!!! Does it mean that if I model a courier, they will animate it? and also compile it. My rigging and animating knowledge is pretty shitty ( not for so long). Please Zip make us know when you receive that e-mail it would be of great help.:)
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