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Re: What Are You Working On? (3D) 2024

Hi everyone, I would like to share my recent work, I wanted to push my texturing skills, create textures from scratch and make myself less dependent on premade materials

artstation link - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8bYKrE

Re: My car thread - low to mid poly cars

so I have a good system for the uv mapping, start off with smartuv project in Blender which gives me a reaonable layout for the main body
just not sure if I should have all the materials on 1 texture layout or have chrome, paintwork etc each with a diffent uv set and texture?
 am guessing in Unity you would have a different shader for paint as opposed to chrome, but its expensive to have multi materials in a game engine
the wheels will have their own texture space though and meterials in case they need swapping out
checking out the vehicles in in just cause 3 they have up to 11 different textures, so its a bit confusing


Re: Completed - Kazuhira Miller - Critique Required

Fabi_G said:
Hi! Regarding the issue you describe: is the normal maps y-direction consistent between applications? As far I know Blender uses OpenGL normal maps, Painter projects can be configured to use either OpenGL or DirectX. When using DirectX normal maps in Blender, y-channel could be flipped in the shader.
Thanks for replying! Yeah that was the issue switching to OpenGL fixed it. Can't believe I was stuck on this since I've seen videos mention this 

Re: Completed - Kazuhira Miller - Critique Required

Hi! Regarding the issue you describe: is the normal maps y-direction consistent between applications? As far I know Blender uses OpenGL normal maps, Painter projects can be configured to use either OpenGL or DirectX. When using DirectX normal maps in Blender, y-channel could be flipped in the shader.

Another thing to pay attention to is that the normal map is sampled correctly, without gamma correction (no sRGB).

Of course the shading of the mesh the NM is used with, needs to match the shading of the mesh that the tangent based NM baked was originally baked with.

Keep it up!

Re: Mesh export settings

Hi! I would look for more detailed explanations in the documentation, for example Autodesk 3ds Max FBX Plug-in Guide\Split Per-Vertex Normals

Re: Space Western

Very cool like the vibe, mention of loony tunes and space/scifi western in the same string already brought a smile to my dial, will definitely keep an eye out  B)

Re: Portfolio Review

Tough one here (for me)
I'd say texture your two construction vehicles and make them the most badass construction vehicles anyone has ever seen in life!
These stood out to me, all that other stuff, i kind of (for me) do not "mesh" with so it is no interest to me.

 Perhaps your calling is vehicle design you seem to do well there, so I'd look into parting with these two designs after texturing them skillfully with purpose and reason and sell them if you need $. (since you mentioned jobs)

That is all i got for this one, if you are asking for tips/techniques/tutorials, perhaps with the above mentioned go ahead and do that with what was mentioned and see what happens, it is all really on you to decide i can only suggest.

Re: Sketchbook: Tits

Didn't realized I never posted the all 9 episodes painting I did of The last of us in 2023
I'm just finally back from a almost year hiatus in painting,
I just finished this latest piece inspired By Alan Wake II


Re: 3d action game development

Alex_J said:
yeah that is something to think about that i hadn't got to yet. His silhouette should work well during his common locomotion and attack animations, and also communicate how he will move/attack. I hadn't got that deep in the character, more just thinking about art style in general, but I should probably back up and maybe do this design exercise with a character whose moveset is already known. Since the main thing I try to do right now is simplify the models in general.
big thanks @NikhilR
Happy to help! I also want to get more into character design and this talk really helped out in how to go about ideation,

Space Western

Yoooo I'm unemployed! If you got a job for me, hit me up!!


I've had some ideas for a fun Looney Tunes inspired Space Western which would be an arena shooter. This is what I got so far...

Been starting on some kits for the buildings. Not nearly finished but I've been having fun with the blockout. This is going to be a saloon on Mars.

I've made a height blended terrain map with an auto-layer for steep slopes (the rocky part on the left), plus created 4 tileables for the layers.