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Re: Sketchbook: Rima

It's been a long day. Didn't get much sleep.

I did a few more legs, but they're all dogshit. I just can't seem to get the hang of them....

On another note, I was introduced to Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy today. It's super unintuitive to me. I'm not used to this kind of method at all. Focusing so much on the way it's constructed, on establishing planes that initially bear virtually no resemblance to the real anatomy....That's a problem I have, though. Focusing too much on the real thing and not thinking like a proper sculptor. Once I got it to this stage, I started to see why it makes sense; I want to learn to apply some of this to the rest of the body, too. Need to practice more. This isn't perfect.


Re: Internet Rot and brain drain: The loss of technical knowledge as sites and forums decay

Here are the siggraph (2004) files from Jeff Unay regarding Modeling According to Muscle Flow and Triangle cleanup.

Re: AI Art, Good or Bad? A (hopefully) nuanced take on the subject.

John_Dow said:
poopipe said:

I mean they are a literal financial asset. 
The more employees you have, the more your company is worth to someone looking to acquire it or if it goes into receivership.  

Not necessary. Let's say you have a bunch or unionized woketards. They would be considered a liability. 

Did you seriously say that....? Good grief. Not only is it obviously using a slur, but you hate unions to boot, and you're the kind of person who uses the word "woke"? Sheesh.

If unions caught on enough in the games industry, companies wouldn't be able to avoid them, and then however much a unionised employee-having game company is worth would be the norm. I don't think "whatever makes it worth the most" should be the highest priority at all times.

Re: Internet Rot and brain drain: The loss of technical knowledge as sites and forums decay

Don't forget that beyond web tutorials there are also several (at least two?) of those Vertex e-books from a few years ago. I recall those being full of little niche-tutorial gems.

Its terrible that forums are going out of fashion and are being replaced by reddit and perhaps Facebook and Twitter feeds. That stuff is so hard to search and/or annoying to use and as a result you end up seeing only newbie posts asking the same beginner questions every day, flushing out whatever interesting content there may have been from last week. The subreddits on game art/Unreal and the like are a sorry sight.

Anyway I too find search engines getting worse - Google at the very least. Not only are the results flooded with SEO garbage but I read on one of their blogs that they even toned down the effect of using search engine operators (include, exclude, search for exact string matches) over the years.
Duckduckgo seems better - I made it my default on all devices.

Internet around 2010 was best Internet. Change my mind! ;)


Re: Internet Rot and brain drain: The loss of technical knowledge as sites and forums decay

We’re sorting out an issue with the smtp forwarder for the wiki at the moment, but once that’s fixed we can grant new wiki editing accounts.

Re: Triangles after baking normal map

DC74 said:
gnoop said:
The shading depends on vertex normals.   Flat thing should have them same directed .   Typically  3d packages   control vertex normal  on their own   but with lots of tiny long triangles  errors usually happen .   insetting  or beveling or face weighting   are just  ways  to help automatic algorithm.   

 You can do same manually too.    Like splitting edges  and  copy vertex normal  on one  vertex  and paste into others or using attribute transfer  to borrow normals directions from an object below.
I checked the normals, and they look like this: 

The normals of the faces on the flat surface looked quite uniformed. 

While the face normals (the one from a center of each triangle ) looks perfectly up     those normal are derivative as a median of vertex normals in triangles corners.   The  bottom left corner  for example , clearly not 90 degree up . it's what  creates shading gradients.  

  Face weighting,  or direct normals editing  could fix it .    As well as selecting  those vertexes and using  attribute transfer to borrow normal direction from the surface beneath  this object.  

 In Maya face weighting   ( when vertex normal gets  perpendicular to bigger neighboring face ) is default option as far as i read .   But I am not Maya user .  Face weighting works better on quads  usually so maybe triangulation and shape of object  messed it .  I am not perfectly sure why it didn't work.
 "inset"  fixes it  because it creates another supporting   edge loop where  faces  on both sides are perfectly up  . But for games such  extra loops are a waste of geometry  since it could be fixed  either by normals editing. or when face weighting really works. and at next LOD you would want to  get rid of them anyway.

From your screen it looks like you use hard edge with split normals  AND bevel   with  the hard edge  in the middle . It's a sort of double waste and what makes you those problems too.


Re: What Are You Working On? (3D) 2024

My latest upload, ue5 Sci-Fi Warriors available on Artstation
(Also compatible with metahumans)

Re: Space Western

@Joopson Thanks man :)
Realized I was missing a lot of that 1950's scifi look I was going for. Started adding in more curvy building pieces.

Re: Internet Rot and brain drain: The loss of technical knowledge as sites and forums decay

The vertex books are still available on Gumroad, but it would probably be great to have copies on the wiki too:

Trying to attach the PDFs and images for the Subdivision forums "The Pole" and "The Pole Revised" hopefully the forum is okay with the size of them


Re: Internet Rot and brain drain: The loss of technical knowledge as sites and forums decay

Here is the English Allods Online Stylized 3D guide. This one I actually took the time to transcript from the archive.org version back in the fall and updated some links that had decayed. Some of the images in the PDF might be smaller than their source, so I'm throwing those up in a separate zip too.

This one I have a source word processing file of the transcript and would be extremely easy to throw onto the wiki. It's waaaay to big for the forum though, almost double the allowed size.